69 resultados para Recurso de petición


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This article aims to contribute to the process of inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools by reporting the results of a survey that aimed to verify whether Learning Objects (LO) are efficient tools in constructing teaching and learning of subject content within the inclusive education context. Participant, tutor and trainer experiences of a distance learning Ministry of Education (MEC) course on Assistive Technology were analyzed. The course was offered to public schools teachers from all over the country. The course activities were recorded in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called TelEduc, along with group reports of course participants. Three categories were selected for data analysis: a) interactivity and feedback from the team trainer; b) applicability of the content covered in the course, and c) new learning. The results showed that LO can promote the learning of subject content. Having been designed as educational resources to support teaching and learning, they can enhance educational inclusion of people with disabilities. As for the process of distance formation for teachers, the course contributed to consolidating sound and efficient training of participants by providing: a closer encounter with the world of technology, the possibility of integration of technology in the classroom; conducting theoretical and practical studies, appreciation of diversity and all students' potential; innovations in strategies and learning resources and reflective action.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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The objective of this study was to discuss the teaching-learning process of corporal approaches in the Occupational Therapy fi eld. The informations were collected during the classes, in the body approaches matter, administered in the fourth period of the graduate program in Occupational Therapy of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, through focus groups conducted at the end of all twelve-face meetings with classes of four hours each. The study was realized by forty students enrolled in the discipline. All meetings were fi lmed, which allowed the full transcript and analysis of the students reports. The speeches analysis consisted of content analysis and categories creation. The results indicated to the perception of the thematic discussed during the meetings enabled the student to experience and build critical thinking about what is proper the client, and through a holistic approach, about what is guiding the potency of the Occupational Therapy process. The body approaches are considered a feature powerfull transformer in the teaching-learning of occupational therapy as an investigative and formative activity in the understandings’ construction of the professional practice of occupational therapists in situations of uniqueness, complexity, uncertainty and confl ict in the value process.


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Trata-se de artigo decorrente de nossas práticas pedagógicas no ensino superior, particularmente no ensino de Direito Constitucional mediante a utilização de artigos de jornais. Essa idéia surgiu com a finalidade de despertar o aluno para a leitura de periódicos específicos da área, e de diminuir a distância no campo do conhecimento entre a eficácia jurídica e a eficácia social. Como é sabido, o ensino do Direito ainda contempla o padrão didático das aulas lidas, o recurso da subsunção e da simples repetição doutrinária, muitas vezes, lamentavelmente, alicerçadas em apostilas ou resumos que conduzem o aprendizado à mera reprodução de doutrina. Centralmente quanto ao ensino de Direito Constitucional, ao mesmo tempo em que pressupõe um íntimo relacionamento com os outros ramos do Direito, guarda enorme distância quando se trata da transmissão de seu conteúdo. O trabalho ora comunicado é resultante de um projeto desenvolvido mediante duas etapas: na primeira a busca é pela compreensão das normas e dos princípios existentes no corpo da Constituição e na posterior objetiva-se a tradução de tais normas e princípios no contexto social, com base nas discussões em artigos de jornal. Essas discussões são desenvolvidas, ainda que superficialmente, por meio da análise dos aspectos constitutivos da configuração textual dos artigos. O que se tem como resultados é a observação de que, mediante o recurso didático de artigos de jornais, o estabelecimento de uma discussão das normas e princípios constitucionais tem tornado a relação ensino-aprendizagem no curso de Direito mais interessante aos alunos e professor.


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A presente reflexão motiva-se no seio da crescente discussão sobre a utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação na educação, assim como acerca do uso de computadores que permitem o acesso à pesquisa e a informações novas. Este trabalho é decorrência de estudos realizados para a disciplina de monografia de conclusão de curso, e tem como objetivos: verificar o posicionamento de professores sobre o uso do computador como um recurso que estimule a leitura para alunos dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental; averiguar o que os professores pensam sobre a inclusão digital; descobrir para qual tipo de leitura o computador é utilizado. Os resultados apresentados são provenientes apenas dos estudos teóricos realizados, visto que fazem parte de um projeto de pesquisa ainda em andamento.


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Este trabalho visa à aplicação de subsídios conceituais e procedimentais da Psicologia da Educação, na organização de uma proposta de formação continuada de professores em Educação Inclusiva. Retrata a descrição das etapas de elaboração de um material didático-pedagógico (vídeo educativo) para orientar o ensino de alunos com deficiência, com ênfase a sua progressão acadêmica. Sua elaboração consistiu na sele- ção e diagramação de um conjunto de cenas envolvendo a descrição da proposta de formação continuada ofertada aos participantes envolvidos (representantes da Escola, Universidade e Instituição não governamental) em um município do interior do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O material desenvolvido destacou a importância do trabalho reflexivo sobre os princípios da educação inclusiva, do fazer pedagógico e providências curriculares que atendam às necessidades educacionais especiais de alunos com deficiência.


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INTRODUCTION: The autonomic nervous system (ANS) could be investigated in a noninvasive way by the heart rate variability analysis (HRV) which has contributed to several health areas such as physiotherapy. OBJECTIVE: To gather information regarding the use of HRV on physiotherapy aims at providing an update of the findings for the area on journals of national circulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The journals of national circulation classified as greater than B2 or B2 and with free access and complete texts in some internet sites were searched on 21 area WebQualis resulting on selection of Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia, Fisioterapia e Pesquisa and Fisioterapia em Movimento using the keywords: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, physiotherapy and heart rate variability. RESULTS: The search resulted in 19 articles being 17 clinical trials and two case reports. CONCLUSION: The HRV has been used as a resource of interventions evaluation, as pathological conditions common to clinical practice investigation and to physiological conditions interpretation in physiotherapy. The HRV is principally used to the cardiorespiratory specialty of physiotherapy.


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Studies show the psychological contribution of fairy tales regarding the child's development as one of the best plumbers of existential problems, appeasing it by acting as an outlet for their anguish, anxieties, and fears, engendering greater emotional balance. Thus, through researches in the literature, it was established as objective to seek information about the functionality of the fairy tales in the educational process of students with intellectual disabilities who presents challenging behaviors. Among the tales, the Brothers Grimm are suggested to be used as an educational resource. It was possible to say that, through the symbolic mediation in the imaginary of children with intellectual disabilities, educational work with fairy tales evokes significant benefits.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Due to great importance of information and communication technologies in education, this work presents a quest about conditions of Computer Laboratory of state schools at Guaratinguetá. Also we listen to the math teachers and to the school’s director what they have to say on this trend and what they have made for integrate those technologies in classroom


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The problem addressed in this undergraduate thesis is whether the different endings of the fable The Ant and the Grasshopper permits the educator to organize from the expiatory approval to the reciprocity approval the pedagogic procedure of evolving processes, as theorized in the moral development of Jean Piaget. We used six versions of the fable, three of which ends in a expiatory way and three in the reciprocity. We discussed the data from a Piagetian theoretical standpoint and presented some strategies for the educator to pursue the development of infantile morality in the classroom in what concerns the qualitative evolution of the concept of justice


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As características dos animais do Filo Echinodermata e seus principais representantes são conteúdos abordados no ensino médio, na disciplina de Biologia. Dessa maneira, é importante a produção de um material didático que favoreça o entendimento dos alunos frente a esse tema. Sendo assim, os objetivos do trabalho foi elaborar um material didático na forma dedeo para professores e alunos do ensino médio, que facilite a visualização e compreensão das principais características dos animais representantes do Filo Echinodermata e um guia de utilização do recurso para os professores, propondo a formas de abordar os conteúdos, utilizando as fotos e esquemas contidos no vídeo e o desenvolvimento de atividades como mais uma forma de avaliar os alunos. Todo o conteúdo abordado foi retirado de livros didáticos específicos de zoologia de invertebrados, a fim de prevenir a ocorrência de erros conceituais


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Combining the characteristics of good adhesion and sealing of the AH Plus sealer the biological properties of the MTA, zinc oxide and calcium hydroxide, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of these associations. The specimens of the sealers and their associations were mixed and exposure to culture medium (82.4 mm2surface/mL) after the manipulation and incubated in a humidified incubator (37°C and 100% humidity) for 24 h. Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (V79) were exposed to different dilutions of this extracts for 24 h and cell viability was measured by MTT test. The differences between the cell survival rates were statistically analyzed for Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn (p≤0.05). All sealers showed a significant difference with the group control, except the MTA. Cytotoxicity with the control group increased in the following order: AH Plus < AH Plus + Ca(OH) 2 < AH Plus + OxZn< AH Plus + MTA < MTA (p≤ 0,05). It was concluded that the addition of biological materials in order to improve the consistency of AH Plus for use in retro cavities its toxicity has not decreased significantly