41 resultados para Jazz from Finland 2011


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Ichthyofaunistic studies aims to broad the knowledge of composition, abundance and distribution of species in certain areas, and when possible, to infer patterns of distribution, as well as extrinsic factors that affect these patterns in space and time. The Paranapanema River suffers the impact of the construction of hydroelectric power plants in cascade system along its main channel, changing the characteristics of lotic to lentic and semi-lentic. These changes affect the entire biocenosis and the surroundings of the reservoir and, in particular, the fish fauna. In this context, the aim of this study was to characterize the fish assemblage in two lakes and stretches of the main channel, located near the outfall of the Paranapanema River, Jurumirim reservoir area, comparing them to their composition and structure, using ecological indices as tools. Fish were caught every three months from April 2011 to January 2013, using gill nets of various mesh openings in four stretches: Environment 1 - Calha Sete Ilhas, Environment 2 - Calha Poço da Pedra, Environment 3 - Lagoa Sete Ilhas and Environment 4 - Lagoa Poço de Pedra. After the capture, the specimens were identified and biometric analysis was performed (total and standard length weight). We captured 4,006 individuals belonging to four orders and 34 species, 31 native species and three non-native species. In abundance (n) and number of species (S), there was a predominance of Characiformes (57 %) followed by Siluriformes (31%). Overall, most of the species was constant concerning the frequency of capture. The five most representative species in abundance were Schizodon intermedius, Cyphocarax modestus, Pimelodus maculatus, Hoplosternum littorale and Serrasalmus maculatus, contributing with 60% of total individuals captured. Regarding the stretches, these species present diversity (H'), evenness (E), dominance (D) and richness (d) of similar species, since the abundance was higher in ...


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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In this paper we discuss and present the first results gathered from the compilation of a learner corpus comprised of texts written by university students (Language, Literature and Translation Course). We made use of Corpus Linguistics and observations of researchers from the learner’s corpus field, in order to compile and analyze a corpus of argumentative and descriptive texts written in Spanish. Four hundred compositions were collected (about 120 thousand words) from August 2011 to December 2012. The methodology adopted assisted us considerably in maintaining a comprehensive working agenda, taking into consideration students’ needs and using the data collected as subsidy to improve classroom management of content. We also present the difficulties faced during the data gathering and propose procedures do avoid or minimize them.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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This paper seeks to understand the importance of Pibid (Institutional Scholarship Program for Teacher Initiation) in initial formation, more specifically in the pedagogue's formation. The interest for research was motivated by my inclusion in this program, through the interdisciplinary subproject called University and school thinking of interdisciplinary teacher formation: research, reflection and action in which I participated from August 2011 to December 2013. I developed a qualitative survey of bibliographic character, which aims to analyze the theoretical productions in the field of education and that has the focus the Pibid's contribution as well as its potential. For this purpose, I considered the articles located in the Annals of the XVI ENDIPE (National Meeting of Didactic and Teaching Practice) in 2012, in all its themes (Educational policies and impacts at school and in the classroom, Policies of initial formation and continuing formation of teachers and Didactics and teaching practices in contemporary school reality: findings, analysis and propositions). I believe that the research can contribute to rethink the initial formation practices by providing subsidies to the graduated on the teaching career, raising the quality of basic education


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Spontaneous adverse drug events (ADE) reporting is the main source of data for assessing the risk/benefit of drugs available in the pharmaceutical market. However, its major limitation is underreporting, which hinders and delays the signal detection by Pharmacovigilance (PhV). To identify the techniques of educational intervention (EI) for promotion of PhV by health professionals and to assess their impact. A systematic review was performed in the PUBMED, PAHO, LILACS and EMBASE databases, from November/2011 to January/2012, updated in March/2013. The strategy search included the use of health descriptors and a manual search in the references cited by selected papers. 101 articles were identified, of which 16 met the inclusion criteria. Most of these studies (10) were conducted in European hospitals and physicians were the health professionals subjected to most EI (12), these studies lasted from one month to two years. EI with multifaceted techniques raised the absolute number, the rate of reporting related to adverse drug reactions (ADR), technical defects of health technologies, and also promoted an improvement in the quality of reports, since there was increased reporting of ADR classified as serious, unexpected, related to new drugs and with high degree of causality. Multifaceted educational interventions for multidisciplinary health teams working at all healthcare levels, with sufficient duration to reach all professionals who act in the institution, including issues related to medication errors and therapeutic ineffectiveness, must be validated, with the aim of standardizing the Good Practice of PhV and improve drug safety indicators.


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The issue of environmental impacts to human health and the generation and disposal of solid waste has led to a change of paradigms for your face, highlighting the need for sustainable management of municipal solid waste (MSW). In this context, the expansion of landfills in Brazil in recent decades makes it necessary to sustainable management of waste generated by this type of enterprise, since its implementation. The aim of this study was to perform a diagnosis of the generation of waste in a landfill, in the expansion phase, and the alternatives adopted for its management. The qualitative diagnosis was made from observations on site and the wastes were classified and quantified from August 2011 to January 2012. In the diagnosis was considered the reduction, reuse and recycle, in that order. The results of this study showed that the residue of the greatest generation was PEAD geomembranes used in the waterproofing of the landfill, reaching 7 t, followed by PVC pipes, which reached 850 kg, both destined for recycling. The largest volume of wastewater generated corresponded to the leachate, reaching 11,500 m3 , which were sent for treatment


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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The primary health care has been recognized as one of the key components of an effective health system. In its most developed form, the primary health care is the first contact with the health system and the site responsible for the organization of health care over time: individuals, their families and the general population; seeks to provide balance between the two goals of a national health system, which are improving the health of the population and provide equitable distribution of resources. Hospitalizations for primary care sensitive conditions (HPCSC) may be associated with deficiencies of service coverage primary health care or its effectiveness. Hospitalization rates can and should represent a warning sign, triggering mechanisms for analysis and search for explanations for these problems. The use of hospitalization data for HPCSC can serve as indicators of inequality in the health system, contributing to the evaluation of the deployment and implementation of health policies.


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The acidity levels present in the juice of sugarcane can cause problems in its processing. This study aimed to compare the values of total, volatile and fixed acidity in the juice of the stem nodes and internodes of sugarcane. The experimental design was a completely randomized, 3x2 factorial arrangement with four replications, using three varieties of sugarcane (IAC91-1099; ISC95 and CTC7-5000) divided into node and internode. The stems were collected and separated in node and internode. After extraction of juice from each part, total, volatile and fix acidities were determined. The results were subjected to variance analysis the by F test and compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The cultivar CTC7 had the lowest levels of total and fixed acidity. Cultivar IAC91-1099 showed high levels of fixed acidity on both parts of the stem, and high volatile acidity at the node. In the stem, the values of volatile acidity showed no definite pattern between cultivars. The node has, in general, a higher fixed acidity, but some cultivars have shown opposite results.