40 resultados para N-Methyl-D-Aspartate


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O bloqueio parcial das rotas onde atuam os herbicidas, com uso de baixas doses, pode ter implicações importantes, como a alteração do balanço de processos metabólicos nas plantas. Assim, foi conduzido no ano agrícola 2006/2007 um experimento em cana-soca de segundo corte na Fazenda Jurema, pertencente ao grupo COSAN, município de Barra Bonita-SP, para verificar os efeitos do glyphosate e do sulfumeturon-methyl, em subdoses, no comportamento fisiológico da cana-de-açúcar pelos níveis de clorofila e carotenoides. Os tratamentos constituíram-se da aplicação de dois herbicidas: sulfumeturon-methyl (Curavial 360 e.a. kg-1) e glyphosate (Roundup 480 i.a. kg-1), isolados e em misturas, em diferentes doses, e um tratamento controle, sem a aplicação dos herbicidas. As doses utilizadas foram: glyphosate 200 mL p.c. ha-1; glyphosate 400 mL p.c. ha -1; glyphosate 200 mL p.c. ha -1 + 10 g p.c. ha-1 de sulfumeturon-methyl; glyphosate 150 mL p.c. ha -1 + 12 g p.c. ha -1 de sulfumeturon-methyl; e sulfumeturon-methyl 20 g p.c. ha -1. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. As avaliações foram realizadas 15 e 30 dias após o plantio (DAP) e 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias após a colheita (DAC). As folhas foram cortadas padronizando-se o mesmo peso e área foliar. Para determinação do conteúdo de clorofila e carotenoides, amostras de 0,2 g de tecido foliar fresco foram preparadas e os extratos filtrados, sendo efetuadas leituras em espectrofotômetro (663 e 645 nm para clorofilas a e b, respectivamente). A aplicação de glyphosate e sulfumeturon-methyl nas maiores doses interferiu no conteúdo de carotenoides quando estes foram comparados com a testemunha. A maior dose de glyphosate diminuiu significativamente o conteúdo de clorofilas e carotenoides na cana-de-açúcar, porém esse resultado não se manteve quando a dose foi reduzida para 200 mL p.c. ha-1 . Os teores de clorofila foram inversamente proporcionais aos níveis Fe. A aplicação de sulfumeturon-methyl não interferiu nos teores de clorofila, no entanto os níveis de carotenoides se mostraram mais sensíveis e seus teores reduzidos. As alterações observadas nos níveis de clorofilas e carotenoides pela aplicação dos produtos podem afetar de maneira distinta o metabolismo da fotossíntese pela absorção e/ou conversão de energia.


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Os herbicidas, mesmo quando usados em doses reduzidas ou utilizados como maturadores, podem alterar a morfofisiologia da planta, o que pode levar a modificações qualitativas e quantitativas na produção. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a eficiência agronômica e os efeitos, durante o crescimento da cana-soca, da aplicação de glyphosate e sulfometuron-methyl em baixas doses. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelos herbicidas sulfometuron-methyl e glyphosate em diferentes doses e misturas e por uma testemunha (sem aplicação dos produtos). Uma linha de plantas de cana-de-açúcar foi destinada à aferição da qualidade tecnológica, sendo estabelecido 1 m aleatório a cada época de amostragem. Os colmos coletados foram submetidos ao desponte na altura da gema apical e à desfolha; em seguida, foram encaminhados para processamento segundo a metodologia do Sistema de Pagamento de Cana pelo Teor de Sacarose (SPCTS), sendo considerados os parâmetros tecnológicos: pol cana (PCC), pureza do caldo (PUI), açúcar total recuperável (ATR) e Brix. Nas soqueiras de cana-de-açúcar, realizaram-se análises de crescimento (altura e perfilhos). As avaliações foram realizadas na pré-colheita (30 dias após aplicação dos maturadores) e 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias após a colheita. Os herbicidas glyphosate e sulfometuron-methyl propiciaram melhoria da qualidade tecnológica da matéria-prima,com incrementos significativos na pureza do caldo e no Brix. A aplicação dos produtos não interferiu na produtividade e no teor de açúcar. Houve efeito estimulante no perfilhamento quando se usou glyphosate na dose de 400 mL ha-1 e redução em crescimento (altura) no início do desenvolvimento da cana, porém, com o tempo, o efeito não se manteve.


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Poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) (PS-PMMA) ionomers with several degrees of sulfonation were synthesized and characterized by infrared, UV-vis, and NMR spectroscopies, elemental analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Stable Langmuir films could be produced with PS-PMMA with 3 and 6 mol % of sulfonation, while PS-PMMA 8% exhibited material loss to the water subphase, probably due to its higher solubility. Surface pressure and surface potential isotherms with PS-PMMA 3% spread onto salt-containing subphases pointed to a film behavior characteristic of the polyelectrolyte effect, where charge repulsion governs the film properties. The Langmuir-Blodgett films of this ionomer were successfully transferred onto various substrates, as confirmed by UV-vis and FTIR spectroscopies. Using cycling voltammetry, we show that LB films from PS-PMMA 3% can be applied in selective sensing of dopamine, even in the presence of interferents such as ascorbic acid.


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The binding of the cations thallium(I), calcium(II) and terbium(III) to methyl methacrylate-methacrylic acid copolymers with different fractions of acid groups (x) has been studied in aqueous solution at, various pH values using the fluorescence of covalently bonded 9-vinyl anthracene as a probe. In all cases, the extent of binding increases as a function of the charge of the polymer with either increasing fraction of carboxylic acids or of pH. However, differences are observed in the behavior of the three cations, With Tl(I), quenching of the anthracene group fluorescence is observed. indicating that the thallium(I) approaches the probe and suggesting that the alkylanthracene is probably in a relatively polar region. Binding constants have been determined from anthracene quenching data and from studies with the fluorescent-probe sodium pyrenetetrasulfonate, Good agreement is obtained between the two methods, and values for the binding constants increase from 250 to 950 M-1 as x increases from 0.39 to 1. It is suggested that the cation is held in the polyelectrolyte domain, partly by Debye-Huckel effects and partly by more specific interactions. Stronger binding is found with calcium(II) and terbium(III), and in this case increases in fluorescence intensity are observed on complexation due to the anthracene group being in a more hydrophobic region, probably as a result of conformational changes in the polymer chain. In the former case the stoichiometry of the interaction was determined from the fluorescence data to involve two carboxylate groups bound per calcium. Association constants were found using murexide as an indicator of free calcium to vary from 8400 to 37 000 M-1 as x increases from 0.39 to 1. It is suggested that in this case specific calcium(II)-carboxylate interactions contribute to the binding. With terbium(III), a greater increase in the probe fluorescence intensity was observed than with calcium, and it is suggested that the interaction with the polymer is even stronger, leading to a more pronounced conformational change in the polymer. It is proposed that the terbium(III) interacts with sis carboxylic groups on the polymer chain, with three being coordinated and three attracted by electrostatic interactions.


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We show room temperature charge-density wave (CDW) characteristics in d.c. and a.c. electric data in pressed pellets of lightly doped poly(3-methylthiophene). The possibility of a Peierls glass is discussed and metastables states are observed. D.C. and A.C. data also show a state with negative differencial resistance.


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Spectroscopic properties of blends formed by bisphenol-A polycarbonate (PC) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) doped with Europium (III) acetylacetonate [Eu(acac)(3)], have been studied by photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) and photoluminescent (PL) spectroscopy. Emission and excitation spectra, excited state decay times, and quantum efficiency have been evaluated as well. PAS studies evidenced chemical interactions between the Europium complex and the PC/PMMA blend, which presented typical percolation threshold behavior regarding the Eu3+ content. PL spectra evidenced the photoluminescence of the Eu3+ incorporated into the blend. Photoluminescence property enhancement was observed for the composite in comparison with the precursor compound. Optimized emission quantum efficiency was observed for the 60/40 blend doped with 2% and 4% Europium (III) acetylacetonate. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The acute, subchronic and chronic toxicities of 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) were studied in rats. Animals were exposed acutely (600 mg/kg), subchronically (200 ppm for 30 d) and chronically (200 ppm for 180 d) to 2,4-D by the oral route. Clinical, laboratory and histopathological methods were used as indicators of toxicity. After acute exposure, the herbicide decreased locomotor activity and induced ataxia, sedation, muscular weakness (mainly of the hind quarters) and gasping for breath; increased aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase (AP), amylase activities and creatinine levels; decreased total protein (TP) and glucose levels; and increased hematocrit values. Subchronic and chronic 2,4-D exposures did not induce overt clinical signs or symptoms of intoxication. However, subchronic herbicide exposure increased AST activity and albumin and hematocrit values, and chronic exposure increased AST, AP and LDH activities, decreased amylase and glucose levels, but did not change hematocrit values. Chromatographic analysis of the serum of chronically exposed rats showed the presence of the herbicide; the amount found (3.76 ± 1.16 mg/ml) suggested the absence of 2,4-D accumulation within the body. Although macroscopic or histopathological lesions were not observed in acutely, subchronically or chronically 2,4-D exposed rats, the laboratory data obtained suggest tissue injuries after dosing, since the results are considered early indicators of primarily hepatic and muscle tissue damage.


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Despite recent advances in understanding the biological basis ofprostate cancer (PCa), the management of this disease remains a challenge. Chemoprotective agents have been usedto protect against or eradicateprostatemalignancies. Here, we investigated the protective effect of -tocopherol on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced epithelial dysplasia in the rat ventral prostate (VP). Thirty-two male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n=8): control (CT): healthy control animals fed a standard diet; control+-tocopherol (CT+T): healthy control animals without intervention fed a -tocopherol-enriched diet (20mg/kg); N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU): rats that received a single dose of MNU (30mg/kg) plus testosterone propionate (100mg/kg) and were fed a standard diet; and MNU+-tocopherol (MNU+T): rats that received the same treatment of MNU plus testosterone and were fed with a -tocopherol-enriched diet (20mg/kg). After 4months, the VPs were excised to evaluate morphology, cell proliferation and apoptosis, as well as cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2), glutathione-S-transferase-pi (GST-pi) and androgen receptor (AR) protein expression, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) activity. An increase in the incidence of epithelial dysplasias, such as stratified epithelial hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia, in the MNU group was accompanied by augmented cell proliferation, GST-pi and Cox-2 immunoexpression and pro-MMP-9 activity. Stromal thickening and inflammatory foci were also observed. The administration of a -tocopherol-enriched diet significantly attenuated the adverse effects of MNU in the VP. The incidence of epithelial dysplasia decreased, along with the cell proliferation index, GST-pi and Cox-2 immunoexpression. The gelatinolytic activity of pro-MMP-9 returned to the levels observed for the CT group. These results suggest that -tocopherol acts as a protective agent against MNU-induced prostatic disorders in the rat ventral prostate.