97 resultados para Highland grassland


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O estudo foi desenvolvido no Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), localizado na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, no bioma Pampa. Aqui uma listagem de mamíferos é apresentada e são discutidas a ocupação espacial e estratégias de conservação da mastofauna local. Entre novembro de 2001 e outubro de 2002 foram registradas 26 espécies nativas e duas espécies exóticas (Lepus europaeus e Mus musculus) de mamíferos, distribuídas em 14 famílias. A maioria das espécies registradas apresenta ampla distribuição, é comumente associada a áreas abertas e apresenta tolerância a distúrbios antrópicos. Entretanto, também foram registradas espécies consideradas raras ou ameaçadas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Lontra longicaudis, Monodelphis dimidiata e Nyctinomops laticaudatus), para as quais são sugeridas estratégias de conservação. A baixa diversidade de espécies registrada no Campus pode estar relacionada à forte pressão de modificações antrópicas, à pequena extensão da área estudada ou a fatores históricos, já que a área de estudo é originalmente campestre (Pampa), tipo de ambiente que abriga menor diversidade de mamíferos que áreas de florestas nativas.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a riqueza, a constância de ocorrência, os modos reprodutivos, o padrão de distribuição da abundância, a temporada de vocalização e testar a correlação das variáveis climáticas sobre a atividade de vocalização dos anuros em uma região do Bioma Pampa, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Durante o período de novembro de 2001 a outubro de 2002 foram realizadas coletas mensais empregando o método de busca em sítio de reprodução e exame de exemplares depositados na Coleção Herpetológica do Setor de Zoologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) (ZUFSM). Foi registrada a ocorrência de 25 espécies de anuros. A anurofauna registrada corresponde a 30% das espécies encontradas no Rio Grande do Sul e normalmente está associada a áreas abertas encontradas no estado e em países vizinhos. Foram registrados quatro modos reprodutivos: modo 1 (14 espécies; 58,3%); modos 11 e 30 (nove espécies; 37,5%) e modo 24 (uma espécie; 4,2%). A baixa diversificação de modos reprodutivos provavelmente está relacionada à homogeneidade do hábitat primariamente campestre. A maior parte das espécies mostrou-se constante ou acessória na área estudada e o padrão de distribuição da abundância das espécies apresentou ajuste aos modelos Broken Stick e Log-normal, caracterizados pela homogeneidade na distribuição da abundância das espécies. A maioria das espécies apresentou grande plasticidade na ocupação de hábitats, mas poucas foram plásticas no uso dos sítios de vocalização. Houve correlação positiva, ainda que fraca, da riqueza de espécies com a precipitação mensal acumulada e da abundância com a temperatura média máxima. As correlações obtidas indicaram que na área estudada a temperatura parece atuar mais sobre a abundância de machos em atividade de vocalização e a precipitação sobre a riqueza, apesar da riqueza de espécies ser significativamente maior durante o período mais quente do ano. Estes resultados revelaram que as variáveis climatológicas testadas explicaram muito pouco da ocorrência sazonal das espécies, assim a influência de outras variáveis ambientais merece ser testada em estudos futuros.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A influência do desmatamento da Mata Atlântica sobre o microclima da Serra da Mantiqueira ainda não é totalmente compreendida. Para conhecer as consequências do desmatamento sobre o clima serrano é necessário realizar estudos sobre o balanço de radiação na superfície. A falta de dados possibilita conjugar imagens de satélite com dados meteorológicos em um Sistema de Informação Geográfica na determinação do balanço de radiação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o modelo MTCLIM em dias de céu claro ou nublado para simular o balanço de radiação na Serra da Mantiqueira, divisa entre os estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Imagens diárias, semanais e dezesseis dias do sensor MODIS disponíveis em 2003 foram utilizadas em rotinas específicas do MTCLIM. Alvos específicos foram selecionados para avaliar o comportamento do balanço de radiação. Observou-se que o balanço de radiação acompanhou a topografia local e é influenciado pelo tipo de uso da terra. Conclui-se que a temperatura da superfície contribui para aumentar a temperatura do ar implicando em diminuição do balanço de radiação sobre pastagem. O modelo MTCLIM demonstrou boa correlação para a temperatura do ar (R² = 0,82) e para a radiação solar global (R² = 0,71).


