44 resultados para Melhoria da educação
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR
Athletics in most of its history, turned to competition, giving it little pedagogical knowledge, prevailing knowledge grounded in records, indexes and competitions. Thus, although it is considered a classic content of Physical Education, this modality is still not widespread in schools. The present study aimed to investigate possible progress in the teaching and learning of athletics in the State Schools of Bauru from the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo for Teaching Physical Education. We attempted to checking the perspective of teachers and students, the changes in teaching and learning as well as difficulties encountered from the deployment. To that end, we conducted survey of the theoretical and practical alternatives developed by Physical Education teachers, about athletics theme, since the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo for the Teaching of Physical Education in 2008, in seven (7) state schools in Bauru-Sao Paulo, randomly chosen, prioritizing different regions of the county. There was the purpose of investigating, through questionnaires, interviews (applied to teachers and students), what progress has been achieved with regard to the approach of collegiate athletics in the teaching/learning process, if there are difficulties, what are these and how they could be addressed in order to improve teaching and learning in school athletics. The collected data were analyzed comparatively, before and after implementation of the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo for Physical Education, gathering and specifying negative and/or positive aspects raised by teachers and students. It was concluded that the students' knowledge of the sport has increased, but the practice of sport is still far from being normal to them, doing so is necessary to include content from the earliest school years. Teachers attribute the greatest difficulties to lack of infrastructure and materials suitable for this...
This paper provides an overview of the reality of Colonial Corps created in the early twentieth century, in São Paulo, based on a cut of the genesis of the municipality of Peixoto Hawk when he was one of the centers for the accommodation of European immigrants; well as in parallel to the phase coronelismo intensified in the area. From this historical assumption, following a brief contemporary approach, already in the XXI century, in order to provoke a debate that can aggregate relevant contribution to the strategic purposes of the locality, including inserting the new reality imposed by the deployment of the Aerospace Hub in the town, represented by installation of Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S / A - Embraer. It takes into account, thus the set of their social and cultural phenomena occurred and developed over time (diachronic); based on an analysis for educational planning, particularly in developing and implementing public policies and projects to new propositions for improvement Local education at different levels.
Thinking about improving public education in Brazil means thinking not just what we wish to develop competencies and skills in individuals, but understands clearly identify the type of citizens who are training and what kind of society we want for the future. So if there are social and cultural changes they should have their comtraponto within the classroom considering education steeped in culture and therefore in the forms of modern communication. The challenge for school education is to show the students inside the classroom, as will be outside.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Visando melhoria na qualidade do ensino e da aprendizagem dos alunos, a Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo elaborou em 2008 um documento para sistematizar um currículo único para todas as escolas dos níveis de ensino fundamental II e médio, sob sua jurisdição. Assim, objetiva-se com o presente estudo analisar tanto qualitativa quanto quantitativamente a produção acadêmicocientífica no campo da Educação Física acerca do Currículo do Estado de São Paulo, a fim de identificar as possíveis implicações para a prática pedagógica. Para isso, foram analisados artigos publicados em sete periódicos nacionais da área e um banco de teses e dissertações, tendo como recorte temporal o período de 2008 até 2014. A análise e discussão dos dados se deu, inicialmente, por apresentar os resultados referentes a cada um dos periódicos investigados para, em um segundo momento, compreender de forma qualitativa o panorama geral concernente à produção acadêmica na área da Educação Física sobre a temática do Currículo do Estado de São Paulo. Logo após, os artigos e as teses e dissertações foram organizados de acordo com a classificação de temas investigados proposta por Bracht et al. (2011). Assim, foi possível identificar as possíveis implicações da produção acadêmico-científica para a prática pedagógica, sob essa temática. Os resultados indicaram uma baixa quantidade de publicações pautadas no Currículo do Estado de São Paulo para a disciplina de Educação Física. Do total de 593 artigos ou trabalhos monográficos que foram encontrados sobre Educação Física escolar, foram identificados apenas 16 baseados no Currículo do Estado de São Paulo para a disciplina de Educação Física, valor correspondente a 2,69% do total encontrado sobre a temática de Educação Física escolar durante o período considerado para a pesquisa. Assim, conclui-se que como não é possível afirmar que tudo aquilo...
