100 resultados para Nutrient-uptake Rates


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A presente pesquisa foi conduzida em condições de campo, no município de Botucatu - SP, em um solo pertencente ao grande grupo - Terra Roxa Estruturada e de clima Cf.b. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a marcha de absorção dos seguintes nutrientes: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo e Zn. Dentre os resultados obtidos constatouse que: a - a absorção de nutrientes pela parte aérea é crescente durante o primeiro ano da cultura, atingindo absorção máxima no décimo segundo mês. b - em cultura de um ano, a absorção de nutrientes pela parte aérea, por planta, obedece a seguinte ordem: N - 66,7g; K - 62,8g; Ca 24,8g; Mg - 10,3g; S - 7,3g; P - 6,3g; Fe - 229,8 mg; Mn - 149,lmg; Zn - 79,7mg B - 74,2mg; Cu - 20,0mg; Mo - 0,15mg.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de matéria seca e a quantidade de nutrientes extraída por Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzânia adubado com soro ácido de leite. Amostras de um Argissolo foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-20, 20-40 e 40-60 cm e colocadas em colunas de PVC compostas por três anéis correspondentes a cada camada. As doses de soro foram definidas com base na concentração de K, de modo a adicionar ao solo 0, 75, 150, 225 e 300 kg/ha de K2O em cada uma das três aplicações: antes da semeadura, após o primeiro e após o segundo corte. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, durante 112 dias. Após esse período, as colunas foram desmontadas e o solo foi amostrado para análise. A aplicação de soro aumentou a produção de matéria seca; a produção máxima teórica total dos três cortes foi obtida com a aplicação acumulada de 390 m³/ha. As quantidades de K, P e Ca absorvidas pela planta e o teor de K no solo aumentaram significativamente com as doses de soro.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We investigated the combined effect of meal size and temperature on the aerobic metabolism and energetics of digestion in Boa constrictor amarali. Oxygen uptake rates ((V) over dot o(2)) and the. duration of the digestion were determined in snakes fed with meals equaling to 5%, 10%, 20%, and 40% of the snake's body mass at 25degrees and 30 degreesC. The maximum (V) over dot o(2) values attained during digestion were greater at 30 degreesC than at 25 degreesC. Both maximal (V) over dot (o2) values and the duration of the specific dynamic action. (SDA) were attained sooner at 30 degreesC than at 25 degreesC. Therefore, the temperature effect on digestion in Boa is characterized by the shortening of the SDA duration at the expense of increased. Energy allocated to SDA was not affected by meal size but. was greater at 25 degreesC compared to 30 degreesC. This indicates that a postprandial thermophilic response can be advantageous not only by decreasing the duration of digestion but also by improving digestive efficiency. Maximal (V) over dot o(2) and SDA duration. increased with meal size at both temperatures.


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Soil columns were produced by filling PVC tubes with a Dark Red Latosol (Acrortox, 22% of clay). A compacted layer was established at the depth of 15 cm in the columns. In the compacted layer, soil was packed to 1.13, 1.32, 1.48, and 1.82 Mg kg(-1), resulting in cone resistances of 0.18, 0.43, 1.20, and 2.50 MPa. Cotton was cropped for 30 days. Lime was applied to raise base saturation to 40, 52, and 67%. The highest base saturation caused a decrease in phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) concentrations in the plants. A decrease in root dry matter, length and surface area was also observed. This could be a consequence of lime induced Zn deficiency. Root growth was decreased in the compacted layer, and complete inhibition was noticed at 2.50 MPa. Once the roots got through the compacted layer, there was a growth recovery in the bottom layer of the pots. The increase in base saturation up 52% was effective in preventing a decrease in cotton root length at soil resistances to 1.20 MPa. Where the roots were shorter, there was an increase in nutrient uptake per unit of root surface area, which kept the plants well nourished, except for P.


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Soil compaction has a negative effect and Ca was shown to enhance root growth. The effects of soil subsurface compaction and liming on root growth and nutrient uptake by soybean were studied at the Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, São Paulo State University, Brazil. A Dark Red Latosol, sandy loam (Haplortox) was limed to raise base saturations to 40.1, 52.4 and 66.7%. The experimental pots were made of PVC tubes with 100 mm of diameter. Three rings with 150, 35 and 150 mm long were fixed one on the top of the other. In the central ring of 35 mm, the soil was compacted to bulk densities of 1.06, 1.25, 1.43 and 1.71 g.cm(-3). There was no effect of base saturation on soybean root and shoot growth and nutrition. Subsurface compaction led to an increase in root growth in the superficial layer of the pots with a correspondent quadratic decrease in the compacted layer. There was no effect of subsoil compaction on total root length and surface, soybean growth and nutrition. Soybean root growth was decreased by 10% and 50% when the soil penetrometer resistances were 0.52 MPa (bulk density of 1.45 g.cm(-1)) and 1.45 MPa (bulk density of 1.69 g.cm(-3)), respectively. In spite of the poor root growth in the compacted layer, once it nas overcome the root system showed an almost complete recovery.


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In previous studies, it was shown that lipid microemulsions resembling LDL (LDE) but not containing protein, acquire apolipoprotein E when injected into the bloodstream and bind to LDL receptors (LDLR) using this protein as ligand. Aiming to evaluate the effects of apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 on the catabolism of these microemulsions, LDE with incorporated apo B-100 (LDE-apoB) and native LDL, all labeled with radioactive lipids were studied after intraarterial injection into Wistar rats. Plasma decay curves of the labels were determined in samples collected over 10 h and tissue uptake was assayed from organs excised from the animals sacrificed 24 h after injection. LDE-apo B had a fractional clearance rate (FCR) similar to native LDL (0.40 and 0.33, respectively) but both had FCR pronouncedly smaller than LDE (0.56, P<0.01). Liver was the main uptake site for LDE, LDE-apoB, and native LDL, but LDE-apoB and native LDL had lower hepatic uptake rates than LDE. Pre-treatment of the rats with 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol, known to upregulate LDLR, accelerated the removal from plasma of both LDE and LDE-apoB, but the effect was greater upon LDE than LDE-apoB. These differences in metabolic behavior documented in vivo can be interpreted by the lower affinity of LDLR for apo B-100 than for apo E, demonstrated in in vitro studies. Therefore, our study shows in vivo that, in comparison with apo E, apo B is a less efficient ligand to remove lipid particles such as microemulsions or lipoproteins from the intravascular compartment. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A greenhouse experiment was conducted in the Soil Science Department of the Botucatu College of Agricultural Sciences (UNESP), Brazil, using a Dark Red Latosol in 25 L pots. The soil was limed to 50 and 70% of base saturation; and doses 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 t ha-1 of chicken manure were applied, in December of 1999. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with a factorial arrangement 5x2, 10 treatments and three replications. This work was carried to evaluate leaf number, height plants, fresh and dry weight by aerial part of sweet fennel, and macronutrients and micronutrients removal. The organic fertilization affected the accumulation of N, P, K, S, B and Mn; liming affected the nutrient uptake, except for the Ca, Mg, S and Fe; the interaction of factors affected K, Mg and Mn.


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Objective: This research was performed with the objective of investigating the renal effects on premature newborn infants of fortifying banked donor human milk. Methods: Clinical intervention trial, of the before-and-after type, involving 28 premature newborn infants split into two groups by postconceptional age at the start of the study: GI < 34 weeks (n = 14) and GII ≥ 34 weeks (n = 14), and assessed at three sample points: S1, on unfortified donor human milk, S2, after 3 days, and S3, after 10-13 days on fortified donor human milk. Nutrient intake, weight gain, fractional sodium excretion, urinary osmolality and specific density were compared with two-way ANOVA for repeated measures. Results: Fluids, energy and sodium intakes were similar for both groups, and weight gain was satisfactory. Among the preterms with < 34 weeks postconceptional age, serum sodium was lower at the end of the study and the fractional sodium excretion was elevated at the start and at the end of the study (S1 = 2.11±1.05; S2 = 1.25±0.64; S3 = 1.62±0.88), with a significant difference in relation to GII (S1 = 1.34±0.94; S2 = 0.90±0.54; S3 = 0.91±0.82). Osmolality and urinary specific density were normal, with no differences between groups or collection dates. Conclusions: No adverse effects on the renal function of these preterms were detected as a result of being fed fortified donor human milk. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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Brazil is one of the main centers of genetic variability dispersion of the Passiflora genera. Its self incompatibility as well as disease incidence in its leaves and root system and, deforestation and monocultivation, promote loss of genetic material. Considering the risk of genetic erosion, the conservation of the variability in germplasm banks, which is of great interest in plant breeding, is necessary. Studies regarding the type of expiant and concentration of the culture media are necessary in order to determine protocols of establishment and in vitro conservation of passion-fruit germplasm. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of the salt and nutrient concentration in the MS culture medium and types of expiants in the establishment and growth of the Passion fruit species: Passiflora giberti N. E.Brown, P. edulis Sims and P. laurifolia L. Each Passiflora species presented its own characteristics regarding in vitro development. The complete MS medium and nodal segments the second axilliary bud promoted better development of the genotypes studied.


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Economically, onion is the third more important vegetable in Brazil. As a consequence of the increasing by use of new hybrid varieties, the nutritional management of the crop needs to be adequately known. This research was carried out in São José do Rio Pardo, São Paulo State, Brazil, from March 7 to August 8, 2004. The objective was to quantify, under field conditions, the accumulation of macronutrients by onion cultivars established by direct sowing. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with three replicates. The cultivars studied were Optima and Superex. Samples were taken at 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130 and 150 days after sowing. With population of 354,000 plants ha -1 and productivity estimated in 64.8 t ha -1, 'Optima' extracted on 150 days after sowing: 78.77, 13.04, 75.77, 59.09, 11.70 and 24.38 kg ha -1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively, and 'Superex', for the same plant population, and productivity at 72 t ha -1, 64.68, 10.33, 68.28, 65.58, 13.03 and 24.74 kg ha -1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively. The Optima hybrid exported through its bulb about 49.17% of N, 60.60% of P, 61.16% of K, 41.15% of Ca, 43.56% of Mg, and 47.18 of S, the equivalent to 38.73, 7.90, 46.34, 24.32, 5.10 and 11.51 kg ha -1, respectively. The Superex hybrid exported through its bulb about 44.29% of N, 55.85% of P, 62.54% of K, 35.71% of Ca, 31.82% of Mg, and 48.80% of S, the equivalent to 28.65, 5.77, 42.70, 23.42, 4.15, and 12.07 kg ha -1, respectively.


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The study of growth and uptake of nutrients is important to determine the times of increased demand in order to schedule the fertigation. The present research was developed with the objective of evaluating the effects of different levels of electrical conductivity on growth and accumulation of nutrients in chrysanthemum plants under greenhouse conditions. The electrical conductivity levels on the applied solution were 1.42, 1.65, 1.89, 2.13 and 2.36 dS m-1 (bud vegetative stage); 1.71, 1.97, 2.28, 2.57 and 2.85 dS m-1 (bud stage). The dry mass of the aerial portion of the plant and the contents of macronutrients and micronutrients were determined every 14 days. The nutrient accumulation in chrysanthemum plant showed similar trend as compared to dry matter accumulation. The nutrients presented the following order of absorption: K>N>Ca>Mg>P>S (1425, 892, 184, 150, 110 and 59 mg plant-1) and Fe>Zn>B>Mn>Cu (2254, 2219, 1725, 1287, 210 μg plant-1). The content of most nutrients increased with increase in electrical conductivity of the solution, without salt effect up to EC of 2.85 dS m-1.


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The jambu is a broad vegetable consumption in Northern Brazil, especially in Pará, known by the jambu and other common names is native to the Amazon region has been used and cultivated for culinary and also recently in natural medicines by their chemical properties, attributed to the spilanthol compound. Knowing the amount of nutrient uptake in plants, especially at the taken, it is important to evaluate the removal of nutrients necessary for economic fertilizer recommendations. So the goal of this project was to determine the accumulation of nutrients in plants of jambu (leaf and inflorescence) under different fertilizations. The experiment was conducted at São Manuel Experimental Farm UNESP. The statistical was arranged in the randomized block design, in a 2 x 6 factorial scheme, two sources of fertilizers (organic and mineral) and six doses of nitrogen, with four replications. We evaluated the macronutrients of accumulation N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and micronutrients of accumulation B, Cu, Fe and Zn in leaves and inflorescence. The plants responded more jambu nutrients of translocation phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sulfhur (S), boron (B), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) in the inflorescences and phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mg), sulfur (S), boron (B), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) in leaves to organic fertilization demonstrating the effectiveness of using this source of fertilizer nutrients indicating that this was a defining characteristic in response to the accumulation of nutrients in the leaves and inflorescences jambu. Plants jambu are more responsive to fertilizer for the mineral of translocation nitrogen (N) and manganese (Mn) for both the sheet and for the inflorescences of plants jambu.


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The study of nutrient uptake is of fundamental importance to plant nutrition, as well as tell the time (growth stage) being absorbed by the culture, also signals to the levels of fertilizer to be used. Aiming to establish the uptake of nitrogen for cultivation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium Hutch.) led to an experiment in a Alfissol under randomized block design with two treatments, sowing conventional tillage and after tillage on the straw of previous crop (millet), with five replicates. Samples were taken according to the phenology and plants development. The dry matter accumulation in cotton is linear and increasing until the period of large boll, being more intense with the appearance of flowers and boll, or 50 to 100 days after emergence. The nitrogen content is higher in newly emerged plants, having peaks at the beginning of the appearance of squares and flowers, and from the appearance of small boll, the nitrogen content in the plant decreases linearly. The extraction of nitrogen is bigger from the appearance of flowers (55-60 days after emergence).


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In order to quantify the growth, accumulation and exportation of macronutrients by carrot 'Forto', and obtain equations that best represent them, it was conducted an experiment in the São Gotardo (MG), from May to September 2004. Samples were taken at 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 days after sowing (DAS) to determine dry matter and accumulation of macronutrients in leaves and roots. At 40 DAS, five days after thinning, the plants had 0.18 g and 0.04 g in dry leaves (LDM) and of roots (RDM), respectively. From then, until 88 DAS, the partitioning of photoassimilates and accumulation of matter in the shoots were more pronounced. The RDM was low until 80 DAS, which corresponded to two thirds of the crop cycle, from when the amount of material allocated in this part of the plant had strong growth, surpassing, at 88 DAS, the amount of LDM. The nutrient accumulation was small in the first 60 DAS, coinciding with the period of lower dry matter accumulation. The order of decreasing macronutrient accumulation by the crop were: K > N > Ca > P > S > Mg, in the amounts of 906.7, 438, 155.46, 87.4, 58 and 37.63 mg plant-1, respectively. The root participated with 60.5% of the accumulation of N, 86.1% of P, 58% of K, 25.5% of Ca, 55.6% of Mg and 65.5% of S. Considering a population of 590,000 plants per hectare, the total quantity of nutrients by the crop of carrots was 258.3, 51.6, 534.8, 91.7, 22.2 and 34.2 kg N ha-1, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively.