167 resultados para Jequitinhonha, Rio, Vale (MG e BA)


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Tillandsia gardneri Lindi, is a herbaceous perennial with ornamental value. However, in Brazil there is no report about this species' cultivation on a commercial scale. The low multiplication rate of T. gardneri (in average one offshoot/plant/year) leads to illegal over-collection in the wild to meet commercial demands. The development of protocols for in vitro propagation of T. gardneri may be useful for increasing multiplication rate, producing enough plants to supply the ornamental market and also to reduce the pressure over plants collection in the wild. The present study evaluated the effect of growth regulators (6-benzylaminopurine-BA alone or in combinations with naphthaleneacetic acid-NAA) on shoots development from seedlings pre-established in vitro, from seed germination on 1/4 MS medium without growth regulators. Seedlings (with about 1.0 cm long) were re-cultured to solid 1/2 MS media supplemented with growth regulators. After 30 days on the induction medium seedlings were re-cultured to MS basal medium. The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with four replications and ten treatments: control (free of growth regulators), BA (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/L), BA (0.5 mg/L) + ANA (0.1 mg/L), BA (1.0 mg/L) + ANA (0.1 mg/L), BA (1.0 mg/L) + ANA (0.5 mg/L), BA (2.0 mg/L) + ANA (0.1 mg/L), BA (2.0 mg/L) + ANA (0.5 mg/L), and BA (2.0 mg/L) + ANA (1.0 mg/L). The outgrowth of shoots did not occur on medium devoid of growth regulators (control). Regression analysis for some evaluated parameters, such as percentage of seedlings responsive to shoot formation and number of shoots/seedling, and regulators concentrations (BA or ANA) were significant, allowing the establishment of the growth regulators concentration for obtaining the best multiplication rate. Some seedlings maintained in media with ANA (0.5 or 1.0 mg/L) were completely converted into callus masses that turned dark brown leading to seedlings death.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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Eriocaulaceae species are popularly known as sempre-vivas. This family comprising approximately 1.200 species divided into 10 genera, with high endemic levels. Paepalanthus genus has high incidence in the Espinhaço Range region and the report of biological activities. Despite the large number of previous studies with Eriocaulaceae species, Paepalanthus geniculatus has no studies about their scapes, which demonstrates the need for new research to identify their chemical and biological composition. The aim of this work was to study the chemical composition of P. geniculatus ethanolic extract seeking the isolation and identification of metabolites and evaluate the radical scavenging activity of the extract and isolated substances. P. geniculatus were collected in Serra do Cipó-MG in 2013 (Voucher: SANO 3193) and the scapes were dried, crushed and the powder was percolated with ethanol. With the etanolic extract it is carried out a fractionation by gel permeation chromatography, yielding fractions analyzed by TLC assay. The fraction J89 (45,6 mg) was purified by semipreparative HPLC-PDA, resulting in the isolation of substance S1. The fractionation was also performed by medium pressure liquid chromatography, yielding fractions analyzed by TLC assay. The fraction number 4 (92,6 mg) were purified by semipreparative HPLC-PDA resulting in the isolation of substances S2 and S3. The substances S1 and S3 were analyzed by mono and twodimensional NMR, resulting in the identification of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (protocatechuic acid) and the flavonoid 6-hydroxyquercetin-7-O-β-Dglucopyranoside. The substance S2 were identified by comparison with standards, were it was possible to determine the presence of the flavonoid 6-hydroxy-7- methoxyquercetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside. The evaluation of radical scavenging activity for the extract and the isolated substances using DPPH, showed consistent activity to S1...


