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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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É estudada a distribuição geográfica e a variação de caracteres morfológicos de três espécies de ofiuroides (OpiLacantha antartica, Astrotoma agassizzi e Gorgonecephalus chilensis) das regiões Antártica e Subantãrtica. São também apresentadas observações sobre biologia reprodutiva.


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The male genitalia of Pseudopolybia vespiceps are described and compared to congeners. Characters of the male genitalia are combined with morphological characters of the females and nests and used in a phylogenetic analysis. The single cladogram resulting supports monophyly of the genus Pseudopolybia and interrelationships among the species as: P. langi + (P. difficilis + (P. compressa + P. vespiceps)). A new, illustrated identification key is presented.


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Microhabitat distribution was investigated in five populations of Characeae (two of Chara guairensis, two of Nitella subglomerata and one of Nitella sp.) to determine the distributional patterns, the morphometric and reproductive adaptations to varying environmental conditions and niche width on a scale of few centimeters. Variations in physical variables revealed some general trends of microhabitat distribution for the Characeae populations studied, with occurrence under the following conditions: slow and narrow current velocities; substrata predominantly composed of small particle size (sand-clay); variable and generally low depths. In terms of morphological adaptations, we found some general patterns: plants with longer whorl branchlets also had longer internodes in all populations studied, whereas longer plants had also thicker axis. The former were generally associated with higher biomass (percent cover). Few correlations of morphological characters were observed with environmental variables (e.g. plant length with irradiance: negative in two populations and positive in one population). Despite the general patterns of occurrence mentioned above, our results also indicated that each population differed in its responses to environmental variables and had particular morphological and reproductive adaptations. The Characean populations occurred under a narrower range of microhabitat conditions than other macroalgae from lotic habitats, particularly lower current velocity (6.7-9.8 cm s(-1)) and a more specific substratum type (sand-clay). Niche width values (0.60-0.99) of the Characeae populations studied indicate a high degree of habitat specialization and are among the highest yet found in lotic macroalgae. The relatively narrow variations in microhabitat conditions and high niche widths here reported for Characean populations, suggest a lower tolerance to variations in current velocity, depth, irradiance and substratum type. These characteristics probably explain the relatively restricted distribution of Characeae species in streams of S (a) over tildeo Paulo State with low frequency of records in most regions.


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The larval development of Acanthonyx petiverii H. M. Edwards, 1834, was studied in the laboratory through eggs hatched from ovigerous females collected in Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The rearings were carried out in a climatic room with constant temperature (25 degrees +/- 1 degrees C) and salinity (34,5 parts per thousand). The larvae were maintained individually and the food consisted of Artemia nauplii. The larval development of A. petiverii consists of two zoeal stages and a megalopa. All the larval stages were drawn and described in detail. Tables include those presenting morphological characters that allow the identification of zoeae and megalopa of A. petiverii. A comparative study was realized with previously studied majid species that occur in southern and southeastern Brazil.


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A lesion nematode population infecting citrus in the state of São Paulo, Brazil is described and named Pratylenchus jaehni sp. n. Biological, molecular and morphological characteristics of this new species are compared with those of the morphologically similar P. coffeae and P. loosi. Results of mating experiments showed that R jaehni is reproductively isolated from P coffeae. Molecular (D2/D3 DNA sequences) dissimilarities among P. jaehni sp, n., P. coffeae and P. loosi were documented in a previous study. The morphology of seven R coffeae populations from tropical America and eastern Java and a P loosi population from Sri Lanka is used for comparison with the morphology of P. jaehni sp. n. Pratylenchus jaehni differs from R coffeae and P. loosi by only a few morphological ;characters of the females. The mean values of stylet length, stylet knob height, and vulva position are smaller (less than or equal to15 vs greater than or equal to15 mum, less than or equal to2.7 vs greater than or equal to2.7 mum, less than or equal to79 vs greater than or equal to79%) than those in P coffeae and P loosi. The tail terminus is usually subhemispherical and smooth in P jaehni sp. n.. whereas it is commonly truncate and indented in most P. coffeae populations and bluntly or finely pointed in P. loosi. Because of the morphological similarities among P. jaehni sp. n., P. coffeae and P. loosi, examination of at least ten specimens is required to obtain a reliable diagnosis based on morphology. Nineteen morphometric parameters for P. jaehni sp. n. and P. coffeae ranged from 0-13% smaller in fixed than in live specimens.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Mazama bororo was described from a few captive specimens in Brazil by cytogenetic and morphological characters. These specimens supposedly originated in the Southern Atlantic Forest; however, no wild population has been reported. This study was initiated in 1998 to investigate the presence of this species in forest remnants of the Paranapiacaba mountain range, south São Paulo State, Brazil. Five specimens were captured between 2000 and 2002. Cytogenetic analysis from blood samples confirmed its specific identification, documenting the first population of small red brocket deer at the Intervales State Park.


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We investigated if differences in morphological characters in two species of Metrodorea (Rutaceae) from Brazilian semideciduous forests correspond to some pollination divergence. M. nigra and M. stipularis are sympatric species, display a similar floral morphology, are protandrous, self-incompatible, their flower periods overlap, and both are pollinated by flies. M. nigra main pollinators are Pseudoptiloleps nigripoda (Muscidae) and Fannia sp. (Fanniidae); M. stipularis major pollinators are Phaenicia eximia (Calliphoridae), Palpada sp. and Ornidia obesa (Syrphidae). The distinct floral odor (disagreeable in M. nigra and sweet in M. stipularis) and color (brownish violet vs. pale yellow) determine the differences on type and number of floral visitors observed. Several species from semideciduous forests initially considered to be pollinated by diverse insects, present flies as main pollinators, stressing the importance of fly pollination in such habitats.


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Fourteen culture isolates of freshwater acrochaetioid algae from distinct regions around the world were analysed, including the reddish species Audouinella hermannii, the dubious blue-greenish species A. pygmaea, and Chantransia stages from distinct taxonomic origins in the Batrachospermales sensu lato (Batrachospermaceae, Lemaneaceae and Thoreaceae). Four isolates (two 'Chantransia' stages and two species of Audouinella, A. hermannii and A. pygmaea) were tested under experimental conditions of temperature (10-25°C), irradiance (65 and 300 μmol photons m-2 s-1) and photoperiod (16:8 h and 8:16 h light/dark cycles). Plant colour is proposed as the only vegetative character that can be unequivocally applied to distinguish Audouinella from 'Chantransia', blue-greenish representing Chantransia stages and reddish applying to true Audouinella species (also forming reproductive structures other than monosporangia, e.g. tetrasporangia). Some isolates of A. pygmaea were proven to be unequivocally 'Chantransia stages owing either to production of juvenile gametophytes or to derivation from carpospores. No association of the morphology of A. pygmaea was found with any particular species, thus it should be regarded as a complex involving many species of the Batrachospermales sensu lato, as is also the case with A. macrospora. We therefore recommend that all blue-greenish acrochaetioid algae in freshwater habitats be considered as Chantransia stages of members of the Batrachospermales, and that the informal descriptors pygmaea and macrospora be used to distinguish the two discernable morphologies. Induction of gametophytes occurred under much wider conditions than previously reported, reinforcing the conclusion that requirements are probably species-specific. Although phenotypic plasticity was in evidence, with temperature, irradiance and photoperiod affecting morphology, no alga showed variation outside the limits based on traditional taxonomic studies. No overall trend was observed for vegetative or reproductive characters in response to temperature, irradiance and photoperiod for all the algae tested, only for specific algae or characters. Effects of temperature and irradiance on morphological characters were more evident, as well as strong interactions between these variables, whereas few differences were generally found in response to photoperiod and irradiance.


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The objective of this paper was to evaluate the phenotypical plasticity of external morphology of Lippia alba in response to two luminosity level and four organic-mineral fertilization level. The morphological plasticity was quantified by the phenotypic variation intensity of the morphological characters (ramifications, leafs, inflorescences, flowers, height, stem diameter, leaf blade length, foliar blade breadth and space between branches). It was possible to verify significant effect as a consequence of luminosity and substratum variations. However, the interaction between these factors was not observed suggesting that they act independently. The majority of characters revealed high magnitude of phenotypical plasticity. The results obtained suggest that luminosity intensity and substratum quality contribute to amplify the phenotypical expression of Lippia alba.


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Powdery mildew disease was observed on Baccharis trimera in Brazil in January, 2009. Based on the morphological characters, the pathogen was identified as an Oidium baccharidis. This is the first report of this fungus causing powdery mildew on Baccharis in Brazil. © Australasian Plant thology ociety 2010.


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We present the results of the first molecular analysis of the phylogenetic affinities of the Asian colubroid genus Sibynophis. We recovered a sister-group relationship between Sibynophis and the New World Scaphiodontophis. Although Liophidium sometimes is associated with these genera, the relationship is distant. Morphological characters that Liophidium shares with Sibynophis and Scaphiodontophis are resolved as homoplasies that probably reflect the similarities of their specialized feeding habits. The traditional subfamily Sibynophiinae is elevated to the family-level, and Scaphiodontophiinae is placed in its synonymy.


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Lasiodiplodia theobromae was found causing stem rot on commercial production of Begonia x elatior in São Paulo, Brazil. Illustrations, morphological and molecular description are provided. Based on the morphology, this fungus was recognized as L. theobromae. However, L. theobromae has high similarity with other Lasiodiplodia species, some of which are not possible to be separated by morphological characters. Molecular identification of the fungus isolated from the infected tissues was conducted. The strain from begonia clustered with other isolates of L. theobromae. This is the first report of the occurrence of L. theobromae on B. elatior. © 2012 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.