224 resultados para Necessidades de formação docente


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Diante do processo de degradação do meio ambiente e da crise social que permeia a relação sociedade-natureza fragmentada, hierarquizada, consideramos a Educação Ambiental (EA) como potente instrumento de contraposição e intervenção aos atuais paradigmas de nossa sociedade. Frente a este contexto acreditamos que o processo educativo deve trazer articulado para as práticas educativas as dimensões dos conhecimentos relacionados à sociedade e natureza, aos valores éticos, estéticos e participação política. Reconhecendo a ligação entre essas três dimensões, focalizaremos para esse estudo, entretanto, a dimensão valorativa, necessária ao se propor a construção e reconstrução de novos valores desejáveis no âmbito socioambiental. Dessa forma, percorremos em nossa investigação espaços compartilhados por dezesseis professores das séries finais do ensino fundamental da rede pública do estado de São Paulo, que se envolveram em um programa de formação docente junto ao projeto de extensão Educação Ambiental e o Trabalho com Valores realizado em 2010. Nesse caminho, procuramos investigar a partir dos diálogos empreendidos entre esses professores, o processo da construção da prática docente junto à dimensão valorativa da temática ambiental. Buscamos apontar as possibilidades e os possíveis desafios que se estabeleceram no momento da elaboração do plano de ensino que deveria ser posteriormente desenvolvido na rede básica do estado de São Paulo. Os possíveis espaços de contestação que implicaram na contraposição do modelo dominante e que puderam se fortalecer mediante essa experiência formativa durante o projeto de extensão, bem como as possibilidades e limites oferecidos pela escola para sua realização foram alvo de nossa pesquisa. Para tanto, a investigação se desenvolveu com base na abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa, sob uma perspectiva bakhtiniana


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This paper emerged from a reflection on the troubles afflicting and shocked teachers, especially early in his career, among which stands out both in studies and in reports propagated by the teachers themselves: the violence manifested in and out of classrooms. Given this finding and the obvious need for overcoming beyond ephemeral measures, this research outlines two equally important goals: a) incite the discussion of violence at the time of initial teacher training as well as the emergence of new studies concerning this subject in academic research and b) transgress the tradition of research that consists in recommending prescriptions to be applied about how banning school violence, disregarding the peculiarities of each context. These objectives are derived from following question: which strategies are developed in undergraduate courses that aim to preparing of future teachers to deal with the phenomenon of violence in elementary school? Intending to answer this question and, therefore, contemplate the objectives outlined we opted for specialized bibliographic material analysis, systematically selected as the method. As a main result, it was found that the discussion of the theme of school violence in the initial teacher training is something still scarce in practice and incipient in the sphere of research. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of strengthening of this discussion so that when they get into career teaching, future teachers feel adequately subsidized up to face the everyday challenges that may manifest over the profession.


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The aim of this article is to study the supervised apprenticeship in a bachelor degree, more specifically the Literature and Language degree in São Paulo State University (UNESP), in Araraquara. Many students conclude their courses with no idea about what they’ll face in public schools. The reality has shown us that our bachelor degrees aren’t reaching their objectives. Looking for a theoretical support, it’s possible to infer this is not a recent problem, but an ancient one that has been discussed for a long time. In a wide context that involves the depreciation of bachelor degree, the aim of this article is to study the supervised apprenticeship in a bachelor degree, considering the opinion of the undergraduates, teachers from public school, who receive the undergraduates in their classroom and professors who are responsible for training them at the university. The supervised apprenticeship will receive more emphasis in the context it’s insert, with the intent of centralize the study in a very important part of the teacher training. Meanwhile, it’s the only responsible for the faults on pedagogical training of the teacher. It’s necessary to rethink the bachelor degree, not only as a project in the pedagogical area, but as responsibility of all the professors involved. Undergraduate a Language teacher is a project that must involve every area.


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The authors worked in a 4th grade room of elementary school and usedchildren's drawings in which the students have shown their impressions andunderstandings with sexuality and gender relations. The article reflect about themanifestations of sexuality, behaviors gender and sexual attitudes at the school andrelates to the necessity of sex education in a critical and reflexive approach, which,however, can only happen with the improvement of teacher training in sex education.


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In this paper, are analyzed the content of morality and civility disclosed in five articles published in the Revista de Educação, educational periodic published by the School for Teaching Training of Piracicaba, between 1921 and 1923, and that had Lourenço Filho as editor. For the analysis, it was used aspects of the theory of civilization processes, based on the emotional control idea, proposed by the German sociologist Norbert Elias, in the first decades of the twentieth century. Through historical approach, it was founded in these articles the principles of civility and of morality that should be taught through the school to the teaching training students so they could teach it to their students, future citizens of Republic. From the analysis of the articles of this journal it was possible to observe the "drawing" of citizen who was disclosed and, consequently, the spread - through the school – of values related to social behavior that matched to the standards of civilized individuals to the Brazilian Republic.


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The objective of this work is to present an analysis of the results of a study about the reading practices of a group of teachers from the public school, discussing how these practices constitute themselves since the initial formation until the teaching period. The selected teachers had their formation between the end of the 60’s and the beginning of the 80’s, remaining as teachers of the public school for the next twenty years. Using as methodology the narrative research, we are going to discuss how the reading appears in the lives of these professionals, what their representations about it are and how the reading permeates their lives and their actuations in the school, passing through the first contacts with the books until the collision between theory and practice, observed in the speech of the teachers who were interviewed, always taking into account the teaching formation.


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The pedagogic device is constituted as a network of relationships that can be established between heterogeneous elements such as discourses, institutions, laws, administrative measures, scientific statements, philosophical propositions, ie, the said and unsaid. This paper aims to present an analysis on the theme "teacher training" from the perspective of the French philosopher Michel Foucault and his concept of the device. We performed the analysis of texts of the Patio magazine specializing in education.


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Since there are few physical education teachers working in kindergarten, now, due to the elementary school for nine years - getting children 6 years of age, this seems to be a challenge for teachers. Therefore, interested in mobilizing efforts to understand how your training is on this new context, and how is this entry of students from 6 years old in elementary school. From the perspective of the physical education teacher who is acting in this context. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze teacher training and teaching of physical education among children 6 years of age entering the first grade of elementary school from the perspective of physical education teachers who work in this field. This study was guided by the principles of qualitative research, making the collection through semi-structured interview, 11 participated in the investigation of physical education teachers working in the first grade of elementary school. The categories of analysis that have emerged from our study were: 1 Teacher training; 2 The 9-year elementary school for children 6 years of age; 3 Teaching physical education in early childhood education: Reflections on its limits and its possibilities. We can point out that physical education in school is still recognized as unimportant, although the LDB 9394/96 art. 26 § 3, have given your requirement, this is not enough to change the scenario that presents itself. School is still considered by many as a space in which the body is separated from the cognitive. Therefore, for many, the play of children is worthless and physical education is worthless. Teachers interviewed here reveal that has focused efforts on making a better quality of physical education, especially among children 1 year, trying to meet their expectations and need characteristics of the universe of childhood


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O estudo objetivou identificar e caracterizar o lugar que os professores da Educação Básica, enquanto formadores nos cursos de magistério oferecidos em nível médio, ocupavam nos discursos que circulavam no campo da formação docente no período anterior ao movimento de universitarização dessa formação. Especificamente, a pesquisa centrou-se em caracterizar o espaço que os professores da educação básica ocupavam nos cursos de formação para o magistério (Habilitação Especifica para o Magistério - HEM e Centro Especifico de Formação e Aprimoramento para o Magistério - CEFAM), isto por meio da identificação dos discursos que circulavam no campo da formação docente (1971-2001) sobre esses professores, docentes desses cursos. Essa investigação é de carácter exploratório, sendo desenvolvida sob uma perspectiva qualitativa, por meio de estudos bibliográficos. Primeiramente houve uma seleção e reunião de materiais diversos a partir da revisão da literatura acadêmica brasileira. Depois da organização desses dados, utilizou-se como referência os procedimentos de análise de conteúdo e os dados reunidos foram então analisados a partir das seguintes categorias: práticas de ensino, condições de trabalho, formação, relação professor/aluno e representações dos alunos sobre os professores do curso magistério. Os estudos considerados na pesquisa ressaltavam alguns pontos considerados positivos no trabalho daqueles formadores de professores, como a dimensão crítica da formação proposta por muitos deles. Mas evidenciavam, sobretudo, os limites de seu trabalho, especialmente no que se refere a aspectos epistemológicos (relação com as teorias) e profissionais (precárias condições de trabalho)


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Num contexto de mudanças amplas e céleres nos mundos do trabalho e da cultura, como se situam os professores frente às normas que regulam sua formação? Ao discutirmos esta questão, propomo-nos a colaborar com os debates sobre as políticas públicas, especialmente aquelas diretamente relacionadas à formação de professores de Ciências que atuam em determinada região no interior da Bahia, desvelando fatores que constrangem ou impedem a ação dos professores na configuração dessas políticas e apontando para outras possibilidades de formação docente. Para tanto, utilizamo-nos de dados de pesquisas acadêmicas, documentos, legislação e entrevistas realizadas com 15 docentes. Para a análise, apoiamo-nos em referenciais críticos, particularmente na teoria social de Habermas. Foi possível relevar a ausência do Estado em determinados aspectos da formação desses profissionais, bem como sua presença incisiva e sufocante em outros. A participação restrita dos docentes, como grupo afetado, na produção das políticas de formação demonstra que a integração social não tem se fundamentado na comunicação, mas em processos não linguísticos, principalmente por meio do poder estatal que abriga os ditames do sistema econômico. Finalizamos o texto, chamando a atenção para as possibilidades apresentadas pelo conceito de esfera pública para o apontamento de novas possibilidades formativas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT