94 resultados para SEROTONERGIC NEURONS


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Previous studies using non-specific serotonergic agonists and antagonists have shown the importance of serotonergic inhibitory mechanisms in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) for controlling sodium and water intake. In the present study, we investigated whether the serotonergic 5-HTIA receptor subtype in the LPBN participates in this control. Male Holtzman rats had cannulas implanted bilaterally into the LPBN. Bilateral injections of the 5-HTIA receptor agonist, 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetralin (8-OH-DPAT, 0.1, 1.25, and 2.5 mu g/ 0.2 mu l), into the LPBN enhanced 0.3 M NaCl and water intake of rats injected subcutaneously with the diuretic furosemide (10 mg/kg bw) and a low dose of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril (5 mg/kg bw). The increase in NaCl intake produced by 8-OH-DPAT injections was reduced in dose-related manner by pre-treating the LPBN with the selective 5-HTIA serotonergic antagonist, WAY-100635 (WAY, I and 2 mu g/0.2 mu l). In contrast, WAY did not affect water intake produced by 8-OH-DPAT. WAY-100635 injected alone into the LPBN had no effect on NaCl ingestion. Injections of 8-OH-DAPT (0.1 mu g/0.2 mu l) into the LPBN also increased 0.3 M NaCl intake induced by 24-h sodium depletion (furosemide, 20 mg/kg bw plus 24 h of sodium-free diet). Serotonin (5-HT, 20 mu g/0.2 mu l) injected alone or combined with 8-OH-DPAT into the LPBN reduced 24-h sodium depletion-induced 0.3 M NaCl intake. Therefore, the activation of serotonergic 5-HTIA receptors in the LPBN increases stimulated hypertonic NaCl and water intake, while 5-HT injections into the LPBN reduce NaCl intake and prevent the effects of serotonergic 5-HTIA receptor activation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) receives primary afferents involved in cardiovascular regulation. We investigated the role of NK1-receptor bearing neurons in the NTS on cardiovascular reflexes in awake rats fitted with chronic venous and arterial cannulae. These neurons were lesioned selectively with saporin conjugated with substance P (SP-SAP, 2 mu M, bilateral injections of 20 nL in the subpostremal NTS, or 200 nL in both the subpostremal and the commissural NTS). Before, and 7 and 14 days after injection of SP-SAP, we measured changes in blood pressure and heart rate induced by i.v. injection of phenylephrine and nitroprusside (baroreceptor reflex), cyanide (arterial chemoreceptor reflex), and phenylbiguanide (Bezold-Jarisch reflex). The smaller injections with SP-SAP completely abolished NK1 receptor staining in the subpostremal NTS. The larger injections abolished NK1 receptor immunoreactivity in an area that extended from the commissural NTS to the rostral end of the subpostremal NTS. The lesions seemed to affect only a limited number of neurons, since neutral red stained sections did not show any obvious reduction in cell number. The smaller lesions reduced the gain of baroreflex bradycardia and the hypotension induced by phenylbiguanide. The larger lesions completely abolished the response to phenylbiguanide, blocked the baroreflex bradycardia induced by phenylephrine, severely blunted the baroreflex tachycardia, and blocked the bradycardia and reduced the hypertension induced by cyanide. Thus, these responses depend critically on NK1-receptor bearing neurons in the NTS. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hypertonic NaCl intake is produced by serotonin receptor antagonism in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) of dehydrated rats or in rats pretreated with a mineralocorticoid, for example deoxycorticosterone (DOCA), that receive an intracerebroventricular injection (icv) of angiotensin II (ang II). The objective of the present work was to find out whether these two mechanisms are also involved with isotonic NaCl intake. Serotonin receptor blockade by methysergide in the LPBN (4 mu g/0.2 mu l bilaterally) had no effect on 0.15 M NaCl (methysergide: 19.3 +/- 5.2 ml/60 min; vehicle: 19.3 +/- 4.2 ml/60 min; n=7) or water (methysergide: 3.4 +/- 1.4 ml/ 60 min; vehicle 2.2 +/- 0.6 ml/60 min) intake induced by systemic diuretic furosemide combined with low dose of captopril (Furo/Cap). Methysergide treatment 4 days later in the same animals produced the expected enhancement in the 0.3 M NaCl intake induced by Furo/Cap (methysergide: 16.6 +/- 3.5 ml/60 min; vehicle: 6.6 +/- 1.5 ml/60 min). Similar result was obtained when another group was tested first with 0.3 M NaCl and later with 0.15 M NaCl. Isotonic NaCl intake induced by icv ang II was however enhanced by prior DOCA treatment. A de novo hypertonic NaCl intake was produced in another group by the same combined treatment. The results suggest that a facilitatory mechanism like the mineralocorticoid/ang II synergy may enhance NaCl solution intake at different levels of tonicity, while the action of an inhibitory mechanism, like the LPBN serotonergic system, is restricted to the ingestion at hypertonic levels. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ultrastructural characteristics and the morphometric evaluation of the different types of neurons present in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of the South American opossum (Didelphis albiventris) were studied. Four adult male animals were used and the neurons from cervical and lumbar DRG were removed and processed for histological and transmission electron microscopy observations. The morphometric data were obtained from serial sections stained by H/E and Masson's trichrome. The number of neurons in cervical and lumbar DRG was 22 300 and 31 000, respectively. About 68% of the cervical neurons and 62.5% of the lumbar neurons presented areas up to 1300 mu m(2) and were considered as the small neurons of the DRG. The ultrastructural observations revealed two morphological types of neurons: clear large neurons and dark small neurons. The nuclei of both cell types are spherical and the chromatin is disperse and rarefected. The cytoplasm of the dark small neuron is more electron dense and shows a regular distribution of small mitochondria and many rough reticulum cisterns in the periphery. A small Golgi apparatus was close to the nucleus and many disperse neurofilaments occupy most parts of the cytoplasm. Smooth reticulum cisterns are rare and lipofucsin-like inclusions are present at some points. In the clear large neurons, the organelles are homogenously scattered through the cytoplasm. The neurofilaments are close packed forming bundles and small mitochondria and rough reticulum cisterns are disperse. Lipofucsin-like inclusions are more frequent in these cells.


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The present study reveals the pharmacological action of Serjania erecta Radlk. (Family Sapindaceae), an important medicinal plant species used in the Brazilian Pantanal against gastric pain. The methanolic (Me) and chloroformic (Se) extracts obtained from leaves of S. erecta were challenged by a very strong necrotizing agent in rodents, absolute ethanol. Se was also confronted with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester), a capsaicin cation channel transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 antagonist (ruthenium red), or a sulfhydryl-blocker (N-ethylmaleimide) to evaluate the participation of these cytoprotective factors in gastroprotection. In an in vivo experimental model, Me and Se presented several degrees of gastroprotective action without signs of acute toxicity. The best gastroprotective effect was restricted to all doses of Se. The mechanisms involving the gastroprotective action of Se are related to an augmented defense mechanism of the gastrointestinal mucosa consisting of sensory neurons, nitric oxide, and sulfhydryl groups that prevent and attenuate the ulcer process. The presence of polyisoprenoids in the Se explains the potent gastroprotective action of this medicinal species. Effective gastroprotective action and the absence of acute toxicity indicate this species may be a promising herbal drug against gastric disease.


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The Joro spider toxin (JSTX-3), derived from Nephila clavata, has been found to block glutamate excitatory activity. Epilepsy has been studied in vitro, mostly on rat hippocampus, through brain slices techniques. The aim of this study is to verify the effect of the JSTX-3 on the epileptiform activity induced by magnesium-free medium in rat CA1 hippocampal neurons. Experiments were performed on hippocampus slices of control and pilocarpine-treated Wistar rats, prepared and maintained in vitro. Epileptiform activity was induced through omission of magnesium from the artificial cerebrospinal fluid (0-Mg2+ ACSF) superfusate and iontophoretic application of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). Intracellular recordings were obtained from CA] pyramidal neurons both of control and epileptic rats. Passive membrane properties were analyzed before and after perfusion with the 0-Mg2+ ACSF and the application of toxin JSTX-3. During the ictal-like activity, the toxin JSTX-3 was applied by pressure ejection, abolishing this activity. This effect was completely reversed during the washout period 2. when the slices were formerly perfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) and again with 0-Mg2+ ACSF. Our results suggest that the toxin JSTX-3 is a potent blocker of induced epileptiform activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Locus coeruleus (LC) has been suggested as a CO2 chemoreceptor site in mammals. In the present study, we assessed the role of LC noradrenergic neurons in the cardiorespiratory and thermal responses to hypercapnia. To selectively destroy LC noradrenergic neurons, we administered 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) bilaterally into the LC of male Wistar rats. Control animals had vehicle (ascorbic acid) injected (sham group) into the LC. Pulmonary ventilation (plethysmograph), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and body core temperature (T-c, data loggers) were measured followed by 60 min of hypercapnic exposure (7% CO2 in air). To verify the correct placement and effectiveness of the chemical lesions, tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity was performed. Hypercapnia caused an increase in pulmonary ventilation in all groups, which resulted from increases in respiratory frequency and tidal volume (V-T) in sham-operated and 6-OHDA-lesioned groups. The hypercapnic ventilatory response was significantly decreased in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats compared with sham group. This difference was due to a decreased V-T in 6-OHDA rats. LC chemical lesion or hypercapnia did not affect MAP, HR, and T-c. Thus, we conclude that LC noradrenergic neurons modulate hypercapnic ventilatory response but play no role in cardiovascular and thermal regulation under resting conditions.


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Avaliaram-se quantitativa, morfométrica e qualitativamente os neurônios atriais da faixa intercaval de cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada (CMD). Os neurônios dos gânglios nervosos de cães com CMD eram maiores que os dos cães controle. A histopatologia do miocárdio ventricular e dos neurônios ganglionares confirmou a CMD e demonstrou evidente processo degenerativo neuronal ganglionar. Cães com CMD em fase crônica apresentavam cardioneuropatia secundária, provavelmente pela privação da inervação parassimpática cardíaca.


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The cell bodies of 5-HT containing neurons that innervate the limbic forebrain are mainly found in the dorsal raphe nucleus and in the median raphe nucleus (MRN). To assess the role of the median raphe nucleus in anxiety, rats bearing either electrolytic or 5-HT-selective neurotoxic lesion of the MRN were tested in the elevated T-maze. This apparatus consists of two opposed open arms perpendicular to one enclosed arm. Two tasks are performed in succession by the same rat in one experimental session, namely inhibitory avoidance of the open arm, taken as a measure of conditioned anxiety and one-way escape from the open arm, considered as a measure of unconditioned fear. The test was performed 7 days after the electrolytic lesion (3 mA, 10 s) or 14 days after the neurotoxic lesion (5,7-DHT, 8 mug/1 mul). The results showed that while the electrolytic lesion impaired both inhibitory avoidance and one-way escape, the neurotoxic lesion impaired only inhibitory avoidance. Therefore, serotonergic pathways originating in the MRN seem to participate in the modulation of conditioned anxiety but not unconditioned fear. Other neurotransmitter systems that either originate in or pass through the MRN may regulate unconditioned fear. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the involvement of serotonergic mechanisms of the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) in the control of sodium (Na+) excretion, potassium (K+) excretion, and urinary volume in unanesthetized rats subjected to acute isotonic blood volume expansion (0.15 M NaCl, 2 ml/100 g of body wt over 1 min) or control rats. Plasma oxytocin (OT), vasopressin (VP), and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) levels were also determined in the same protocol. Male Wistar rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally into the LPBN were used. In rats treated with vehicle in the LPBN, blood volume expansion increased urinary volume, Na+ and K+ excretion, and also plasma ANP and OT. Bilateral injections of serotonergic receptor antagonist methysergide (1 or 4 mu g/200 eta 1) into the LPBN reduced the effects of blood volume expansion on increased Na+ and K+ excretion and urinary volume, while LPBN injections of serotonergic 5-HT2a/HT2c receptor agonist, 2.5-dimetoxi-4-iodoamphetamine hydrobromide (DOI;1 or 5 mu g/200 eta 1) enhanced the effects of blood volume expansion on Na+ and K+ excretion and urinary volume. Methysergide (4 mu g) into the LPBN decreased the effects of blood volume expansion on plasma ANP and OT, while DOI (5 mu g) increased them. The present results suggest the involvement of LPBN serotonergic mechanisms in the regulation of urinary sodium, potassium and water excretion, and hormonal responses to acute isotonic blood volume expansion.