617 resultados para Ribeirão Preto (SP) - História


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Em poços perfurados para captação de água subterrânea, na área urbana de Ribeirão Preto, foram encontrados arenitos grossos a conglomeráticos, subfeldspáticos, formando extensa camada com espessura média em torno de 30 metros. Estes arenitos têm sido considerados, em trabalhos mais recentes, como tendo sido depositados em leques aluviais, ao final da sedimentação da Formação Pirambóia, em diferentes áreas da região central e leste do Estado de São Paulo. Na área estudada, estes arenitos conglomeráticos, inseridos na porção extremo-superior da Formação Pirambóia, representam importante marco litoestratigráfico, pois assinalam o contato com a Formação Botucatu. Seu reconhecimento foi feito por meio de perfilagens geofísicas e da descrição de perfis geológicos de poços perfurados no município de Ribeirão Preto, uma vez que esta litofácies conglomerática não aflora na área. Palavras-chave: arenitos conglomeráticos; leques aluviais; perfilagens geofísicas; formações Pirambóia e Botucatu.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Since the beginning of it’s existence the humankind coexists with the production of waste, both organics and inorganics. Over the years the world population is raising, and consequently the different kinds of waste, causing significant problems not only for the public authorities, but also for the population, not only those related with its final or temporary destination but also with its crescent production. Considering it, the cities are not able to handle there volumes, and its landfills and dumps are working over their capacities, leading to a serie of environmental problems due to the lost of environmental quality and the natural and social vulnerabilities arising. This paper plans to working over visits, photographic registration and a review on the theme literature, study the perception and valuation of the landscape on the Ribeirão Preto landfill, São Paulo state (SP), that today is disabled but still an area of risk and environmental vulnerability, well as the perception of environmental quality in the surrounding population


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From the informations collected on the Commercial Football Club, the city of Ribeirao Preto, there was a case study in order to identify and describe the management model adopted by the club, to overcome the financial and administrative crisis. It was used as reference to analyze the concepts of social capital and historic capital, considered decisive for the choice of the management model adopted. In addition, we also used the proposals contained in sports management studies to identify the business model chosen by the Commercial Club Football Club. In the final considerations argued that the adopted model already includes some results, as the club qualified to participate the Series A-1 League football Paulista, one of the targets set by the new management of the club


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This papper aims to discuss Ribeirão Preto as a switched-over intermediate city classification, contrastating with the concept of Metropolitan Region of Ribeirão Preto. The agribusiness sector will be analysed as the main responsible for the representation of Ribeirão Preto city as an Agribusiness Center. Due to this fact, Sertãozinho city example will be presented as Agribusiness City, where acctually concentrates the agro-industrial complex of sugarcane production, while Ribeirão Preto is in fact centralizes management activities. According to the balance of trade analysis, other elements showed up and fortifies the role of this cities. These elements unfolded the analysis of higher education guideline and shopping malls. We also analyzed the urban network of Ribeirão Preto under the concept of the Região de Influência das Cidades (REGIC) and the creation of the project Metropolitan Region of Ribeirão Preto in order to strengthen the central hypothesis as a switched-over medium sized city. In order to reach this point, besides the analysis of the data we had t literature review of the Medium Sized Cities and Urban Network concepts and Spatial Interactions and Switched- over terms


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Observa-se como estratégia mundial para a conservação da biodiversidade a criação de unidades de conservação. No Brasil, especificamente no Estado de São Paulo, devido a intensa degradação da Mata Atlântica, verifica-se a criação de unidades de proteção integral, a fim de se preservar de modo restrito os recursos naturais que ainda lhe restam. Na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, uma região com alto desempenho agrícola e intensa expansão urbana, constata-se a presença de uma Estação Ecológica (EERP), fragmento florestal de 154,16 ha, altamente isolado e fragmentado. Assim, a EERP e sua zona de amortecimento (ZA) vêm sendo fortemente pressionada pela expansão urbana e agrícola da região, comprometendo a sua integridade ecossistêmica. Dentre os impactos negativos gerados destacam-se: alta especulação imobiliária e o intenso cultivo de monoculturas, que contribuem para a degradação do solo nas regiões do entorno. A fim de se reduzir tais impactos, o presente trabalho buscou apresentar um prognóstico de planejamento ambiental para a ZA da EERP, a qual se encontra altamente impactada, segundo os critérios definidos por Ranieri (2004). Desse modo, criou-se cenários ideais para a preservação dos recursos naturais do local


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We aim to contribute to studies on the restructuring of the city with a focus on consumption. In the context where cities become the main place of action of man, a deep set of transformations has occurred. We are interested in understanding the redefinition of the logical production and appropriation of urban spaces for consumption of materials and services. For the analysis of delimitation of those commercial and service areas was made to compare the reality observed on the ground and indirectly through data acquisition and mapping obtained from the National Address List for Statistical Purposes, with the boundaries established by zoning and / or by municipal director plans of the cities studied, together with the classification of commercial establishments and in accordance with the standards of the National Classification of Economic Activities Services. We believe the importance of analyzing the process of concentration and dispersion of stores and / or services of Londrina (PR), Presidente Prudente (SP) and Ribeirão Preto (SP)...