222 resultados para Renal bone disease
Accumulated lines of evidence suggest that hyperimmune responses to periodontal bacteria result in the destruction of periodontal connective tissue and alveolar bone. The etiological roles of periodontal bacteria in the onset and progression of periodontal disease (PD) are well documented. However, the mechanism underlying the engagement of periodontal bacteria in RANKL-mediated alveolar bone resorption remains unclear. Therefore, this review article addresses three critical subjects. First, we discuss earlier studies of immune intervention, ultimately leading to the identification of bacteria-reactive lymphocytes as the cellular source of osteoclast-induction factor lymphokine (now called RANKL) in the context of periodontal bone resorption. Next, we consider (1) the effects of periodontal bacteria on RANKL production from a variety of adaptive immune effector cells, as well as fibroblasts, in inflamed periodontal tissue and (2) the bifunctional roles (upregulation vs. downregulation) of LPS produced from periodontal bacteria in a RANKL-induced osteoclast-signal pathway. Future studies in these two areas could lead to new therapeutic approaches for the management of PD by down-modulating RANKL production and/or RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis in the context of host immune responses against periodontal pathogenic bacteria. © 2010 Mikihito Kajiya et al.
The purpose of this article was to report a series of 23 renal transplant recipients with histologically proven and immunohistochemically confirmed cytomegalovirus (CMV) lesions in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and to assess the risk factors associated with severe disease/mortality. CMV patients (n=23) were allocated into two groups: those who died (n=6) and those considered cured (n=17). Overall mortality rate was 26% (6/23). Initial symptoms suggestive of lower GIT involvement were observed in all death cases and in 35.3% of those cured (p=0.01). Enterorrhagia was seen in 83.3% of the patients who died. Death risk increased twofold (RR 2 [1.13-3.52], p=0.01) when symptoms of lower GIT involvement were initially observed and sixfold when enterrohagia was present (RR 6 [1.1-35.9], p=0.001). Among death cases, mean time at diagnosis was significantly more distant (2002±2.9×2008±1.6, p=0.04). The difference in mortality rates seen as service practices changed along the years demonstrates the importance of early diagnosis. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
The administration of cyclosporine A (CsA) has been associated with significant bone loss and increased bone remodeling. The present investigation was designed to evaluate the effects of CsA on alveolar bone of rats subjected to experimental periodontitis, using histomorphometric and histological analysis. Twenty-four rats were divided into groups with 6 animals each: 1, control; 2, rats with ligature around the lower first molars; 3, rats with ligature around the lower first molars and that were treated with 10 mg CsA/kg of body weight/d; and 4, rats treated with 10 mg CsA/kg of body weight/d. At the end of 30 days, rats were humanely killed and subjected to a histological processing, with analysis of the distance cemento-enamel junction and alveolar bone crest, bone area, eroded bone area, and cemento surface. All of them were assessed at the mesial region of the alveolar bone. The CsA therapy combined with ligature placement decreased bone area and increased the eroded bone area around the tooth surface. The results at the histological analysis showed the same combination and changes. Therefore, in spite of the lack of a direct effect on the alveolar bone height, the CsA therapy intensified the imbalance of the alveolar bone homeostasia in a rat model of experimental periodontitis. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most serious public health problems. The increasing prevalence of CKD in developed and developing countries has led to a global epidemic. The hypothesis proposed is that patients undergoing dialysis would experience a marked negative influence on physiological variables of sleep and autonomic nervous system activity, compromising quality of life.Methods/Design: A prospective, consecutive, double blind, randomized controlled clinical trial is proposed to address the effect of dialysis on sleep, pulmonary function, respiratory mechanics, upper airway collapsibility, autonomic nervous activity, depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life in patients with CKD. The measurement protocol will include body weight (kg); height (cm); body mass index calculated as weight/height(2); circumferences (cm) of the neck, waist, and hip; heart and respiratory rates; blood pressures; Mallampati index; tonsil index; heart rate variability; maximum ventilatory pressures; negative expiratory pressure test, and polysomnography (sleep study), as well as the administration of specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea, excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life.Discussion: CKD is a major public health problem worldwide, and its incidence has increased in part by the increased life expectancy and increasing number of cases of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Sleep disorders are common in patients with renal insufficiency. Our hypothesis is that the weather weight gain due to volume overload observed during interdialytic period will influence the degree of collapsibility of the upper airway due to narrowing and predispose to upper airway occlusion during sleep, and to investigate the negative influences of haemodialysis in the physiological variables of sleep, and autonomic nervous system, and respiratory mechanics and thereby compromise the quality of life of patients.
With the improvement in quality of life of animals, it is increasingly frequent clinical care of elderly patients, which present renal disorders, including chronic renal failure. Recent studies report the use of stem cells to treat renal failure, which would improve the levels of urea and creatinine, and in renal ultrasound evaluation. With the present work, the idea is to report a case of ultrasonographic evaluation in a patient with chronic renal failure, liver disease and splenic nodule, which underwent stem cell therapy, where there was an improvement in the sonographic evaluation of part of the liver.
Alveolar bone resorption results from the inflammatory response to periodontal pathogens. Systemic diseases that affect the host response, such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1), can potentiate the severity of periodontal disease (PD) and accelerate bone resorption. However, the biological mechanisms by which DM1 modulates PD are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of DM1 on alveolar bone resorption and to evaluate the role of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin (OPG) in osteoclastogenesis in rats. PD was induced by means of ligature in nondiabetic and in streptozotocyn-induced DM1 rats. Morphological and morphometric analyses, stereology and osteoclast counting were performed. RANKL and OPG mRNA levels, protein content, and location were determined. PD caused alveolar bone resorption, increased the number of osteoclasts in the alveolar bone crest and also promoted changes in RANKL/OPG mRNA expression. DM1 alone showed alveolar bone destruction and an increased number of osteoclasts at the periapical and furcal regions. DM1 exacerbated these characteristics, with a greater impact on bone structure, resulting in a low OPG content and a higher RANKL/OPG ratio, which correlated with prominent osteoclastogenesis. This work demonstrates that the effects of PD and DM1 enhance bone destruction, confirms the importance of the RANKL signaling pathway in bone destruction in DM1 in animal models and suggests the existence of alternative mechanisms potentiating bone degradation in PD.
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
Background/aims: Cardiovascular diseases are major causes of mortality in chronic renal failure patients before and after renal transplantation. Among them, coronary disease presents a particular risk; however, risk predictors have been used to diagnose coronary heart disease. This study evaluated the frequency and importance of clinical predictors of coronary artery disease in chronic renal failure patients undergoing dialysis who were renal transplant candidates, and assessed a previously developed scoring system. Methods: Coronary angiographies conducted between March 2008 and April 2013 from 99 candidates for renal transplantation from two transplant centers in Sao Paulo state were analyzed for associations between significant coronary artery diseases (>= 70% stenosis in one or more epicardial coronary arteries or >= 50% in the left main coronary artery) and clinical parameters. Results: Univariate logistic regression analysis identified diabetes, angina, and/or previous infarction, clinical peripheral arterial disease and dyslipidemia as predictors of coronary artery disease. Multiple logistic regression analysis identified only diabetes and angina and/or previous infarction as independent predictors. Conclusion: The results corroborate previous studies demonstrating the importance of these factors when selecting patients for coronary angiography in clinical pretransplant evaluation.
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a lower exercise tolerance and poor functional capacity, carry on a sedentary lifestyle. Another important change found in patients with CKD is cognitive dysfunction. Physical inactivity has been associated with cognitive dysfunction in the general population, but few studies have evaluated this association in CKD. To assess the association between physical activity and cognitive function in patients with CKD on hemodialysis (HD). We evaluated 102 patients undergoing HD. The participants completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, which assesses the level of physical activity and the Mini Mental State Examination, used for cognitive screening. Patients were divided into three groups according to their level of physical activity (GI: active/GII: irregularly active/GIII: sedentary). It was applied logistic regression analysis and adopted as outcome variable the presence of cognitive impairment and preserving as independent variables those with a probability of statistical difference between groups of less than 0.1. It was considered statistically significant when p less than 0.05. The groups were similar in age, duration of HD, and smoking. Statistically significant difference regarding race, body mass index, diabetes mellitus, underlying disease and degree of cognitive impairment. Regarding laboratory data, the groups differed in terms of creatinine, glucose, hemoglobin and hematocrit. There was significant association with better physical activity and cognitive function, even adjusting for confounding variables. the highest level of physical activity was associated with better cognitive function in CKD patients undergoing HD.
Na doença renal crônica (DRC) a manutenção da homeostase de água e sódio é o primeiro problema a ser contornado pelo organismo e com o agravamento das lesões renais surgem outros problemas graves relacionados à homeostase de cálcio e fósforo. O presente estudo tem por escopo avaliar a excreção renal de cálcio, fósforo, sódio e potássio, e o perfil sérico destes eletrólitos em cães normais e em cães com DRC naturalmente adquirida. Foram avaliados três grupos de cães adultos, machos ou fêmeas, de raças variadas. Animais normais compuseram o grupo controle (G1) e os cães com DRC foram distribuídos em dois grupos de acordo com os estágios de comprometimento da função renal (G2 e G3, respectivamente, estágios 1-2 e estágios 3-4, descritos pela IRIS 2006 staging CKD). Os cães do G3 apresentaram aumento das concentrações séricas de cálcio ionizado e fósforo, além de diminuição da concentração sérica de sódio. Quanto à excreção renal dos eletrólitos analisados, os animais dos grupos G1 e G2 apresentaram diminuição de carga filtrada e aumento de excreção fracionada, mas as excreções urinárias não variaram significativamente. Os resultados são indicativos de que os rins de cães com DRC podem manter a excreção urinária dos eletrólitos em valores se melhantes aos dos normais. O mecanismo envolve aumento da excreção fracionada na medida em que haja diminuição da filtração glomerular. Esse processo de compensação, entretanto, pode perder a eficiência nos estágios mais avançados da enfermidade no que se refere à manutenção das concentrações séricas de fósforo e sódio.
Uma cadela da raça Yorkshire Terrier apresentou hematêmese, distensão abdominal, poliúria e polidipsia. Após o exame clínico do paciente, estabeleceu-se a suspeita clínica de nefropatia. Os resultados dos exames laboratoriais revelaram anemia normocítica normocrômica e concentrações séricas de uréia (306mg/dl) e de creatinina (3,6mg/dl) acima dos valores de referência. Ao ultra-som bidimensional observaram-se áreas císticas hipoecóicas e anecóicas, padrão renal hipercogênico e perda da relação corticomedular. À necropsia, a região medular apresentou grande quantidade de cistos pequenos em meio a tecido conjuntivo fibroso. A lesão tubulointersticial cortical foi a responsável pela insuficiência renal resultante. Firmou-se diagnóstico de nefrite tubulointersticial.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Portadores de insuficiência renal crônica em diálise apresentam alta prevalência de desnutrição proteico-energética. Não existe ainda um método uniforme para avaliar o estado nutricional desses pacientes. Recomenda-se a aplicação de um conjunto de métodos subjetivos e objetivos para se chegar aos diagnósticos nutricionais adequados. O objetivo deste estudo é traçar o perfil nutricional de pacientes submetidos a hemodiálise. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal descritivo realizado na Unidade de Tratamento Dialítico de Araraquara, São Paulo, Brasil, em 2008. MÉTODOS: 48 pacientes tiveram seus indicadores antropométricos e bioquímicos caracterizados, sendo também submetidos ao questionário Avaliação Global Subjetiva modificada (SGAm), verificando-se possíveis correlações entre esses indicadores. RESULTADOS: A frequência de desnutrição moderada e grave variou de 22% a 54%, de acordo com o parâmetro utilizado. Com relação à adequação do peso ideal, 29% da amostra estavam com porcentagem de adequação abaixo do percentil 75, classificados como portadores de desnutrição moderada e grave. As correlações mais significativas foram observadas entre índice de massa corporal (IMC) e adequações de prega triciptal (PCT), circunferência do braço (CB) e circunferência muscular do braço (CMB); e entre o SGAm e adequações de CB e CMB. CONCLUSÃO: A desnutrição apresentou grande variabilidade de frequência entre os pacientes de acordo com o critério escolhido para avaliação. O acompanhamento nutricional de rotina e a validação de métodos que avaliem a composição corporal desses pacientes são de extrema importância para diagnosticar precocemente a desnutrição e assim prevenir complicações e reduzir as taxas de morbimortalidade nesta população.