57 resultados para INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY
O primeiro registro para o Atlântico Sul ocidental de uma espécie do gênero Malacoraja Stehmann, 1970 é feita com base na descrição de Malacoraja obscura, espécie nova, proveniente do talude continental do Sudeste brasileiro dos estados do Espírito Santo e Rio de Janeiro em profundidades de 808-1105 m. A espécie nova é conhecida através de cinco exemplares e é distinta de seus congêneres pela sua coloração dorsal composta por numerosas manchas esbranquiçadas e pequenas na região do disco e nadadeiras pélvicas, por apresentar uma fileira irregular de espinhos ao longo da superfície dorsal mediana da cauda a qual persiste em espécimes maiores (desde a base da cauda até dois-terços do seu comprimento numa fêmea de 680 mm de comprimento total, CT) e uma região pequena desprovida de dentículos na base ventral da cauda (estendendo somente até a margem distal da nadadeira pélvica). Outros caracteres diagnósticos em combinação incluem a ausência de espinhos escapulares em indivíduos maiores, número elevado de fileiras dentárias (64/62 fileiras num macho subadulto de 505 mm de CT e 76/74 numa fêmea de 680 mm de CT) e de vértebras (27-28 Vtr, 68-75 Vprd), coloração ventral do disco uniformemente castanha escura, duas fenestras pós-ventrais na cintura escapular, fenestra pós-ventral posterior grande, forame magno circular e dois forames para a carótida interna na placa basal ventral do neurocrânio. Machos adultos não são conhecidos, porém uma descrição anatômica de M. obscura, sp. nov., é fornecida. Comparações são realizadas com todo o material conhecido de M. kreffti, com a literatura sobre M. senta e com material abundante de M. spinacidermis da África do Sul; M. obscura, sp. nov., assemelha-se mais a M. spinacidermis do Atlântico Sul oriental em esqueleto dérmico, coloração e tamanho. Malacoraja é monofilético devido à sua espinulação e apêndices rostrais conspícuos e é aparentemente composta por dois grupos de espécies, um para M. obscura e M. spinacidermis e outro para M. kreffti e M. senta, porém a elucidação das relações filogenéticas entre as espécies necessita de mais informações anatômicas, principalmente das duas últimas espécies.
Exercise-induced vessel changes modulate arterial pressure (AP) in male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is important for angiogenesis of skeletal muscle. The present study evaluated the time course of VEGF and angiogenesis after short- and long-term exercise training of female SHR and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats, 8-9 weeks (200-250 g). Rats were allocated to daily training or remained sedentary for 3 days (N = 23) or 13 weeks (N = 23). After training, the carotid artery was catheterized for AP measurements. Locomotor (tibialis anterior and gracilis) and non-locomotor skeletal muscles (temporalis) were harvested and prepared for histologic and protein expression analyses. Training increased treadmill performance by all groups (SHR = 28%, WKY = 64%, 3 days) and (SHR = 141%, WKY = 122%, 13 weeks). SHR had higher values of AP than WKY (174 ± 4 vs 111 ± 2 mmHg) that were not altered by training. Three days of running increased VEGF expression (SHR = 28%, WKY = 36%) simultaneously with an increase in capillary-to-fiber ratio in gracilis muscle (SHR = 19%, WKY = 15%). In contrast, 13 weeks of training increased gracilis capillary-to-fiber ratio (SHR = 18%, WKY = 19%), without simultaneous changes in VEGF expression. Training did not change VEGF expression and capillarity of temporalis muscle. We conclude that training stimulates time- and tissue-dependent VEGF protein expression, independent of pressure levels. VEGF triggers angiogenesis in locomotor skeletal muscle shortly after the exercise starts, but is not involved in the maintenance of capillarity after long-term exercise in female rats.
