271 resultados para Professor indígena
The focus of our research is on how teachers construct their knowledge. We also intend to depth our understanding of the factors that regulate teachers' action - either to maintain, either to modify their professional practice. In order to investigate the means by which teachers learn and the reasons that make them change or resist transforming their practice, we accomplished a task aiming teachers' formation, in a manner similar to a collaborative research design, which involved part of the staff of a school chosen among others which were part of a sample of a previous exploratory study. The subjects were ten teachers of elementary teaching (first stage) and three school administrators. The intervention occurred through our constant presence in the school's daily life, for we believe that empowerment and professional development must be a choice of teachers themselves, based on their own expressed needs toward the construction of their autonomy. A preliminary analysis of data shows that teachers sometimes resist to changes; so these are slow and difficult. Nevertheless, our intervention based on a collaborative research design enabled us to deal with these difficulties, contributing to form a kind of teacher who investigates its own practice.
Since the 1990s, research into indigenous history has grown both quantitatively and qualitatively in Brazilian academia. Nevertheless the concepts of ethnohistory and indigenous history have been frequently used imprecisely. This article discusses the concept of ethnohistory and its development. Also, it discusses the interdisciplinary character of research into indigenous history and its social relevance. Questions are also raised about the training of human resources for teaching, the research into indigenous history, the teaching of it in the context of basic education and the professional ethics of the researcher.
No presente artigo, conforme o entendimento de que modelos te- óricos subsidiam a compreensão de fenômenos investigativos, objetivou-se elucidar os conceitos da teoria sociológica de Norbert Elias, considerando-se que esta é uma excelente fonte de análise para se compreender o universo do ser professor, apesar de o autor não abordar diretamente questões relacionadas ao campo da educação. A partir do conceito de configuração, é possível dizer que a constituição do ser professor resulta das diferentes configurações nas quais ele está imerso, pois, de acordo com Elias, as pessoas (professores, pais, gestores, ministros, alunos etc.) modelam suas ideias a partir de todas as suas experiências e, essencialmente, das experiências vividas no interior do próprio grupo. É observável que as configurações, formadas por grupos interdependentes de pessoas, e não por indivíduos singulares, apresentam-se cada vez mais ampliadas nos contextos escolares, com funções especializadas e específicas (professores, alunos, diretores, coordenadores, supervisores, secretários etc.), em grupos que se tornam cada vez mais funcionalmente dependentes. As cadeias de interdependência estão mais diferenciadas e, consequentemente, mais opacas e dificilmente controláveis por parte de quaisquer grupos ou indiví- duos. Portanto, uma melhor compreensão será possível quando se estudar empiricamente as configurações que estão em jogo na educação brasileira. Daí se justifica a análise das configurações e das teias de interdependência em que os professores estão envolvidos. Enfim, a aplicação dos modelos de competição abordados por Elias possibilita evidenciar as problemáticas sociológicas do ser professor, tornando-as mais evidentes e facilitando o entendimento do jogo para reorganizá-lo em termos de equilíbrio na teia social.
This text presents some reflections about the educational and virtual processes of mathematics teachers drawing on research on the theme. Thus, in this text, considering our experiences with the development of online courses, we discuss issues such as collaboration in virtual environments, which contributes to more effective results in collaborative learning and reduces the potential of isolation of student/teacher that can occur in virtual environments. Through collaborative learning in a virtual community, students/teachers have the opportunity to practice and think in-depth about their learning experiences by sharing new ideas with the group and receiving critical and constructive feedback. Moreover, the virtuality formed by the environment of online courses supports educational spaces for teachers who teach mathematics. Thus, collaboration emerges as an essential element for construction of meanings and for sharing experiences on the practice of teaching.
Distance Education has had a significant role in further teacher development. The aim of this study was to collect and analyze data related to distance education for the further teacher development related to the inclusion process of people with disability. One hundred and eighty two students from the Distance Training course from Unesp - Bauru / SP participated in the research, constructing and applying a semi-structured questionnaire. The results indicate that scheduling flexibility and attendance of a great number of students in different geographical areas stand out as positive points of this modality, however, for it to be a success, tutors must be adequately prepared to use new tools in the teaching-learning process. It is essential that the students feel they are being assisted in every moment, contributing to the construction of a virtual community and effecting quality development in distance education.
The primary objective of this article is to analyze situations with discursive interactions in math classrooms, which may prompt student's understanding of teacher's speech. To analyze the situations with discursive interactions, this study used elements from Bakhtin's theory of language, mainly its concept of comprehension, and introduces the new concept of intermediate comprehension . The data used in a qualitative approach were collected from class observation through video-recorded lessons. The results showed three situations with discursive interactions that contribute to understanding of the school teacher's speech: 1) speech referring to everyday situations; 2) the teacher's speech math in a less rigorous way 3) teacher comparing different mathematical objects.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)