209 resultados para Superficial velocity


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents experimental information relevant to the combustion of biomass in a bubbling fluidized bed. The biomass distribution in a fluidized bed was studied through tests performed in a cold bed, while the volatiles released in the biomass pyrolysis, the burning rate of the resulting charcoal, and the combustion control regime, were studied through tests performed in a high temperature bed.Visual examination of photographs taken from a transparent walls bed, with a rectangular cross-section, showed that the large fuel particles, typical of biomass processing, were distributed in the bubbles, in the splash zone, and in the emulsion phase. The occurrence of biomass in the emulsion phase was favored by burning biomass particles of greater density and smaller size-expetimentally determined in each case. Decreasing the fuel particle size improved the biomass distribution inside the bed. The same was accomplished by increasing the superficial gas velocity as high as possible, compatibly with the acceptable elutriation.Burning tests showed that the biomass fuels have the advantage of reaching the diffusional regime at temperatures that can be lower than 1000 K, which ensures that the biomass fuels burn in a stable regime. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Comparative wear and corrosion properties of Cr3C2-NiCr (CC-TS) (a high-velocity oxyfuel [HVOF]) and hard chromium (HC) coating's obtained on a steel substrate have been studied. The structural characterization was done before and after measurements by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and scanning white light interferometry. Wear and corrosion properties were evaluated by ball on disk (ASTM G99-90), rubber wheel (ASTM G65-91), and electrochemical measurements of open circuit and polarization curves. The best corrosion and wear resistance was for the CC-TS obtained by HVOF. The open-circuit potential values measured for both samples after 18 h of immersion we're: -0.240 and -0.550 V, respectively, for CC-TS and HC, versus Ag/AgCl,KClsat. Three orders of magnitude lower volume loss were found for CC-TS (HVOF) after friction tests compared with HC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A tromboflebite superficial de membros inferiores é doença de ocorrência comum, estando associada a diversas condições clínicas e cirúrgicas. Historicamente considerada doença benigna, devido à sua localização superficial e ao fácil diagnóstico, o tratamento foi conservador durante muito tempo, na maioria dos casos. Entretanto, relatos recentes de freqüências altas de complicações tromboembólicas associadas - 22 a 37% para trombose venosa profunda e até 33% para embolia pulmonar - alertaram para a necessidade de abordagens diagnósticas e terapêuticas mais amplas, visando diagnosticar e tratar essas possíveis complicações. A possibilidade da coexistência dessas e de outras desordens sistêmicas (colagenoses, neoplasias, trombofilias) interfere na avaliação e influencia a conduta terapêutica, que pode ser clínica, cirúrgica ou combinada. No entanto, devido à falta de ensaios clínicos controlados e às incertezas quanto a sua história natural, o diagnóstico e o tratamento da tromboflebite superficial continuam indefinidos. Neste trabalho, foi feita uma revisão da literatura analisando-se a epidemiologia, fisiopatologia e estado atual do diagnóstico e tratamento da tromboflebite superficial.


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A irrigação por aspersão em malha está sendo bastante utilizada em café, pastagem, cana forrageira e capineiras, por ser sistema de baixo custo, de fácil instalação e manejo e por permitir fertirrigação com água residuária de suinocultura e de bovinocultura. Para determinar a uniformidade de distribuição de água e de água residuária de suinocultura nesse sistema de irrigação, foi conduzido um experimento na Fazenda-Escola da Universidade de Uberaba, empregando-se pluviômetros eqüidistantes, entre quatro aspersores de duas linhas laterais. O coeficiente de uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC) e o coeficiente de uniformidade de distribuição (CUD) foram superiores aos valores mínimos recomendados, mesmo com 200 m³ de água residuária de suinocultura por hectare por ano.


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Relata-se o caso ocorrido em um cão, da raça Pinscher, com dois anos de idade e histórico de desconforto no olho direito. O olho esquerdo havia sido enucleado por outro profissional, por apresentar os mesmos sinais, cujo tratamento clínico instituído não lograra êxito. O valor do teste da lágrima de Schirmer encontrava-se aumentado e identificou-se diminuição da pressão intraocular à tonometria de aplanação. Observaram-se, à biomicroscopia, edema corneal profuso e ceratocone, e o teste da fluoresceína foi negativo. Gonioscopia e oftalmoscopia não lograram fornecer dados relevantes dadas as condições da córnea. Diagnosticou-se ceratite bolhosa. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, que fora realizado em duas etapas: 1- ceratectomia superficial e flap conjuntival de 360º; 2- ceratectomia superficial para devolver transparência à córnea. Transcorridos 30 dias da segunda ceratectomia superficial, o flap de terceira pálpebra foi desfeito. Observou-se conjuntivalização do quadrante nasal superior da córnea, córnea clara no eixo visual e retorno da visão.


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The authors report a case of superficial acral fibromyxioma (SAF) in a 74-year-old male who presented with a painless mass in a periungual dorsoradial region of the right thumb. It is a rare benign neoplasm, which was recently described, that arouse on the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the hands and feet, especially in the proximity to the ungual region of male adults. Surgical treatment was performed with the excision in blocks of the margins of the lesion and fragmentation of the nail and nail matrix, according to the literature recommendation. Although there may be local recurrence in 22% of the cases, the patient presents no symptoms, deformities or functional limitations. In addition, there was no sign of tumor recurrence 18 months after the surgery. We are not aware of a similar case report in the Brazilian literature


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PURPOSE: To analyze the clinicopathological features and outcome of patients with pathologically proven superficial squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. METHODS: A total of 234 consecutive cases of esophageal carcinoma in a 15-year period were reviewed. RESULTS: Superficial esophageal cancer was found in five patients (2.1%). They were four men and one woman and the mean age was 52.5 years. Smoking and alcohol were the main risk factors. Achalasia due to Chagas disease occurred in one patient and a second primary tumor developed in the larynx in another patient. Four patients underwent esophagectomy and one patient received chemoradiotherapy. The histopathologic diagnosis was of squamous cell carcinoma in all cases. Intramucosal tumor (Tis) was identified in three cases and superficially invasive carcinoma in two cases. Four patients are free of disease with survival times of two, four, six and nine years. The patient who developed laryngeal cancer died six years after esophagectomy. CONCLUSION: Long-term survival in patients with esophageal cancer is related to early diagnosis. Therefore, a less aggressive surgical approach, such as endoscopic resection, may be a good option for these patients, if depth of tumor invasion can be accurately predicted by the new imaging tools.


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Air flow through packed beds was analyzed experimentally under conditions ranging from those that reinforce the effect of the wall on the void fraction to those that minimize it. The packing was spherical particles, with a tube-to-particle diameter ratio (D/dp) between 3 and 60. Air flow rates were maintained between 1.3 and 4.44 m3/min, and gas velocity was measured with a Pitot tube positioned above the bed exit. Measurements were made at various radial and angular coordinate values, allowing the distribution of air flow across the bed to be described in detail. Comparison of the experimentally observed radial profiles with those derived from published equations revealed that at high D/dp ratios the measured and calculated velocity profiles behaved similarly. At low ratios, oscillations in the velocity profiles agreed with those in the voidage profiles, signifying that treating the porous medium as a continuum medium is questionable in these cases.


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OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do tipo de tratamento superficial da porcelana na resistência adesiva da colagem de braquetes ortodônticos e o modo de fratura após a descolagem. METODOLOGIA:foram confeccionados 80 corpos-de-prova de porcelana, divididos em quatro grupos (n = 18) de acordo com os diferentes tratamentos de superfície: (G1) ponta diamantada; (G2) ponta diamantada e silano; (G3) ácido hidrofluorídrico e (G4) ácido hidrofluorídrico e silano. Após o preparo das superfícies, braquetes Edgewise (Morelli) foram colados com resina (Transbond XT, 3M) e submetidos ao teste de cisalhamento. Os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADO: o grupo G1 apresentou uma média de resistência de 3,35, o G2 3,97, o G3 2,56 e o G4 3,10. CONCLUSÃO: constatou-se que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na resistência adesiva do braquete entre os tipos de tratamentos estudados (p > 0,05) e os modos de fratura ocorreram, em sua grande maioria, na interface braquete/resina. Este estudo indica que todos os tipos de tratamentos apresentados são eficientes para a colagem.