384 resultados para Parto humanizado


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Durante três anos, vacas Gir leiteiro da Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em Uberaba-MG, foram examinadas, pela palpação retal, para verificação da involução uterina. em 111 parições de 104 vacas, a involução dos cornos uterinos teve duração média de 29,7± 9,6 dias e, na maioria das vezes, a involução da porção cervical demorou mais do que 43 dias. O tempo de involução foi mais longo em vacas com maior número de partos. Na primeira semana, o útero permaneceu na cavidade abdominal (95,0%), na segunda teve início o retorno do órgão à pelve (8,2%), na terceira aconteceram os primeiros casos de involução completa dos cornos uterinos (20,6%) e na sexta semana, a maior parte das vacas apresentavam involução completa (82,9%). Foram constatados seis casos de permanência do útero em involução na cavidade abdominal e oito casos de localização pélvico/abdominal na quinta semana após o parto, detectados somente em vacas pluríparas. Observaram-se 19 casos de retrocesso na seqüência natural das fases de involução. O retrocesso do útero para a cavidade abdominal só ocorreu em vacas com problemas sanitários. em sete vacas com metrite, verificou-se prolongamento do tempo médio de involução dos cornos uterinos e aumento do diâmetro cervical em relação às demais vacas do rebanho.


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Utilizando-se 15 cadelas no pós-parto, são descritas as características da involução uterina e determinado o diâmetro do útero, por meio de exames seriados de ultra-som em modo B (tempo real), no período de zero a 28 dias pós-parto. O diâmetro uterino declina progressivamente, sem influência da ordem de parto ou tamanho da ninhada. As características ultra-sonográficas do útero são melhor visualizadas na primeira semana pós-parto e a qualidade da imagem diminui com o progresso da involução. Pela técnica usada são visualizadas apenas três camadas constituintes da parede uterina.


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Conduziu-se este estudo, com o objetivo de avaliar o retorno ao estro pós-parto de ovelhas submetidas a diferentes manejos de mamada. Foram utilizados 56 ovelhas Santa Inês e Bergamácia, 71 cordeiros e 3 rufiões. Os manejos de mamada (MM) foram: 1: contínua; 2: duas mamadas diárias; 3: mamada durante a noite. O período experimental foi dos 15 dias pós-parto até o desmame aos 60 dias. Até os 15, dias de idade os cordeiros permaneceram com suas mães em período integral. No MM 1, as ovelhas permaneceram com seus cordeiros em uma baia, em período integral. No MM 2, as ovelhas passaram a noite em uma baia e o dia em pastagem, momento em que não possuíam contato físico e visual com as crias. Seus cordeiros permaneceram em outra baia em período integral, para onde as ovelhas eram encaminhadas no momento da amamentação. No MM 3, as ovelhas passaram o dia em pastagem e a noite com seus cordeiros em uma baia, na qual os cordeiros permaneceram em período integral. Todas as ovelhas e todos os cordeiros receberam alimentação nas baias. Para identificação das ovelhas em estro foram utilizados rufiões, os quais permaneceram com elas em período integral. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (PROC GLM, Sas®), e as médias comparadas por contrastes. O MM 2 possibilitou retorno ao estro pós-parto precoce quando comparado ao MM 3 e ao MM 1. Houve pouca ou nenhuma influência do anestro lactacional, pois 80% das ovelhas apresentaram estro durante a amamentação.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho estimar a influência da idade da vaca ao parto (IDV) e da data juliana de nascimento (DJN) sobre o peso à desmama (PD) e a média do ganho diário no período pré-desmama (GMD) de bezerros Gir, determinando fatores de correção para estes efeitos. Foram analisados 10.685 e 18.339 dados de PD e GMD de bezerros Gir, provenientes do Arquivo da Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Zebu (ABCZ), pertencentes a 1229 e 1979 grupos contemporâneos (GC), respectivamente. PD e GMD foram pré-ajustados para o efeito da idade do bezerro à desmama. O efeito de IDV sobre PD e GMD foi modelado como polinômio segmentado quadrático-quadrático-quadrático, com nós, ou pontos de junção aos 4,1; 12,7 e 4,0; 8,2 anos, respectivamente, para machos e como polinômio segmentado quadrático-quadrático, com nó, ou ponto de junção aos 3,8 anos, para fêmeas sobre as duas características. A DJN foi modelada como um polinômio segmentado quadrático-quadrático com nó aos 126 dias para PD e 167 dias para GMD. Os resultados mostraram que a determinação dos fatores de correção para IDV deve ser feita, separadamente, para machos e fêmeas e, para DJN, deve-se considerar cada estação do ano, para que as diferenças entre elas sejam bem observadas. Os fatores de correção para o efeito da idade da vaca variaram de 0,94750 a 1,08033 sobre PD e 0,91714 a 1,07689 sobre GMD, para machos, e de 0,90937 a 1,07415 sobre PD e 0,96055 a 1,14007 sobre GMD, para fêmeas. Para o efeito de DJN, a amplitude foi de 0,9256 a 1,0340 sobre PD e 0,9112 a 1,0551 sobre GMD.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The main objectives of this work were to determine the physiological patterns of progesterone on pregnancy and lactation in ewes, and to verify whether the hormone presents a 24h secretion rhythm. Serum levels of progesterone increased during gestation with an abrupt decrease by two days preterm. The autocorrelation analysis showed that this hormone, had a more evident circadian rhythm on preterm, than during early pregnancy and lactation.


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Blood constituents of Nelore, Hosltein and buffalo cows were determined during pregnancy, at the time of calving and at post-partum. It was verified that. 1. The pregnancy and post-partum periods had no influence in the erythrocyte values, but at calving the red blood cell counts and hemoglobin levels of Holstein and buffalo cows were lower than for Nelore cattle; 2. leukocyte counts were similar among groups; 3. total protein levels of Nelore cows were lower than Holstein and buffalo. The albumin levels were rite lowest at rite time of calving compared to late pregnancy; 4. glicose levels were lower ill buffalo cows during pregnancy as compared with Holstein cows. The glicemia of Nelore cows was lower as compared to Holstein cow's irt late pregnancy; 5. urea and creatinine levels were higher in buffalo cows than cattle. The urea and creatinine levels were greater in buffalo cows with maximum values at the post-partum and at the parturition, respectively; 6. bilirrubin levels were higher in bovine than buffalo cows; 7. aspartate aminotransferase activity was greater in buffalo cows and increased at the time of calving; 8. alkaline phosphatase activity was increased during pregnancy and decreased after the time of calving; 9. gammnglutamyltransferase activity,vas the highest for buffalo cows after calving; IO. calcium levels were the highest for Holstein cows at the post-partum and the phosphorus levels were higher in buffalo cows, which had the highest magnesium levels at the parturation.


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Data on age at first kidding (IPP) were collected on seven farms in the Brazilian Southeastern region which explored breds. Least squares (LS) were used to evaluate the effects of environmental factors and to estimate variance components, and the derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood (DFREML) method was used to estimate the variance components of IPP and to genetically evaluate the goats used in the southest region of Brazil. The LS mean and standard error of IPP were 607.18 +/- 17.09 days. The interaction of year x kidding season had a significantly influenced IPP, indicating that management conditions varied among the seasons within each specific year, with a direct influence on body weight which is the main criterion adopted by farmers to decide when the animal is ready to breed. The effect of farm-breed combination influenced the IPP. The compararison among levels of farm-breed were done by cluster analysis. The results indicated that the individual goat management within each farm had a greater influence than breed, since goats of different breeds showed high and similar values on those farms having a high mean IPP. Heritability estimates obtained by LS using intraclass correlations among paternal half-sibs and those obtained by REML were 0.220 and 0.369, respectively.


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Background and Objectives - Bupivacaine has been a very useful local anesthetic in Obstetrics in spite of its potential cardiotoxicity. In obstetric analgesia, ropivacaine is preferred to bupivacaine, and levobupivacaine is less cardiotoxic than the racemic mixture. The aim of this study was to compare the maternal-fetal effects of bupivacaine, ropivacaine and levobupivacaine in obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. Methods - Participated in this study 33 term pregnant women, physical status ASA I and II submitted to epidural anesthesia who received 18.75 mg (in 15 ml completed with 9% saline) of: GI - bupivacaine, GII - ropivacaine, and GIII - levobupivacaine. Pain intensity, sensory block level, onset time, quality of analgesia, motor block intensity, analgesia duration and time for labor resolution were evaluated. For vaginal delivery, 40 mg (in 8 ml of saline) of the same local anesthetic were used; for cesarean delivery, the dose has been mg in 20 ml solution. Newborns of these mothers were evaluated through the Apgar score in minutes 1, 5 and 10, and through the Amiel-Tison method (neurologic and adaptative capacity score - NACS) at 30 min, 2 h, and 24 h. Results - There were no significant statistical differences among groups as to sensory block level, onset time, quality of analgesia, labor analgesia duration, time for labor resolution, and Apgar scores at minute 1. Ast to motor block, GIII > GII and GI was intermediary. In relation to pain intensity, there was a trend for GI > GIII. For Apgar scores in minute 5, GII > (GI = GIII), and in minute 10 (GI = GII) < GIII. NACS at 2 h showed, GII > GI > GIII, and at 24 h, GII > GIII > GI. Conclusions - Ropivacaine has relieved maternal pain with less motor block. Newborns of GII mothers (ropivacaine) showed the best Apgar and NACS scores.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of an intramuscular injection of prostaglandin, within the first hour post partum, on the incidence of retained fetal membranes in cows, at 8 and 12 hours post-partum. Eighty-two cows were used as controls and 82 were treated with 25mg of prostaglandin (LUTALYSE®, 5ml), in two different farms. Cows treated with PGF 2α released the placenta faster (P < 0.10) than cows in the control group (7.72±0.84 vs. 10.07±1.09h). The incidence of retained placenta with more than 8h post partum was 30.5% in the control group and 17.1% in the treated group (P < 0.05), and with more than 12h was 19.5% in the control group and 12.2% in the treated group (P < 0.10). Farm, body condition score and parity showed influence on retained placenta rates, whereas sex of calf and help during calving did not have influence. These data showed that prostaglandin treatment within the first hour post-partum is capable of reduce the incidence of retained placenta and may work as a preventive treatment.


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This study aimed to compare conception rates at the postpartum period (PPP) in beef cows which were administered either Equine Chorionic Gonadotrophin (eCG) or Estradiol Benzoate (EB) after Norgestomet and submitted to fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). The hypothesis was that the administration of eCG or EB enhances the conception rate. Lactating Nelore cows (n=138) and Brangus (n = 63), between 26 and 118 days of post partum period (PPP) were divided into three homogeneous groups, and subdivided in two blocks, inside each group one of them with a PPP d'' 45 days (PPP1; n=107) and another with a PPP > 45 days (PPP2; n=94). All cows received an auricular implant containing 3mg Norgestomet (Crestar®), followed by the administration of 5mg Estradiol Valerate. The auricular implants were kept during 10 days. Cows received 1mL saline solution (n=68, Control Group) or 500IU eCG (Folligon®; n=67; eCG Group) or 1mg Estradiol Benzoate (Index, n=66; EB Group) 24 hours after the removal of the implant. FTAI was made 54 hours after the implant removal. The pregnancy diagnosis was carried through ultrasonography 30 days after FTAI. There was an interaction between treatments and PPP. In the PPP1, the conception rate was higher in the eCG Group than in the EB Group (47.22% vs. 15.38%; Pd''0.01). In the PPP2, the conception rates of the eCG and EB Groups were higher than in the Control Group (41.93%, 44.44% vs. 22.22%: Pd''0.01). It was concluded that in cows up to 45 days of PPP, the eCG associated with Norgestomet enhances the conception rates.


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Superstitions are found everywhere in our lives, and medicine, a profession that is prides itself on an evidence-based approach to treatment, is not exempt. A superstition that pervades the labor and delivery floor is that it is busier during certain phases of the lunar cycle, specifically the full moon. Although some studies have demonstrated an increase in deliveries that are related to the lunar cycle, there has been disagreement about when, in the lunar cycle, the peak volume occurs. Front to the divergence of the existent results in the literature to relate the events of the lunar cycle with deliveries, the aim of this review was to accomplish the literature in the attempt of explaining this popular culture with base in the results presented by different researchers.


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The objective was to test the hypothesis that there is variation of some protein components, biochemical and glucose from the blood of goats in the postpartum period. ElevenBoer goats were used to evaluate the serum following variables: total protein (TP), albumin, α-globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin, immunoglobulin G (IgG), aspartate (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), creatinine, urea and glucose. These components were determined in moments zero (immediately after delivery), two, seven, 15, 30 and 75 days postpartum. The β-globulin, IgG, creatinine and urea from the goats did not show significant variations, the blood glucose at time zero was greater than the baseline values due to physiological stimulation of glycogenesis determined by the increase of cortisol in delivery. The blood constituents of goats showed variations in the period to 75 days postpartum as a result physiological causes related to delivery and postpartum.


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CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: There is uncertainty in the literature regarding the theory that obstetric events and pelvic floor injuries give rise to lower risk of subsequent urinary incontinence among women delivering via cesarean section than among women delivering vaginally. The objective of this study was to assess the two-year postpartum prevalence of urinary incontinence and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and the factors responsible for them. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study, conducted in a public university. METHODS: 220 women who had undergone elective cesarean section or vaginal childbirth two years earlier were selected. Their urinary incontinence symptoms were investigated, and their pelvic floor muscle dysfunction was assessed using digital palpation and a perineometer. RESULTS: The two-year urinary incontinence prevalences following vaginal childbirth and cesarean section were 17% and 18.9%, respectively. The only risk factor for pelvic floor muscle dysfunction was weight gain during pregnancy. Body mass index less than 25 kg/m2 and normal pelvic floor muscle function protected against urinary incontinence. Gestational urinary incontinence increased the risk of two-year postpartum urinary incontinence. CONCLUSION: Gestational urinary incontinence was a crucial precursor of postpartum urinary incontinence. Weight gain during pregnancy increased the subsequent risk of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, and elective cesarean section did not prevent urinary incontinence.