55 resultados para Scinax rizibilis
A musculatura peitoral de anuros gera a potência necessária para a produção das vocalizações, tendo seu perfil histológico descrito para apenas uma espécie. Para esta, a musculatura peitoral apresenta 100% de fibras oxidativas rápidas. Entretanto, a taxa de vocalização apresenta enorme variação interespecífica, mesmo considerando espécies pertencentes a um mesmo gênero, como é o caso do gênero Scinax. Acreditamos que o perfil morfológico e histoquímico da musculatura peitoral, particularmente no tocante à capacidade oxidativa aeróbia, deve covariar com o desempenho aeróbio. Desta forma, o objetivo deste projeto foi realizar uma análise comparativa da morfologia e histoquímica do músculo peitoral de três diferentes espécies de pererecas do gênero Scinax. Os animais foram coletados durante o pico de atividade reprodutiva. Estes foram pesados e eutanaziados para a retirada dos músculos peitorais. Fragmentos musculares foram congelados em nitrogênio líquido e armazenados em freezer -80°C. Cortes histológicos (10μm), obtidos em criostato, foram submetidos à coloração HE (Hematoxilina-Eosina) para avaliação do padrão morfológico das fibras, e NADH-TR (Nicotinamida Adenina Dinucleotídeo-Tetrazólico Redutase), para avaliação do metabolismo oxidativo das fibras. Não houve diferenças qualitativas e quantitativas na morfologia e área das fibras entre as espécies. Provavelmente as diferenças comportamentais interespecíficas devem estar associadas a caracteres ultraestruturais da musculatura como capilarização, volume mitocondrial e tipo de miosina (MHC) presente na fibra muscular. O músculo peitoral de S. perereca e S. fuscovarius apresentou forte reação NADH-TR, o que demonstra alto metabolismo oxidativo, enquanto que Scinax hiemalis apresentou uma população de fibras com metabolismo oxidativo mais moderado; isso está de acordo com dados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Os anfíbios ocupam grande variedade de microhabitats refletindo os diversos modos reprodutivos, estilos de vida e parasitas que estes animais apresentam. Os parasitas são indicativos de muitos aspectos biológicos de seus hospedeiros, incluindo a dieta, ocupação do habitat e a filogenia, podendo também ser bons indicadores diretos do estado de qualidade ambiental. A Ilha Anchieta, parque estadual em área de Mata Atlântica, torna-se interessante para estudos biológicos devido a sua dinâmica insular e isolamento geográfico. No Brasil, a Mata Atlântica é um dos biomas mais afetados pelas atividades antrópicas e o número de helmintos recém-descobertos podem estar desaparecendo mais rapidamente do que novos organismos são descobertos. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a helmintofauna de duas espécies de anfíbios, Hypsiboas albomarginatus (n=23) e Scinax hayii (n=18), ambas pertencentes à família Hylidae, procedentes da Ilha Anchieta, São Paulo, Brasil. A helmintofauna foi composta apenas de nematoides (Rhabdias sp., Physaloptera sp.) e um espécime não identificado da família Cosmocercidae. Estudos como estes são importantes, pois os parasitas representam uma diversidade oculta, a qual contribui com a manutenção da diversidade local de hospedeiros e das funções do ecossistema
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os animais silvestres estão expostos a inúmeros patógenos,dentre eles estão os hemoparasitas. Podem-se destacar espécies do gênero Trypanosoma e do grupo das hemogregarinas,que ocorrem com freqüência parasitando anuros (rãs, pererecas e sapos). Normalmente, a descrição destes hemoparasitas é feita através da morfologia dos estágios observados nosangue periférico do hospedeiro e as pesquisas sobre o ciclobiológico desses hemoparasitas são escassas. Os objetivos dopresente estudo foram avaliar a presença de hemogregarinas eTrypanosoma spp. em anuros capturados nos Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul e fazer a caracterização morfológica e morfométrica dos seus hemoparasitas. As espécies deanuros examinadas foram: Dendropsophus nanus, D. minutus, Leptodactylus chaquensis, L. podicipinus, L. labyrinthicus, L. fuscus, Bufo granulosus, B. schneideri, Phyllomedusahypocondrialis, Trachicephalus venulosus, Scinax fuscovarius e Hypsiboas albopunctatus. Dos 40 animais estudados, foramencontrados quatro (10%) positivos para hemogregarinas e oito(20%) positivos para Trypanosoma spp. Foram observadosgamontes de hemogregarinas com morfologia variável e, alémdas formas intraeritrocíticas, também foram observados gamontes fora das hemácias. As formas de Trypanosoma encontradas eram muito polimórficas, conforme é descrito na literatura, sendo na sua maioria, larga e oval.
Recent field work in Atlantic Rain Forest patches in the southern region of the State of Bahia, Brazil, resulted in the discovery of some populations of an unidentified species of the Scinax catharinae group. An extensive literature review, along with the examination of specimens and distribution patterns of all known species of this group, showed that Hyla strigilata Spix, 1824, a long confused species with lost type material, is an available name for the specimens from Bahia. In order to clarify the taxonomic problems surrounding this taxon, the nomenclatural history of Hyla strigilata is reviewed and a neotype is designated, described, and figured. The association of this name to extant populations from southern Bahia and its consequent stabilization is considered important since it is the type species of the genus Ololygon, a name available for the clade of Scinax catharinae. Data on habits, habitat, and geographic distribution are also presented.
A comparative cytogenetic analysis was carried out on four Hylinae tree frogs from Brazil (Aparasphenodon brunoi, Corthomantis greeningi, Osteocephalus langsdorffi and Scinax fuscovarius) using Giemsa staining, BrdU replication banding, Ag-NOR staining, C-banding, DAPI and CMA(3) fluorochrome staining, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with an rDNA probe. All the species share closely similar 2n = 24 karyotypes, almost indistinguishable by standard staining. The technique of BrdU incorporation allowed the identification of each pair of homologs and the establishment of extensive homeology for the great majority of the chromosomes, mainly of A. brunoi, C greeningi, and O. langsdorffii. Despite highly conserved replication banding patterns, the use of the other banding techniques disclosed some minor differsences, which reinforces the importance of extensive cytogenctic analyses for the karyotypic characterization of Anuran species. The present cytogenctic data confirm the closer proximity of A. brunoi, C greeningi, and O. langsdorfjii, whereas S. fuscovarius is phylogenetically more distant. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
São apresentados dados da dieta de Thamnodynastes strigatus (Serpentes: Colubridae), a partir da dissecção de 44 espécimes. No tubo digestivo dos exemplares examinados foram encontrados anfíbios anuros (71,4% da amostra), roedores (14,3%), peixes (10,7%) e lagartos (3,6%). A maioria das espécies de anuros (Bufo sp., Leptodactylus sp., Physalaemus cuvieri e Scinax fuscovarius) encontradas no exame de conteúdo estomacal de T. strigatus, utiliza o solo ou o nível d'água como sítio de vocalização. Também são apresentados dados sobre a observação de eventos de predação na natureza.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The pattern of availability of free DNA phosphates, and the kind of DNA-protein complex arrangement, both induced by nuclear basic proteins, and the richness in arginine residues in these proteins were investigated cytochemically and cytophysically in spermatozoa of the South-American Hylidae species, Hyla fuscovaria and Hyla biobeba. The aim was to demonstrate differences at the level of sperm histones in two species of Hyla until recently considered to be congeneric. The results indicated differences in the spermatozoal nuclear basic proteins and DNA-protein complexes when the two species were compared. The spermatozoa of Hyla biobeba were assumed to be likely to contain a Bloch's ''type 3'' protein type (intermediate sperm basic protein), similarly to Hyla species of North and Central America. on the other hand, the data obtained for the spermatozoa of Hyla fuscovaria indicated that they contain a protamine or protamine-like protein, differing from Hyla biobeba and Hyla species of North and Central America. It is suggested that the differences reported here may be genus-specific, since Hyla fuscovaria has recently been reclassified as Scinax fuscovaria based on parameters other than sperm histone types. These findings are in agreement with the general view of a wide variability in sperm nuclear proteins in the Anura group.
Visual communication is widespread among several anuran families, but seems to be more common than currently thought. We investigated and compared visual communication in six species of an anuran community in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Four are nocturnal species: Hyalinobatrachium uranoscopum (Centrolenidae), Hyla albomarginata, Hyla sp. (aff. ehrhardti), and Scinax eurydice (Hylidae), and two are diurnal species: Hylodes phyllodes and Hylodes asper ( Leptodactylidae). For H. uranoscopum, H. albomarginata, S. eurydice, and H. phyllodes, this is the first record of visual communication. Observations were made at Nucleo Picinguaba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, in the Municipality of Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Descriptions of behaviour were based on individuals observed in the field, using sequence sampling with continuous tape recording for behavioural observations. Eight new behaviours are described: body wiping, face wiping, jump display, leg kicking, limb lifting, mouth opening, toe flagging, and vocal sac display. of the 42 anuran species known from Nucleo Picinguaba, at least six ( approximately 14%) display visual communication. The evolution of visual signals in these species may be related to the availability of ambient light, the structural complexity of the habitat, and/or the ambient noise. They may also have evolved to aid in the location of the individual, to avoid physical combat, and/or may be a by-product of seismic communication.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Hylidae is a large family of American, Australopapuan, and temperate Eurasian treefrogs of approximately 870 known species, divided among four subfamilies. Although some groups of Hylidae have been addressed phylogenetically, a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis has never been presented. The first goal of this paper is to review the current state of hylid systematics. We focus on the very large subfamily Hylinae (590 species), evaluate the monophyly of named taxa, and examine the evidential basis of the existing taxonomy. The second objective is to perform a phylogenetic analysis using mostly DNA sequence data in order to (1) test the monophyly of the Hylidae; (2) determine its constituent taxa, with special attention to the genera and species groups which form the subfamily Hylinae, and c) propose a new, monophyletic taxonomy consistent with the hypothesized relationships. We present a phylogenetic analysis of hylid frogs based on 276 terminals, including 228 hylids and 48 outgroup taxa. Included are exemplars of all but 1 of the 41 genera of Hylidae (of all four nominal subfamilies) and 39 of the 41 currently recognized species groups of the species-rich genus Hyla. The included taxa allowed us to test the monophyly of 24 of the 35 nonmonotypic genera and 25 species groups of Hyla. The phylogenetic analysis includes approximately 5100 base pairs from four mitochondrial (12S, tRNA valine, 16S, and cytochrome b) and five nuclear genes (rhodopsin, tyrosinase, RAG-1, seventh in absentia, and 28S), and a small data set from foot musculature. Concurring with previous studies, the present analysis indicates that Hemiphractinae are not related to the other three hylid subfamilies. It is therefore removed from the family and tentatively considered a subfamily of the paraphyletic Leptodactylidae. Hylidae is now restricted to Hylinae, Pelodryadinae, and Phyllomedusinae. Our results support a sister-group relationship between Pelodryadinae and Phyllomedusinae, which together form the sister taxon of Hylinae. Agalychnis, Phyllomedusa, Litoria, Hyla, Osteocephalus, Phrynohyas, Ptychohyla, Scinax, Smilisca, and Trachycephalus are not monophyletic. Within Hyla, the H. albomarginata, H. albopunctata, H. arborea, H. boons, H. cinerea, H. eximia, H. geographica, H. granosa, H. microcephala, H. miotympanum, H. tuberculosa, and H. versicolor groups are also demonstrably nonmonophyletic. Hylinae is composed of four major clades. The first of these includes the Andean stream-breeding Hyla, Aplastodiscus, all Gladiator Frogs, and a Tepuian clade. The second clade is composed of the 30-chromosome Hyla, Lysapsus, Pseudis, Scarthyla, Scinax (including the H. uruguaya group), Sphaenorhynchus, and Xenohyla. The third major clade is composed of Nyctimantis, Phrynohyas, Phyllodytes, and all South American/West Indian casque-headed frogs: Aparasphenodon, Argenteohyla, Corythomantis, Osteocephalus, Osteopilus, Tepuihyla, and Trachycephalus. The fourth major clade is composed of most of the Middle American/Holarctic species groups of Hyla and the genera Acris, Anotheca, Duellmanohyla, Plectrohyla, Pseudacris, Ptychohyla, Pternohyla, Smilisca, and Triprion. A new monophyletic taxonomy mirroring these results is presented where Hylinae is divided into four tribes. Of the species currently in Hyla, 297 of the 353 species are placed in 15 genera; of these, 4 are currently recognized, 4 are resurrected names, and 7 are new. Hyla is restricted to H. femoralis and the H. arborea, H. cinerea, H. eximia, and H. versicolor groups, whose contents are redefined. Phrynohyas is placed in the synonymy of Trachycephalus, and Pternohyla is placed in the synonymy of Smilisca. The genus Dendropsophus is resurrected to include all former species of Hyla known or suspected to have 30 chromosomes. Exerodonta is resurrected to include the former Hyla sumichrasti group and some members of the former H. miotympanum group. Hyloscirtus is resurrected for the former Hyla armata, H. bogotensis, and H. larinopygion groups. Hypsiboas is resurrected to include several species groups - many of them redefined here - of Gladiator Frogs. The former Hyla albofrenata and H. albosignata complexes of the H. albomarginata group are included in Aplastodiscus. New generic names are erected for (1) Agalychnis calcarifer and A. craspedopus; (2) Osteocephalus langsdorffii; the (3) Hyla aromatica, (4) H. bromeliacia, (5) H. godmani, (6) H. mixomaculata, (7) H. taeniopus, (8) and H. tuberculosa groups; (9) the clade composed of the H. pictipes and H. pseudopuma groups; and (10) a clade composed of the H. circumdata, H. claresignata, H. martinsi, and H. pseudopseudis groups. Copyright © American Museum of Natural History 2005.