Background: Significant morbidity and mortality are related to conventional aortic replacement surgery. Endovascular debranching techniques, fenestrated or branched endografts are time consuming and costly.Objective: We alternatively propose to use endovascular approach with parallel grafts for debranching of aortic arch.Methods: Under general anesthesia, 12 F sheaths were inserted in the femoral, axillary and common carotid arteries for vascular accesses. ViaBahn grafts 10 - 15 cm in length were placed into the aortic arch from right common carotid, left common carotid and left axillary arteries, until the tip of each graft reached into the ascending aorta. Through one femoral artery, the aortic stent-graft was positioned and delivered. Soon after, the parallel grafts were sequentially delivered. Self-spanding Wallstents(R) were used for parallel grafts reinforcement. Ballooning was routinely used for parallel grafts and rarely for aortic graft.Results: This technique was used in 2 cases. The first one was a lady with 72 years old, with an aortic retrograde dissection from left subclavian artery and involving remaining arch branches. Through right common carotid artery a stent-graft was placed in the ascending aorta and through the left common carotid artery a ViaBahn was inserted parallel to the former. A thoracic endograft then covered all the aortic arch dissection extending into the ascending aorta close to the sinu-tubular junction. The second case was a 82 year old male patient with a 7 cm aortic arch aneurysm. Through both common carotid arteries ViaBahn grafts were introduced and positioned into the ascending aorta. Soon after, the deployment of the thoracic stent graft covered all parallel grafts of the aortic arch, excluding the aneurysm. Both cases did not have neurologic or cardiac complications and were discharged 10 days after the procedure.Conclusions: This technique may be a good minimal invasive off-the-shelf technical option for aortic arch "debranching". More data and further improvements are required before this promising technique can be widely advocated. (C) 2011 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Relatamos um caso de aneurisma da bifurcação da artéria carótida interna, cuja ruptura se deu para dentro de cisto de aracnóide da fissura silviana. em revisão da literatura apenas 3 casos foram descritos. Discutimos ainda os aspectos clínicos atípicos do caso, as características dos achados cirúrgicos e uma correlação etiopatogênica entre as duas patologias.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade de dois modelos experimentais de isquemia e reperfusão cerebral. MÉTODOS: 60 ratos foram distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em três grupos experimentais, com 20 animais cada: I - pinçamento temporário de artéria carótida esquerda; II - cauterização prévia das artérias vertebrais e pinçamento temporário da artéria carótida esquerda; simulado - sem isquemia nem reperfusão. Todos os animais tiveram oclusão definitiva de artéria carótida direita e os três grupos foram subdivididos em dois períodos de reperfusão: A - 60 minutos e B - 120 minutos. Os parâmetros verificados foram: medidas de pressão arterial média sistêmica e fluxo sangüíneo carotídeo; medida de malondialdeído cerebral através do teste TBARS e avaliação histológica do hemisfério cerebral submetido à isquemia e reperfusão. Foi feito também um estudo complementar com angiografia cerebral em 5 animais adicionais. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas nas dosagens de malondialdeído cerebral e na freqüência e gravidade das alterações histológicas cerebrais entre os três grupos. Nos grupos GI e GII, a PAM foi significantemente maior no período de isquemia. O fluxo sangüíneo entre os períodos pré e pós-pinçamento aumentou nos grupos IA e IIB, diminuiu no grupo IB e no grupo IIA manteve-se inalterado. As angiografias do estudo complementar mostraram aporte sangüíneo para cérebro através de circulação colateral. CONCLUSÃO: Os modelos de isquemia e reperfusão estudados não demonstraram alterações consistentes de marcadores de lesão cerebral, seja quanto à produção de lipoperóxidos ou de lesões histológicas.
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) regulates granulocyte precursor cell proliferation, neutrophil survival, and activation. Cyclic hematopoiesis, a disease that occurs both in humans and grey collie dogs is characterized by cyclical variations in blood neutrophils. Although the underlying molecular defect is not known, long-term daily administration of recombinant G-CSF eliminates the severe recurrent neutropenia, indicating that expression of G-CSF by gene therapy would be beneficial. As a prelude to preclinical studies in affected collie dogs, we monitored hematopoiesis in rats receiving vascular smooth muscle cells transduced to express G-CSF. Cells transduced with LrGSN, a retrovirus expressing rat G-CSF, were implanted in the carotid artery and control animals received cells transduced with LASN, a retrovirus expressing human adenosine deaminase (ADA). Test animals showed significant increases in neutrophil counts for at least 7 weeks, with mean values of 3,670 +/- 740 cells/mu l in comparison to 1,870 +/- 460 cells/mu l in controls (p < 0.001). Thus, in rats G-CSF gene transfer targeted at vascular smooth muscle cells initiated sustained production of 1,800 neutrophils/mu l, a cell number that would provide clinical benefit to patients. Lymphocytes, red cells and platelets were not different between control and test animals (p > 0.05). These studies indicate that retrovirally transduced vascular smooth muscle cells can provide sustained clinically useful levels of neutrophils in vivo.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The effects of carotid occlusion on parasympathetic activity were studied in anesthetized dogs submitted to beta adrenergic blockade. Modifications of the heart rate, before and after administration of atropine, were utilized for assessment of vagal changes. When vagal activity was intact there was elevation of the heart rate. After parasympathetic blockade carotid occlusion did not cause heart rate modifications. The data suggest that carotid occlusion produced vagal inhibition.
The work consists of the study of 20 opossums (Didelphis albiventris); 7 females and 13 males, adults, natives of Jaboticabal county proceeding to a canulation and injection of the arterial system with neoprene latex-650 in the aorta artery (full-blooded). Right away the preparations were fixed by a 10% formaldehyde aqueous solution and afterwards dissected and formed a scheme. The analysis of the pieces showed that in the opossum, the end of the aorta always divides in the common iliac artery, right and left sides, both originating the external and internal iliac artery, on the right and left sides. The medium sacral artery results, medianly, from the aorta division's angle in 2 common iliac arteries in 8 cases (40% - 6 males and 2 females); this vessel comes from the left common iliac artery in 7 animals (35% - 5 males and 2 females) or comes from the right common iliac artery, in 5 preparations (25% - 3 females and 2 males). The deep iliac circumflex artery is born by the common iliac artery from the right side in 10 preparations (50% - 6 males and 4 females), can appear as well, concomitantly with the external and internal iliac artery, from the right side in 9 pieces (45% - 6 males and 3 females) and further from the right this vessels can emerge from the external iliac artery, in 1 case only (5% - 1 male).
Both acute (1 day) lesions of the commissural nucleus of the solitary tract (commNTS) and aortic baroreceptor denervation increase pressor responses to bilateral common carotid occlusion (BCO) during a 60-second period in conscious rats. In this study, we investigated the following: (1) the effects of commNTS lesions on basal mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) of aortic denervated (ADNx) rats; (2) the effects of acute commNTS lesions on pressor responses to BCO in ADNx rats; and (3) the effects of chronic (10 days) commNTS lesions on the pressor response to BCO. ADNx increased basal MAP and HR in sham-lesioned rats. Acute commNTS lesions abolished the MAP and HR increases observed in ADNx rats. Acute commNTS lesions increased the pressor responses to BCO in rats with intact- baroreceptor innervation but produced no additional change in the pressor response to BCO in ADNx rats. Chronic commNTS lesions did not change the pressor responses to BCO in rats with intact-baroreceptor innervation. The data show that acute commNTS lesions abolish the MAP increase produced by aortic baroreceptor denervation. They also suggest that acute commNTS lesions enhance the pressor response to BCO by partial withdrawal of aortic baroreceptor inputs into the NTS. Chronically, reorganization in the remaining aortic baroreceptor or in the baroreflex function as a whole might produce normalization of the cardiovascular responses to BCO.
The vegetal species, Allium cepa, known as onion, is widely used in the folk medicine as diuretic, besides it has been used on the bronchitis, cough, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension treatment. In this study we evaluate the onion aqueous extract (AE) effect on water flow and electrolytes in anesthetized Wistar rats, besides we also evaluate arterial pressure alterations. Two groups were studied: Group 1 (control) - oral tratment with 1.0 mL of distilled water, and Group 2 (experimental) - oral treatment with 1.0 mL of AE 20%. The rats were anesthetized and we canulate the trachea, left carotide artery (for arterial pressure measurement and blood collecting), jugular vein (to execute inulin perfusion - to register glomerular filtration), and urinary bladder (to collect urine). The Group 1 results had shown that the animals had not presented significant alterations (p>0.05) in the analyzed parameters. The animals of Group 2 had a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the arterial pressure (22.0%). However, there were not significant alterations in renal parameters (p>0.05). These results show that the treatment with the AE lead a hypotensor effect in anesthetized Wistar rats, but not followed by renal parameters alterations.
Treatment of atherosclerotic renovascular disease is controversial and revascularization is not a beneficial approach to all patients. Conditions as progressive deterioration of renal function, refractory hypertension or accelerated cardiovascular disease, especially recurrent pulmonary edema, could profit from renal angioplasty with stent placement. Surgical revascularization is a good option for patients who will need concomitant surgical corrections of abdominal aortic lesions. Treatment of all other patients must be individualized. Medical therapy is indicated for all patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease. Observational studies pointed out to the beneficial effect of controlling blood pressure (<130/80 mm Hg), glucose and lipids profile, lifestyle modifications, specific use of platelet antiaggregant therapy, Angiotensin Conversion Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI) and statins. All others cardiovascular risk factors must be controlled. The evaluation and management of other systemic atherosclerotic vascular lesions is important, especially coronary, carotid and abdominal aortic. This paper presents a review of evidences to rationale the atherosclerotic renovascular disease treatment. © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
The plant species Phalaris canariensis, known as canary grass, is widely used in folk medicine as diuretic, as well as in culinary and animal feed. In this study, the effect of P. canariensis aqueous extract (AE) on water flow (V) and sodium renal excretion (Qe (Na+)) was evaluated in anesthetized Wistar rats. Arterial pressure alterations (AP) were also assessed. Two groups were studied: Control group (CON) - oral administration of 1.0 mL distilled water, and Experimental group (EA) - oral administration of 1.0 mL P. canariensis aqueous extract 40%. Rats were anesthetized and subjected to cannulation of trachea (for better pulmonary ventilation), left carotid artery (for arterial pressure measurement) and urinary bladder (for urine collection). Control animals did not present significant alterations (p>0.05) in all analyzed parameters after water administration. EA group had a significant arterial pressure reduction at 60 minutes (31.4%) and 90 minutes (49.1%) after the extract administration (p<0.05). Renal parameters did not have any significant alteration (p>0.05). In this study, P. canariensis aqueous extract had a hypotensive effect in anesthetized Wistar rats, without renal alterations.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)