220 resultados para Má oclusão Classe II divisão 1


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O presente estudo foi realizado com o propósito de avaliar respostas cefalométricas ao tratamento com aparelho extrabucal de Kloehn associado ao aparelho fixo edgewise convencional. Telerradiografias iniciais (T1) e finais (T2) de dois grupos de 30 pacientes tratados com estes aparelhos foram selecionadas e definidas pelo índice cefalométrico de Jarabak para determinação do padrão esquelético craniofacial. Os grupos foram denominados favorável (hipodivergente) e desfavorável (hiperdivergente). A idade média, no início do tratamento, foi de 11,03 anos e final de 14,72 com o tempo médio de tratamento de 3,6 anos para o grupo favorável. No grupo desfavorável a idade inicial foi de 11,51 anos e final de 15,17 anos com tempo médio de tratamento de 3,4 anos. Foi utilizado um sistema de análise de resposta de tratamento em coordenadas X e Y representativos dos movimentos dentários e das bases ósseas decompondo-os em seus vetores horizontais e verticais. Os resultados e respostas do tratamento foram analisados e comparados entre os grupos favorável e desfavorável utilizando o teste t-Student. Os resultados mostraram não haver diferenças estatisticamente significantes na resposta cefalométrica no tratamento com o aparelho extrabucal de Kloehn associados ao aparelho fixo edgewise quanto aos padrões faciais favorável e desfavorável. O tratamento promoveu uma restrição do deslocamento anterior maxilar e um menor deslocamento anterior mandibular. Quanto à movimentação dentária maxilar, houve uma restrição do movimento mesial e extrusivo dos molares superiores no grupo favorável, enquanto que o movimento dos dentes inferiores foi mínimo no sentido anterior e vertical.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Due to its high prevalence in general population, Angle Class II malocclusion has been widely studied by several authors, as well as the methods for its treatment. Among the possible treatment methods stands out the Herbst appliance. Reintroduced more than three decades ago in the orthodontics community, it became the most utilized appliance because it does not require patient compliance, and provides continued action through bilateral telescopic tubes. The objective of the present article was to demonstrate the early treatment of Class II Division 1 malocclusion with mandibular retrusion using Herbst appliance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate mandibular and maxillary changes induced by the use of Herbst applianceand by natural growth through oblique cephalometric radiographs in children with Class II division 1 malocclusion with mandibular retrusion. A sample of 49 individuals with age ranging from 8 to 10 years old (before growth peak) with Class II division 1, were into two groups: Herbst treated group (n=24) and control group (n=25). Both groups were paired for gender and chronological age. Statistical analysis was performed through Student’s t test. The Herbst appliance promoted the Class II correction in a 7 months period by mesialization of lower permanent first molars and distalization of upper permanent first molars. The Herbst appliance had no influence over the mandibular structure or the mandibular length. It was concluded that early treatment with Herbst appliance corrected the Class II malocclusion by means of dentoalveolar changes.


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This work had aim to present two clinical cases with open bite Class II malocclusion that treated in the phase of the mixed dentition with the modified Thurow appliance and in the permanent dentition with fixed appliance. The dentoskeletal effects of these appliances were carefully analyzed with the aid of metallic implants inserted in both maxilla and mandible. The correction of the malocclusion and the improvement of the skeletal, dental and facial relationship were observed in both cases. The modified Thurow appliance followed by fixed-appliance as a two-phase treatment protocol revealed to be an effective treatment approach for the two young people that initially presented a Class II division 1 malocclusion associated to anterior open bite presented.


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Neste artigo é descrito o caso clínico de um paciente adulto, sem crescimento, com oclusão de Classe II, divisão 2, tratado com um splint maxilar modificado. Foi exercida força extra-bucal com direção de tração parietal com força de 400 gramas, com uso diário de 14 horas durante 1 ano. Com este aparelho removível corrigiu-se completamente a relação de Classe II dos molares e pré-molares, levando estes dentes à oclusão normal, não havendo extrusão dentária, mantendo constante o plano mandibular. Após a correção dos dentes posteriores com o splint maxilar modificado, utilizou-se aparelhagem fixa convencional para corrigir as inclinações dos dentes anteriores e finalizar o caso.


