36 resultados para Suspect


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Congenital toxoplasmosis is a serious public health case, for it causes irreversible damage to the embryo/fetus, which may cause its death. The identification and the care to pregnant women with suspect acute toxoplasmosis (IgM+) is performed in prenatal monitoring. This study aimed to measure the incidence and know the profile of positive pregnant women for toxoplasmosis in a Basic Health Unit (BHU) in Matão - SP, between the years 2011 to 2013. This is a retrospective descriptive study, from the medical records of pregnant women attended. The project was approved by the Municipal Departament of Health and BHU was chosen along the Municipal Epidemiological Surveillance. From 2011 to 2013, 189 women began prenatal care in the unit, an annual median of 71(±26.91), of which 17 (8.99%) were positive for the serological test indicative of acute phase (IgM+). The distribution over the trial period was: four cases in 2011, twelve cases in 2012 and one in 2013. Pregnant women IgM positive for toxoplasmosis attend by BHU were: age 24(±5.47) years; color: equally distributed among white, black and brown; as the number of pregnancies: multiparous (2±0.97), most of them with a cesarean delivery as obstetric history and possessed no other risk factors associated with pregnancy (94.12%); gave entrance at BHU with 13.65(±7.35) weeks of gestation and had a median of 5(±2.36) consultation on their prenatal care. The examination for toxoplasmosis was requested as recommended by the Health Ministry (HM) and the medication prescribed was Roxamicina® - spiramycin, as soon as the test results (IgM+) arrived. Of the 17 pregnant women, only 10 completed the pre-natal at BHU - attendance at the postpartum consult (58.8%). Of these, the deliveries were vaginal (55.55%), made preterm with 36.5 weeks of gestation at the Municipal Hospital. The babies were born alive (100%) with the weight of 2.68(±0.77) Kg and required special care hospital scope. From the ...


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The clinical records correspond to a set of documents where all information of the patient is stored. When properly confectioned and filed by the dentist, it may serve as a tool for success in dental expertise. The aim of this paper is to present the importance of proper confection of dental records in human identification by means the presentation of a case of identification, occurred in a São Paulo state city. The notes present in the dental records of the alleged victim were very poor, even with a contradiction. However, having endodontic treatment been performed, the comparative analysis between the radiographs of the skull of the victim (postmortem) and the endodontic treatment of tooth 22 (antemortem) permitted to observe total coincidence between the details of such treatment, and anatomical features present in other dental elements. These important parameters of comparison indicated that the body was of the suspect and, due to the number of coincidences, it could not belong to another individual. Nevertheless, the clinical documentation provided was deficient, and presented contradictory data. Because of its fundamental importance for human identification, it is essential that dental professionals take the necessary care to ensure its proper confection and custody, seeking to make the clinical records also an efficient instrument of consultation in identification cases.


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Violence against children and adolescents, ranging from negligence to sexual abuse, is an imperative public health problem. The ill treatments are considered as nonaccidental traumas, actions or omissions against children, who suffer physical or emotional violence. The main perpetrators are fathers, mothers, guardians, family, friends or the children‘s primary caretaker. It is very important to identify abuse cases, because this allows proper medical and legal intervention. In Brazil, the law n. 8.069, of July 13, 1990, known as the ECA -Statute for Children and Adolescents (SCA), stipulates the obligation to report suspected or confirmed cases of ill treatment against a child or adolescent to the Guardianship Council of the respective locality. The health professionals play a crucial role with regard to identifying cases of violence, collecting information, making early diagnosis of suspect cases and reporting such cases to the authorities. The dentists can contribute significantly, as most injuries occur in the orofacial region. Bite marks, burns, bruising, among others, are easily identified during a dental consultation. The aim of this work was to verify the awareness and attitudes of Brazilian dentists concerning violence against children and adolescents. This research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Dentistry of Araraquara – São Paulo State University (FOAr – UNESP). Sixty-three dentists answered an open and closed questionnaire concerning their formation, knowledge, experience and attitudes towards ill-treated children and adolescents. Among other results, thirty-nine dentists (61.9%) affirmed to have the means to identify illtreatment cases, 13 (20.6%) reported having some experience on this matter, but only 8 reported the cases to the Council of Guardianship, as determined by Brazilian law. Twenty percent of the reasons presented for not notifying the Council were fear of reprisal, and 60.0% were uncertain concerning the ethical and legal implications. Physical violence was the most reported form of identified violence (76.9%), followed by negligence (38.5%). Among the 13 professionals that had experience with violence cases, in 10 cases the perpetrators were identified – in 70.0% of the cases, the parents were the originators of such violence. It was concluded that further formation and orientation are necessary, in order to prepare dentists to act correctly when, during their professional activities, they encounter cases of violence against children and adolescents.


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To establish guidelines based on scientific evidence for the management of periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. The Guideline was prepared from 5 clinical questions that were structured through PICO (Patient, Intervention or indicator, Comparison and Outcome), to search in key primary scientific information databases. After defining the potential studies to support the recommendations, these were graduated considering their strength of evidence and grade of recommendation. 806 articles were retrieved and evaluated by title and abstract; from these, 32 articles were selected to support the recommendations. 1. PFAPA is a diagnosis of exclusion established on clinical grounds, and one must suspect of this problem in children with recurrent and periodic febrile episodes of unknown origin, or with recurrent tonsillitis interspersed with asymptomatic periods, especially in children in good general condition and with preservation of weight and height development; 2. Laboratory findings are nonspecific. Additional tests do not reveal pathognomonic changes; 3. The evidence supporting an indication for surgical treatment (tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy), is based on two non-blinded randomized clinical trials with small numbers of patients; 4. The use of prednisone at the onset of fever in patients with PFAPA proved to be an effective strategy. There is still need for more qualified evidence to support its use in patients with PFAPA; 5. Despite promising results obtained in studies with IL-1ß inhibitors, such studies are limited to a few case reports.


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB