53 resultados para Slow tourism e storytelling dos residentes


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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The Orchidaceae is one of the most numerous and diversified families in the Plant Kingdom. Miltonia flavescens Lindl. is a native orchid to the southern region of Brazil. Studies related to the nutrition and fertilization of orchids are scarce, specific and existent only for few species. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different doses of a slow release fertilizer (Osmocote (R) 9/15/12 + micro) on the development of M. flavescens var. stellata Regel cultivated in pots with pine bark and coconut fiber (1:1, v:v) as the substrate. The treatments consisted of: no fertilizer application (control), application of 2.5 g, 5 g and 10 g of fertilizer per liter of substrate. The experimental design was set in randomized blocks, with five replications and three plants per plot. The experiment was carried out along 25 months and the fertilizer was applied every five months. The evaluated plant parameters were: length of the longest pseudobulb, number of pseudobulbs, diameter of pseudobulbs, number of shoots, number of leaves and flowering. There was a significant increment on all evaluated characteristics with the increase of the fertilizer dose. The highest dose provided a more profuse flowering, with a larger number of flower stems and flowers, in addition to bigger flower stems and flowers. These results show that the supply of nutrients in an appropriate amount is of a great importance for the development and flowering of M. flavescens.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper related the concepts of Branding and Storytelling with the purpose to demonstrate how stories can help the mark set up a solid relationship with their public. As we speak of a relation that involves communication processes, the ideas conveyed in this paper seek demonstrate to the professionals in this area, in especial way, the public relations, that the Storytelling could be a very important tool to the process of management of the mark. Before it get into this point, some characteristic and changes of the society and of the cosumers, to evidence news challenges that up-to-dates organizations have to face. After present this context, it moves in the direction of the understanding of the concepts of mark and branding, related those with the activities of the public relations. The marks are introduced in this paper as icons that have a virtual memory able to transmit emotional burden and meanings for the consumers. To finilize this, it introduces the concept of Storytelling and you’re applicability in the organizations, especially in branding process. Your contribution is very important as we see in the stories that are able to get the attention of many


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Introduction: Given the repercussion of the important role of physical activity in the prevention of sickness and non-communicable diseases / loss, many works have been done in order to understand the association of sociodemographic characteristics with sedentarism. The elements which influence the physical activity practice are countless. Besides the intrapersonal element, environment elements (social environment, cultural environment, public politics, information environment, natural environment etc.) are also important in the life style. Yet, the way that the person understands the environment can be considered in the planning of the strategies to change the sedentary behavior. Objective: Verify the association of the environment perception with the practice of physical activity (FA) at leisure time in adults living in Rio Claro – SP. Methodology: The sample consists of 470 adults, all residente in rio Claro-SP, aged ≥ 18 years old. The chosen participants answered to the questionnaires: Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS), International Physical Activity (IPAQ) and to a specific questionnaire with personal data (age, sex, educational level, economical level, weight, height and marital status). The analysis of the connection between the variables was done through the Logistic Regression with Confidence Interval of 95%, using the software SPSS 17.0. Those who reached the recommendation of 10 minutes or more of physical activity in leisure time for week were classified as active, and those who did not reach the recommendation were classified as underactive. Results: The proportion of subjects who practiced physical activity in leisure time was 38,7%, and the male subjects, as well as those classified as better social level showed higher chances to practice at least 10 minutes weekly of physical activity during leisure. Still, walking the dog, soccer fields and gardens near the house (less than 10 walking minutes), were...


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A identificação humana através da análise de DNA utiliza o perfil genético de um indivíduo baseado na combinação de diversos marcadores que são herdados de seus progenitores. Esses marcadores são geralmente diferenças nas sequências de DNA nuclear entre os indivíduos (polimorfismos). Em alguns casos, entretanto, a análise do DNA nuclear não pode ser aplicada, isso ocorre quando o DNA da amostra apresenta-se degradado ou em casos onde o material biológico não apresenta o DNA nuclear. Nestes casos, a análise do DNA mitocondrial (DNA mt) é o método de escolha (PANETO, 2010). O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os polimorfismos presentes na região controle do DNA mt em 60 indivíduos, residentes na região da Grande São Paulo, para utilização na identificação humana. A extração de sangue foi realizada utilizando o FTA Reagente e a região controle do DNA mt foi amplificada por PCR e sequenciada em ambas as fitas utilizando o BigDye v.3.1. Posteriormente, as amostras foram submetidas à eletroforese capilar em sequenciador ABI 3500. As amostras foram analisadas estatisticamente e classificadas em haplogrupos. De um total de 57 amostras com seqüenciamento de qualidade, 56 haplótipos diferentes foram encontrados quando analisamos toda a região hipervariável do DNA mt. E a análise da região HV3 associada às outras regiões hipervariáveis aumentou o poder discriminatório entre os indivíduos Assim, pretende-se utilizar os resultados do projeto no auxílio da elucidação de casos forenses pela polícia científica


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According to the Informational Society of the twentieth century, man develops society of the spectacle, where life becomes virtual and the individual ceases to be a spectator becoming the protagonist of wikiciberepopéia and organizations seeking to gain the attention and time of its consumers through new communication strategies. If the great epics of mankind brought mythical heroes, divine, with powers (mostly above the mortals), in the era of new technologies, the common man is in the hands the opportunity to become the hero of his own ciberepopéia. Increasingly resistant to traditional advertising, the new model of media consumer, the prosumer, the storytelling is transforming into one of the main communication tools of contemporary organizations. Offer your audience a creative and relevant content across several media platforms is a major brand positioning strategies currently used, in addition to providing the transmission of values and organizational principles in a subjective manner. Storytelling where objects are extensions of the human body (eg, the cell can be treated as an extension of the ears) is a strong indication of a technocratic society, because we can consider the new technologies as extensions of the human brain (as new store technologies, create meanings, share information through a specific language) and the individual who is on the edge of new technology ends up being excluded from certain social events. This new world tends to put an end to separation between seemingly contrary ideas, such as reality/fiction, natural/cultural and the man who emerges from this medium is not the creator, but rather, transforming what already exists. The current human evolution takes place from about half the human mind and tell stories that go beyond the media saturation that really emocionem and who have a real meaning for those who listen, to be interconnected with the socio-environmental reality of this new consumer, is a major chall...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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With the actual context of globalization and with advance of information and communication technologies, especially on the internet, the ways in which individuals relate and communicate have changed. Then, it comes a new dynamic of creation, production and distribution of messages, accompanied to a reality of information overloaded as a result of the diversity of emission sources which makes it difficult to attract the attention of individuals. Thus, the communication process in organizations has to go through a reconfiguration in order to adapt to these changes, seeking a strong position and new strategies to reach your audience. In this sense, many organizations are using storytelling to transmit their messages. Then, the objective is to understand how this narrative format can be a strategic resource of communication and also understand how the stories of common people help to produce identification, relationship and to strengthen the organizational image. Therefore, it analyzes, through the content analysis method and categorization technique, three videos that are constituted as storytelling, especially those based on people experience. It is expected that this research may contribute to the theoretical and methodological study of the adoption of new communication strategies, such as this narrative format


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)