81 resultados para Lace bug


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mobile robots need autonomy to fulfill their tasks. Such autonomy is related whith their capacity to explorer and to recognize their navigation environments. In this context, the present work considers techniques for the classification and extraction of features from images, using artificial neural networks. This images are used in the mapping and localization system of LACE (Automation and Evolutive Computing Laboratory) mobile robot. In this direction, the robot uses a sensorial system composed by ultrasound sensors and a catadioptric vision system equipped with a camera and a conical mirror. The mapping system is composed of three modules; two of them will be presented in this paper: the classifier and the characterizer modules. Results of these modules simulations are presented in this paper.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Desenvolveram-se um método de cultivo e um meio de cultura para produção massal do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin, 1883, com maior pureza e concentração de conídios. Este método envolveu o cultivo submerso da linhagem M-61 do entomopatógeno em meio líquido de arroz parboilizado, extrato de levedura, extrato do percevejo da soja (Nezara viridula (L., 1758) Hemiptera, Pentatomidae), sob seis diferentes níveis de concentração de açúcar (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10g l-1), além do meio convencional sólido de arroz em grão. As biomassas obtidas foram separadas através de tela de nylon (63 mesh) e dispostas em estufa para a esporulação. Os efeitos dos tratamentos foram avaliados pelos parâmetros pesos fresco e seco do micélio, número de conídios por grama de substrato, viabilidade e patogenicidade dos conídios sobre o percevejo. Observou-se que 2.0g l-1 de açúcar em meio de cultura de extrato de N. viridula produziu o dobro do número de conídios por grama de substrato em relação à concentração de 10.0g l-1, a um custo 51 vezes inferior ao obtido no processo convencional de produção do fungo. A viabilidade não foi afetada nos diferentes meios utilizados. Não ocorreram diferenças significativas na patogenicidade em função dos meios de cultura e métodos de cultivo.


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Phthia picta (Drury, 1770) é considerado importante praga da cultura do tomateiro-estaqueado, em função dos danos que pode causar aos frutos. Devido à ausência de informações sobre a biologia desse coreídeo sob condições controladas, realizou-se este trabalho, objetivando o seu estudo em uma cultivar comercial de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill). O trabalho foi conduzido no Laboratório de Entomologia do Departamento de Fitossanidade da Faculdade de Agronomia da UFRGS, sob condições controladas (26 ± 1ºC; 70 ± 10% UR e fotofase de 14h), utilizando como alimento folíolos e frutos de tomateiro, cultivar Carmen. Os estádios duraram 3,26, 6,91, 7,91, 7,12 e 11,25 dias, respectivamente ao 1, 2º, 3º, 4º e 5º. A duração da fase ninfal foi de 34,39 dias. A mortalidade foi maior no 3º, 4º e 5º estádios. A mortalidade na fase ninfal foi de 56,0%. O número de ovos/fêmea, oviposições/fêmea e ovos/oviposição foi 60,43, 6,14 e 9,84, respectivamente. O período de incubação dos ovos foi de 10,90 dias e a percentagem de eclosão foi de 65,87%.


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Embora não haja cultivos comerciais de milho geneticamente modificado no Brasil, o efeito de híbridos de milho Bt sobre inimigos naturais e artrópodos de solo deve ser avaliado antes da liberação aos produtores. Assim, ensaios foram conduzidos durante uma safra em duas localidades. Os híbridos de milho modificado geneticamente 7590-Bt11 e Avant-ICP4 foram comparados com seus respectivos isogênicos não transgênicos. Os artrópodes foram avaliados através de observação direta nas plantas e armadilhas de alçapão. de modo geral, não se observaram diferenças entre as populações de tesourinha (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), joaninhas (Coleptera: Coccinellidae), percevejo-pirata (Coleoptera: Anthocoridae), carabídeos (Carabidae), cicindelídeos (Cicindelidae) e aranhas (Araneae). Também não houve diferença no parasitismo de ovos de Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) por Trichogramma sp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Assim, milho geneticamente modificado expressando as proteínas inseticidas Cry1A(b) e VIP 3A não causa redução nas populações dos principais predadores e parasitóides.


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The ability of the stink bug (Nezara viridula) to induce and/or increase production of chemical defenses, i.e., flavonoids, in immature seeds of five genotypes of soybean (BR-16, IAC-100, PI 227687, PI 229358, and PI 274454) was investigated under greenhouse and laboratory conditions. Samples from pods of each genotype damaged by stink bug were analyzed for flavonoid content with high performance liquid chromatography. A dual-choice test was conducted to evaluate the feeding preference of N. viridula comparing BR-16 pods treated with extracts of PI 227687 seeds (with and without stink-bug injury), with water-treated pods. Seeds of PI 227687 damaged by N. viridula presented the highest concentration (352 mug/g) of daidzin (4'-hydroxyisoflavone-7-glucoside). The same trend was observed with genistin (4',5,7-trihydroxyisoflavone-7-glucoside): PI 227687 contained 142.4 mug/g, PI 274454, 31.6 mug/g, and PI 229358, 38.9 mug/g. Seeds damaged by stink bugs had higher isoflavone contents (daidzin and genistin), compared to controls. However, after being damaged, PI 274454 and PI 229358 produced less genistin than the other genotypes and no differences in concentration between damaged and nondamaged plants of this genotypes were observed. The numbers of observations of the insect feeding and the numbers of stylet sheaths left in water-treated BR-16 pods were greater than in those treated with PI 227687 extracts. The insects fed for longer periods on BR-16 pods treated with extract of PI 227687 without injury compared to those that were treated with extract of PI 227687 previously injured by stink bugs. Extracts of PI 227687 pods ( damaged or not) were deterrent to adults of N. viridula, and insect injury increased concentrations of daidzin and genistin in PI 227687 seeds. The deterrence seemed to be more pronounced after pods had suffered stink-bug injury.


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The brown bug (Scaptocoris castanea, Perty 1830) is an insect of underground habits, which continuously suctions the juice through the roots leads the plants to emaciate, dry and die. It has not yet been described as pest in cultivated pastures in Brazil. Its occurrence has been observed in cultivated pastures of Cynodon dactylon cv. Coast cross and Brachiaria decumbens cv Brasilik and IPEAN in red-yellow podzolic soil originally covered by savannah vegetation, in Botucatu County, state of São Paulo.


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The soybean (Glycine max (L.)) has been significantly compromised by the attack of insect pests. The stink bug Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is pointed as one of the most damaging species, reducing the quantity and quality of grain produced and requiring a large number of applications of insecticides in crops. Al-though chemical control is still the most widely used method of control, the use of resistant genotypes may represent a viable alternative in the management of this insect, reducing costs and impacts on the environment. This study evaluated the performance of nymphs of N. viridula in nine soybean genotypes under laboratory conditions (T = 25 + 2[degree]C, RH = 70 [plus or minus]10% and photoperiod = 12 h), aiming to detect possible resistance mechanisms. Thus, 25 nymphs/genotype were monitored daily by assessing the duration and mortality of the nymphal stage, the weight of nymphs and adults and the developmental period from egg to adult. The data revealed that the genotypes 'TMG-103', 'TMG-121, IAC-19', 'TMG-117', and 'IAC-24' caused 100% mortality of nymphs, indicating high levels of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference expression. 'IAC-17' also prolonged the nymphal period, indicating the occurrence of resistance. The insects from 'PI-227687' showed the lowest average weight, also indicating the occurrence of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference. Our results may be useful for soybean breeding programs focusing on development of genotypes resistant to insects.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In Nysius californicus (family Lygaeidae, subfamily Orsillinae), a pest commonly known as the seed bug, the chromosome complement is 2n = 16 (12A + 2m + XY), testes are formed by seven seminiferous tubules covered by an orange-colored membrane, and spermatogenesis is cystic. At prophase, sex chromosomes are heteropycnotic and autosomes usually show a chiasma. At metaphase, sex chromosomes along with microchromosomes may be seen located at the center of a ring formed by the remaining autosomes. A characteristic specific of N. californicus was the presence of nucleolar material observed from the cystic cell to the completely differentiated spermatozoon. Variations in size, shape and location of the nucleolar material occur during this process, denoting a variable degree of activity in the different stages. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Autonomous robots must be able to learn and maintain models of their environments. In this context, the present work considers techniques for the classification and extraction of features from images in joined with artificial neural networks in order to use them in the system of mapping and localization of the mobile robot of Laboratory of Automation and Evolutive Computer (LACE). To do this, the robot uses a sensorial system composed for ultrasound sensors and a catadioptric vision system formed by a camera and a conical mirror. The mapping system is composed by three modules. Two of them will be presented in this paper: the classifier and the characterizer module. The first module uses a hierarchical neural network to do the classification; the second uses techiniques of extraction of attributes of images and recognition of invariant patterns extracted from the places images set. The neural network of the classifier module is structured in two layers, reason and intuition, and is trained to classify each place explored for the robot amongst four predefine classes. The final result of the exploration is the construction of a topological map of the explored environment. Results gotten through the simulation of the both modules of the mapping system will be presented in this paper. © 2008 IEEE.


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The anatomical study of the origin and distribution of brachial plexus in vulture (Coragyps atratus foetens) was performed in 14 animals, adults, males and females, deriving of the region of Araçatuba (SP). After fixed in watery solution of formaldehyde 10,00%, became dissected bilateral of the origin of the brachial plexus, and yours distribution. The analysis allowed verify that brachial plexus of vulture, four root possess, which originate from the ventral branches of cervical spinal nerves eleven (C11), twelve (C12) and thirteen (C13) and of the ventral branches of thoracic spinal nerve one (T1) and (T2) in both sides (100%). The first root part of C11 in the right and left side, and of the edge skull of the dorsal lace the nerves subescapular, subcoracoescapular e supracoracóide in both antímeros (100%). As the root originates from C12 in both sides, giving origin to the dorsal lace, giving the axilar, radial and anconeal nerves (100%). The third root of plexus originates solely from C13 (100%) and the root of T1 in both sides (100%). The roots of C12, C13 and T1 was united the ventral lace originates, which breaks the nerves to medianoulnar that divided in medium and to ulnar and the pectoral nerves (100%). T2 emits filaments that join it root nervous of T1, being one filament (35,55%) and two filaments (64,29%) in side right, while that in the left one filament (42,85%), two filaments (50%) and three filaments (7,15%).