105 resultados para Ondjaki 1977 Ynari : a menina das cinco tranças


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estimou-se a divergência genética entre cinco genótipos de melão rendilhado (Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Naud.) (JAB-20, JAB-21, JAB-22, JAB-23 e 'Bônus nº 2') e determinou-se qual a contribuição relativa das 16 características avaliadas [nº médio de flores masculinas, hermafroditas/planta; produção total de frutos/m², peso médio dos frutos comerciáveis; diâmetro médio transversal e longitudinal do fruto (DMTF e DMLF); diâmetro médio transversal da inserção do pedúculo (DMTP); espessura média do mesocarpo e epicarpo (EMM e EME); diâmetro médio longitudinal e transversal do lóculo (DMTL e DMLL); proporção da cavidade (PC); desprendimento de sementes (DS); teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST), pH e acidez titulável (AT)] na divergência genética. Obtiveram-se dois grupos de similaridade: I- JAB-20, JAB-21 e 'Bônus nº2' e II- JAB-22 e JAB-23. As características DMLF, DMTP, DMLL, DS e SST foram as que mais contribuíram para a divergência genética entre os genótipos.


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A enxertia é uma técnica alternativa frequentemente recomendada para a cultura do pepino em áreas infestadas com nematóides das galhas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o fator de reprodução de Meloidogyne javanica e de Meloidogyne incognita raça 2 em seis porta-enxertos para pepino (abóbora 'Menina Brasileira', moranga 'Exposição', 'Shelper', 'Tetsukabuto', 'B8-A Tetsukabuto' e 'Excite Ikki') e quatro híbridos de pepino (Cucumis sativus) tipo japonês ('Yoshinari', 'Kouki', 'Taisho' e 'Tsuyataro'). Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em casa-de-vegetação, um com cada espécie do nematóide, sendo cada parcela constituída de uma planta mantida em vaso contendo 2 litros de solo autoclavado. Nove dias após transplante, cada planta foi inoculada com 5.000 ovos e juvenis de segundo estádio (população inicial - Pi) de M. javanica ou M. incognita raça 2. Tomateiros 'Rutgers' foram utilizados como padrão de viabilidade do inóculo, em ambos os experimentos. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com cinco repetições por tratamento. Sessenta dias após a inoculação, cada planta foi avaliada, quanto ao peso fresco da raiz, número total de nematóides presentes no solo e na raiz (população final - Pf), número de nematóides/g de raiz e fator de reprodução de ambas as espécies de Meloidogyne (FR=Pf/Pi). Todos os porta-enxertos e híbridos de pepino testados apresentaram fatores de reprodução superiores a um, proporcionando a multiplicação de M. javanica e de M. incognita raça 2, porém, os valores nos híbridos de pepino foram superiores aos dos porta-enxertos.


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Descrevem-se os aspectos clínicos da dilatação cística do úraco e uroperitônio em cinco touros. Os animais apresentaram, em datas distintas, distensão abdominal e diminuição da ingestão de alimentos e água, até culminar com inapetência, cerca de duas semanas após o aparecimento dos primeiros sintomas. Ocorreu distensão abdominal bilateral progressiva, que, no início do processo, era discreta e restrita ao quadrante inferior do abdômen; com cerca de duas semanas de evolução, o abdômen assumiu forma arredondada semelhante à pera. Observou-se bruxismo, atonia ruminal e desidratação. A abdominocentese revelou a presença de líquido amarelado com concentração de ureia superior a 200mg/dL. A concentração de ureia no soro sanguíneo variou de 220 a 280mg/dL e a creatinina de 65 a 82mg/dL. A ligadura do divertículo do úraco próximo ao vértex da bexiga foi eficaz nos quatro touros operados


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O plantio de mamona (Ricinus communis L.) através de mudas pode ser uma alternativa para um melhor aproveitamento da curta estação chuvosa do semi-árido brasileiro, porém ainda não se dispõe de informações básicas para o emprego desta técnica. Na formulação de substratos para produção de mudas de mamona, as características físicas, principalmente a aeração, são fatores de grande importância. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a composição de substratos utilizando misturas de solo, esterco bovino, casca de amendoim, mucilagem de sisal, bagaço de cana e cama de frango. Utilizou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados com 12 tratamentos e quatro repetições. Sementes da cultivar BRS Nordestina foram semeadas em sacos plásticos de 17 x 28cm, contendo misturas dos materiais a serem testados. Valores de altura, área foliar, número de folhas e diâmetro caulinar foram registrados semanalmente entre 15 e 43 dias após a emergência. Na última coleta também se registraram a massa seca da parte aérea e das raízes. O substrato composto por solo + casca de amendoim + cama de frango + mucilagem de sisal propiciou o melhor crescimento das mudas. A cama de frango contribuiu para o enriquecimento químico do substrato, enquanto a casca de amendoim e a mucilagem de sisal contribuíram para adequar as características físicas de aeração e retenção de água.


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Blood pressure and vascular reactivity to phenylephrine (hypertensor) and sodium nitroprusside (hypotensor) was determined on male broilers taken from 5 commercial strains (Arbor Acres, Cobb, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA and Ross), with 21-28 days of age. Blood pressure was measured in the femoral artery by introducing a cannula attached to a pressure transdutor and recorded on a polygraph. Hyper or hypopressor substances were injected via jugular vein at 5, 10, 20 and 40-mcg kg(-1) body weight. No differences in the systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure and no significant blood pressure responses to phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside were observed among strains. Throughout strain and treatment blood pressures (systolic, diastolic and mean) were high in both experiments. This suggests that these modern male broilers have high arterial pressure possibly due to an indirect selection effect.


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In this paper we propose a new synonymy between P. corderoi (Baker & Pritchard, 1962) and P. incanus Gonzalez & Flechtmann, 1977, based on the examination of type-specimens.


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In this paper we report a study on research in the field of History in Mathematics Education conducted in Brazil in the last five years. We evaluate studies that are theoretical or report experiences on the support found in history that can contribute to the situations of teaching and learning of mathematics, based on the Proceedings of Seminarios Nacionais de Historia da Matematica and Encontros Luso-Brasileiros de Historia da Matematica. Examining the interests, directions and focus of research in the field, we found that the vast majority of studies address specific issues of History of Mathematics, and the number of studies on History in Mathematics Education is still very low. We note that, in the last five years, the arguments in favor of the teaching potential of the History of Mathematics, which is very present in the speech of teachers and managers of public education, has not yet been materialized in experiments or investigations to promote this link effectively.


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The Influence of Drying Temperatures on the Yield Composition of Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt) essential oil. The studies were carried out to establish more precise parameters for citronella (C. winterianus Jowitt) post-harvest, and to optimize drying time and essential oil quantitative/qualitative yield. Five treatments were designed (30°C, 40°C, 50°C, 60°C and 70°C), with 14 repetitions of the drying process and 12 of the essential oil extraction. Drying at 60°C gave the best results for drying time (48 hours until weight stabilization), and also for extracted oil quantity (1.228 ± 0.127% over dry weight). Essential oil content showed high quantitative variations. The main compound found was neral, except in the 50°C treatment, where citronelal was the main compound.


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The objective if this work was a survey of medicinal plants plus commonly cultivated in quintais in Amazon State, Brazil. The work was carried out in five counties at the Solimões/Amazonas and Negro Rivers, by questionnaires, interviews and collections of botanical materials, using the literature to define the geographic origins. It was showed 105 species of medicinal plants, with average of 13 per house. The Amazonian plants, in general wood plants, meaning 10,9 percent of the total of species that was survey, with predominance of the American continent plants out of Amazonian (38,2 per cent). The major group was herbaceous or shrubs exotic plants, aromatics. In general, the peoples unknown the origin of the species of medicinal plants that use day after day.


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With the development of greenhouse grown crops, the whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (West.) has become an important pest. Aiming at verifying the effect of host on the development of this species, the biology of the whitefly was studied on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars IAC-Carioca Pyatã, IAPAR-57, Jalo Precoce, IAC-Bico de Ouro, IAC-Maravilha and on soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivar Cristalina. The study was conducted at the Laboratório de Entomologia Agrícola - FCA-UNESP, at 25 ± 3°C temperature, 80 ± 10% RH and 14h photophase. The biological parameters assessed were duration, viability and number of nymphal instars; male and female longevity, oviposition period, number of eggs per female and sex ratio; egg viability and incubation period and the life cycle duration. Based on data obtained, fertility life tables were constructed to allow a comparative analysis of the effect of cultivars on the biological development and consequent population growth of this species. The bean cultivars IAC-Maravilha and Jalo Precoce negatively influenced T. vaporariorum development, whereas, the other bean cultivars studied, as well as the soybean cultivar Cristalina, provided good conditions for development of this pest.


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This paper evaluates the behavior of suspended sediment load of the river Ivaí over a period of 32 years measured by the station further downstream the river (Novo Porto Taquara). The most suitable parameters for this assessment were the annual discharge of suspended sediment and water obtained from SUDERSA. The relationship between the concentration of suspended sediment and discharge of water had not a very good correlation (R 2 = 0,56) and hysteresis effect is quite clear. The justification for this behavior is given by the heterogeneity of the hydrological regime and basin occupation. There were no significant changes in annual flows which have remained the same during the study period. Already the discharge of suspended sediment showed a small gradual decline in which the end of the period (2007), the river carries less than 0.65 Mton at the beginning (1977). This reduction in suspended sediment transported is probably due to changes in soil management for agriculture.


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The harvest is a critical time in the production of the peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), however in this operation losses are inevitable, in some cases o f up to 30% of production. Peanuts are grown for a short period during the reform of the sugarcane fields, providing better usage of the agricultural spaces in Jaboticabal, São Paulo. The objective of this research was to see how early the peanuts could be dug up once they are seen to have matured. The peanuts were dug up at 120, 125, 130, 135 and 140 days after sowing. Results were subjected to variance analysis by the F-test, and when there was significance of the averages, the Tukey test at 5% probability was applied, using a box plot for the following variables: maturation, moisture content of pods and soil, mechanical resistance of soil to penetration, harvest loss and productivity. The box plot proved efficient in the univariate evaluation of the analyzed variables, creating excellent conditions for viewing their behavior. Digging up the peanuts at 120 DAS is recommended.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR