40 resultados para Praça Olavo Bilac - PA


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The present work is to analyze the importance of exchanging knowledge and technological innovation in Business Condominium Square Capital installed in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (SP). The condominium corporate Capital Square is the new result of the productive rearrangements that allow the reproduction of capital. This new production space, endowed with infrastructure and sophisticated logistics is able to enable the development of companies installed there in addition to promoting the advancement of technological innovation in the region because of its relations with laboratories, universities and research centers. The research aims to contribute to the understanding of this new form of organization of space activities corresponding to the logic of exchange of knowledge and technological innovation. The logical location of innovation services have similar aspects to economic activities in general, which is distinguished due to the intangible nature of services of high added value through the strategic role of information, the nature of services and because there are services whose logic operation is beyond the economic, but also scientific. The project includes the study in an integrated environment, which allows to evaluate, under various aspects, the importance of established companies and infrastructure available that enable the advancement of skills and knowledge exchange in Capital Square Condo


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Este Projeto Final de Graduação se destina a adequar e a incrementar, através do desenvolvimento de um projeto arquitetônico, a escola de futebol conhecida como Centro de Treinamento Baroninho (CTB), localizada no Jardim Europa, zona Sul da cidade de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo. O programa da escola contempla tanto instalações necessárias a atividade esportiva quanto atividades voltadas à comunidade. Uma praça fecha o conjunto complementando as necessidades de lazer. A região apresenta claras desigualdades sociais, averiguadas em uma simples visita ao local, e o futebol é utilizado como elemento de socialização, de quebra de preconceitos e diferenças


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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This work explores the flash mobs, which are flash mobilizations arranged by intent that involve a large number of people to do something together in a pre-arranged place. With the advent of 2.0 Internet, the sharing of information and the mobile virtual communication grown up and showed behavior of an individual person to meet for a common interest. Those affective relationships born in the social networks come to the urban space in a real-virtual space junction and the possibilities of that are unexplored yet. Studied by this work, the Y generation is the flash mob most popular public and uses those mobilizations to reinforce their fan identity and appreciation for a media product


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Introduction: Considering the benefi ts of a regular physical activity already indicated on literature and, on the other hand, the high prevalence of physical inactivity, the negative impact of this behavior to the populationâs health and also to the public safe, Araraquara city hall (SP) creates the project Health in the Square off ering Lian Gong practice to elderly people since 2001. Objective and Methodology: This experience report describes such project and how it is monitored by city hall through some indicators of physical assessment that was obtained whit the participants in 2007 (General Gymnastics mode). Results: During nine years, this project evolved exponentially because included three physical activity types (General Gymnastics, Hidrogymnastics and Tai-chi-chuan) in 55 cityâs spots, mostly public squares, and it benefi ciates about 1.300 adults. The Project has achieved good results in provides health of participants, what justify continuation and expansion of the project in this city.


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A partir da problemática dos centros comerciais fechados e que se relacionam pouco ou nada com seu entorno, principalmente áreas públicas, este trabalho busca estabelecer um panorama histórico do consumo, dos estabelecimentos comerciais, e sua relação com o lazer e com o encontro cada vez mais evidente, para propor uma intervenção na cidade de Bauru - SP, em uma localidade consolidada, porém alvo de questões como especulação imobiliária e falta de opções qualificadas de lazer. A área de intervenção apresenta uma praça pública imediatamente ao lado, a qual é bastante frequentada em determinados horários (condicionado à um consumo alimentício), porém recebe pouca manutenção. Este trabalho busca entender as relações existentes atualmente neste local e propor um novo empreendimento que diversifique as opções presentes e possa contribuir para uma melhora estrutural, cultural e social do espaço urbano


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)