Este estudo teve como objetivo experiênciar a aplicabilidade dos Indicadores da Qualidade na Educação Infantil, documento elaborado pelo Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC) em 2009, por meio da Secretaria de Educação Básica e em parceria com a ação Educativa, a Fundação ORSA, a União Nacional dos Dirigentes Municipais de Educação (UNDIME) e o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF). Observamos a possibilidade de utilização na avaliação de uma escola de educação infantil e sua contribuição para a efetiva melhoria da qualidade do ensino da instituição. Utilizamos na realização da pesquisa, uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, utilizando como instrumentos de coleta de dados, os questionários e levantamento bibliográfico, em uma escola pública de Educação Infantil do município de Rio Claro/SP, onde aplicamos os indicadores da qualidade. Posteriormente os dados coletados foram analisados para análise e elucidação das possibilidades e desafios da aplicação dos Indicadores da Qualidade na Educação Infantile também sua potencialidade como instrumento de avaliação da qualidade da escola
The University is responsible for the stablishment of citizens with critical thinking, based on current concepts, capable of a dynamic and participative attitude in the community in which these professinals will be inserted. Education at environmental sustainability, permeated by the articulation among knowledge, social, and cultural phenomena, brings the challenge of incorporating skills, providing essential values not only for understanding the historical relations between human beings and the environment, but also to improving the quality of life. The “World Conference on Higher Education in the Twenty-first Century: Vision and Action" guides the educational process by its mission to train citizens professionals, highly informed, motivated, integrated and able to create a society based on love of humanity and wisdom. The balancing among the basic functions of teaching, research and extension within the University contributes to the student to take ownership of the construction of his own knowledge in a perspective of integral formation of the human being, aware of his social responsibility and policy for a society environmentally sound. This paper aims to, guided by literature review, present some considerations on the role of the University in education for environmental sustainability.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
The teaching of Science is one great challenge not only for educators but also for researchers in our country. In a globalized world where the social foundations, cultural and economic depend fundamentally on science and technology, science education is a basic requirement for the exercise of citizenship. Multiple initiatives have been taken to improve the quality of teaching of science practiced in our schools: the ReAction Program is the result of a set of actions developed by a public educational policy that invests in improving the Teaching of Science the elementary school. In this work, we present a history of this program and the search on the contribution and the actions developed, the collaborative research with a group of teachers-multiplier, and the evaluation of the teaching of science, measured from notes, frequency and speech teacher.
The teaching of acoustics has been characterized by a banking model that little contributes to the ideal training of citizens capable of understanding and acting to improve their environment soundscapes. Equally distant from the world of sound and musical culture, audio technology and acoustic environment, it is disconnected from the ever-increasing effort to raise awareness on hearing and sound education, as defended by the Canadian educator Prof. Raymond Murray Schafer. In order to provide elements for reflection on how Mathematics can be itself a language to compete in a sound education, we developed, in a dialogical and problematizing method applied to the technological and cultural world, one further research and teaching with Math students of UNEMAT in Barra do Bugres. This study pointed to the feasibility of educating consciences capable of of improving their acoustic environment, modifying the landscapes where we live, under our responsibility.
The lack of interest and motivation, and the self-exclusion from Physical Education classes by Secondary and High School students is pointed out in the specific literature as a pedagogical problem for that discipline. Most studies dealing with the issue present only descriptive data, gathered from the quantification of responses given by students to questionnaires, and they lack a more consistent theoretical framework for both the generation of data as to its interpretation. The objectives of this article are: (i) to present an overview of published studies that address the perspectives of students in relation to their Physical Education classes at school, in terms of attitudes, opinions, tastes, motivation, and development; and (ii) to propose theoretical foundation and methodological guidelines for one future field based research that allows better understanding on how Secondary and High School students’ relationship to school Physical Education knowledge occurs, in order to contribute for advances regarding the results and conclusions on such thematics. We suggest that the definition of the research problem, the generation and interpretation of the data must take as reference the "theory of the notion of the relationship to knowledge", by Bernard Charlot, for whom the school knowledge must be understood in its relations with learning beings. The methodological direction should be guided by "qualitative research" general parameters in Education, using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with students. Hopefully, in this way, indicators informed by research might contribute to improving the quality of teaching in lessons, in order to provide the students with opportunities for meaningful learning.
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS