225 resultados para Primal Joints
This paper proposes a combined pool/bilateral short term hydrothermal scheduling model (PDC) for the context of the day-ahead energy markets. Some innovative aspects are introduced in the model, such as: i) the hydraulic generation is optimized through the opportunity cost function proposed; ii) there is no decoupling between physical and commercial dispatches, as is the case today in Brazil; iii) interrelationships between pool and bilateral markets are represented through a single optimization problem; iv) risk exposures related to future deficits are intrinsically mitigated; v) the model calculates spot prices in an hourly basis and the results show a coherent correlation between hydrological conditions and calculated prices. The proposed PDC model is solved by a primal-dual interior point method and is evaluated by simulations involving a test system. The results are focused on sensitivity analyses involving the parameters of the model, in such a way to emphasize its main modeling aspects. The results show that the proposed PDC provides a conceptual means for short term price formation for hydrothermal systems.
The industry's interest in having a greater control of the deformations caused by welding is due to the geometric and dimensional tolerances been more and more precise in the project specifications, motivating the manufacturing engineering to develop stable processes and to ensure routine production. Aiming at it, the main goal of this present work is to analyze how much routine situations used in automatic aluminum welding can influence on the angular deformations of this material. Using the alloy AA 5052 H34, and the automatic welding in pulsed GMAW process, three types of weaving were applied throughout the length of the weld, in butt joints assembled without groove and with 60 degrees single-V-groove, arranged transversely as well as longitudinally to the rolling direction of the plate. The measurement of the deformations was made by a three-dimensional equipment, before and after the welding, in three distinct regions in the specimens. The profile of the weld bead was the main factor for the different types of deformations found, as revealed by macrographical analysis. The 60 degrees single-V-groove had higher amplitudes of deformations as the joint without groove. The torch oscillation wasn't a variable of statistically significant influence on this amplitudes.
In this work, three welding programs for orbital TIG previously developed were used, using pulsed current and increasing speed (M), constant current (#B) and pulsed current and decreasing current (#C). One of those should be used for the propulsion system of the satellite CBERS (CHINA-BRAZIL EARTH RESOURCES SATELLITE). Welded joints using tubes of commercially pure titanium were obtained with these procedures, which were characterized by means of mechanical and metallographic tests. The obtained results show that the three welding procedures produce welded joints free of defects and with adequate shape. Although small differences on mechanical properties and microstructure have been observed, the three welding programs attained compatible results with international standards used in the aerospace segment. The welding program #B, due the reduced heat input used, was considered to obtain slightly advantage over the others.
Ligas de alumínio são extensamente usadas em partes aeronáuticas devido às boas propriedades mecânicas e baixa densidade. Estas partes devem ser unidas para formar conjuntos maiores. Uma junta estrutural é definida como um segmento de estrutura que provê um meio de transferir carga de um elemento estrutural para outro. A maioria das juntas aeronáuticas é mecanicamente fixada com múltiplos prendedores (parafusos ou rebites). Estas juntas apresentam uma alta concentração de tensões ao redor do prendedor, porque a transferência de carga entre elementos da junta acontece em uma fração da área disponível. Por outro lado, as cargas aplicadas em juntas adesivas são distribuídas sobre toda a área colada e reduz os pontos de concentração de tensão. Juntas são a fonte mais comum de falhas estruturais em aeronaves e quase todos os reparos envolvem juntas. Portanto, é importante entender todos os aspectos de projeto e análise de juntas. O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar estaticamente juntas estruturais de ligas de Al2024-T3 em três condições: juntas mecanicamente rebitadas, juntas coladas e uma configuração híbrida rebitada e colada. Foi usada a norma NASM 1312-4 para confecção dos corpos-de-prova. Além disso, foram conduzidos testes de fadiga, sob amplitude de carregamento constante e razão de tensão igual a 0,1 para avaliar a eficiência dos elementos estruturais durante sua vida em serviço. Os resultados mostraram que a configuração híbrida apresenta maior resistência estática e uma vida em fadiga superior à configuração colada.
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of successive TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding repairs on the reverse bending fatigue strength of AISI 4130 steel, which is widely used in components critical to the flight-safety. In order to simulate the abrupt maneuvers, wind bursts, motor vibration and helixes efforts, which generate cyclic bending loadings at the welded joints of a specific aircraft component called motor cradle, experimental reverse bending fatigue tests were carried out on specimens made from hot-rolled steel plate, 1.10 mm (0.043 in) thick, by mean of a SCHENK PWS equipment, with load ratio R = -1, under constant amplitude, at 30 Hz frequency and room temperature. It was observed that the bending fatigue strength decreases after the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding process application on AISI 4130 steel, with subsequent decrease due to re-welding sequence as well. Microstructural analyses and microhardness measurements on the base material, heat-affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal, as well as the effects of the weld bead geometry on the obtained results, have complemented this study.
Digital radiography in the inspection of welded pipes to be installed under deep water offshore gas and oil pipelines, like a presalt in Brazil, in the paper has been investigated. The aim is to use digital radiography for nondestructive testing of welds as it is already in use in the medical, aerospace, security, automotive, and petrochemical sectors. Among the current options, the DDA (Digital Detector Array) is considered as one of the best solutions to replace industrial films, as well as to increase the sensitivity to reduce the inspection cycle time. This paper shows the results of this new technique, comparing it to radiography with industrial films systems. In this paper, 20 test specimens of longitudinal welded pipe joints, specially prepared with artificial defects like cracks, lack of fusion, lack of penetration, and porosities and slag inclusions with varying dimensions and in 06 different base metal wall thicknesses, were tested and a comparison of the techniques was made. These experiments verified the purposed rules for parameter definitions and selections to control the required digital radiographic image quality as described in the draft international standard ISO/DIS 10893-7. This draft is first standard establishing the parameters for digital radiography on weld seam of welded steel pipes for pressure purposes to be used on gas and oil pipelines.
Structures critical to the flight-safety are commonly submitted to several maintenance repairs at the welded joints in order to prolong the in-service life of aircrafts. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding repair on the structural integrity of the AISI 4130 aeronautical steel by means of experimental fatigue crack growth tests in base-material, heat-affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal. The tests were performed on hot-rolled steel plate specimens, 0.89 mm thick, with load ratio R = 0.1, constant amplitude, at 10 Hz frequency and room temperature. Increase of the fracture resistance was observed in the weld metal but decreasing in the HAZ after repair. The results were associated to microhardness and microstructural changes with the welding sequence. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Presents the dynamic modelling of a flexible robotic manipulator with two flexible links and two revolute joints, which rotates in the horizontal plane. The dynamic equations are derived using the Newton-Euler formulation and the finite element method, based on elementary beam theory, which is used to discretize the displacements such that the small motion is represented in terms of nodal displacements. Computer simulation results are presented to illustrate this study. The dynamic model becomes necessary for use in future design and control applications.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Bolted joints are a form of mechanical coupling largely used in machinery due to their reliability and low cost. Failure of bolted joints can lead to catastrophic events, such as leaking, train derailments, aircraft crashes, etc. Most of these failures occur due to the reduction of the pre-load, induced by mechanical vibration or human errors in the assembly or maintenance process. This article investigates the application of shape memory alloy (SMA) washers as an actuator to increase the pre-load on loosened bolted joints. The application of SMA washer follows a structural health monitoring procedure to identify a damage (reduction in pre-load) occurrence. In this article, a thermo-mechanical model is presented to predict the final pre-load achieved using this kind of actuator, based on the heat input and SMA washer dimension. This model extends and improves on the previous model of Ghorashi and Inman [2004, "Shape Memory Alloy in Tension and Compression and its Application as Clamping Force Actuator in a Bolted Joint: Part 2 - Modeling," J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct., 15:589-600], by eliminating the pre-load term related to nut turning making the system more practical. This complete model is a powerful but complex tool to be used by designers. A novel modeling approach for self-healing bolted joints based on curve fitting of experimental data is presented. The article concludes with an experimental application that leads to a change in joint assembly to increase the system reliability, by removing the ceramic washer component. Further research topics are also suggested.
The aim of this study was to evaluate histologically the action of chondroitin sulphate in osteoarthritis experimentally induced by continuous immobilization. Fourteen young female Norfolk rabbits aged 2.5-3 months at the beginning of the experiment were divided into two equitable groups submitted to immobilization of the right knee for a period of 12 weeks. The treated group received 1.0 ml/animal/s.c. of 12% chondroitin sulphate, once a week for 12 weeks, and the untreated group did not receive any treatment. Two additional animals were not submitted to knee immobilization (sham group). Microscopical examination of knee preparations stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome showed lesions of both joints in treated and untreated groups, with no significant difference between the scores obtained for the right and left knees. Examination of preparations stained with picrosirius red showed collagen fibre alignment and misalignment in the right and left knees of the animals of all groups, but statistic analysis could not be performed. It was not possible to differentiate the proteoglycan concentration between limbs or groups (treated and untreated) by safrtanin O or toluidine blue staining. It was possible to conclude that the chondroitin sulphate was not able to reduce the histological changes induced by this osteoarthritis experimental model.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)