49 resultados para Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul), tratado


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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O livro trata de um tema pouco discutido pelos especialistas brasileiros em relações internacionais, o processo de cooperação (e os eventuais conflitos) entre os países da região amazônica - Brasil, Bolívia, Peru, Equador, Colômbia, Venezuela, Guiana e Suriname - nos aspectos político, institucional e ambiental. De acordo com o autor, o esforço de cooperação, que começou ainda em 1978 - quando havia na América Latina uma presença marcante de governos militares - vem evoluindo aos poucos, tanto do ponto de vista prático quanto do conceitual, mas com alguns retrocessos e certa indecisão programática. Para ele, desde a assinatura em 1978 do Tratado de Cooperação Amazônica (TCA), esta trajetória compreenderia cinco fases distintas: o período até 1989 teria sido marcado pela ênfase defensivo-protecionista; de 1989 a 1994 houve nítidas tentativas de fortalecimento político; e de 1995 a 2002 teria sido verificado grande amadurecimento institucional. Um visível deslanche aconteceria a partir de 2002, com a criação da Organização do Tratado de Cooperação Amazônica (OTCA) e pela intensificação dos contatos entre os países amazônicos. A partir de 2009, começa a fase seguinte, com o relançamento da OTCA, desta vez pautada nas diretrizes da Agenda Estratégica de Cooperação Amazônica, com a qual tenta-se engajar os países da região na maior quantidade possível de objetivos comuns


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper aims to examine regional integration processes in South America, particularly in Mercosur. The point of departure is the study of Brazilian foreign policy in the region. Possible consequences of international changes will be discussed, as well as the significance of new social and political forces. Continuity and ruptures in Brazilian behaviour as regards integration will be identified to understand strengths and weaknesses in building an independent position and in search of balance among other international power centres.


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This article aims to briefly analyze, the recent movements that characterize the process of regional integration in South America, focusing on themes that comprised the current debate about the formation of Mercosur.


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The study aims to analyze the mechanization of the main coffee growing region in the south of Minas Gerais, in force, especially from the 1970s. But you get new content from the1990s, with the introduction of new information technologies. The use of machines in production processes appear as one of the great transformations of coffee in the period modern after globalization, requiring a labor more specialized, although resulting in unemployment in rural areas. So in the period of globalization new technologies gradually replace manual work. In the coffee farm, the old ways of the production (that handed down from father to son) aren't accepted by the global scientific agriculture (Santos, 2000:88). They are considered inefficient and low quality, but not attendant of patterns the international market. The national companies producing agricultural machines for coffee with emphasis on the company Pinhalense Agricultural Machinery SA believe that the producers of the region are its biggest customers in the country, considering the degree of mechanization more pronounced compared to other coffee growing regions. Analyze the importance of the coffee region with a contribution in the indicators of export and trade surplus in the Brazil and State of Minas Gerais


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A energia solar fotovoltaica tem se destacado como uma opção de fonte energética limpa e muito confiável. No entanto, é a Europa que detém a maior representatividade fotovoltaica no mercado mundial, indo contra o senso comum de que seriam os países pertencentes ao Cinturão do Sol aqueles com a maior capacidade instalada. Apesar das condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento da fonte, o Brasil possui um mercado muito deficitário, contando apenas com poucos projetos de incentivo para levar eletricidade para comunidades carentes afastadas dos centros de geração ou das redes de distribuição. O país carece de programas exclusivos para a energia solar fotovoltaica que proporcionem incentivos ao mercado, a fim de impulsionar a indústria local e estimular o investimento no longo prazo para a maior diversificação da matriz energética brasileira. Assim, o presente estudo buscou ilustrar e analisar o cenário do mercado brasileiro atual da energia solar fotovoltaica, apresentando seus saldos comerciais com os quatro principais mercados mundiais para a fonte: Europa, EUA, Japão e China, segundo os dados disponibilizados pelo banco de dados Aliceweb para os itens 8541401, 8541402 e 8541403, classificados segundo a NCM


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Com elevadas taxas de crescimento e participação cada vez maior no comércio mundial, a China intensifica suas relações com o Brasil e com a América do Sul, na qual apresenta-se como exportadora de manufaturados e importadora de commodities. Os efeitos desta relação devem ser estudados com cautela, pois apesar dos ganhos de curto prazo, geram perigosos impactos a médio e longo prazo. No Brasil, a presença chinesa é uma ameaça imediata ao setor industrial tanto no mercado interno, quanto externo


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As the market expands, especially about construction, further treatments were required on the development of a building. This fact is noted due to the need to satisfy the client each time more, which requires more quality in the product final delivery. Therefore, the competition between companies grows every day to the effective and efficient production of their final products. This work shows negative factors that have influence in the product final delivery and consequently presents methods to improove the quality of this product. This study is characterized in management methods that are wrongly applied to the study of case of this work, which took place in the city of Guarulhos and was carried out during a work conducted by a large construction company


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The parliamentary representation in the Southern Cone integration is the main issue in this article, which analyzes some implications of the institutionalization of Mercosur Parliament (Parlasur). Consolidation and deepening of the integration process are related to the very weakness of congressional action under the Joint Parliamentary Committee and even the Parlasur. The hypothesis is that the creation of the Mercosur Parliament could contribute to the integration process only insofar as it could overcome the limitations experienced by the Joint Parliamentary Commission and go forward in building a democratic and representative body of regional integration.


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Pós-graduação em Educação, Ciências Sociais e Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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This article intends to deal with an ordinary link it does on education and type of work what can be achieved. In two studies we conducted, one with the motorcyclists of Assis, in the state Sao Paulo - under the theoretical and methodological Psychodynamics of Work -, and another with the couriers in São Paulo - under a methodological framework ethnographic -, as we noted this relationship was used professionals to explain their connection and within these activities remain so poor and so dangerous for this group. This connection self cupabilization favors workers by their situation in the labor market and a difficult see no alternative to this reality. Intend to contribute to this discussion show a possible hypothesis as established this relationship (education / access to work) and show how the changes in the political context and economic environment and the world, contributed to the reduction of jobs, increasing the number precarious jobs and unemployment.