51 resultados para Llengua materna


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The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of glucocorticoids on vital parameters of full-term and preterm lambs from birth to 48 hours of life. Four experimental groups were formed: NDG (normal delivery group - lambs vaginally delivered, n=15, average of 146-day gestation); NDEXG (normal delivery with dexamethasone group - lambs vaginally delivered whose mothers received 16mg of dexamethasone at 141 days of gestation, n=8, average of 143-day gestation); PRE (premature lambs born by cesarean section at 138 days of gestation, n=10) and PREDEX (premature lambs born by cesarean section at 138 days gestation, whose mothers received 16mg of dexamethasone two days before, n=9). Heart and respiratory rates had variations during the observation period, with the highest mean values in the groups of normal deliveries (NDG and NDEXG). Rectal temperature decreased in all groups in the first 60 minutes of life, with the lowest mean values in premature lambs (PRE and PREDEX) and the Apgar score was higher in animals delivered at normal gestational time. Preterm lambs had lower vitality and chance of survival, however, lower mortality rate was observed in offspring of ewes that received dexamethasone two days before surgery.


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The scope of this article is to evaluate risk and protection factors for the development of 1-year-olds assisted at family health care units. It is a cross-sectional study involving 65 children of approximately 1 year of age and their mothers attended at two family health care units. The development was assessed using a developmental screening test (Denver II). The mothers filled out the SRQ-20 questionnaire to identify common mental disorder (CMD) indicators. After data collection, descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed. Global development was at risk in 43.1% of the children evaluated, and the most affected areas were language and fine motor development; 44.6% of mothers had results indicative of CMD when the child was 1 year of age. In bivariate analysis, reported depression, smoking, infections in pregnancy, CMD after birth and working outside the home were significantly associated with the children's development. After full statistical analysis, CMD was revealed as being a risk factor, and working away from home as being a protection factor. In order to increase the chances of success of programs targeted for children at health care units and avoiding the risk of impaired development, it is important to focus on two aspects: children's stimulation and maternal mental health.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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This work is a study and a repost on a possible way that can be worked together Mathematics and Native Language, presenting activities for the middle school, trying to make teaching more interesting, dynamic and playful. The work presents proposal for activities based on stories from the book “O Homem que calculava” by Malba Tahan, with questionnaires to be answered by the students and guidance for teachers on how to apply these activities in the classroom. Applications of these activities were carried out and this work also includes analysis and records of them


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Entre as diversas estratégias de investigação dos efeitos de experiências estressantes no início da vida de um rato, pode-se citar a privação do filhote da mãe por 24h, durante o período neonatal. A privação materna (PM) por 24h entre os dias pós-natais (DPN) 3 e 4 resulta em um hiperresponsividade ao estresse na adolescência (20-30 dias de vida), enquanto que essa mesma manipulação entre os DPN 11 e 12 resulta em hiporresponsividade, avaliado na mesma idade. Traumas na infância e/ou adolescência constituem fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de transtorno de estresse póstraumático (TEPT), uma desordem psiquiátrica caracterizada por rememoração persistente do evento traumático, com dificuldade de extinção dessa memória. Sendo assim, o presente projeto avaliou como um estresse nos primeiros dias de vida (privação materna) e um trauma na adolescência (choque intenso inescapável) interagem de forma a promover maior vulnerabilidade para o desenvolvimento de comportamento tipo-TEPT em ratos. As manipulações na infância, ao contrário do esperado, não interagiram com o trauma na infância, e não alteraram a resposta ao condicionamento e à extinção da resposta de medo, avaliadas pelo comportamento de congelamento. Em relação à resposta de ACTH após o estresse na adolescência, os animais submetidos à privação materna não apresentaram pico de secreção deste hormônio, como ocorreu no grupo controle, sugerindo uma alteração da resposta hormonal causada pela experiência adversa na infância. Sendo assim, a privação materna não influenciou as alterações comportamentais nos animais adultos provocadas pelo trauma na adolescência, mas pode ter alterado a resposta de ACTH ao trauma, na adolescência


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A síndrome metabólica é um mal que, segundo projeções, poderá no ano de 2010, acometer de 50 a 75 milhões de pessoas somente nos Estados Unidos. Dessa forma, é de grande interesse a implementação de procedimentos mais eficazes para prevenção e tratamento desta doença. Uma vez que existem limitações nas pesquisas com seres humanos, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento de modelos experimentais apropriados ao estudo desta questão. Na busca de um modelo experimental adequado ao estudo do papel do exercício na prevenção e no tratamento da síndrome metabólica, o presente estudo analisou o perfil metabólico e a capacidade aeróbia de ratos mantidos com dieta rica em frutose, substrato que tem sido associado à síndrome metabólica, na vida intra-uterina e pós-natal. Foram utilizadas ratas adultas (90 dias) da linhagem Wistar, alimentadas durante a prenhez e a lactação com dois tipos de dieta: balanceada (AIN-93G) e rica em frutose (60% de frutose). Durante a amamentação, os filhotes foram distribuídos em ninhadas pequenas (4/mãe) ou adequadas (8/mãe). Após o desmame, manteve-se as mesmas dietas até os 90 dias, quando foram analisados: tolerância à glicose (teste de tolerância à glicose), sensibilidade periférica à insulina (teste de tolerância à insulina); capacidade aeróbia (determinação da máxima fase estável de lactato em natação), conteúdo pancreático de insulina; peso e concentração de lipídios totais no tecido adiposo de diferentes regiões e concentrações séricas de glicose, insulina, triglicerídeos, colesterol total, colesterol LDL, colesterol HDL. Constatou-se que a dieta rica em frutose conduziu os animais a resistência à insulina. O grupo FP apresentou dislipidemia, com aumento nas concentrações séricas de colesterol total e triglicerídeos, mostrando que o modelo animal avaliado é potencialmente interessante para o estudo da síndrome metabólica.


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Le présent travail intitulé « Réflexions sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et sur l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux natifs », a eu pour objectif d’enquêter sur les consensus et les désacords dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux differents interlocuteurs. Des lectures préalables sur des textes de difusion scientifique qui ont pour but de divulguer des expériences sur l’enseignement du portugais aux étangers ont révélé l’importance atribuée à la connaisance de la culture quand il s’agit d’enseigner une langue donnée à de tels interlocuteurs. La connaissance de la culture est très importante dans ce cas de figure car il s’agit d’une conception plus ample : celle de l’interculturalisme. C’est pourquoi, nous faisons des lectures préalables dont la méthodologie proposée pour l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers s’organise d’une telle façon que l’interlocuteur se trouve immergé dans la culture locale. Néanmoins, quand il s’agit de réfléchir à l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dédié aux natifs et basé sur les propositions curriculaires de la langue portugaise au collège et au lycée, datés de 1993 e 1998, qui constituent des textes de vulgarisation scientifique, on peut constater la préoccupation à réfléchir sur les conceptions de langage, langue, discours, texte et grammaire, des connaissances considérées comme importantes à la proposition de methodologies de l’enseignement de la langue portugaise dans le contexte très formel de l’enseignement scolaire. Le principal objectif de ce travail a consisté à analyser l’importance de la culture dans l’enseignement de la langue portugaise aux étrangers et natifs, le rapport entre culture, language, langue, discours, texte et grammaire dans l’enseignement du portugais aux étrangers et du portugais aux natifs, ainsi qu’à identifier le poids ...


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By showing the absence of concern from schools in developing with students any kind of orality work, and the major importance they give only to reading and writing, this research shows an investigation on how the oral communication is established as learning content and how such education is conceived in the early years of elementary school, verifying if there is balance between the time devoted to written and spoken language activities, and how the oral language is treated in the classroom, this research also identifies which and how the oral genres are used, moreover, see if the teacher explores the emerging students‘ speech during class. This research was held in a government school in Bauru (SP), using three instruments to collect data: direct observation, videotaping observed classes, and a questionnaire. The observation and filming were done in only one classroom, a 3rd year of elementary school, in Portuguese classes; however, the questionnaire was applied to all school teachers, in order to have wider analytical conditions. The research´s approach is qualitative and ground on the bibliography study and field research. The analysis results indicate that school still emphasizes reading and writing method of teaching and does not work as bibliography authors propose in their researches about the studied topic; the reason is that this content has been applied to the curriculum recently, the teachers lack of clarity in some important concepts about speech and don´t have a bibliography basis


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Experimental models are necessary to elucidate pathophysiological mechanisms not yet understood in humans. To evaluate the repercussions of the diabetes, considering two methodologies, on the pregnancy of Wistar rats and on the development of their offspring. In the 1st induction, female offspring were distributed into two experimental groups: Group streptozotocin (STZ, n=67): received the β-cytotoxic agent (100mg STZ/kg body weight - sc) on the 1st day of the life; and Non-diabetic Group (ND, n=14): received the vehicle in a similar time period. In the adult life, the animals were mated. After a positive diagnosis of pregnancy (0), female rats from group STZ presenting with lower glycemia than 120 mg/dL received more 20 mg STZ/kg (ip) at day 7 of pregnancy (2nd induction). The female rats with glycemia higher than 120mg/dL were discarded because they reproduced results already found in the literature. In the mornings of days 0, 7, 14 and 21 of the pregnancy glycemia was determined. At day 21 of pregnancy (at term), the female rats were anesthetized and killed for maternal reproductive performance and fetal development analysis. The data were analyzed using Student-Newman-Keuls, Chi-square and Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) Tests (p<0.05). STZ rats presented with increased rates of pre (STZ=22.0%; ND=5.1%) and post-implantation losses (STZ=26.1%; ND=5.7%), reduced rates of fetuses with appropriate weight for gestational age (STZ=66%; ND=93%) and reduced degree of development (ossification sites). Conclusion: Mild diabetes led a negative impact on maternal reproductive performance and caused intrauterine growth restriction and impaired fetal development


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Estudos em humanos e animais têm demonstrado que a nutrição inadequada em fase crítica de desenvolvimento, como na gestação, pode causar alterações da prole na vida adulta. Tais estudos levaram à proposição da hipótese de programação fetal, segundo a qual o risco para desenvolver certas doenças é função não apenas da carga genética ou dos hábitos de vida do indivíduo adulto, como também da atuação de fatores ambientais em períodos críticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito tardio da restrição calórica materna moderada (30%), na gestação e/ou lactação sobre o metabolismo energético da prole. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar, sendo os grupos experimentais divididos da seguinte forma: NN (filhotes nascidos de mães normais e colocados em gaiolas com mães do grupo normal na lactação), NR (filhotes nascidos de mães do grupo normal e colocados em gaiolas com mães restritas na lactação), RN (filhotes nascidos de mães restritas na gestação e colocados em gaiolas com mães normais na lactação) e RR (filhotes nascidos de mães restritas na gestação e colocados em gaiolas com mães restritas na lactação). Foram avaliados o peso corporal, a ingestão de alimentos, os depósitos de gordura, o índice de adiposidade, lipídios plasmáticos, gordura hepática e gordura da carcaça.. A restrição nutricional materna provocou alterações significativas tanto em machos quanto em fêmeas no período do desmame, entretanto no início da idade adulta somente os machos apresentaram mudanças mais expressivas no metabolismo energético e no desenvolvimento corpóreo. Houve uma redução no peso corpóreo dos animais machos dos grupos NR, RN e RR (8,9%, 9,0% e 14,2%, respectivamente). No entanto, somente os grupos NR e RR apresentaram diminuição nos teores de gordura hepática e triglicerídeos plasmáticos. O fornecimento de dieta ad libitum na lactação às mães com ...


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La théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives de A. Culioli ne porte pas en elle une conception prête à l’emploi de l’enseignement des langues. Ce texte se propose de faire le pont entre cette théorie et les questions d’enseignement. Il construit surtout une réflexion sur les concepts d’activité ou de pratique au sein de l’enseignement des langues maternelles en se basant sur l’activité épilinguistique. Nous souhaitons, en outre, mettre en débat la division qui existe dans l’enseignement des langues entre activité physique et activité mentale.


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Ce texte aborde l’importance de la recherche liée à l’activité é pilinguistique, entendue comme l’activité propre du langage dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la langue maternelle. Le concept d’activité épilinguistique adopté ici est celui de la Théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives élaborée parle linguiste français Antoine Culioli. Dans le but de délimiter l’objet de la recherche et de présenter un modèle d’activité applicable en salle de classe, nous avons choisi d’étudier la conjonction de coordination et d’opposition mas (mais, en français), comprise comme un marqueur lexico - grammatical. L’exercice a été proposé à une classe de septième année (la 5 ème du système français) du collège d’État Dr. Joaquim Batista, dans la ville de Jaboticabal, au Brésil. Dans le cadre de ce travail sur l’activité épilingui stique, les apprenants ont eu l’opportunité d’observer les divers contextes d’occurrence de ce marqueur, mais aussi de comprendre que les mots ne sont pas dotés d’une signification statique. En outre, ce travail a permis aux apprenants de construire leur propre connaissance et d’élaborer une grammaire plus opérationnelle et pertinente.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate maternal stress and anxiety and the quality of interaction of 10 mothers and their 0-3-month-old babies with Pierre Robin Sequence hospitalized in a university hospital. We used the Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults to evaluate stress and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory to assess anxiety of the mothers, and a protocol to assess the recording of the mother-infant interaction. The results showed high levels of maternal stress and anxiety. A statistically significant inverse relationship was found: the higher the maternal anxiety and stress, the lower was the mother-infant interaction. The results indicate that work needs to be done to minimize the anxiety and stress of mothers with inpatient babies in order to encourage interaction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)