97 resultados para Immunocomprised host


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The trial was carried out to investigate parasite host specificity and to analyse the dynamics of infection with nematodes parasitizing sheep and catt:le raised together or separately in São Paulo state, Brazil, and, also to clarify doubts about the systematics of species of the genus Haemonchus on the basis of cytological and morphological studies. Ten steers and 32 ewes were randomly assigned to three paddocks (P), as follows: P1, 5 steers; P2, 5 steers and 16 ewes; and P3, 16 ewes. The animals remained on these paddocks in continuous grazing throughout the trial (1-yr period). Faecal exams and larvae counting on pasture were performed fortnightly. Once a month two tracer lambs were placed in each paddock, while two tracer calves were also placed, but only in the eighth month of the trial. All these animals were slaughtered for worm identification and counting. At the end of the trial, one steer and one ewe from P2, which showed high faecal egg counts, were also slaughtered for the same purpose. Nematodes identified cytogenetically as H. placei presented spicule hooks longer than those identified as H. contortus. The following distribution of parasites in cattle and sheep was observed: Bunostomum phlebotomum, H. similis, Mammomonogamus laryngeus strongly adapted to cattle, H. placei and Cooperia punctata more adapted to cattle than to sheep, Trichostrongylus axel and C. spatulata apparently more adapted to cattle, T. colubriformis strongly adapted to sheep, H. contortus more adapted to sheep than to cattle and C. curticei apparently more adapted to sheep. Cross-infection was shown to occur involving some species, however, with time the animals apparently eliminate the species that are not well adapted to them. Therefore, grazing management systems using cattle and sheep appear to be promising for worm control in southeastern Brazil. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Vinte e três espécimes de Leiuris leptocephalus (Rud., 1819) Leuckard 1850 (Spirocercidae) foram recuperados do intestino delgado de uma fêmea de preguiça comum, Bradypus variegatus Shinz 1825 (Bradipodidae), em Ubatuba, estado de São Paulo. Os dados demonstram maior variabilidade morfométrica em relação aos dados da literatura, o que contribui para a caracterização morfológica desse nematódeo. Essa comunicação corresponde ao primeiro relato de B. variegatus como hospedeiro de L. leptocephalus.


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Pentastomida é um táxon de organismos parasitas obrigatórios de sistema respiratório de vertebrados, principalmente répteis. Embora esse táxon seja muito importante para a compreensão da filogenia dos Metazoa, tem recebido pouca atenção. No Brasil, existem poucas coleções que abrigam espécies de pentastomídeos, quais sejam: a Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (CHIOC), a Coleção de Invertebrados do Laboratório de Zoologia da Universidade Regional do Cariri (LAZ-URCA) e a Coleção Helmintológica do Laboratório de Parasitologia de Animais Silvestres (LAPAS). O presente trabalho descreve as espécies de pentastomídeos depositados na Coleção Helmintológia do LAPAS. O trato respiratório e as cavidades do corpo dos répteis foram removidos e analisados sob Microscópio Esteroscópico; quando encontrados os pentastomídeos, foram montados slides em meio Hoyer e identificados. Foram identificadas quatro espécies e outras três ficaram identificadas no nível de gênero, tendo sido registrados quatro novos hospedeiros para as espécies de pentastomídeos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present report is the northernmost capture of the piscicolid leech Stibarobdella moorei in the western South Atlantic Ocean. This is also the first time S. moorei is found associated to a batoid fish in the Brazilian coast, the eyespot skate Atlantoraja cyclophora. Stibarobdella moorei was found fixed in the dorsal side of a male eyespot skate, caught by bottom trawl around of the São Paulo coast, southeastern Brazil. A brief description of the morphology of the parasite and a discussion on the taxonomic status of the S. moorei are presented.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fêmeas de Cotesia flavipes (Cam.) foram introduzidas, individualmente, em placas de Petri contendo uma larva de seu hospedeiro Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.). Permitiu-se que cada fêmea de C. flavipes realizasse posturas uma ou duas vezes em uma mesma larva. O período de emergência das larvas e dos adultos, a razão sexual, o número de larvas e pupas inviáveis e a longevidade dos adultos de C. flavipes registrados nas duas condições experimentais (uma ou duas posturas) foram comparados. Os resultados revelaram que duas oviposições sucessivas no hospedeiro não alteraram a razão sexual na descendência, mas aumentaram o número de parasitóides e também o número de larvas e pupas inviáveis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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No presente trabalho descreve-se a ocorrência de Oswaldofilaria petersi Bain & Sulahian 1974 (Nematoda, Onchocercidae) em Tropidurus hispidus Spix 1825 (Sauria, Tropiduridae). Um macho e uma fêmea de O. petersi foram coletados no músculo ileofibularis direito desse lagarto. Este é o primeiro relato deste hospedeiro para Oswaldofilaria spp. e também a descrição de um novo hospedeiro para O. petersi.


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Relata-se a ocorrência de Ophiotaenia sp. (Cestoda, Proteocephalidae) parasitando Corallus caninus (Serpentes, Boidae). A serpente foi recebida no Parque Zoológico de Goiânia, Goiás, proveniente de apreensão pelo RAN/IBAMA em tráfico de animais silvestres. O animal estava apático, com disecdise e desidratação. Após alguns dias, morreu no cativeiro. A necropsia revelou a presença de um cestódeo no intestino que foi fixado em AFA após compressão, corado em carmim e analisado em sistema de análise de imagens. Os aspectos morfológicos indicaram ser uma espécie do gênero Ophiotaenia, mas não foi possível sua identificação. Este é o primeiro relato sobre a ocorrência de um cestódeo do gênero Ophiotaenia parasitando C. caninus.


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Seeds of Mimosa bimucronata are heavily infested (pre-dispersal predation) by the bruchid beetle Acanthoscelides schrankiae in Brazil. In this study, firstly we set up experiments to assess seed germination under seven and six different light and temperature regimes, respectively, and then we evaluated the ability of seeds to germinate after predation. We tested the hypothesis that the non-predated seeds from infested fruits may respond differently when set for germination than those seeds of non-infested fruits. We also hypothesized that predation may increase the production of unviable seeds. Seeds under 18 hours of light presented the highest percentage of germination, and the alternating temperature 20-30 degrees C was considered as optimum for germination (abnormal seedlings were not considered as a successful germination). Germination of seeds from non-infested fruits was significantly higher than germination of non-predated seeds from infested fruits, and predation also caused a significant increase in the proportion of dead seeds. Our results also show a positive correlation between proportions of unviable seeds and predated seeds. These results demonstrated that seeds of M. bimucronata are strongly affected by predation because predated seeds did not germinate and non-predated seeds had their viability reduced when located in infested fruits, supporting our hypothesis.


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Although bromeliads are believed to obtain nutrients from debris deposited by animals in their rosettes, there is little evidence to support this assumption. Using stable isotope methods, we found that the Neotropical jumping spider Psecas chapoda (Salticidae), which lives strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae, contributed 18% of the total nitrogen of its host plant in a greenhouse experiment. In a one-year field experiment, plants with spiders produced leaves 15% longer than plants from which the spiders were excluded. This is the first study to show nutrient provisioning in a spider-plant system. Because several animal species live strictly associated with bromeliad rosettes, this type of facultative mutualism involving the Bromeliaceac may be more common than previously thought.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a fungal human pathogen with a wide distribution in Latin America. It causes paracoccidioidomycosis, the most widespread systemic mycosis in Latin America. Although gene expression in P. brasiliensis had been studied, little is known about the genome sequences expressed by this species during the infection process. To better understand the infection process, 4934 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from a non-normalized cDNA library from P. brasiliensis (isolate Pb01) yeast-phase cells recovered from the livers of infected mice were annotated and clustered to a UniGene (clusters containing sequences that represent a unique gene) set with 1602 members. A large-scale comparative analysis was performed between the UniGene sequences of P. brasiliensis yeast-phase cells recovered from infected mice and a database constructed with sequences of the yeast-phase and mycelium transcriptome (isolate Pb01) (https://dna.biomol.unb.br/Pb/), as well as with all public ESTs available at GenBank, including sequences of the P. brasiliensis yeast-phase transcriptome (isolate Pb18) (http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). The focus was on the overexpressed and novel genes. From the total, 3184 ESTs (64.53%) were also present in the previously described transcriptome of yeast-form and mycelium cells obtained from in vitro cultures (https://dna.biomol.unb.br/Pb/) and of those, 1172 ESTs (23.75% of the described sequences) represented transcripts overexpressed during the infection process. Comparative analysis identified 1750 ESTs (35.47% of the total), comprising 649 UniGene sequences representing novel transcripts of P. brasiliensis, not previously described for this isolate or for other isolates in public databases. KEGG pathway mapping showed that the novel and overexpressed transcripts represented standard metabolic pathways, including glycolysis, amino acid biosynthesis, lipid and sterol metabolism. The unique and divergent representation of transcripts in the cDNA library of yeast cells recovered from infected mice suggests differential gene expression in response to the host milieu.