45 resultados para PERSPECTIVA DE GÉNERO
Desde 1997, todos os anos muitas pessoas se reúnem na famosa Avenida Paulista, cartão postal da grande cidade de São Paulo, para uma manifestação contra o preconceito e pelo direito civil dos homossexuais. Em todo o mundo essas manifestações se tornaram figura importante do movimento ativista homossexual na luta pelo respeito à diversidade, para abertura de discussões sobre os direitos políticos dos gays, tendo em vista que elas dão maior visibilidade às suas atuações na sociedade. Com o passar dos anos a Parada do Orgulho dos Gays, Lésbicas, Bissexuais e Transgêneros - GLBT de São Paulo tornou-se um fenômeno de público, que desde 2004 ostenta o título de maior parada gay do mundo. Este estudo se utilizará de levantamento de pesquisas e documentos teóricos que tratam da questão, dentro de uma perspectiva qualitativa a respeito da parada, elencando sua importância, seu objetivo, seu interesse e sua militância, na construção de uma educação voltada ao entendimento da diversidade sexual.
This research aims to analyze, based on the theories of French semiotics (or greimasian), the development of the critical text by Barbara Heliodora and drama criticism, a very popular genre in journalism and therefore of great relevance for scholars in the area. The corpus of this research will analyze nine texts by the author, giving priority to her early career (texts from 1957, 1958 and 1962) and her most recent texts (two from 2007 and one from 2010). The choice for greimasian Semiotics is justified because it is a methodology that provides all the necessary elements for interpretation of textual content and its relationship both in the business of the theater and journalism
Ce travail est consacré sur la perspective dialogique d'étude d'un type de texte assez bien populaire sur les médias numériques; appelés par chaîne, il s'agit des messages qui sont transmises par e-mail de façon très rapide et de large propagation parmi ses usagers. La recherche a par objective principal analyser les discours véhiculés par les appelés chaînes, en abordant ses thèmes plus recourants, liées aux concepts de dialogue et genre, présents sur les travaux du Circule de Bakhtine. Par constitution du corpus ils sont allés sélectionnées des chaînes transmises par e-mail entre les années de 2009 et 2011. Dans l'analyse du matériel collecté on a découvert des différences plus généralistes que nous ont permis sa organisation en trois différents grands thèmes: religieuse, relations et utilité publique. Les chaînes composées par la thématique religieuse amènent une mode d’interpellation assez très incisif, direct et explicite à son destinataire, pour qu'il puisse renvoyer le message reçu à des autres destinataires. Il s'agit d'un appel, souvent, coactif et menaçant, avec le but aussi de persuader le destinataire à adhérer au discours religieux contenu dans le message. Le discours religieux des chaînes est configuré d'une façon de défi, ou test, pour lesquelles il y a une promesse de récompense. Le deuxième type de chaîne analysé explore le thème des relations homme/femme et interpelle son destinataire d'une façon suggestionné et non coercitive
This work aims to understand the ways that have led Brazilian geographers to use the gender category as an analytic element in other to understand the production of space, through the theoretical perspective of Feminist Geographies. Thus, it is important to consider, in the history of geographical science, the theoretical and methodological foundations which enabled the inclusion of gender in researches, since this subject belongs to the field of Anthropology and Sociology and it rarely appears in geographical investigations. It is understood that the gender, as an analytical category of intertwined social relation of space, comprising not only the femininity as well as masculinity and transexualities, analyzed in a relational perspective. However , greater emphasis on the understanding of woman as an agent of space will occur, due to the importance of taking the role of women in building the world out of the hidden of history. Therefore, some works produced in Geography in Brazil will be presented and discussed in order to give visibility on the treatment of space and gender relationship
The subject of this research is the publicity discourse, in its configuration as speech genres, according to theoretical-methodological perspective in Bakhtinian Studies. Considering that there are infinite fields of human communication, Bakhtin says that there is also infinity of speech genres. However, according to the author, every sphere of human activity produces, and even requires, certain genres, with theirs thematic, compositional and stylistics aspects defined according to social-ideological values that materialize in that sphere and in the dialogue in which the texts are produced. The objective of this research is to study, according to this theoretical-methodological perspective, a print advertising piece by the Brazilian Federal Government, conveyed in the Língua Portuguesa magazine, with themes concerning the national public education. We analyze how the image of author is built and how the image of the Other is outlined by that author. It is assumed that the gender to which an advertising piece belongs intends to sell a product or idea. One of the specific objectives of this research is to identify what is being sold in the advertising piece that we analyze and what discursive and stylistic resources are utilized to achieve success in what it intends to promote. The results show that the author (in the voice of the Federal Government), while adopting the position of information-holder, also puts himself in the same plane of the reader, where everyone is responsible for the development of education in the country. The advertising piece intends to project a positive image of the Government, and this project of saying is realized, in the analysis, in the compositional aspects of the text as well in the stylistic aspects
Building on some core concepts of dialogic discourse analysis, this article aims to discuss, through an examination of the bestseller lists in Brazil during the years 2000 to 2010, the central features of contemporary mass literature. By the evidence of the prevalence of self-help books, we examine how the phenomenon is consisting. The conclusion that we get is that self-help can be seen both as a discourse genre and as style.
