335 resultados para Melão - Cultivo


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Local abundant residues with low or without commercial value with potential to make the production of edible mushrooms economically viable in any region of Brazil must be employed for cultivation. Thus, the radial mycelial growth of LED 20 strain of Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler was verified in culture media prepared with extract of regional residues by using substrates based on Protium puncticulatum, Cariniana micrantha and Caryocar glabum sawdust, supplemented with 20% of grinded residues from the barks of the fruits of Astrocaryum aculeatum and Theobroma grandiflorum. Residues from eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp) sawdust and wheat bran (Triticum aestivum L) were used as witness because they are commonly used in the cultivation of L. edodes. The experimental design used was totally randomized, in 4x3 factorial scheme, totalizing 12 treatments with five repetitions, being that each repetition corresponded to a Petri dish, adding up a total of 60 dishes, which were incubated under 25 degrees C. The diameter of the colony was daily evaluated during seven days of incubation. After that period, it was verified that media prepared with P. puncticulatum extract, whose supplementation with both brans was favorable for fungic development, presented some of the highest averages of mycelial growth of LED 20 strain of L. edodes, confirming the potential of those residues.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Lentinus strigosus (Schwein.) Fr. is an exploitable edible mushroom occurring in the Brazilian Amazon, being part of a huge diversity of edible mushrooms which are little grown. The use of regional waste is recommended to reduce production costs of any kind of edible mushroom. Thus, the mycelial growth of L. strigosus in culture media based on regional wood waste extract by using substrates based on Protium puncticulatum, Cariniana micrantha and Caryocar glabum sawdust, supplemented with 20% of wheat bran (Triticum aestivum), corn bran (Zea sp.) or rice bran (Oryza sp.) was observed. Eucalyptus (Eucaliptus sp.) sawdust was used for comparison with the other wood wastes because it is commonly used in the cultivation of edible fungi. The experimental design employed was totally randomized, in 4 x 3 factorial scheme (sawdust x bran), adding up 12 treatments with 5 repetitions, being that each repetition corresponded to a Petri dish, totalizing 60 dishes, incubated at 35 ºC. The diameter of the colony was daily evaluated until the fungus reached the borders of the Petri dish in one of the treatments. After that period, the media based on P. puncticulatum sawdust obtained thebest results of mycelial growth, showing potential to be used as an alternative residuein a future production of L. strigosus in the state of Amazonas.


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The radial mycelial growth of Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler, strain LE-96/13, was studied in culture media prepared with organic residues extract, by using substrates prepared with pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril) crown, Astrocaryum aculeatum Meyer peel, Theobroma grandiflorum Schum shell, Musa sp. (genomic group AAB, subgroup Pacovan) peel, and Musa sp. (genomic group AAB, subgroup Prata) peel, with three supplementation levels with wheat bran (0, 10 and 20%), and incubated at 25ºC. The experimental design was totally randomized, in a 5×3 factorial scheme, adding up 15 treatments with 4 repetitions, and each repetition corresponding to a Petri dish. The diameter of the colony was evaluated daily during nine days of incubation. After that period, it was verified that the highest mycelial growth averages of strain LE-96/13 of L. edodes were found in culture media prepared with T. grandiflorum Schum shell (whose supplementation with wheat bran was favorable for Mushroom development) and A. aculeatum Meyer peel (whose supplementation did not favor the mycelial growth of L. edodes in relation to the medium not supplemented).


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the mineral composition (macro e micronutrients) of the substrates [initial and residual (postharvest)] based on different combinations of waste (leaf, pseudo-stem and pseudostem + leaf) and banana cultivars - Musa spp. (Thap Maeo, Prata Anã, Pelipita and Caipira) during 49 days for the cultivation of POS 09/100 strain of P. ostreatus. It was verified that all of the substrates based on different combinations of waste and banana cultivars presented satisfactory amounts of nutrients for the cultivation of P. ostreatus, both in the initial phase of cultivation and in the end.


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Coprinus comatus is an edible and lignolitic fungus which has presented great potential for commercial use due to its easy development in the different residues, such as banana tree leave. Thus, the mycelial growth of Coprinus comatus in culture media based on leaves of Thap-Maeo, Prata-Anã, Pelipita and Caipira banana tree cultivars, supplemented with 20% of wheat, soy and rice brans, was evaluated. 7 mm-wide discs of CCO 01/01 strain of C. comatus were inoculated in the middle of Petri dishes containing culture medium, inside a laminar flow chamber. Next, the dishes were arranged totally at random inside an incubator at 25 ºC. The daily measurements of the mycelial growth began after 24 hours, until one of the treatments reached the borders of the Petri dish. According to the results obtained, we verified that there was not effect of the kind of supplementation for culture media based on Thap-Maeo, Prata-Anã and Pelipita; the best growth averages for culture media based on Caipira were provided by wheat and rice brans. Therefore, banana residues may be a viable and ecologically correct choice for the cultivation of C. comatus, especially for Thap-Maeo and Prata Anã sorts, which provided the best growth averages, regardless of the supplementation used.


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The objective of this paper was to evaluate the mycelial growth of Pleurotus ostreatus (strain POS 09/100) in culture media based on different banana tree residues. The experimental design was totally randomized in 3 x 4 factorial scheme and consisted in three combinations of residues (pseudostem, leave and pseudostem + leave) and four banana tree cultivars (Thap Maeo, Prata Anã, Pelipita and Caipira), totalizing twelve treatments each with five repetitions, adding up sixty experimental units. Growth was measured every 24 hours until the mycelium of one of the treatments reached the border of the Petri dish, what occurred five days after the beginning of the experiment. The results obtained showed that all the combinations of banana tree residues were favorable to P. ostreatus mycelial growth, especially pseudostem + leaf of Pelipita, Thap maeo and Prata anã cultivars. Thus, the use of banana tree residues is viable for cultivation of P. ostreatus, and considered as an excellent alternative, besides reducing their disposal in the environment.


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Avaliou-se a influência da disposição de mangueiras gotejadoras nos canteiros e a injeção ou não de cloro na água de irrigação, nas condições sanitárias do solo e da alface americana irrigada (Lactuca sativa L.) com águas receptoras de efluentes urbanos. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas de amostras de água do solo e da alface, no decorrer de todo o ciclo de cultivo. Objetivou-se determinar a possível existência de Salmonella spp. e de formas evolutivas de parasitos humanos e a quantidade de coliformes fecais, em pontos e épocas diferentes do experimento, impedindo assim o consumo da alface. Os resultados não indicaram a presença dos dois primeiros em nenhuma das amostras, mas sim de parasitos não humanos (nematóides) de vida livre no solo. em relação à quantidade de coliformes fecais (NMP ml-1), o valor encontrado na cultura atende às exigências da Secretaria de Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde brasileiro, porém a presença dos nematóides em quantidades superiores ao permitido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) inviabiliza o seu consumo.


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Two different culture media, namely CHU12 and inorganic fertilizer NPK (20-5-20) associated with macrophyte (Eichhornia crassipes) extract, were used to evaluate the development of A. gracilis. Growth rate, development, nutritional value and medium water quality were analyzed. A. gracilis in macrophyte+NPK medium had mean cell density (333x10(5) cells/mL) higher than medium CHU12 (302x10(5) cells/mL). Protein rate (12.52% PS), dry weight (397x10(7) pg/cell) and ashes (4.08x10(7) pg/cell) in A. gracilis was higher (p<0.05) than medium macrophyte+NPK. on the other hand, lipids, carbohydrates and fibers had the same rate (p>0.05) in both media. When hydrological variables in the culture medium of A. gracilis are taken into account, dissolved oxygen and free CO2 alone failed to have any significant difference (p>0.05) between the media employed. A. gracilis in the macrophyte+NPK medium had the same nutritional rate as the commercial medium CHU12, with excellent results for alga growth. Macrophyte medium may be used for large scale alga culture in the feed of fish larvae.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do horário, taxa e freqüência de alimentação no desempenho do matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) em tanques de cultivo. O trabalho foi realizado no Centro de Aqüicultura da UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, no período de outubro de 1997 a janeiro de 1998 sendo realizados três ensaios, em tanques de 200m² subdivididos em 4 de 50 m². No ensaio I foram medidos em 3 períodos (manhã-m; meio do dia-md e tarde-t) o consumo de ração, índice de ingestão, tempo de saciação e velocidade de ingestão em peixes com peso médio de 232,13 g, alimentados com ração extrusada (32% de PB). Não foi observada diferença significativa nos parâmetros analisados. No ensaio II, em peixes com peso médio de 233,98 g, foi medido o consumo médio de ração, em intervalos de duas horas, das 07 às 19 horas. O maior consumo ocorreu quando o matrinxã foi alimentado às 17 horas. No ensaio III, durante 57 dias, os peixes foram alimentados uma vez ao dia (m); uma vez ao dia (t); duas vezes ao dia(m/t) e três vezes ao dia (m,md,t). Peixes com peso médio inicial de 322,25 g receberam ração com 32% de PB, na quantidade de 2% do PV. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas no ganho de peso diário (3,17; 2,80; 3,04 e 2,81 g) e na conversão alimentar aparente (2,11; 2,48; 2,16 e 2,31:1). Concluiu-se que a freqüência de alimentação de uma vez ao dia, em qualquer horário, mostrou ser suficiente.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of yellow melon inodorus Valenciano Amarelo (CAC) fresh cut submitted to two cut types and with application postharvest of calcium chloride. After preparation cubes and slices melon were immersed in solution with different calcium chloride (CaCl2) concentrations for two minutes, afterwards they were conditioned in trays of expanded polystyrene (EPS), covered by plastic film of low density polyethylene (PEBD), stored in cold camera to 5 degrees C +/- 1 and analyzed for 8 days. They were evaluated pH, firmness, tritable acidity (AT), soluble solids (SS) sugar reducer and ratio. The pH values varied from 5.27 to 5.68. The sugars reducers content and the ratio were superior in the slices compared to the cubes. The melon slices maintained larger firmness values compared to the cubes and in general there was reduction in the values of this parameter along the storage period for all treatments. Concentrations of 1.0 and 1.5% of CaCl2, result in larger values of firmness. The storage temperature and modified passive atmosphere they contributed to quality maintenance of MP melon. Concentrations of up to 1.0% of CaCl2 they could be recommended to maintain the melon quality MP melon yellow inodorus (CAC).


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate germination of Momordica charantia L. seeds under different conditions of: water availability (0.0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8 and -1.0 MPa), temperature (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C) and quality of incident light (filter dark, red, green, yellow, red off, blue, orange and without filter). For each variable evaluated, experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design with four replicates kept under controlled conditions (germination chamber). There were higher percentages of germination under conditions of mild water restriction (-0.2 MPa) and temperatures around 25 degrees C, regardless of the quality of light. Temperatures below 20 degrees C and above 30 degrees C reduced germination, although lower temperatures had strongly effects on germination. Water availability lower than -0.2 MPa strongly reduced germination, which was inhibited in the treatments of -0.8 and 1.0 MPa.


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La hipótesis de investigación es que con la reducción de la densidad de siembra y del espaciamiento entre líneas, el período anterior a la interferencia de las malezas será reducido en el cultivo de frijol. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el período anterior a la interferencia de las malezas (PAI) en función del espaciamiento entre líneas y de su densidad poblacional. Los tratamientos fueron constituidos de ocho períodos de convivencia del cultivo con las malezas: 0-10, 0-20, 0-30, 0-40, 0-50, 0-60, 0-70 y 0-80 días después de la emergencia y un control libre de interferencia. Los períodos de convivencia fueron aplicados en dos experimentos, utilizando dos distancias entre líneas, de 0,45 y 0,60 m y en dos densidades de plantas por línea de siembra, de 10 y 15 plantas por metro. El delineamiento experimental utilizado fue en bloques completos al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Hubo reducción de 16, 40, 36 y 58% en la productividad de granos del cultivo de frijol cuando convivió durante todo el ciclo del cultivo con las malezas, para el espaciamiento de 0,45 m en las densidades de 10 y 15 plantas m-1; y espaciamiento de 0,60 m y densidades de 10 y 15 plantas m-1, respectivamente. La productividad de granos pasó a ser afectada negativamente a partir de 28, 26, 22 y 14 días después de la emergencia, constituyéndose en los períodos anteriores a la interferencia del cultivo, respectivamente.


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Foram estudados os efeitos da concentração de sais, doses de sacarose e freqüência de renovação do meio de cultura para o desenvolvimento de eixos embrionários de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum.). Testaram-se 2 concentrações de sais MS (100 e 50%), 2 níveis de sacarose (1,5 e 3%) e 3 freqüências de renovação dos meios (sem renovação, renovação aos 30 e aos 60 dias), com os meios acrescidos de ANA (0,5 mg/L) e BAP (0,3 mg/L.), semi-solidificados com ágar 0,7% e pH 5,7. Observou-se que a utilização do meio MS na concentração de sais completa, com a adição de 3% de sacarose e renovações do meio em intervalos de 30 dias, apresentou melhor desenvolvimento dos eixos embrionários.


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Con este trabajo, se busco determinar el período anterior a la interferencia de las malezas que conviven con el cultivo de frijol, en ausencia o presencia de residuos vegetales de Crotalaria juncea. Los tratamientos estaban constituidos de siete períodos de convivencia del cultivo con las malezas: 0-10, 0-20, 0-30, 0-40, 0-50, 0-60 y 0-70 días después de la emergencia y también de un testigo sin presencia de las malezas en ausencia o presencia de crotalaria. El diseño experimental utilizado fue de bloques completos seleccionados al azar, con cuatro repeticiones por tratamiento. Hubo reducciones de 40,6% y 55,1% en la productividad de granos de frijol en convivencia con malezas durante todo el ciclo del cultivo, en ausencia y presencia de los residuos vegetales, respectivamente. Se concluyó que la productividad de granos fue afectada negativamente a partir de 29 y 38 días después de la emergencia, sin y con residuos, respectivamente, y eso constituyó los períodos anteriores a la interferencia.