86 resultados para Sandy soil


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho objetivou investigar a influência do tipo e compactação do solo na sobrevivência do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae. A sobrevivência do fungo foi determinada em quatro tipos de solos: Latossolo Vermelho textura argilosa, Latossolo Vermelho textura média, Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo textura arenosa média e Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo textura areno-argilosa, com maior teor de matéria orgânica. Para determinar o efeito da compactação na sobrevivência do fungo usaram-se os três primeiros tipos de solos nas densidades de 1,12, 1,32, 1,50g cm-3; 1,22, 1,44, 1,65g cm-3; 1,30, 1,50, 1,70g cm-3, respectivamente. Por meio da contagem de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) em placas de Petri, fizeram-se avaliações da sobrevivência do fungo, após zero, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 dias de incubação a 27 ± 1ºC. Houve influência significativa do tipo de solo e do grau de compactação na sobrevivência do fungo, obtendo-se maior quantidade de UFC no solo textura areno-argilosa. Entre os demais solos, a maior sobrevivência ocorreu no solo textura arenosa e a menor no solo textura argilosa. O efeito da compactação foi significativo para o tipo de solo, exceto no solo textura arenosa. Independentemente do tipo de solo, a maior sobrevivência foi observada nos valores médios de densidade. A compactação teve maior impacto no solo textura média, onde ocorreu queda mais acentuada na quantidade de UFC em todas as densidades.


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Este trabalho analisa o comportamento colapsível de um solo tropical arenoso inundado com diferentes fluidos de saturação que constituem o esgoto doméstico. Para tal análise, foram levados em consideração parâmetros físicos e químicos e aspectos estruturais do solo no âmbito do fenômeno da colapsibilidade dos solos, assim como as principais características dos fluidos de inundação de água destilada, esgoto doméstico e algumas soluções à base de substâncias que compõem os esgotos e as deformações axiais do solo a um metro de profundidade em ensaios edométricos. As propriedades físicas e químicas dos fluidos de inundação e dos solos, bem como a combinação entre tais propriedades, desempenham relevante papel na compreensão do fenômeno do colapso, mostrando que a sua ocorrência não pode ser atribuída a um ou outro parâmetro do solo ou do fluido isoladamente.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen sources and rates on maize nutrition and grain yield under no-tillage system in sandy soil. The experiment was conducted in a Typic Quartzipsamment, in the city of Cassilandia, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. A completely randomized block design was used in a factorial array 3x4 with four replicates. Treatments consisted of three sources [urea, extruded urea with starch (Starea), and ammonium sulfonitrate with nitrification inhibitor of 3,4-dimethylpyrazole-phosphate (Entec (R) 26)] and four rates (0, 45, 90 and 180 kg ha(-1)) of nitrogen, applied in side-dressing when the plants presented four and six expanded leaves. The nitrogen source affected N, K, and S concentration in the leaf, but did not interfere in the components of production and maize grain yield. Nitrogen application like ammonium sulfonitrate promoted higher concentrations of N, K and S in the maize leaf in relation to the urea, especially in the larger rates studied. Side-dressing nitrogen fertilization increased the number of ears per plant, number of grains per ear and grain yield, grown under no-tillage system in sandy soil, independent of the used source.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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An evaluation of the composition of soil cement bricks with construction and demolition waste. Sustainable development requires the existence of a production network that includes the reuse of construction waste for new materials. Current analysis investigates an optimal soil-cement composition made up of construction and demolition waste for the manufacture of pressed bricks. Soil-cement bricks were manufactured from construction and demolition wastes (CDW), A-4 classified fine sandy soil and cement CP II Z 32. Laboratory tests, comprising test compaction, optimum water content and maximum dry specific weight, consistency limits, grain size distribution and linear shrinkage, were made to characterize the materials researched. Compressive strength and absorption tests were also undertaken in different combinations of composition. Results showed that the application of CDW improved soil-cement qualities and reduced shrinkage of the material used.


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A field trial was carried out in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, on sandy soil, between February 1993 to February 1995, aiming to study the effects of fertilizer doses and brachiaria grass control on the growth of E. grandis. In the field the plots (9×9 plants, spacing 2×3 m) were located following a randomized block experimental design with four repetitions. The treatments were arranged in a factorial design with four systems of brachiaria grass control in the space between the Eucalyptus rows: mowing, cultivation, chemical control with glyphosate (2,08 kg eq. ác./ha) and hand hoeing were developed when the population reached the early flowering stage and four doses of the fertilizer 20-05-20: 0, 115, 230 and 345 kg/ha, handled at 3, 6 and 12 monthes after the transplantation. The hand hoeing was the most effective method of brachiaria grass control. However the hand hoeing controlled plots showed a decrease on the E. grandis growth exhibiting slower growth rate, shorter plants, thinner stems, smaller leaf area results and reduction on dry matter accumulation than the plants from the other plots under different weed control management's. The glyphosate promoted an excellent brachiaria grass control while the E. grandis plants grow better. Both remainder weed control management systems were intermediary in terms of efficacy. The mowing management was the most similar method as compared to the hand hoeing one and the cultivation treatments to the chemical control method. The growth rate differences observed between the hand hoeing and chemical control treatments were not caused directly by late fertilizations. There were no significative interactions among the weed control systems and the fertilization doses. Considering the brachiaria grass that grew between the E. grandis rows there were detected benefits to the crop and these effects increased when the chemical control was used for weed management.


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Objective. To assess the potential for contamination of wastewaters from pig farming. Methods. Wastewaters from pig farming were stored in a tank. After 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days of hydraulic retention, they were added to lysimeters filled with argillaceous, sandy, or medium soil. Finally, these lysimeters were submitted to simulations of either a rainy season or a dry season. The number of colony-forming units (CFUs) of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci was measured in the effluents of the storage tank (for the various periods of hydraulic retention), in the percolate from the lysimeters, and in the three types of soil. The microbiological analyses were carried out using the membrane filter technique. The pH analyses were done potentiometrically. Results. For the three microorganisms, the largest decrease in bacterial counts in the storage tanks occurred with 90 or 120 days of retention. There was a marked decrease in the bacterial count in the percolates of the three soils. For the three soil types the greatest reduction in bacterial counts was found in medium soil, due to its acidity (pH < 7.0). Hydraulic retention was not sufficient to ensure the sanitary adequacy of the wastewaters and their use for irrigation, given that fecal coliform values were above 1 000 CFU per 100 mL. Therefore, adding the residues to the soil was considered a second stage of treatment. Conclusions. The retention of wastewaters followed by adding them to soil was effective in minimizing the contaminating effect of pig farming residues. The storage time for wastewaters from pig farming could be decreased from 120 to 90 days.


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This paper presents and discusses Ménard Pressuremeter test results used to predict bearing capacity of pounded piles installed in a tropical sandy soil. Fifteen pre-bored pressuremeter tests were carried out at the Experimental Research Site from Unesp - Bauru up to 15 m depth, one test per meter. Several laboratory and in situ tests were carried out in this research site as well as load tests on plates and on piles. Pressuremeter test results were firstly analyzed to determine geotechnical soil parameters based on empirical methods, emphasizing the estimative of the earth pressure coefficient at rest (K0). After that, bearing capacity prediction of pounded piles with 4 m, 7 m and 10 m were made and compared with test results from instrumented load tests. Pressuremeter test results allowed a very good estimative of bearing capacity for the pile with 4 m length and underestimated in 25,7% and 20,0% the bearing capacity for the pile with 7 and 10 m length, respectively. The back analysis of the test results suggests that the appropriate value for the bearing capacity factor for the tested soil-pile system on this soil is equal to 2.


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Resistivity (DC) method using vertical electrical soundings (Schlumberger array) are conducted In the vicinity of Canoas/RS, applied to environmental studies with the objective of Investigating groundwater conditions, The present paper shows a geoelectrlcal Identification of the lithology and an estimate of the relationship between the resistivity and Dar Zarrouk parameters (transverse unit resistance and longitudinal unit conductance) with the properties such as aquifer transmlssivlty and protection of ground water resources, In the saturated sediments, resistivity values defined the following sequence: clay layers (resistivity < 40 ohm-m) and sand layers (resistivity > 40 ohm-m), Two sand layers were identified; one corresponding to the unconfined aquifer and another to the confined aquifer between two clay layers, In the map of the transverse unit resistance of the unconfined aquifer, the tendencies of high values can be associated with the zones of high transmissivity; hence, these zones are suggested for the installation of monitoring wells, The map of longitudinal conductance Illustrates the Impermeability of the confining clay layer, Values of S > 1.0 siemens would indicate zones in which the confined aquifer would be protected; In comparison, values of S < 1.0 siemens would indicate zones of probable risks of contamination. © 2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.


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Liners were proposed as subsoil contamination protection devices for waste disposal sites. In the rural environment, they can be used to construct pond bottoms for liquid waste treatment, but the construction needs to be quick and cheap. A good technical solution for these situations is the use of local soil compacted with low quantities of cement or lime, obtaining good properties for this purpose. These barriers need special care about their contraction behavior which may compromise its use. This work shows the results of contraction tests in sandy soil specimens and others stabilized with lime and with cement. Soil structure changes during cure time were checked using electronic scan microscopy. Results show maximum soil contraction of 0.648% for specimen with 14 days cure process. After twenty eight days of cure the contraction values were lower than 0.5%, which classifies the material as of low contraction. Electronic scan image shows significant material structure alteration up to seven days cure. Results show that studied mixtures had appropriate contraction behavior for liner usage.


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Vertical electrical soundings using eletroresistivity method were carried out in the public waste landfill in Macapá - AP, having as a goal to investigate the geoelectrical and hidrogeologic characteristics of the ground. The results of geophysics interpretation allowed obtaining a model of five geoelectrical layers until the depth of 14,6 m. This model is correlated to a sedimentary sequence of clay-silt-sandy with laterite. The main flow of the water table, also determined, is concordant to the topographical gradient.


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The coconut palm crop has increased with the use of the fertigation technique in Brazil in the last years. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of N and K rates via fertigation, on vegetative growth of three year old palms, cultivated in the littoral region of the Ceará State, Brazil, with tropical rainy climate. The study was conducted in a sandy soil using the variety of green dwarfed Jiqui coconut palm. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with 10 treatments, including five nitrogen and five of potassium rates, according to the model of the experimental matrix Plan Puebla III. The nitrogen and potassiun applications via fertigation influenced significantly the plant height, stem perimeter, and the number of leaves and folioles. © 2009 Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA).


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Soil flushing is an alternative remediation technology for soils contaminated with heavy metals, which the main contaminant removing process consists in percolating an extraction solution. This work aimed to use the response surface methodology to point out combinations among the parameters of the extraction solution (Na2EDTA concentration, volume e pH) in order to reduce the concentration of copper in a sandy soil to risk levels lower than the intervention levels for exposure scenarios adopted by the Environmental Company of Sao Paulo State. Thus, a series of tests in leaching columns were carried out using a Fluvisol artificially contaminated (1257,3 mg kg-1). The tests were conducted in triplicate and setup a central composite rotatable design with 15 different parameters combinations of the extraction solution and one replicate in the center point. Using 5% significance level, the adjusted model (R2 = 0,98) indicated combinations of Na2EDTA concentration, pH and volume of the extraction solution which allow reduction of copper concentration below levels reported by environmental agency of Sao Paulo State for industrial, residential, agricultural or maximum exposure scenarios.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)