210 resultados para Physical and chemical parameters


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O estudo foi efetuado durante o período de chuva (dezembro-fevereiro) em seis viveiros de produção semi-intensiva de peixes, a fim de avaliar o efeito da chuva na qualidade da água de viveiros que apresentam fluxo contínuo de água, a qual é passada de um viveiro para outro sem tratamento prévio. Foram amostrados oito pontos de coleta nas saídas dos viveiros. O viveiro P1 (próximo à nascente) apresentou as menores concentrações físicas e químicas da água e as maiores no viveiro P4 (considerado um ponto crítico recebendo material alóctone proveniente de outros viveiros e do escoamento do setor de criação de rãs). A disposição seqüencial dos viveiros estudados promoveu aumento nas concentrações dos nutrientes, clorofila-a e condutividade. As chuvas características desta época do ano aumentaram o fluxo de água nos viveiros e conseqüentemente, carreando material particulado e dissolvido de um viveiro para outro e, promovendo um aumento das variáveis limnológicas em direção do P3 ao P6. Os resultados sugerem que a chuva no período de estudo afetou positivamente a qualidade da água dos viveiros estudados, porém, como os sistemas analisados estão dispostos em distribuição seqüencial e escoamento constante da água de viveiros e tanques paralelos sem tratamento prévio, cuidados devem ser averiguados para que o aumento do fluxo de água provocado pelas chuvas não tenha efeito adverso nos viveiros estudados.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento de frutos de plantas de longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour) na região de Jaboticabal, estabelecendo-se, portanto, a curva de crescimento dos frutos. As avaliações realizadas foram semanais, consistindo em medições do diâmetro longitudinal e transversal dos frutos marcados, a partir do momento da formação da polpa. Quinzenalmente, realizaram-se avaliações de características físicas: massa de fruto (g), casca (g), polpa (g) semente (g), e químicas: acidez titulável (AT), sólidos solúveis (SS), ácido ascórbico (AA) e ratio (SS/AT). Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o ciclo de frutificação da Longan na região é entre 120 e 130 dias após antese, período em que o fruto estaria apto para o consumo. A curva do desenvolvimento dos frutos segue um padrão sigmoidal simples. Com relação aos atributos físicos e químicos, constatou-se que a planta 6 apresentou os melhores resultados, podendo ser recomendada como planta-matriz.


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The Lagoa do Peixe (Peixe's Lagoon) is located between Atlantic Ocean and Lagoa dos Patos and is 30 Km long and 0,5-2,0 Km wide (31º13'S, 50º55'W -31º26'S, 51º09'). For one year, the composition and distribution of Crustácea Decapoda were analyzed monthly (from July/1994 to June/1995), in seven subareas (terrestrial border and aquatic area) and physical and chemical parameters (depth, salinity, sediment texture, oxygen in water, organic material of sediment and water temperature) were registered. Decapoda from the families Grapsidae, Ocypodidae, Portunidae (Brachyura), Diogenidae (Anomura) and Penaeidae (Penaeidea) were captured. Chasmagnathus granulata Dana 1851 was found ali months near the canal connecting Atlantic Ocean and Lagoa do Peixe, but inside the lagoon it was collected only in October/94 and June/95, and in extreme subareas it was sampled in February/95 when the salinity was 31 at these sites. Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 and Cyrtograpsus angulatus Dana, 1851 were captured throughout the year, except October/94 and April/95, respectively. Both species were found in ali áreas of sample, indicating a high plasticity in relation to the factors analyzed in this study. Another species captured probably come in the lagoon in specific months, when the environment provides ideal conditions for their develo-pments.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The instability of cassava culinary quality is a problem in the market. This work had the purpose of evaluating the interference of the productivity, rain precipitation and physical-chemical characteristics on the cooking time of the IAC 576-70 cultivar, from the 6(th) to the 12(th) month after the planting. The physical parameters evaluated were: difficulty in peeling (easy, medium, and hard), difficulty in cutting in long, thin sticks with a manual machine, being those cut in a subjective way. In the analysis of the cooked root, the percentage of water absorbed into the cassava pieces, the color, white points formed inside the pieces of cassava, gel formation around the pieces of cassava, and cooking time were evaluated. The pH, acidity, moisture, ashes, fibers, ether extract, protein, reducing sugars, and starch of the roots were also monthly evaluated. From the results obtained in the present work, it may be concluded that the cassava IAC 576-70, when planted in July, in Botucatu-SP area, must be harvested at the age of nine months, without damage to the productivity, starch level and root cooking, and the harvest could be extended up to ten months. The producers should follow the sum of precipitation index ten days before the harvest, and this value should be the smallest as it may be and the producers should not harvest when this value is more than 100 mm, in order not to hinder the cooking of the root.