The present study, theoretical, aims to talk about educational policies in Brazil, aiming to unveil what they say these policies, the legitimacy and visibility that give coverage of sexuality in schools. Both sexuality and gender relations have gained attention in a Brazilian educational research in the mid-90th century. These policies have been the National Curricular Parameters (PCN). They present the cross-cutting themes: ethics, health, environment, cultural diversity and sexual orientation, which should be integrated into conventional areas of the school said. Another document of this same decade of education is the National Education Plan (PNE), however this encompasses so hidden sexuality and gender relations. In fact, both the new Law of Directives and Bases (LDB), the PNE in these subjects are veiled. An interesting initiative is happening in Brazil is the project Gender and Sexual Diversity (GDE) for the training of professionals in education issues of gender, sexuality and sexual orientation and ethnic-racial relations, is entering the national perspective of implementation public policy of equality and respect for diversity. However, much remains to be done thinking about the effectiveness of public policies that are effective with respect to space and visibility for the treatment of sexuality. We must also articulate the integration of these themes in these policies, strategies to raise awareness of education professionals in order to secure that they are actually implemented.
By showing how the problem of illiteracy is present among adolescents 11-14 years of age, attending school regularly, and realize how much this problem affect your life not only in school but also in their participation in society, it has set the aim of this research to alphabetize and write the lyrics registered adolescents of elementary school (6th to 9th grade) in a public school, by the Paulo Freire alphabetization method. The type of research that best responds to the proposed objective was action research with a qualitative approach. The data obtained from this research were analyzed in three topics: the search and selection of generating words, technical literacy and consciousness of each generating words (encoding and decoding of the situation experienced this situation with critical weight, pragmatic), and in the end, the analysis of the production of genre personal letter. The survey results indicate that, indeed, it is possible to write the lyrics and literate adolescents with Freirean literacy method. Also indicate the need to continue this work with the subjects of this research to develop linguistic and discursive skills to dominate the genre studied, both in the phenomenon of literacy, as in the write the lyrics. The results also point to another need, which is the extension of this research work in the community and other schools of the city, who have this problem of having teenagers in Elementary Education II, without being literate, as an alternative to overcome this major problem of illiteracy
Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
Based on systemic-cybernetic-new paradigm vision and social constructionism, the paper is an invitation to reflect on the importance of language in the maintenance and the possibility of changing unequal relational patterns, mainly related to issues of gender. Studies on language and verbal behavior of women and men, besides their representation in the media, are examples to illustrate the need advocated here, to changing patterns of inequality guided by gender differences that influence and are influenced by the culture, conveyed in our social network. This paper is a contribution for the clinical work with families and couples, from the perspective of the current behaviors, based on refrains spread by the media which became popular, since it is based on clinical and nonclinical observations about human relationships and its representation in the media and artistic productions.
A presente pesquisa buscou identificar através de um estudo teórico e bibliográfico a construção da identidade de gênero - mulher - a partir de uma perspectiva da educação. O trabalho apoiou-se de uma abordagem qualitativa, com base em leituras de cunho acadêmico, que trouxeram e problematizaram o tema mulher, gênero e suas sexualidades. Para isso, fez-se a análise e compreensão de resumos de 10 (dez) teses do doutorado e 10 (dez) dissertações de mestrado retiradas do banco de teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES -, nas quais foram defendidas nos últimos dez anos, no estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, após as averiguações das teses e dissertações, foi constatado a relação da educação para com o gênero feminino, assim como a construção dessa relação, quais são as complicações, implicações, e a importância da mulher na sociedade. Apesar dos avanços da inserção das mulheres na sociedade, ainda existem barreiras a serem ultrapassadas. Os estudos comprovam que apesar da crescente visibilidade do gênero feminino no mercado de trabalho, nas instituições escolares e em sua conquista na independência, casos de violência, baixo salário comparado aos homens, preconceito, misoginia e estereótipos, ainda estão vigentes atualmente. Quanto à educação, percebe-se que ainda há uma forte desvalorização para com a mulher, deixando-as de lado, minimizando o trabalho desenvolvido nas escolas, rebaixamento em conhecimentos acadêmicos da área de exatas e, ainda, uma forte luta para a conquista de direitos negados
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper aims to make a Postcolonial Reading of the Gothic novel Dracula, written by Bram Stoker. Most importantly, it is considered how the subaltern is silenced, and that how this silence reflects the characters responsible for the discourse construction in the book. For this purpose, the theories of three important writers of the Post-Colonialism, Edward Said, Homi Bhabha and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, were studied, as well as the enlightening ideas of Stephen Arata in The Occidental Tourist: Dracula and the Anxiety of Reverse Colonization. It also verified the construction of Orientalism in Stoker's work, and its constitutively hybrid and transparent characters due the speech manipulation with the ideological filter of the hegemonic power. This manipulation also characterizes the fragmentation in the work, which is an indication, among others, of modernity in Stoker's novel