97 resultados para Stair nesting


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Parrots are the most threatened group of birds in the world, mainly because of the reduction and fragmentation of their natural habitats. However, few studies have investigated the dynamics of parrot populations in disturbed landscapes on a broad scale. In this paper, we studied the ecological interactions of the vulnerable blue-winged macaw (Primolius maracana) in a fragmented landscape surrounding a large protected park in southeastern Brazil. We sampled 36 forest fragments that varied in size, characteristics, degree of isolation and type of surrounding matrix in order to assess the importance of habitat features on the maintenance of these birds. Blue-winged macaws were recorded in 70% of the satellite remnants that were sampled, which included large and small blocks of forest. These areas were used as sites for feeding, nesting or overnight rests, and also provided connectivity for birds' displacements. However, the frequency of macaw visits varied among the remnants, and this was related to habitat features such as patch size, human use of surrounding land, and the proximity to the protected park, to urban areas and to the birds' roosting areas. In general, landscape-scale parameters explained more of the variation in the frequency of visits by macaws than did patch-scale parameters. These results demonstrate the importance of landscape mosaics for the survival of blue-winged macaws.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mammals has been pointed out to be the main nest predators in islands, but recent studies has shown that tree snakes are also important nest predator in tropical forests. Here we present information on the density tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae and its role as nest predator at Anchieta Island, Ubatuba, in southeastern Brazil. The mean density of tegu lizards wets estimated to be 83 individuals/km2, which is 1.83 times lower than other well-known population (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago). In the dense rainforest, the density was estimated in 20 individuas/ km2, and in the open rainforest, 109 ind/km2. The high density of this lizard may have serious implications for nest predation. We found that 36% of artificial plasticine eggs were "preyed upon" by tegu lizards. Therefore, it is paramount to manage the tegu population on Anchieta Island to assure the survival of ground nesting birds in islands and possibly in forest fragments.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study firstly reviewed the interspecific interaction records between birds and epiphyte plants in Brazil. Forty two documents, including articles, scientific notes, books and thesis, and 35 personal records and from collaborators were argued, totaling 112 species of birds that interacted with 97 species of epiphyte plants. Two articles treated the theme specifically and another 40 treated related subjects, such as: pollination of epiphytes, ecology and feeding behavior of birds. Studies were concentrated mainly in Atlantic Forest, in the southeastern Brazilian region. The epiphyte species more visited by birds was Aechmea nudicaulis (Bromeliaceae). The main visitor of epiphytes was Ramphodon naevius (Trochilidae). According to the number of authors' citations an index of generality in bird-epiphyte interactions was created. As result the index inferred that the ovenbird Cichlocolaptes leucophrus and the bromeliad Nidularium procerum are less generalist and more specialist species in bird-epiphyte interactions. The totality of the papers showed a considerable number of bird species that use the epiphytes plants and its resources, including nectar, fruits, invertebrates, nest material, nesting place, water and bath. Considering the importance of epiphytes to supply a variety of resources for birds, these results highlighted the necessity of additional and specific studies about the theme in various Brazilian regions and biomes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Breeding success and nest-site characteristics were studied during the 1996-1997 breeding season in a colony of Scarlet Ibises Eudocimus ruber in south-eastern Brazil to test the hypothesis that nest-site characteristics and clutch size affect nest success. Two nesting pulses produced young, the earlier being more successful. Predation accounted for most failures during the first pulse, wind destruction during the second. A third pulse with few nests produced no young. Adult Ibises abandoned nests when they lost sight of other incubating birds. Logistic regression analysis indicated that nest success during the first pulse was positively related to clutch size, number of nests in the nest tree and in the nearest tree, and negatively to the distance to the nearest neighbour. During the second pulse there were significant negative associations between success, nest height and distance to the fourth nearest nest, and a positive association between success and nest cover. The results agree with the 'selfish herd' hypothesis, indicating that nest aggregation may increase breeding success, but the nest-site characteristics affecting success can differ over the course of one breeding season.


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Fallen cocoa pods serve as nesting and foraging sites for litter and ground ants in southeastern Brazil. The distribution of the number of species per pod deviated significantly from a Poisson distribution, with a prevalence of one species per pod. Only 17 species of a much larger fauna were present in pods, with the dominant species being Gnamptogenys striatula, and Oligomyrmex sp. Colony populations for 13 species are given.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study examines the ecology of a population of Geoffroy's side-necked turtle Phrynops geoffroanus inhabiting a polluted urban river in Ribeirão Preto city, São Paulo state, south-eastern Brazil. Adult turtles fed mainly on Chironomidae larvae and pupae (Chironomus cf. plumosus, 100% of occurrence frequency) and domestic waste, but they also consumed terrestrial items (cockroach, snails) and carrion. Juvenile turtles showed more feeding diversity than the adults and exhibited a trend for predation on Chironomidae pupae, but this is not reflected in resource partitioning. The elevated number of turtles (170-230 turtles/ha of river) and biomass (255-345 kg/ha of river) inhabiting this urban river is probably the result of the abundance of sewage and organic waste produced by humans, the absence of predators, and increased availability of nesting areas. Such factors convert this area into an environment highly advantageous for the survival of Geoffroy's side-necked turtle.