43 resultados para Personalização de produtos e serviços


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The audiovisual market carefully observes a tendency in television consumption habit: viewers are increasingly watching television content while surfing the internet through mobile devices like tablets, smartphones and laptops. Known as second screen, viewers interact simultaneously across these devices, sharing information about the programming on social networks, seeking additional information about the contents well aired, in addition to being likely to purchase products and services on platforms of mobile-commerce persuaded by the scheduling of programming through commercials. Given this, the aim of this article is to propose and prototyping an application visually in second screen with emphasis on business model with possible application on TV Unesp, where the viewer to interact with the programming through the application is exposed to previously scheduled ads, links to mobile-commerce and posts indicating purchase suggestions.


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A partir de uma revisão sistemática de literatura recente sobre o universo do empreendedorismo por meio de empresas nascentes na área do jornalismo, o trabalho procura caracterizar esse nosso ecossistema econômico e identificar oportunidades para o lançamento de novos produtos e serviços informativos em plataformas digitais. Paralelamente, são mapeados três casos específicos de startups brasileira do setor e avaliados os principais motivos que levaram ao seu sucesso ou fracasso, conforme as estratégias e modelos de negócio adotados. Com base em entrevistas realizadas com gestores, o trabalho examina fatores críticos para o sucesso ou o fracasso desses empreendimentos, discutindo, por fim, alguns dos motivos específicos que levam parte dessas operações a encerrarem suas atividades ou alterarem suas estratégias de negócio precocemente


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This study aims to elucidate the marketing experience and to show the fundamental role that strategic communication plays as a tool for approaching the target audience and for consolidating a brand. The necessity for differentiation and innovation increases with market competition, standardization of products and services and with a customer more demanding and careful, leading the sensorial experiences to a trend of communication capable of bringing closer the relation between consumer and brand. From a bibliography research, marketing concepts, public relations and marketing experience are studied, presenting national and international cases of success in the retail industry. The study focuses on the comprehension of actions that leads to experiences in the market environment


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present work aimed to quantify the generation of group B health care`s residuals in places such as drugstores and pharmacies, in the municipality of Uberaba, MG, Brazil, as well as to identify their final destination in those places during the months of July and September, 2010. In order to also verify the medicaments generated by the whole community, some delivery campaigns were arranged to capture out-of-date medicaments at 3 drugstores. In this sense, all people who effectively looked for a pharmacy/drugstore to deposit the medicaments were invited to respond some questions, containing information about the name of the medicament, the pharmaceutical composition, the color applicable to the medicament and the expiration date. At the end of the period of research, 76 interviews were performed and 90 medicaments were observed (1.18 products per interview, in average). Results obtained suggested that pharmacies/drugstores located downtown tend to generate more medicaments than others located in the districts and periphery zones. Moreover, manipulation drugstores tend to generate more products than their conventional counterparts. Regarding the therapeutic classes, the anti-hypertensive medicaments represented the most substantial percentage of the medicaments delivered, accounting for 21,11%. However, the worst scenario tends to show that people usually do not know exactly how to discard this sort of product – about 65% of the people consulted discard chemical pharmaceutical residuals in the same place the domestic trash is thrown away – what may represent a serious risk in terms of contamination of the environment, so that a strong campaign towards the proper usage and discharge of medicaments should be strongly encouraged


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Baseado nas evidencias atuais de crescimento e expansão da atuação profissional do educador físico, em particular a sua atuação como prestador de serviços, ou seja, o personal trainer; que vende seus serviços, ou produtos relacionados à aptidão física e a relação promissora desta atuação, é que nos motivou a desenvolver este trabalho que segue por uma pesquisa bibliográfica de evidencias do histórico e perfil do personal trainer quanto aos conceitos culturais, sociais e psicológicos deste profissional, em seguida levantamos questões relacionadas à formação acadêmica do personal trainer e os pontos diferenciais deste profissional. Tais como a necessidade de conhecimentos que vão alem do âmbito acadêmico, pois se trata de um profissional prestador de serviços o que foge da regularidade da formação convencional. Portanto neste trabalho procuramos evidenciar estas e outras questões (como ética e profissionalismo), que podem levar este profissional a uma carreira de sucesso ou fracasso. Para isso existe uma necessidade fundamental de que se entenda que o personal trainer como prestador de serviços esta surgindo dentro de uma profissão já consolidada (Educador Físico), porem esta assumindo características próprias, como a necessidade de conhecimentos específicos da profissão. Concluímos, portanto que esta promissora atuação do educador físico necessita de atenções especiais e de um processo de formação diferenciado e que não podemos deixar que a nossa profissão se vulgarize e se venda por migalhas, pois esta é a grande chance do profissional se impor e conquistar o desejado respeito diante as profissões da área da saúde


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The service area is in full development in the world, and it is proven the benefits of outsourcing services to large companies, which deliver services and manufacturing experts can focus only on production of their products. In the case of cargo handling is no different, many factories hire specialized companies to reduce fixed costs and factory overhead. And with the intense competition in the market, service providers are increasingly seeking to reduce costs in order to offer services at competitive prices. So if we see a growing need to train its employees to perform services faster and with better quality. In this work, will be a handbook of technical procedures for preventive maintenance, as well as a catalog of parts required to perform the same for Toyota 8 Series forklifts. Will be developed also tools to control and carry out the preventive maintenance of these trucks, such as Check-list and a manual of tools needed for each procedure. The results show that service quality has improved considerably and the cost of wrong parts decreases more than 15%


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The market has forced companies to maintain high levels of control over their processes , ensuring a product or service quality to its customers . This study comes in the issuance and registration carried out in a company of e-commerce , which is showing problems with the values of weights and dimensions used in the cases cited . The need to eliminate wasteful spending freight caused by shipment of products weighing more than the reality, and to increase the reliability of the information used in the management of processes led to the planning of this project . This work focuses on the development of a PDCA cycle to work in the identification and correction of the causes of the problem , in order to neutralize the current complications and ensure that the problem does not appear again. To aid the mapping of the processes involved , identifying the causes of the problem and implementation of the proposed improvements were used quality tools such as flowcharts , Ishikawa diagrams , Pareto diagrams , and applied statistics


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The deficiency in the product inventory management is common in small businesses, affecting several areas, especially the purchasing department that has difficulty in performing their tasks, acquiring the supplier's products at the time and in the most appropriate amount. Especially in the retail sector, the loss of quality of services is visible, because the availability of the product when there is demand is essential for the occurrence of sales and customer satisfaction. In this study, looking to improve inventory management in a retail company of cleaning products and personal hygiene, apply the classification method ABC (or Pareto Rule) to segment the available products. Thus are adopted buying criteria of new products based on the concepts of economic order quantity, safety stock and resupply point. The results show the feasibility of this procedure adopted because it was possible to propose an improved inventory management in a simple and effective way, contributing to company's competitive advantage


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC