82 resultados para Leporinus copelandii
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work described the lesions caused in different species of fish by gill parasites from fee-fishing at Guariba, State of São Paulo. The research was developed from april, 1997 to march to 1999, seeking to verified the kind tissues lesions from fish. Of these, forty and seven were Leporinus macrocephalus and fifty and five Piaractus mesopotamicus. About 87.2% of the L. macrocephalus, and 58.1% of the P. mesopotamicus were sponged by several species of parasites. The parasite most abundant in L. macrocephalus was Piscinoodinium pillulare, while monogenean, Trichodina sp and myxosporidian infected P. mesopotamicus. Severe gill lesions have been observed in L. macrocephalus and P. mesopotamicus caused by monogenean, P. pillulare e Trichodina sp. parasitism, such as intersticial hemorrhage, sub-epithelium edema, inflammation, epitelial hiperplasy in filaments and lamina, proliferation of mucosal cells and laminar fusion.
The objective of this work was to analyze the liver of Leporinus macrocephalus at the macroscopic and histologic level by evaluating the characteristics of the hepatic tissue. The fishes from a fishery in Bauru, S.P., were collected and sacrificed by destroying the spinal cord; afterwards the collected hepatic tissue was fixed and followed by histological routine. Macroscopic analysis of L. macrocephalus liver showed an organ of homogeneous structure, with red-brown color, located in the medial region of the body, caudal to heart and after the gills. It showed 3 pyramidal lobes, one central and two lateral right and left. The histological analysis showed the hepatic tissue constituted by hepatocytes cords surrounded by sinusoids, named muralium duplex. It yet revealed the diffused, distribution bile system by hepatic parenchyma, showing ducts with simple cubic epithelium, surrounded by muscular fibres and connective tissue. Cells of the exocrine pancreatic tissue were observed surrounding blood vessels in acinar arrangement as zymogen granules. Furthermore, there are melanomacrophages centers distributed along the hepatic parenchyma, preferably next to the blood vessels, constituted by cells accumulating material, such as melanin and lipofucsin, whose presence may be related to the nutritional status of the fish.
Background: The Leporinus genus, belonging to the Anostomidae family, is an interesting model for studies of sex chromosome evolution in fish, particularly because of the presence of heteromorphic sex chromosomes only in some species of the genus. In this study we used W chromosome-derived probes in a series of cross species chromosome painting experiments to try to understand events of sex chromosome evolution in this family.Results: W chromosome painting probes from Leporinus elongatus, L. macrocephalus and L. obtusidens were hybridized to each others chromosomes. The results showed signals along their W chromosomes and the use of L. elongatus W probe against L. macrocephalus and L. obtusidens also showed signals over the Z chromosome. No signals were observed when the later aforementioned probe was used in hybridization procedures against other four Anostomidae species without sex chromosomes.Conclusions: Our results demonstrate a common origin of sex chromosomes in L. elongatus, L. macrocephalus and L. obtusidens but suggest that the L. elongatus chromosome system is at a different evolutionary stage. The absence of signals in the species without differentiated sex chromosomes does not exclude the possibility of cryptic sex chromosomes, but they must contain other Leporinus W sequences than those described here. © 2013 Parise-Maltempi et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study aimed at evaluating the productive performance of Leporinus macrocephalus fed with different levels of inclusion of poultry viscera meal replacing fish meal. The experiment was conducted in a stove located in the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná during 45 days. We used 200 fish with average initial length of 4.7 ± 0.37 cm and average initial weight of 1.407 ± 0.03 g, distributed in 20 net-cages. The experimental design was randomized with five treatments and five replicates with five levels of replacement of fish meal by poultry viscera meal (0, 25, 50, 75, 100%). The parameters evaluated were the productive performance and the chemical composition of animals. The inclusion of poultry viscera meal in the substitution of fish meal in the feeding of Leporinus macrocephalus can be used without impairing the performance of the animals.
Em eucariotos os íntrons de mRNAs codificantes de proteína são retirados e os éxons são mantidos junto ao transcrito primário pela maquinaria do spliceossomo. Este consiste em um grande complexo RNA-proteína que contém mais de 200 proteínas e cinco tipos de RNAs não codificantes, metabolicamente estáveis, conhecidos como snRNAs U, que incluem U1, U2, U4, U5 e U6. Os genes snRNA U estão presentes em múltiplas cópias dispersas no genoma de diversos eucariotos e parecem apresentar comportamento semelhante aqueles dos elementos móveis exibindo pouca conservação sintênica. No presente trabalho pretendia-se estudar a organização genômica e a localização cromossômica do gene snRNA U1 em espécies de peixes do gênero Leporinus, que é um grupo de peixes que se configura como um modelo interessante para estudo de DNAs repetitivos e evolução genômica em peixes. Porém, após diversas tentativas não foi possível amplificar este gene e então optou-se por estudar o gene snRNA U2. O DNA genômico de diferentes espécies de Leporinus e de Schizodon (grupo próximo evolutivamente) foi amplificado utilizando primers específicos para o gene, por meio da técnica de PCR e os produtos obtidos enviados para o sequenciamento. O tamanho encontrado para essa sequência correspondeu a aproximadamente 200 pb, valor esse já encontrado para outras espécies. As sequências foram analisadas e resultados não concisos das sequencias obtidas não permitiram análises subsequentes. A localização cromossômica do gene foi realizada por meio da técnica de hibridação in situ e as marcações foram evidenciadas em um par cromossômico submetacêntrico de tamanho médio em todas as espécies. A localização destas sequências não mostrou relação com cromossomos sexuais, presentes em algumas das espécies analisadas, mas demonstrou forte evidência de conservação do gene entre as diferentes espécies estudadas
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)