128 resultados para MAFIC INTRUSION


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Sexual maturity, temporal reproductive pattern, and recruitment of juveniles were examined for the penaeoid shrimp Artemesia longinaris sampled for five and a half years in a tropical locality off the coast of São Paulo (23 degrees S), Brazil. Monthly samples were taken from January 1998 to June 2003 at depths between 5 and 45 m. Ovarian maturity was used to examine breeding in adult females. Recruitment was defined as the percentage of juveniles of the total number of individuals in each month and season. A total of 10 288 females and 5 551 males were collected. Estimated sizes (carapace length) at the onset of sexual maturity were 11.0 mm and 13.4 mm for males and females, respectively. Over the five and a half years, females with ripe gonads were found in every season, with the highest percentages in summer (January-March). Juvenile shrimps occur-red year-round. These results suggest a continuous reproduction of A. longinaris with temperature acting as an environmental stimulus for the duration of the ovary development cycle. These data and the hypothesis of the intrusion of the South Atlantic Central Water mass, which lowered water temperature and raised plankton production, suggest that the end of spring and the beginning of summer were the principal reproductive months. The classical paradigm of continuous reproduction at lower latitudes, with increased seasonality of breeding period at higher latitudes seems to apply to this species.


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Population Structure and reproductive Maturity of females were investigated in the shrimp Artemesia longinaris Bate, 1888 from coastal waters of northern São Paulo State (Brazil. 23 degrees S) and Mar del Plata (Argentina, 38 degrees S) from June 2001 to May 2002. Monthly collections were taken by, commercial shrimp fishing boats equipped with bottom trawl nets. Population parameters from size frequency distributions and size (carapace length = CL) of female reproductive maturity were analyzed and compared front the two sampling areas. Latitudinal trends in reproductive parameters of A. longinaris were shown in overall body size and size of reproductive maturity, both of which were smaller in females from the tropical location than those front the cold-temperate sampling area. Largest females (> 30 turn CL) were collected in Argentina, while Brazilian specimens reached maximum size at 27 nun CL. The smallest Size of female sexual maturity was estimated at 13.6 nun CL in Brazilian samples compared to 22.1 mm CL calculated for those from Argentina. Populations from both regions exhibited a bimodal size distribution in the spring, with the peak at small body size probably corresponding to recent recruits and the peak at larger body, size to reproductive females or shrimps migrating in from deeper waters or other latitudinal regions. In late spring and summer. an intrusion of the cold South Atlantic Coastal Water mass was observed which lowered water temperature and stimulated plankton production. The primary food source for the larvae of a typically cold-temperate species such as A. longinaris. The trend of increasing body size and delay of sexual maturity with increasing latitude appears to be correlated with the decreasing water temperature and increasing plankton productivity at higher latitudes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Pluriserial Ribeira Magmatic System-590 of the Late Precambrian Ribeira Fold Belt comprises seven groups of high-K rocks of crustal or mantle origin with ages ranging between 620 and 570 Ma. One of these groups is represented by transalkaline suites akin to appinitic lamprophyres. The suites assemble one or more of following lithologies: (+/- quartz) gabbros and monzogabbros, (+/- quartz) diorites and monzodiorites, (+/- quartz) monzonites and syenites in addition to rare granites. All these rocks occur together in the Piracaia pluton, State of São Paulo. The mineralogy of the Piracaia suite comprises variable amounts of plagioclase (An 60-10), alkali-feldspars (orthoclase, microcline, albite), ortho- (Fe-hypersthene) and clinopyroxenes (augite), amphiboles (hornblende and rare late Fe-hastingsite), abundant biotite, quartz, opaques, sphene, allanite and zircon. Several magmatic pulses constructed the pluton. The Piracaia magma bulk trend evolved initially along the silica-undersaturation plane with simultaneous fractionation of accessory, mafic and felsic minerals. These are segregated in feldspar-rich cumulates. In the late stage, the evolutionary trend followed two distinct paths: one along the or-ab thermal barrier with the crystallization of syenites; the second one along the thermal valley in the or-ab-qz subsystem, producing quartz-syenites and granites. The source of the Piracaia magma was a 'vein-plus-wall-rock-system '. Together the pulses reflect increasing and decreasing participation of peridotites and mica pyroxenites, respectively, in the magmatogenic process. The magmatic pulses were stored in magma chambers, several drained by deep faults or fractures, which were successively reactivated and recharged. Each new pulse underwent mixing with earlier residual magma, followed by fractionation. During ascent through the hot and thickened post-collisional crust, the magma pulses underwent minor compositional changes by crustal contamination. The concentration of valuable elements (Cu, Zn, Gd) in the Piracaia pluton occurred during two phases of the magmatic evolution. Cu and Zn were enriched in cumulates and Gd was concentrated in residual quartz-syenitic veins. Due to their homogeneous dark colour and texture, the monzodiorites are exploited both for polished dimension stones and supports for sensitive scientific instruments. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Monazite from chromitites of Cedrolina (Goias State, Brazil) was investigated by electron microprobe and Raman spectroscopy. Monazite has been rarely encountered in chromitites. In Brazil, it was previously reported from chromitites of the Campo Formoso layered intrusion. Comparison between the two occurrences indicates similar morphology and textural characteristics, but remarkable differences in chemical composition. In both cases, monazite occurs as irregular grains (up to 200 mu m) preferentially located in the chlorite-serpentine matrix of the chromitite, more rarely included in chromite. However, the monazite from Cedrolina is characterized by higher Ce/La ratio, and Pr, Nd, Th contents, compared with the monazite from Campo Formoso. The obtained Raman spectra are very similar in the two cases, suggesting that the compositional variation of monazites and the spectral resolution of the Raman do not allow a conclusive chemical analysis with Raman spectra. Textural evidence indicates that, in both occurrences, monazite precipitation did not take place at high temperature, concomitantly with the host chromitite. In the Campo Formoso chromitites, precipitation of monazite has been related with percolation of hydrothermal, aqueous and acid fluids emanating from a granite batholith. on the contrary, the Cedrolina monazite probably formed during one of the metamorphic events that affected the area in which the host chromitite occurs.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os solos derivados de rochas serpentinizadas ou serpentinitos constituem um grupo especial de solos em toda superfície terrestre. de caráter ultramáfico, ou seja, rochas com mais de 70 % de minerais máficos (ferromagnesianos), os serpentinitos apresentam uma mineralogia pobre em sílica e escassa em Al, sendo, no entanto, muito enriquecida em Mg. São poucos os estudos sobre a morfologia, mineralogia, gênese e classificação dos solos desenvolvidos de tais rochas. em ambiente tropical úmido no sudoeste de Minas Gerais, na zona do greenstone belt do Morro de Ferro, em superfícies geomórficas jovens, três perfis de solos representativos dessa paisagem sobre rochas serpentinizadas foram caracterizados por meio de descrições macro e micromorfológicas, análises granulométricas, químicas e por mineralogia de raios X das frações argila e silte. Complementarmente, para acompanhamento da alteração geoquímica dos horizontes do solo, foram feitas microanálises das seções delgadas por EDRX. Os solos foram classificados como Chernossolo Háplico Férrico típico, Cambissolo Háplico eutroférrico léptico e Neossolo Regolítico eutrófico típico e, embora situados num clima que favorece o rápido intemperismo, do ponto de vista morfológico e mineralógico, mostraram-se similares aos solos derivados de rochas serpentinizadas das regiões subtropicais e temperada. No processo de formação de solo, a evolução da trama segue a seguinte seqüência: alteração da rocha ® trama frâgmica ® trama porfírica com cavidades ® trama porfírica aberta por coalescência de cavidades. O processo de argiluviação é evidente e se dá em dois estádios distintos: argiluviação primária, que ocorre nas fendas e cavidades que se formam por alteração de rocha, e argiluviação secundária, verificada na porosidade mais aberta e evoluída da coalescência das cavidades. Os solos apresentam mineralogia pouco comum para solos tropicais, com presença de minerais primários de fácil decomposição até mesmo na fração argila, com destaque para o talco, clorita trioctaedral e ocorrência limitada de tremolita, sendo esta última abundante na fração silte. Óxidos de Fe, caulinita e os interestratificados de clorita-esmectita e de clorita-vermiculita completam a assembléia mineralógica. A tendência de evolução é para B textural ou para B nítico com mineralogia 1:1 e alto conteúdo de óxidos de Fe. Nas fases iniciais de alteração, os alteromorfos já apresentam composição química similar aos agregados do solo, com forte perda de Mg, Ca e Si e acúmulo relativo de Al e Fe. Nas três situações estudadas, ocorreu um rejuvenescimento superficial por erosão diferencial, que acumulou material grosseiro e removeu os finos, contribuindo para o incremento da relação textural.


