175 resultados para Representações sociais


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Trata-se de um artigo que discute as representações sociais da me negra presentes, sobretudo, nos jornais e nos depoimentos de ativistas negros. A partir desta abordagem, descortinou-se o processo de construo de um smbolo feminino atrelado anlise da funo da mulher negra como ama-de-leite e a experincia scio cultural da populao negra. As evocaes ao smbolo da me negra surgiram ainda nas comemoraes das datas histricas, ocorridas no centro da cidade de So Paulo, durante o sculo XX.


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The study aimed to investigate social representations of the terms diabetes and diabetic foot in different populations. Participants were divided into groups: diabetics (GD); non- diabetics (GN); and non-diabetic healthcare professionals (GP). Personal data were collected, and subjects answered two questions that were expected to evoke five words that came to mind when they thought of diabetes and then diabetic foot. The evoked material was analyzed with the software Ensemble de Programmes Permettant l'Analyse ds vocations. A total of 161 subjects participated, including GD (n = 72) with a mean age of 56.12 5.49 years; GN (n = 38) with a mean age of 54.29 7.91 years; and GP (n = 51) with 34.95 7.52 years. The term diabetes evoked 297 words in GD, 172 in GN, and 235 words in GP. The term diabetic foot evoked 180 words in GD, 90 in GN, and 236 in GP. The groups proved to be anxious for more information, thus confirming the need for awareness-raising and educational programs on diabetes, covering comprehensive issues concerning the disease.


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Social representations are values and ideas shared and transmitted by a group of individuals. This article aims to investigate how researchers social representations can influence their analysis of an interview. Data were collected from 28 students participating in a course on interview analysis. Students were divided into three groups. Each group received the same excerpt of a transcript, but with different characterizations of the interviewee: for Group 1, it was a young man who had studied in a public school; for Group 2, the subject had attended a special education school for people with intellectual disabilities; for Group 3, he had studied at a private school. The three groups were asked to analyze the interview and submit a written document describing their analysis. The data revealed that the students carried out interpretive synthesis, descriptive synthesis, and thematic analysis. Interpretations of content data indicated that participants in Groups 1 and 3 attributed negative representations to the interviewee and/or to public or private school. In contrast, participants in Group 2, which was told that the interviewee had intellectual disabilities, attributed positive representations to the interviewee and to the special education school. The conclusion indicates the urgency for theoretical and practical training of young researchers regarding analysis of interviews so that the representations do not lead to biased results. The comparison of the results with an earlier similar study points to a probable change in representations of people with intellectual disabilities.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Introducing the theoretical trajectory of social representations theory, outline here the parallel between this theory in social psychology and the Bakhtinian concept of ideology. Both approaches include individual and society as inseparable and views the array of social construction of knowledge forms, related to day-to-day, or composed by formal record of science, as state, religion etc. With this interdisciplinary study, although limited, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of theories that have made important contributions to social psychology, linguistics, ethnography, cultural studies etc.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as representações sociais de professores sobre indisciplina em sala de aula. Adotamos a teoria das Representações Sociais como referencial terico. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas. Os participantes foram trs professores do ensino tcnico, trs do ensino mdio e trs de ambos os ensinos, totalizando nove docentes de uma Escola Tcnica Estadual (ETEC) do interior paulista, pertencente ao Centro Estadual de Educao Tecnolgica Paula Souza. Utilizando a anlise de contedo, definimos trs eixos temticos: causas atribudas indisciplina, alternativas para lidar com a questo e concepo de indisciplina, para os quais caracterizamos categorias, em que obtivemos a frequncia de respostas. Na anlise dos resultados, podemos indicar que a representao social da indisciplina parece estar objetivada, principalmente, nas questes individuais dos alunos. Os professores relataram diferentes causas da indisciplina para os ensinos mdio e tcnico. Foram indicadas algumas diferenas na maneira de lidar com o aluno adolescente e adulto e entre as causas e as alternativas para lidar com a indisciplina. As representações sociais dos professores sobre a indisciplina ancoraram-se, em sua maioria, num referencial tradicional, associado responsabilizao do aluno e da famlia.


