150 resultados para ProJovem Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Educao - IBRC
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Professional competence can be one of the paths for the insertion of the disabled students in the labor market. This study evaluated the development of skills from the perspective of five learners with disabilities, their tutors and teachers. The survey was conducted in a non-governmental organization that had a range of 32 skills to be taught. The assessment revealed that some of the skills improve with provided training, others remained at the same level and only one decreases its score. It is possible to conclude that the learning program contributed to the development of the skills, which may mean the inclusion of young people in the labor market.
O objetivo geral deste trabalho dar continuidade a investigao sobre a temtica jovens e violncia, procurando compreender os modos de insero da escola no bairro e os modos de inclusão dos jovens na escola. Para tanto foram analisados os registros realizados pelos docentes no livro de ocorrncias, mapeadas as aes da escola voltadas sua integrao na comunidade e investigada sua relao com a famlia dos alunos e com a escola. Por meio da anlise dos documentos e dos depoimentos dos gestores procura-se possveis diferenas nestes modos de insero conforme os alunos sejam ou no considerados protagonistas de violncia na escola
A pesquisa teve como objetivo central identificar e analisar as diversas estratgias de permanncia e reproduo social dos produtores familiares e os efeitos do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) no municpio de Urnia - SP. Constata-se que as atividades desenvolvidas externamente a unidade produtiva e principalmente a previdncia social rural so importantes na composio da renda dos produtores familiares. Mas, as principais estratgias so de base agrcola, visto que as atividades agropecurias constituem-se na principal fonte de renda dos produtores familiares, destacando-se a opo por culturas que proporcionam alta rentabilidade por hectare cultivado, tais como: as frutferas (uva, laranja, caju, dentre outras) e olercolas (berinjela, jil, milho verde etc.). Nesse sentido, a relevncia das atividades agropecurias, principalmente a fruticultura, em especial a uva que demanda grandes investimentos em tecnologia, despesas em insumos faz com que o PRONAF desempenhe importante papel para o desenvolvimento das atividades agropecurias atravs das modalidades de custeio e investimento no conjunto de produtores familiares pesquisados, apesar de suas limitaes no que tange a marginalizao de produtores menos capitalizados e atuao exclusivamente vinculada concesso de crdito. Identificamos que a gesto profissionalizada um importante elemento para o progresso econmico da unidade produtiva, proporcionando condies mais favorveis permanncia do produtor familiar na atividade agrcola e a sucesso hereditria na agricultura familiar, que perfaz a minoria dos casos em funo da resistncia dos jovens em permanecer no espao rural decorrentes da baixa rentabilidade e de outros fatores como a penosidade do trabalho...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)
The territorial approach of development took an important place in the public politics of the State, also guiding the actions originated from different organizations of the society. The territorial focus, infl uenced by the analysis related to the industrial districts, is highlighted as a specifi c form to dealing with process and situations spatially delimited. In Brazil, the Secretary of Territorial Development, linked to the Ministry of Agrarian Development, since 2003, has adopted it strategically through the Programa Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel dos Territrios Rurais (PRONAT). In 2008, had occurs the implantation of the Programa Territrios da Cidadania, a part of the PRONAT and of the rural development politic directed to the dynamization of the depressed territories constituted by small counties that cover rural and urban areas and activities, overcoming the focus on the rural world. The analysis of the assumptions underlying to the adoption of this strategy on the politic of the rural development in Brazil made through the study of the constitution of the Territrio Integrao Norte Pioneiro (PR), which indicates that the focus of this politic falls more on the effectiveness of the decentralization than the concretization, and implementation, of the social management.
Didactic texts compose communication and representation systems. By them societies communicate with their children, their youth, transmit them live representations, symbols, ways of understanding speeches and delimit their study fields. This article presents a discussion about the medias used by Portuguese language text books selected by the Ministry of Education Textbook National Program (PNDL in Portuguese), in order to observe the foundation of actions, movements and media insertion at school. The analysis allows us to see the consolidation of an individualist profile among the strategies of using medias at school, among others aspects.
Respect for differences is one of the most important subjects in debate in the Brazilian and World society today. Its consensus that diversity education is very important to make humanity fairer and more equal. In this context, its necessary to separate real pedagogic actions from political demagogy. So, our objective in this paper is to enrich this discussion with the results of our project Perspectives of teachers about the inclusion of special students in Programa UNESP de Educao de Jovens e Adultos. These results will demonstrate a good example of inclusive education and will prove the inadequacy of training in special education offered to Brazilian university students. In our opinion, its impossible to believe in diversity education without appropriate training in inclusive education because this work requires accommodation of social, political, physical, religious, cognitive and cultural differences and this demands a skilled professional in all teaching methods.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
This paper presents an analysis of the content in acoustics present in physics textbooks recommended by PNLEM, which used the same criteria of evaluation from used by experts in the analysis of such books. In this way, we observed that such texts have evolved little in comparison with the textual presentations reviewed in 1998 and published in the journal Science and Education [1], which were analyzed ten physics textbooks for high school, among which the most commom, at the time, in Brazilian schools. Although we identified the inclusion of some aspects of the culture of sound and music, there are still several conceptual and historical distortions, besides the little importance has been given to links CTSA, among them, studies of soundscapes that, even, are mentioned.
O artigo objetiva delinear uma breve radiografia do livro didtico contemporneo em funo de algumas temticas centrais que tm ocupado o cenrio de investigaes relativas ao saber histrico escolar, porm sob o escopo daquilo que se apresentou no interior dos processos de inscrio, triagem e avaliao das obras inscritas para o Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico para o ano de 2005. Consideraram-se, para efeito de categorizao global, os resultados dessa ltima avaliao de livros de Histria, divulgada no incio de 2004, na qual as autoras desempenharam papis vinculados diretamente execuo do processo avaliativo.
Com o presente trabalho avaliou-se o uso de dose reduzida da vacina produzida com a amostra 19 de Brucella abortus, em rebanho adulto negativo para a enfermidade, por meio de tcnicas de diagnstico sorolgico preconizadas pelo Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicao da Brucelose e Tuberculose Animal e por um ensaio indireto de imunoadsoro enzimtica (ELISA ID). A prova de fixao de complemento detectou 46,77% de positivos, o antgeno acidificado tamponado 67,74%, o 2-mercaptoetanol com soroaglutinao lenta 87,09% e o ELISA ID 100%. A dose reduzida interferiu no diagnstico sorolgico. Nenhuma das tcnicas apresentou especificidade adequada para uso em rebanho nestas condies, at 3 meses aps a vacinao.