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A sobremordida exagerada é um tipo de má oclusão que apresenta etiologia multifatorial e necessita de um diagnóstico diferencial elaborado e específico. O objetivo desse artigo é descrever os principais elementos de diagnóstico facial, cefalométrico e dentário e as principais estratégias de tratamento, como a extrusão de dentes posteriores, a intrusão de dentes anteriores ou a combinação dessas. Serão apresentados seis casos clínicos, auxiliando o ortodontista no diagnóstico e na seleção da estratégia de tratamento individualizada para cada situação clínica.


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Platinum-Pd nuggets from the Born Sucesso stream alluvium Minas Gerais, Brazil. have been investigated by electron-probe microanalysis. The nuggets attain 1 mm in maximum dimension and have a botryoidal habit, with pronounced compositional core-to-margin zoning of internal structures, Although there is a wide variation in internal morphology and individual zones vary markedly in thickness (<1-100 mum), a typical composite arborescent nugget comprises a broad irregular core region of massive auriferous Pd-Hg alloy (potarite delta-PdHg) or cavity space + relict potarite enclosed by a narrow zone of platiniferous, palladium or alloy of near Pt50Pd50 composition, and is progressively oscillatory zoned by palladian platinum, with growth eventually enveloping the whole botryoidal colony, to a narrow rim of palladian platinum or pure platinum. Other nuggets comprise an arborescent to dendritic core of auriferous potarite, a broad internal zone of either pure platinum or palladian platinum, and a narrow rim of platinum, the mineral palladium contains up to about 65 at.% Pd; this is the first detailed modern confirmation of palladium in its type locality. Auriferous potarite ranges in composition from similar toPd(3)Hg(2) to near Pd(Hg,Au). The origin of these nuggets remains unclear, but their mineralogy is broadly equivalent to that of palladian gold. potarite and platinum in alluvial sediments and overburden from Devon, England, which are considered to be detrital, and their platinum-group-clement geochemistry is consistent with precipitation from hydrothermal fluids. We suggest that the Bom Sucesso nuggets resulted from high-level episodic hydrothermal alteration of mafic and ultramafic rocks within the drainage basin, with the remobilized Pt and Pd precipitated in open spaces in the enclosing metaquartzites.