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Batrachospermum delicatulum specimens from three stream segments were analyzed from a tropical region in south-eastern Brazil (20°18′- 20°49′S, 49°13′-49°46′W). Physical and chemical parameters and the spatial placement of thalli were investigated along with the reproductive characteristics of the gametophytic phase. Sequence data of the cox 2-3 spacer region was also utilized to evaluate genetic variation in individuals within and among stream segments. Gametophyte occurred under relatively diverse environmental conditions, whereas thalli abundance was weakly or not correlated to environmental variables within the stream segments. All specimens examined were dioecious. The ratio of male/female plants was relatively low (0.5 to 1.3) and male plants tended to occur as clumps (two or three plants together). High reproductive success was observed, as indicated by the occurrence of 100% fertilized (carposporophytic) female plants. This is similar to previous reports for this and other dioecious species, which is remarkable considering the relatively low proportion of male/female plants. Results support the two hypotheses to explain the high reproductive success in dioecious species. The occurrence of male plants in clumps was evidence for a strict spatial relationship (i.e. male plants located in upstream position of female plants in order to release spermatia, which would be carried by eddies through female plants). In contrast, the occurrence of male and female plants adjacent to each other allowed outcrossing among neighboring plants with intermingled male and female branches, which seemed more applicable to some situations (low turbulence habitats). The cox 2-3 spacer region from the 18 individuals sequenced was 376 bp and the DNA sequence was identical with no base pair substitutions. Likewise, a previous study of another Batrachospermum species showed that the same haplotypes were present in all stream segments from the same drainage basin, even though the stream segments were a considerable distance apart. Short distance dispersal either by small birds or waterway connectivity might explain these findings.


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The waters of Corumbataí River in the middle and eastern part of São Paulo State, Brazil, are extensively used for human consumption; their water quality has been modified mainly due to increasing pressure caused by population growth, accompanied by a more accentuated industrial development for the whole São Paulo State in the early 1970s. The Corumbataí River basin has, over time, received significant emissions of municipal waste products and discharges of wastewater, sludge, sewage, sanitary and industrial effluents, but the first effluent treatment plant at Rio Claro city was only inaugurated at the end of the 1990s. Data on river water quality from two widely spaced locations in the Corumbataí River basin are reported in this paper; they indicate the need for continuous initiatives and efforts by decision makers in order to improve and preserve the water quality in the basin for the 21st century. Copyright © 2007 IAHS Press.


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Physical and chemical variables of soil and water were measured to determine the effectiveness of a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment. Eight different macrophyte species, namely Eichhornia crassipes, Alternanthera philoxerodos, Heteranthera reniformis, Hydrocotyle umbeliferae, Lidwigia elegan, Ludwigia sericea, Myriophyllum aquaticum and Thypha domingensis, were transplanted. Inlet water and outlet water were the two sampling sites evaluated. There were significant differences (p < 0,05) when limnological characteristics between inlet and outlet water from the constructed wetland were compared. In general, dissolved oxygen was over 4 mg L-1, and conductivity was high, above 80 μS cm-1. Chlorophyll-a levels generally tended to decrease at the wetland outlet and were higher during the rainy period (fish growth period). Results show that ammonia, total phosphorus, BOD5, phosphorus and organic mattel in the sediment removals in the constructed wetland were higher, indicating that macrophytes played an important role in removing these variables. The use of constructed wetland is a viable technology for the biological treatment in aquaculture and swine wastewater.


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Three small rivers belonging to the Rio das Pedras basin, located in the mid-southern region of Paraná state, were studied in order to evaluate the seasonal variation pattern of some physical and chemical parameters. Monthly samplings were carried out from April 2004 to March 2005. The following limnological parameters were measured: water temperature, specific conductance, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, current velocity and depth. The waters of the Rio das Pedras basin presented very peculiar characteristics, showing typical seasonal patterns for some of the studied limnological variables. An Analysis of Variance (Anova) showed significant differences only for pH and depth among streams. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed a weak tendency to form groups based on seasons instead of sampling sites. The results, in general, indicate that temporal variations of the environmental parameters analyzed were not sufficient to draw a clear seasonal pattern in the Rio das Pedras basin. Most likely, the lack of an obvious seasonal pattern has been provoked by a particular regional precipitation regime, where rains are frequent and well-distributed throughout the year.


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This study evaluated the influence of intensive farming of tilapia on physical and chemical parameters and on the occurrence of Streptococcus spp. in the water of the lake and of cages. Throughout a year, monthly samplings were taken in the rainy and dry seasons for a year, at two sampling sites, lake and net cages. For the determination of water quality, physical and chemical water parameters were evaluated and compared to the standards established by Conama Resolution no. 357/2005. The presence of Streptococcus spp. in the water was determined by plating on blood Agar and biochemical screening. Mean values of water parameters were tested using the Kruskal-Wallis test comparing sampling sites and seasons. Ammoniacal nitrogen (ammoniacal-N), total phosphorus (total-P) levels and occurrence of Streptococcus spp. have increased in the water of the net cages. The mean values of several parameters have decreased during the rainy period, except for pH, temperature and ammoniacal-N. Total-P and dissolved oxygen levels, during dry and rainy periods, respectively, exceeded the standard established for freshwater class 2, recommended for aquaculture, which can be harmful to the fish. Therefore, constant monitoring of the physical,chemical and microbiological water parameters is recommended since the Juara lake is also used for recreational purposes.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA