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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: To evaluate the bond strength between human dentin and composites, using two light-activated single-bottle total-etch adhesive systems with different pHs combined with chemically activated and light-activated-composites. The tested hypothesis was that the dentin bond strength is not influenced by an adhesive system of low pH, combined with chemically activated or light-activated composites. Material and Method: Flat dentin surfaces of twenty-eight human third molars were allocated in 4 groups (n=7), depending on the adhesive system: (One Step Plus-OS and Prime & Bond NT-PB) and composite (light-activated Filtek Z-100 [Z100] and chemically activated Bisfil 2B [B2B]). Each adhesive system was applied on acid-etched dentin and then one of the composites was added to form a 5 mm-high resin block. The specimens were stored in tap water (37 degrees C/24 h) and sectioned into two axes, x and y. This was done with a diamond disk under coolant irrigation to obtain beams with a cross-section area of approximately 0.8 mm(2). Each specimen was then attached to a custom-made device and submitted to the microtensile test (1 mm.min(-1)). Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (p<0.05). Results: the anticipated hypothesis was not confirmed (p<0.0001). The bond strengths (MPa) were not statistically different between the two adhesive systems when light-activated composite was used (OS+Z100 = 24.7 +/- 7.1(a); PB+Z100 = 23.8 +/- 5.7(a)). However, with use of the chemically activated composite (B2B), PB (7.8 +/- 3.6(b) MPa) showed significantly lower dentin bond strengths than OS (32.2 +/- 7.6(a)). Conclusion: the low pH of the adhesive system can affect the bond of chemically activated composite to dentin. on the other hand, under the present conditions, the low pH did not seem to affect the bond of light-activated composites to dentin significantly.


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Polycrystalline BaxSr1-xTiO3 (x = 0.4 and 0.8) thin films with a perovskite structure were prepared by the polymeric precursor method on a platinum-coated silicon substrate. High-quality thin films with uniform composition and thickness were successfully produced by dip-coating and spin-coating techniques. The resulting thin films prepared by dip and spin-coating showed a well-developed dense polycrystalline structure with uniform grain size distribution. The metal-BST-metal structure of the thin films displays good dielectric and ferroelectric properties. The ferroelectric nature to BaxSr1-xTiO3 (x = 0.8) thin film, indicated by butterfly-shaped C-V curves and confirmed by the hysteresis curve, showed 2P(r) = 5.0 muC/cm(2) and E-c = 20 kV/cm. The capacitance-frequency curve reveals that the dielectric constant may reach a value of up to 794 at 1 kHz. on the other hand, the BaxSr1-xTiO3 (x = 0.4) thin films had paraelectric nature and dielectric constant and the dissipation factor at a frequency of 100 kHz were 680 and 0.01, respectively, for film annealed at 700 degreesC. In addition, an examination of the film's I-V curve at room temperature revealed the presence of two conduction regions in the BaxSr1-xTiO3 (x = 0.4 and 0.8) thin films, showing ohmic-like behavior at low voltage and a Schottky-emission or Poole-Frenkel mechanism at high voltage. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A tangential filtration process was implemented in this study using porous ceramic tubes made of alpha-alumina produced by the slip-casting technique. These tubes were sintered at 1450 degrees C and characterized by mercury intrusion porosimetry, which revealed a mean pore size of 0.5 mu m. The tubes were chemically impregnated with a zirconium citrate solution, after which they were calcined and heat treated at temperatures of up to 600 and 900 degrees C to eliminate volatile organic compounds and transform the zirconium citrate into zirconium oxide impregnated in the alumina in the form of nanoparticle agglomerates. The microporous pipes were tested on a microfiltration hydraulic system to analyze their performance in the demulsification of sunflower oil and water mixtures. The fluid-dynamic parameters of Reynolds number and transmembrane pressure were varied in the process. The volume of permeate was analyzed by measuring the Total Organic Carbon concentration (TOC), which indicated 99% of oil phase retention. The emulsified mixture was characterized by optical microscopy, while the morphology and composition of the impregnated microporous tubes were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Quantification of the TOC values for the tube impregnated once at 600 degrees C showed the best demulsification performance, with the concentration on permeate smaller than 10 mg/L. The impregnated tube sintered once at 900 degrees C presented low carbon concentration (smaller than 20 mg/L), has the advantage of presenting the greatest trans-membrane flux in relation to the other microporous tube. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A mercury-sensitive chemically modified electrode (CME) based on modified silica gel-containing carbon paste was developed. The functional group attached to the silica gel surface was 3-(2-thiobenzimidazolyl)propyl, which is able to complex mercury ions. This electrode was applied to the determination of mercury(II) ions in aqueous solution. The mercury was chemically preconcentrated on the CME prior to voltammetric determination by anodic stripping in the differential-pulse mode. A calibration graph covering the concentration range from 0.08 to 2 mg l-1 was constructed. The precision for six determinations of 0.122 and 0.312 mg l-1 Hg(II) was 3.2 and 2.9% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The detection limit for a 5-min preconcentration period was 0.013 mg l-1. A study for foreign ions was also made.


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In this study we describe the electrochemical behavior of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2'-aminophenylporphyrin)manganese(III) chloride supported on a glassy carbon electrode, as well as the electrochemical preparation and characterization of thin films based on pyrrole-3-carboxylic acid. The electrocatalytic action of the electrode modified with the Mn(III) porphyrin toward an azo dye was tested, and the characteristic strong interaction between the incorporated metalloporphyrin and RR120 dye was verified. Copyright (c) 2006 Society of Porphyrins & Phthalocyanines.


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The photospheres of stars hosting planets have larger metallicity than stars lacking planets. This could be the result of a metallic star contamination produced by the bombarding of hydrogen-deficient solid bodies. In the present work we study the possibility of an earlier metal enrichment of the photospheres by means of impacting planetesimals during the first 20-30 Myr. Here we explore this contamination process by simulating the interactions of an inward migrating planet with a disc of planetesimal interior to its orbit. The results show the percentage of planetesimals that fall on the star. We identified the dependence of the planet's eccentricity (e(p)) and time-scale of migration (tau) on the rate of infalling planetesimals. For very fast migrations (tau= 10(2) and 10(3) yr) there is no capture in mean motion resonances, independently of the value of e(p). Then, due to the planet's migration the planetesimals suffer close approaches with the planet and more than 80 per cent of them are ejected from the system. For slow migrations (tau= 10(5)and 10(6) yr) the percentage of collisions with the planet decreases with the increase of the planet's eccentricity. For e(p) = 0 and 0.1 most of the planetesimals were captured in the 2:1 resonance and more than 65 per cent of them collided with the star. Whereas migration of a Jupiter mass planet to very short pericentric distances requires unrealistic high disc masses, these requirements are much smaller for smaller migrating planets. Our simulations for a slowly migrating 0.1 M-Jupiter planet, even demanding a possible primitive disc three times more massive than a primitive solar nebula, produces maximum [Fe/H] enrichments of the order of 0.18 dex. These calculations open possibilities to explain hot Jupiter exoplanet metallicities.


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Lycopene is a natural pigment synthesized by plants and microorganisms, and it is mainly found in tomatoes. It is an acyclic isomer of P-carotene and one of the most potent antioxidants. Several studies have demonstrated the ability of lycopene to prevent chemically induced DNA damage; however, the mechanisms involved are still not clear. In the present study, we investigated the antigenotoxic/antimutagenic effects of lycopene in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells (CHO) treated with hydrogen peroxide, methylmethanesulphonate (MMS), or 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO). Lycopene (97%), at final concentrations of 10, 25, and 50 M, was tested under three different protocols: before, simultaneously, and after the treatment with the mutagens. Comet and cytokinesis-block micronucleus assays were used to evaluate the level of DNA damage. Data showed that lycopene reduced the frequency of micronucleated cells induced by the three mutagens. However, this chemopreventive activity was dependent on the concentrations and treatment schedules used. Similar results were observed in the comet assay, although some enhancements of primary DNA damage were detected when the carotenoid was administered after the mutagens. In conclusion, our findings confirmed the chemopreventive activity of lycopene, and showed that this effect occurs under different mechanisms. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A highly sensitive amperometric biosensor for determination of carbamate pesticides directly in water, fruit and vegetable samples has been evaluated, electrochemically characterized and optimized. The biosensor strip was fabricated in screen printed technique on a ceramic support using silver-based paste for reference electrode, and platinum-based paste for working and auxiliary electrodes. The working electrode was modified by a layer of carbon paste mixed with cobalt(II) phthalocyanine and acetylcellulose. Cholinesterase (ChE) enzymes with low enzymatic charge were immobilized on this layer. The operational simplicity of the biosensor consists in that a small drop (similar to 50 mu l) of substrate or sample is deposited on a horizontally positioned biosensor strip representing the microelectrochemical cell. The working potential of the biosensor was 370 mV versus Ag/AgI on a ship reference electrode preventing the interference of electroactive species which are oxidable at more positive potentials. The biosensor was applied to investigate the degradation of two reference ChE inhibitors in freeze dried water under different storage conditions and for direct determination of some N-methylcarbamates (NMCs) in fruit and vegetable samples at ppb concentration levels without any sample pretreatment. A comparison of the obtained results for the total carbamate concentration was done against those obtained using HPLC measurements. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption isotherms of MCl(2) (M = Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Cd) and FeCl3 by silica gel chemically modified with benzimidazole molecules (= SI(CH2)(3)-NC7H5N) were studied in ethanol solution at 298 K. A column made of modified silica was used to adsorb and preconcentrate the above metal ions from ethanol solution. Elution was done with 0.1 M hydrochloric acid in an ethanol/water mixture having a mole fraction of water of 0.8. The material was applied in the preconcentration of metal ions from commercial ethanol normally used as engine fuel.


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The ESR spectrum of CuCl2 adsorbed onto a silica gel surface chemically modified with the benzimidazole molecule showed that the surface complex has an octahedral symmetry with tetragonal distortion. The measured ESR parameters were g(parallel to) = 2.287, g(perpendicular to) = 2.062, A(parallel to) = 153 G and superhyperfine splitting A(N) = 15 G. The fit of the theoretical expressions to the experimental data was very reasonable. The effective spin orbit coupling constant for Cu2+ was reduced from its normal free ion value of lambda = -828 cm(-1) by as much as 30%. This reduction of lambda is normal in the solid state and in frozen solution complexes.


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Silica gel surface was chemically modified with beta-diketoamine groups by reacting the silanol from the silica surface with 3-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane and 3-bromopentanedione, With this material, copper ions were adsorbed from aqueous solutions, the chemical analysis of the silica-gel-immobilized acetylacetone provided a quantity of 0.67 mmol g(-1) of organic groups attached to the support and 0.63 mmol g(-1) of copper, This material was used as a stationary phase in IMAC (immobilized metal affinity chromatography), to separate alpha-lactoalbumin from bovine milk whey, the results showed an efficient separation in the chromatographic column, the possibility of reutilization of the stationary phase was also investigated. (C) 1997 Academic Press