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A oclusão de Classe II divisão 2 é caracterizada pela verticalização dos incisivos superiores. Nesse tipo de oclusão, é comum a presença de sobremordida profunda e curva de Spee inferior acentuada. O presente artigo ilustra que o tratamento dessa oclusão pode ser facilitado com o emprego dos arcos seccionados, como por exemplo, o arco utilidade, segundo a técnica Bioprogressiva de Ricketts.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the anterior-posterior positioning of the upper and lower first molars, and the degree of rotation of the upper first molars in individuals with Class II, division 1, malocclusion. METHODS: Asymmetry I, an accurate device, was used to assess sixty sets of dental casts from 27 females and 33 males, aged between 12 and 21 years old, with bilateral Class II, division 1. The sagittal position of the molars was determined by positioning the casts onto the device, considering the midpalatal suture as a symmetry reference, and then measuring the distance between the mesial marginal ridge of the most distal molar and the mesial marginal ridge of its counterpart. With regard to the degree of rotation of the upper molar, the distance between landmarks on the mesial marginal ridge was measured. Chi-square test with a 5% significance level was used to verify the variation in molars position. Student's t test at 5% significance was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: A great number of lower molars mesially positioned was registered, and the comparison between the right and left sides also demonstrated a higher number of mesially positioned molars on the right side of both arches. The average rotation of the molars was found to be 0.76 mm and 0.93 mm for the right and left sides, respectively. CONCLUSION: No statistically significant difference was detected between the mean values of molars mesialization regardless of the side and arch. Molars rotation, measured in millimeters, represented ¼ of Class II.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of the skeletal maturation in the mandibular and dentoalveolar growth and development during the Class II, division 1, malocclusion correction with Balters bionator. METHODS: Three groups of children with Class II, division 1, malocclusion were evaluated. Two of them were treated for one year with the bionator of Balters appliance in different skeletal ages (Group 1: 6 children, 7 to 8 years old and Group 2: 10 children, 9 to 10 years old) and the other one was followed without treatment (Control Group: 7 children, 8 to 9 years old). Lateral 45 degree cephalometric radiographs were used for the evaluation of the mandibular growth and dentoalveolar development. Tantalum metallic implants were used as fixed and stable references for radiograph superimposition and data acquisition. Student's t test was used in the statistical analysis of the displacement of the points in the condyle, ramus, mandibular base and dental points. Analysis of variance one-fixed criteria was used to evaluate group differences (95% of level of significance). RESULTS: The intragroup evaluation showed that all groups present significant skeletal growth for all points analyzed (1.2 to 3.7 mm), but in an intergroup comparison, the increment of the mandibular growth in the condyle, ramus and mandibular base were not statically different. For the dentoalveolar modifications, the less mature children showed greater labial inclination of the lower incisors (1.86 mm) and the most mature children showed greater first permanent molar extrusion (4.8 mm).


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Patients with Class II division 2 malocclusion and mandibular retrusion have limited treatment options after the growth peak, such as surgical-orthodontic treatment or mandibular advancement devices. Among bite-jumping devices, the Herbst appliance allows greater increase of mandibular growth since it does not require patient compliance and allows continuous use. This case report presents the treatment of a Class II division 2 malocclusion in a patient after growth peak, performed in two stages. The first stage included the upper incisors proclination and overjet increase with multibracket appliance to benefit next stage. The second stage involved mandibular advancement using Herbst appliance aiming to correct the Class II molar relationship. The treatment resulted in a stable occlusion with periodontal health, normal functions and facial aesthetics improvement. Dental and skeletal changes arising from treatment could be assessed by cephalometric analysis and superimposition of pretreatment and post-treatment cephalometric tracings. Antero-posterior discrepancy was corrected by means of dental movement as well as by mandibular growth increment stimulated by the Herbst appliance.


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OBJETIVO: o presente estudo cefalométrico longitudinal investigou as alterações espontâneas ocorridas em crianças com oclusão Classe II, divisão 1, Padrão II. MÉTODOS: foram selecionadas 40 crianças, 20 meninos e 20 meninas, distribuídas na faixa etária compreendida entre 6 e 14 anos de idade. Para avaliar o comportamento das bases apicais, dos incisivos e do tecido mole, as seguintes grandezas cefalométricas foram mensuradas: SN.Ba, SNA, SNB, SND, SN.Pog, ANB, NAP, SN.PP, SN.GoGn, SN.Gn, Ar.Go.Gn, 1.PP, 1.NA, 1.SN, IMPA e ANL. As seguintes grandezas alcançaram significância estatística com o crescimento: SNB, SND,SN.Pog,ANB,NAP,SN.GoGn,SN.Gn,Ar.Go.Gn e IMPA. RESULTADOS: os resultados demonstraram que as principais alterações quantitativas registradas estavam relacionadas com o crescimento mandibular,independentemente do gênero. A mandíbula deslocou-se para frente, com tendência de rotação no sentido anti-horário e com conseqüente redução nos ângulos de convexidade facial. No entanto, as oscilações quantitativas nas grandezas cefalométricas não foram suficientes para mudar a morfologia dentofacial ao longo do período de acompanhamento. CONCLUSÃO: conclui-se, portanto, que a morfologia facial é definida precocemente e é mantida, configurando o determinismo genético na determinação do arcabouço esquelético.