106 resultados para Postural control


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Saccadic eye movements have been shown to affect posture by decreasing the magnitude of body sway in young adults. However, there is no evidence of how the search for visual information that occurs during eye movements affects postural control in older adults. The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of saccadic eye movements on postural control in older adults while they stood on 2 different bases of support. Twelve older adults stood upright in 70-s trials under 2 stance conditions (wide and narrow) and 3 gaze conditions (fixation, saccadic eye movements at 0.5 Hz, and saccadic eye movements at 1.1 Hz). Head and trunk sway amplitude and mean sway frequency were measured in both the anterior/posterior (AP) and medial/lateral (ML) directions. The results showed that the amplitude of body sway was reduced during saccades compared with fixation, as previously observed in young adults. However, older adults exhibited similar sway amplitude and frequency in the AP direction under the wide and narrow stance conditions, which is different from observations in young adults, who display larger sway in a narrow stance compared with a wide stance while performing saccades. These results suggest that although older adults are affected by saccadic eye movements by a decrease in the amplitude of body sway, as observed in young adults, they present a more rigid postural control strategy that does not allow larger sway during a more challenging stance condition.


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OBJETIVOS: Comparar parâmetros estabilométricos de mulheres idosas com ou sem histórico de quedas associadas ou não à osteoartrite (OA) de joelhos. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta e seis idosas apresentando ou não histórico de quedas (Q) e OA de joelho unilateral e bilateral foram distribuídas da seguinte maneira: grupo QOA (n = 10), idosas com histórico de queda e OA de joelho; grupo QSOA (n = 11), idosas com histórico de queda e sem OA de joelho; grupo SQOA (n = 14), idosas sem histórico de quedas (SQ) e com OA de joelho; e grupo SQSOA (n = 21), idosas sem histórico de quedas e sem OA de joelho. Para análise do equilíbrio semiestático usando uma plataforma de força, foram avaliados os deslocamentos anteroposterior (DAP) e mediolateral (DML), as velocidades de oscilação anteroposterior (VAP) e mediolateral (VML) em quatro situações na postura ereta. As situações avaliadas foram as seguintes: 1) PFOA: sobre superfície fixa e olhos abertos; 2) PFOF: sobre superfície fixa e olhos fechados; 3) PIOA: sobre superfície instável e olhos abertos; 4) PIOF: sobre superfície instável e os olhos fechados. RESULTADOS: As idosas com OA de joelho apresentaram maior DAP em todas as situações analisadas (P < 0,05), ao passo que idosas com histórico de quedas apresentaram maior DML (P < 0,05). Não houve diferenças entre os grupos para VAP e VML (P > 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A OA de joelho, por si, é um fator prejudicial no aumento de oscilação do centro de pressão (COP) na direção anteroposterior, enquanto o histórico de quedas, independente da presença de OA de joelhos, traz prejuízos ao controle postural na direção mediolateral.


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This study examined the influence of both optic flow characteristics and intention on postural control responses. Two groups of 10 adults each were exposed to the room's movement either at 0.6 cm/s (low velocity group) or 1.0 cm/s (high velocity group). All the participants stood in the upright stance inside of a moving room and were informed about the room movement only after the fourth trial as they were asked to resist to its influence. Results revealed that participants from both groups were influenced by the imposed visual stimulus in the first trials, but the coupling strength was weaker for the high velocity group. The request to resist the visual influences decreased visual influences oil body sway, but only for the low velocity group. These results indicate that intention might play a role in stimulus influences on body sway but it is stimulus dependent.


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A lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) do joelho acarreta alterações somatosensoriais em função da perda de informações provenientes dos mecanorreceptores presentes no LCA. Esses receptores constituem importante fonte de informação sensorial, afetando o desempenho de vários atos motores, dentre os quais o controle postural. O estudo objetivou analisar o controle postural de indivíduos com joelhos normais e com lesão unilateral do LCA. Participaram 15 voluntários com lesão do LCA (grupo lesado) e 15 voluntários com joelhos normais (grupo controle). O controle postural foi analisado por plataforma de força, sendo o voluntário instruído a assumir a situação experimental em apoio unipodal direito e esquerdo, posicionado no centro da plataforma de modo estático e com os olhos fechados. A plataforma de força forneceu informações de forças e momentos no eixo vertical e horizontal, a partir das quais foi obtida a área de deslocamento do centro de pressão nas direções ântero-posterior e médio-lateral. Os resultados mostram que indivíduos com lesão do LCA apresentaram maior amplitude média de oscilação comparados aos do grupo controle, sugerindo que o deficit no controle postural seja devido à perda de informações proprioceptivas nos indivíduos com LCA. Esses resultados têm implicações para a abordagem clínica de indivíduos com lesão do LCA.


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Este estudo investigou a influência de características do estímulo visual e o efeito da intenção nas respostas do controle postural frente à manipulação visual de adultas idosas. As 20 participantes permaneceram em pé em uma sala móvel durante sete tentativas com duração de 1 minuto cada, olhando para um alvo fixo, medindo-se sua oscilação corporal. Na primeira tentativa não houve qualquer movimento da sala, porém a partir da segunda a sala foi movimentada no sentido ântero-posterior. Para dez participantes, a velocidade de pico da movimentação foi de 0,6 cm/s e, para as demais, de 1,0 cm/s. A partir da quinta tentativa, as participantes foram informadas do movimento da sala e orientadas a resistir à movimentação. Os resultados indicam que a oscilação corporal das idosas é induzida pelo movimento da sala móvel. Intenção e alteração da característica do estímulo visual reduzem a influência da informação visual na oscilação corporal, mas a manipulação de propriedade do estímulo (neste caso, velocidade), é menos efetiva que a intenção. Essa maior dependência da intenção para alterar a influência de um estímulo sensorial no controle postural indica que o funcionamento do sistema de controle postural em idosos não possibilita ajustes automáticos de respostas posturais frente a pequenas variações das condições ambientais. Iinformações sobre tais variações podem ser direcionadas de forma a compensar essa diferença.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction. The postural control involves a complex mechanism for connecting the afferent and efferent pathways and their integration into the central nervous system (CNS). Three systems are responsible to obtain outside information: visual, vestibular and sensory. Recent studies have shown that among such systems, the CNS shows a greater predilection for sensory information to postural control. Objective. Given this, the review proposes to discuss the feet sensory information importance and its reflection in postural control mechanisms. Method. For this reason, a literature search was carried out by PubMed and Bireme libraries, and papers of the last five years were selected. Specific books were also used. Discussion. Studies were separated into topics on sensory information integration to neuro-motor answer, postural feed-forward adjustments recruitment mechanisms; neuro-muscular coordination and synergy responses and the musculoskeletal tissues role. Conclusion. Despite has been found a large number of studies, the real mechanism that the CNS uses to filter, integrate and process the sensory information and select the appropriate motor response, be it for the movement or posture for the stabilization remains obscure.


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Demanding attention in order to keep postural balance increases with aging and with the presence of concurrent tasks that require information processing. Several studies have demonstrated that motor performance can be related to the complexity of the task and aging process, presenting a possible interaction between these factors. The aim of this review was to identify and analyze published papers about the effects of cognitive tasks on the postural control of elderly individuals. A systematic search in the Web of Science, SportDiscus, CINAHL, Science Direct on line, Biological Abstracts, PsycINFO, and Medline databases was made and 444 articles were found. Eight were selected that studied the variables of interest. These studies showed that postural control seems to be influenced by the individual's attention processes and that deficits in such ability may be associated to an increased risk of falls. © FTCD/CIDESD.


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The maintenance of a given body orientation is obtained by the complex relation between sensory information and muscle activity. Therefore, this study purpose was to review the role of visual, somatosensory, vestibular and auditory information in the maintenance and control of the posture. Method. a search by papers for the last 24 years was done in the PubMed and CAPES databases. The following keywords were used: postural control, sensory information, vestibular system, visual system, somatosensory system, auditory system and haptic system. Results. the influence of each sensory system and its integration were analyzed for the maintenance and control of the posture. Conclusion. the literature showed that there is information redundancy provided by sensory channels. Thus, the central nervous system chooses the main source for the posture control.


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Objective of this study was to analyze the postural balance of neuropathic diabetic individuals through baropodometry, related to losses in the sensorimotor system. Twenty-eight healthy and 25 diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy were subjected to static evaluation (measurement of displacement of body center of pressure) and dynamic (temporal analysis of the stance phase of gait cycle). The tactile sensitivity of the feet was assessed by Semmes Weinstein monofilaments and isometric muscle strength of ankle dynamometry. Analyses of multivariânvia (MANOVAs) and variance (ANOVAs) indicated lower performance in tactile sensitivity, muscle strength and dynamic balance, but showed no difference for static equilibrium of diabetic neuropathy. With this study by regression analysis, one can infer that the equilibrium differences in gait of neuropathic insensitivity may result from tactile and muscle strength. © FTCD/FIP-MOC.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)