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Durante as primeiras coletas relacionadas ao Projeto Cactaceae no Brasil Oriental, ficou provada a grande diversidade de espércies dessa família na região do vale médio do Rio Jequitinhonha, tendo sido visitadas as localidades de Itinga, Itaobim e Pedra Azul. Foram coletadas 21 espécies distribuídas entre os gêneros Pereskia, Opuntia, Tacinga, Pseudoacanthocereus, Arrojadoa, Brasilicereus, Cereus, Coleocephalocereus, Melocactus, Pilosocereus e Selenicereus, representando as três subfamílias de Cactaceae, cujas afinidades taxonômicas e padrões de distribuição geográfica são discutidos a seguir.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Geofísica terrestre (magnetometria e radiometria) foi utilizada como ferramenta de apoio ao mapeamento geológico em uma área de pesquisa mineral da Companhia Mineradora de Minas Gerais (COMIG), denominada Alvo Bueiro, localizada a sudeste da cidade de Morro do Pilar, na Serra do Espinhaço, Estado de Minas Gerais. A integração de informações de geologia de superfície com os dados geofísicos correspondentes permitiu definir quatro zonas: A, B, C e D. A Zona A, caracterizada por altos valores de susceptibilidade magnética e baixos valores de radiometria, é composta por itabiritos do Grupo Serra da Serpentina. A Zona B, pertencente ao mesmo grupo, é constituída por filitos cinza e metassiltitos e mostra baixa susceptibilidade magnética; interrupções nas linhas de contorno foram interpretadas como decorrentes de falhas de empurrão. A Zona C, relacionada à Seqüência Vulcano-Sedimentar Rio Mata Cavalo, é caracterizada por uma expressiva anomalia do campo magnético total em xistos máficos e ultramáficos com lentes de formações ferríferas e filitos carbonosos negros; esta zona hospeda as mais importantes anomalias geoquímicas de ouro conhecidas na área em estudo. A Zona D, correspondente a ortognaisses cisalhados do Complexo Dona Rita, mostra os mais elevados valores de radiometria do Alvo Bueiro e baixas respostas magnéticas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este artigo visa analisar a rede de drenagem através da utilização das técnicas de Índice Relação Declividade e Extensão do Curso de Água (RDE) e análise do perfil longitudinal dos vales, numa região chave do Planalto Sul de Minas, a fim de contribuir com estudos sobre evolução da paisagem da região sudeste do Brasil. A pesquisa foi realizada na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio do Machado (MG), afluente do Alto Rio Grande, e regiões adjacentes, localizadas no Planalto Sul de Minas. O Rio do Machado apresenta uma particularidade em seu curso, com uma mudança brusca de direção tomada por sua drenagem na área próxima ao seu médio curso. Com a aplicação das técnicas pretende-se compreender melhor a dinâmica do relevo na área, identificando áreas com indício de ação neotectônica e seu padrão de distribuição na bacia.


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Em 1974 a Prefeitura Municipal de Jahu interessada na urbanização do vale do Rio Jahu no trecho urbano propôs a abertura de avenidas marginais, conforme previa o plano diretor. Os autores preocupados com as potencialidades de uso do vale, sugeriram que se afastasse as avenidas do rio e se desse a oportunidade da criação de um parque às margens do rio. Esse parque teria a função de integrar o rio à paisagem urbana, compatibilizando, ao mesmo tempo, os interesses sociais da população com as necessidades da conservação da natureza.


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The study of the amnonifying bacteria behavior in the lakes Carioca and D. Helvecio, which belong to the natural lacustrine system of the Rio Doce Valley - Minas Gerais - Brazil, during the period from March to November, showed a similar seasonal variation in both lakes, with higher population density in March and November (raining period) and lower density in May, July and September (dry period). The vertical variation was also relatively similar for both lakes, were during the thermal stratification the distribution was regular along the water column, while during the period of thermal stratification the populational density was remarkably different at different depths. The characterized ammonifying types to the genera Acinetobacter, Moraxella and Proteus, which in culture reveal high amnonifying activity with values which have reached 30,8 mug/l of ammonia per population unity (105 bacteria/ml).


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This paper presents the gravity survey refinement of the Paraíba do Sul river valley, east region of São Paulo state, by acquisition of 646 gravity stations. Further than the traditional Free-Air and Bouguer corrections, it was necessary to apply the Terrain Correction due the proximity of the Mantiqueira and Mar mountain ranges. An enhanced understanding of TaubaBasin structural framework was the main objetive of this work. As result, we present the Bouguer Gravity Map of the east region of São Paulo State and the Residual Bouguer Gravity Map generated by Upward Continuation and High-pass filtering. The 2D Gravity Modeling was applied in 4 sections, using bi-dimensional models for the bodies that produced the anomalies (Talwani Method). After integrating the gravity data with the interpretation of 11 seismic sections, it was possible to delineate the Taubate Basin structural framework, which shows an utmost sedimentary thickness of 800 m in the depocenters. It was also interpreted an ultramaphic alkaline plug in the subsurface of Caçapava city.