298 resultados para Quantum Chromodynamics, Helicity Rates, One-Loop Corrections, Bremsstrahlung Contributions, Heavy Quarks, Standard Model


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We compute the one-loop oblique corrections in a typical model with neutrino masses due to the seesaw mechanism. We verify that a Dirac neutrino mass up to 178 GeV is still allowed by the experimental data.


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We prove the equivalence of many-gluon Green's functions in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petieu and Klein-Gordon-Fock statistical quantum field theories. The proof is based on the functional integral formulation for the statistical generating functional in a finite-temperature quantum field theory. As an illustration, we calculate one-loop polarization operators in both theories and show that their expressions indeed coincide.


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We evaluate the one-loop vacuum polarization tensor for three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics (QED), using an analytic regularization technique, implemented in a gauge-invariant way. We show thus that a gauge boson mass is generated at this level of radiative correction to the photon propagator. We also point out in our conclusions that the generalization for the non Abelian case is straightforward.


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We evaluate the one-loop fermion self-energy for the gauged Thirring model in (2+1) dimensions. with one massive fermion flavor. We do this in the framework of the causal perturbation theory. In contrast to QED3, the corresponding two-point function turns out to be infrared finite on the mass shell. Then, by means of a Ward identity, we derive the on-shell vertex correction and discuss the role played by causality for non-renormalizable theories.


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We apply the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) to three outstanding gauges: Feynman, light-cone, and Coulomb gauges. Our aim is to show that NDIM is a very suitable technique to deal with loop integrals, regardless of which gauge choice that originated them. In the Feynman gauge we perform scalar two-loop four-point massless integrals; in the light-cone gauge we calculate scalar two-loop integrals contributing to two-point functions without any kind of prescriptions, since NDIM can abandon such devices - this calculation is the first test of our prescriptionless method beyond one-loop order; and finally, for the Coulomb gauge we consider a four-propagator massless loop integral, in the split-dimensional regularization context. © 2001 Academic Press.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work is a review of the Negative Dimension Integration Method as a powerful tool for the computation of the radiative corrections present in Quantum Field Perturbation Theory. This method is applicable in the context of Dimensional Regularization and it provides exact solutions for Feynman integrals with both dimensional parameter and propagator exponents generalized. These solutions are presentedintheformoflinearcombinationsofhypergeometricfunctionswhosedomains of convergence are related to the analytic structure of the Feynman Integral. Each solution is connected to the others trough analytic continuations. Besides presenting and discussing the general algorithm of the method in a detailed way, we offer concrete applications to scalar one-loop and two-loop integrals as well as to the one-loop renormalizationofQuantumElectrodynamics (QED)


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We propose a scheme in which the masses of the heavier leptons obey seesaw type relations. The light lepton masses, except the electron and the electron neutrino ones, are generated by one loop level radiative corrections. We work in a version of the 3-3-1 electroweak model that predicts singlets (charged and neutral) of heavy leptons beyond the known ones. An extra U(1)(Omega) symmetry is introduced in order to avoid the light leptons getting masses at the tree level. The electron mass induces an explicit symmetry breaking at U(1)(Omega). We discuss also the mixing matrix among four neutrinos. The new energy scale required is not higher than a few TeV.


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The electric current and the magnetoresistance effect are studied in a double quantum-dot system, where one of the dots QD(a) is coupled to two ferromagnetic electrodes (F-1; F-2), while the second QD(b) is connected to a superconductor S. For energy scales within the superconductor gap, electric conduction is allowed by Andreev reflection processes. Due to the presence of two ferromagnetic leads, non-local crossed Andreev reflections are possible. We found that the magnetoresistance sign can be changed by tuning the external potential applied to the ferromagnets. In addition, it is possible to control the current of the first ferromagnet (F-1) through the potential applied to the second one (F-2). We have also included intradot interaction and gate voltages at each quantum dot and analyzed their influence through a mean field approximation. The interaction reduces the current amplitudes with respect to the non-interacting case, but the switching effect still remains as a manifestation of quantum coherence, in scales of the order of the superconductor coherence length. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4723000]


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The only calculations performed beyond one-loop level in the light-cone gauge make use of the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt (ML) prescription in order to circumvent the notorious gauge dependent poles. Recently we have shown that in the context of negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) such prescription can be altogether abandoned, at least in one-loop order calculations. We extend our approach, now studying two-loop integrals pertaining to two-point functions. While previous works on the subject present only divergent parts for the integrals, we show that our prescriptionless method gives the same results for them, besides finite parts for arbitrary exponents of propagators. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We show that some models with SU(3)(C)circle times SU(3)(L)circle times U(1)(X) gauge symmetry can be realized at the electroweak scale and that this is a consequence of an approximate global SU(2)(L+R) symmetry. This symmetry implies a condition among the vacuum expectation value of one of the neutral Higgs scalars, the U(1)(X)'s coupling constant, g(X), the sine of the weak mixing angle sin theta(W), and the mass of the W boson, M-W. In the limit in which this symmetry is valid it avoids the tree level mixing of the Z boson of the standard model with the extra Z(') boson. We have verified that the oblique T parameter is within the allowed range indicating that the radiative corrections that induce such a mixing at the 1-loop level are small. We also show that a SU(3)(L+R) custodial symmetry implies that in some of the models we have to include sterile (singlets of the 3-3-1 symmetry) right-handed neutrinos with Majorana masses, since the seesaw mechanism is mandatory to obtain light active neutrinos. Moreover, the approximate SU(2)(L+R)subset of SU(3)(L+R) symmetry implies that the extra nonstandard particles of these 3-3-1 models can be considerably lighter than it had been thought before so that new physics can be really just around the corner.


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We study the (lambda/4!)phi(4) massless scalar field theory in a four-dimensional Euclidean space, where all but one of the coordinates are unbounded. We are considering Dirichlet boundary conditions in two hyperplanes, breaking the translation invariance of the system. We show how to implement the perturbative renormalization up to two-loop level of the theory. First, analyzing the full two and four-point functions at the one-loop level, we show that the bulk counterterms are sufficient to render the theory finite. Meanwhile, at the two-loop level, we must also introduce surface counterterms in the bare Lagrangian in order to make finite the full two and also four-point Schwinger functions. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.