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The present study is a result of a Masters degrees research in Psychology, which has been developed with the objective of identifying the social representations of teachers about indiscipline in the classroom. We adopted a qualitative and quantitative approach and also the theory of Social Representations. Data were collected through individual semi-structured interviews. There were three high school teachers, three technical teachers and three teachers from both types of education, resulting in nine teachers from a technical school in So Paulo countryside. We defined three themes to process data through a content analysis, which are: indiscipline causes, alternatives to deal with this issue and conception of indiscipline. This division into themes allowed us to identify categories and we were able to measure frequency and percentage of answers. So far, we analyzed data of interviews corresponding to technical teachers. We noted that most of the answers related to the indiscipline were due to individual and family factors of students. Regarding the alternatives to deal with indiscipline, the answers were mostly related to the relationship of teachers and students. In general, we can say these pre-results show us a difference between the indiscipline causes and the alternatives to deal with them: teachers tend to blame the students themselves and their family problems, but they also say the alternatives are centered on the interaction teacherstudent.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Conhecer as representações sociais dos profissionais das equipes de sade da famlia sobre o fazer terico-prtico do nutricionista. A pesquisa foi realizada em Unidades de Sade da Famlia de um municpio do estado de So Paulo. MTODOS: Foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa, tendo como sujeitos 27 profissionais, eleitos por critrio intencional. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para a interpretao dos dados, utilizou-se a anlise categorial temtica, apropriando-se da Teoria das Representações Sociais. RESULTADOS: Como resultados, emergiram quatro temas: Nutricionista na Estratgia de Sade da Famlia, Abordagem de questes alimentares pelos profissionais da equipe de sade da famlia, Educao nutricional e Problematizando a ausncia do nutricionista na equipe de sade da famlia. As principais representações obtidas com relao ao nutricionista foram relacionadas prescrio de dietas, alm de revelarem um conhecimento mais amplo sobre as funes e atribuies desse profissional. No houve dvidas sobre a importncia da educao nutricional na promoo de prticas alimentares saudveis, apesar de os sujeitos terem demonstrado uma viso superficial e pouco abalizada teoricamente sobre o tema. CONCLUSO: A ausncia do nutricionista na equipe de sade da famlia foi atribuda a fatores como o baixo reconhecimento social, a desvalorizao profissional, o pouco tempo de existncia da profisso, o desconhecimento do ncleo de competncia do nutricionista e a manuteno do modelo mdico hegemnico. Concluiu-se pela necessidade de mais estudos que problematizem a insero do nutricionista em equipes de sade da famlia.


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In addition to understanding the distribution of the populations health-disease process, epidemiology has sought to study the causality associated with this process, which humanity developed over time, and to interpret the narrative of this field of knowledge. A solid review of the literature was done to emphasize the importance of using popular knowledge as a qualitative health-related investigation strategy and to demystify the use of social representations in the field of dentistry. By initiating the design of a new paradigm for understanding the oral health-disease process, which favors the idea that it is also the result of a sociocultural production, knowledge of the circumstances and context in which it is inserted becomes critical for health assessment actions. Although scientific dentistry has advanced the understanding of oral diseases, communication with popular knowledge leaves much to be desired, since most professionals find themselves trapped in a fragmented model of care. Reconstruction of the logic by which the representations of oral health were produced and socialized over time can be considered a relevant and productive purpose of the representations in the dental area.


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Adolescence is a period of physical, biological and psychological changes as well as its time for reflection of the perspectives and social functions that are not defined yet. In addition to the characteristics of this period also included the family and socio-economic aspects such as parental separation, domestic violence, poverty, among others, yielding often, insecurity and confusion feelings, contributing to the case of depression in many cases, each increasingly recurrent and early at this stage in human development. The present study, thus, aimed to investigate the indicators of risk and vulnerability in adolescents to depression, especially those in social context, highlighting the social representation of the same against the disorder, since these guiding this research, the indication of factors contributing influence the etiology of depression in this period. Be consulted on the basis of VHL-PSI, articles related to depression in adolescence, published between the years 2004 to 2014. Observe that adolescents with negative perception of the social context in which the live, are more likely to develop depression, highlighting the importance of healthy social and family relationships for mental health.


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Ps-graduao em Servio Social - FCHS


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The Socio-Historical Psychology Theory understands human development constituted by the social and historical relations, in whom the individual belongs, and understanding the meaning of adolescence as a time and built. The social psychology, in this theoretical approach, proposes, among others, the category Social Representations (SR) for analysis and discussion of psychosocial phenomena. This study aimed to investigate the SR of adolescents about sexually transmitted diseases (STD/SIDA), by means of a questionnaire in order to know their vulnerabilities to spread of STD/SIDA. After the identification of vulnerabilities, an intervention was performed through a group processes with adolescents 11 to 15 years, users of services CRAS of a city in So Paulo State, to provide subsidies in relation to education for sexuality. Based on data collected and discussed, it can be stated that among the multiple determinants of the increased incidence, as the Epidemiological Bulletin 2011/MS, the lack of safe sex practices contributes to the vulnerability of adolescents. Emphasizes the need to know their Social Representations proposing an intervention, not to reproduce the imposition of packages awareness of safe sex practices, homogeneous and universal, it does little to promote health and education of adolescents.