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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The purpose of this research is to show the types of violence committed by teachers that were experienced and/or witnessed by future teachers during their schooling history. It's a quantitative and qualitative research. The collection, organization, and analysis of data proceeded from Content Analysis (BARDIN, 1977) and the construction of Bernard Charlot and Pierre Bourdieu's works and specific literature on the theme. The subjects are 12 students that attended the Pedagogy undergraduate program in 2011 at the Faculty of Science and Arts of the city of Araraquara in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The data shows that the majority of the group of individuals claimed to have witnessed or experienced violence by teachers during their basic training. According to them, among the most recurring types of violence are those of symbolic nature. They attended, not equally, the public system and the private system. This enabled pointing out that violence, especially symbolic violence, occurred in both school systems. Therefore, this is a phenomenon that affects different fractions of social classes. Considering that the participants of this research are future teachers, it was established a relation with the notion of 'cycle of abuse', since there is a high possibility of them practicing the teaching function.


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este texto objetiva apresentar, de forma crítica, uma retrospectiva pontual das normativas brasileiras que orientam a escolarização de alunos da Educação Especial, na perspectiva da educação inclusiva. Em defesa da revisão dos procedimentos de ensino na formulação das práticas educacionais inclusivas, as normativas sugerem mudanças importantes quanto: ao lócus de escolarização do público da Educação Especial, a definição dos que dela se beneficiam e a revisão do seu papel em prol da consolidação da educação inclusiva. As normativas indicam ainda orientações específicas no que diz respeito às providências instrumentais, infraestruturais, e de ajustes curriculares, entre outras. Tais recomendações intencionam assegurar condições mais favoráveis de progresso acadêmico aos alunos com deficiência, transtorno global do desenvolvimento, altas habilidades e/ou superdotação no sistema público de ensino. Pelo intermédio de um julgamento criterioso dos textos normativos referentes aos documentos legais selecionados, espera-se contribuir para a compreensão das formas de organização da Educação Especial no atendimento às necessidades educacionais de uma parcela significativa do alunado. Recorda-se que esses alunos, que necessitam de com condições diferenciadas de ensino, por longas décadas ficaram afastados dos conhecimentos valorizados pela cultura escolar, entretanto, com a adoção de políticas públicas, que respeitam e valorizam a diferença, formas de escolarização e de participação direta no ensino comum tem sido uma prática real no sistema educacional brasileiro.


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El trabajo analiza la caducidad probatoria atribuida por el ordenamiento jurídico brasileño a los documentos contables. Se analizan los cambios ocurridos en la legislación brasileña durante la década de 2000, con respecto a la legitimación jurídica del uso de documentos contables electrónicos. La legislación brasileña ha sufrido cambios considerables en cuanto a los documentos contables electrónicos principalmente a partir de 2007, con el advenimiento del Sistema Público de Escritura Digital (Sped). El ordenamiento jurídico brasileño se encuentra en un período de transición. Hay diferentes interpretaciones respecto a los mecanismos previstos por este ordenamiento en cuanto a la seguridad de las informaciones contables almacenadas en el medio digital. Es necesario analizar la seguridad y los límites de la utilización de documentos contables electrónicos.


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This is study proposes to evaluate the ergonomic aspects of dental equipments. Based on the characteristics proposed by ISO/FDI, on the existing literature and related researches an evaluating system was devised. Thirty nine dental clinics were examined using the 165 pointssystem proposed, distributed in 12 criteria. None of the dental clinics examined showed a bad ergonomics level, 41% were good and 59% reached excellent levels. The point-supported evaluation system proposed is effective in the analysis of the ergonomic conditions of dental equipments, allowing a quantification of their characteristics. Using this system, the dentist can also know the level of ergonomic satisfaction existing in his equipment, and identify the conditions to be improved. It was concluded that the equipment belonging to dental workplaces evaluated had excellent level of compliance, however corrective measures are needed since even the presence of a few non-conforming items is a sufficient condition to cause injury to users, decreased efficiency and comfort and loss quality of service


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This monograph has as objectives introduce digital terrestrial television, describing the process of installation of this in Spain, their technical qualities and possibilities of change and innovation that this creates. The exposure of the different chapters of this monograph has a objective presenting and discussing what are the characteristics of this new technology, your birth, what is its importance in communication and how this is inserted inside the Spanish reality. The introduction of digital terrestrial television in Spain is cited as an example of a pioneer in the development and installation of this new technology, but also appears as a nation that has come a way with some economic failures, reaching one of the largest cases of delayed installation of digital television in Western Europe. Making use of the European system for digital terrestrial television (DVB-T - Digital Video Broadcasting) it was possible some advances as the quality of communication and strengthening national public television system, but many vices of analog system were transferred this new system, as the concentration of channels to a foreign group and interactivity opportunities were wasted. Digital terrestrial television can provides better picture quality and sound, possibility of interactivity, mobility, hypermedia and multiprogramming, while the latter tool may lead to the democratization of media, opening it to other social agents. Going much further than just a technological advancement, digital television is strongly connected with the politics and the economy of the nation in which it operates