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Dry matter intake (DMI) of coast-cross grazing by crossbred Holstein-Zebu and Zebu lactating cows was calculated using in vitro dry matter digestibility from extrusa (four esophageal fistulated cows) and fecal output estimate with mordent chromium. Pasture was rotationally grazed with three days grazing period and 27 days testing period, adopting a stocking rate of 1.6 and 3.2 cows/ha, during the dry and rainy season respectively. Voluntary DMI was estimated from degradation characteristics using different equations. Predicted coast-cross DMI varied with models. The prediction of tropical forages dry matter intake from equations based in ruminal degradation parameters needs farther investigation before being employed in practice.


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This experiment was conducted in green house conditions to evaluate the DM accumulation in the shoots and in the roots of two cultivars of Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet. A 2x3 factorial (two cultivars and three evaluation dates) was conducted according to a randomized complete block design with four replications, being the cultivars Highworth and Rongai evaluated at 42, 56, and 70 days after seedling emergence (DASE). The results indicated that the cvs. Highworth and Rongai have the same pattern of DM accumulation in the shoots. In the upper layer of the soil (0-0.20 in) it was found 38.83% and 43.64% of the DM accumulated in the roots down to 2.00 in depth, in the cvs. Highworth and Rongai, respectively. In the deepest layer (1.80-2.00 in) it was found 3.02% and 1.5% of the DM accumulated in the roots of the cvs. Highworth and Rongai, respectively. The root density showed a striking decrease upper layer from the soil (0-0.2 m) down to the depth of 0.60 0.80 in (from 10.83 to 1.75 cm.cm(-3) in the cv. Highworth and from 10.76 to 1.28 cm.cm(-3) in the cv. Rongai). At the bottom layer (1.80-2.00 in) the root density values were 0.98 cm.cm(-3) and 0.59 cm.cm(-3), respectively for the cvs. Highworth and Rongai. The root/shoot ratios were similar in both cvs. and decreased from 42 to 70 DASE showing that the cvs. evaluated had the same dynamics of DM accumulation.


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In order to compare the in situ degradability of tanzania grass samples obtained as by extrusa or hand plucked, three ruminal fistulated cows were used in a completely randomized block design with split-plot scheme. Five grams of extrusa or hand harvested grasses were placed in nylon bags rumen incubated during 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 120 hours. The degradability of DM, CP, NDF and ADF were, in this sequence, 62.59, 80.88, 50.73 and 46.65%, for hand-harvested grass; and 79.53, 90.97, 71.21 and 65.68%, for extrusa. In situ degradability data of hand harvested samples were not reliable.


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Two allopatric species of Coryphasia (Araneae: Salticidae), both described for the first time in this study, have been found associated with Bromeliaceae in distinct phytophysiognomies (e.g., inselbergs, highland forests and restingas) from southeastern Brazil. In this study, we investigated whether these salticids were associated specifically with bromeliads, and whether they used bromeliads of different species and sizes in distinct geographic regions. The Coryphasia species were rarely found outside bromeliads, occupied larger bromeliad species among those available, and were generally more frequent on bromeliads in open areas, such as inselbergs on mountain tops. The two Coophasia species were observed submerging in phytotelmata, possibly as an anti-predatory behavior. The patterns of spatial and microspatial distribution and the submergence behavior of these species were similar to those of other bromeliad-dwelling salticids, which suggests a convergence among spiders that live on bromeliads.


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Although spiders are a very diverse group on vegetation, their associations with plants are poorly known. Some salticid species specifically use Bromeliaceae as host plants in some regions of South America. In this study, I report the geographic range of these spider-bromeliad associations, and whether the spiders inhabit particular bromeliad species and vegetation types, as well as open areas or interior of forests. Nine salticid species were found to be associated with up to 23 bromeliad species in cerrados (savanna-like vegetation), semideciduous and seasonal forests, coastal sand dune vegetation, restingas, inselbergs, highland forests, chacos, and rain forests at 47 localities in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. Some species were typically specialists, inhabiting almost exclusively one bromeliad species over a large geographic range (e.g., Psecas chapoda on Bromelia balansae), whereas others were generalists, occurring on up to 7-8 bromeliad species (e.g., Psecas sp., Eustiromastix nativo, and Coryphasia sp. 1). The regional availability of bromeliad species among habitats may explain this pattern of host plant use. More jumping spiders were found on bromeliads in open areas than on bromeliads in the interior of forests. These results show that several jumping spider species may be strictly associated with the Bromeliaceae in the Neotropics. This is one of the few studies to show host-specific associations for spiders on a particular plant type over a wide geographic range.


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An improved cultivar, based on 17 genotypes of S. capitata and six of S.macrocephala, was developed at the wEmbrapa Beef Cattle Research Center, Campo Grande, Brazil. The aim was to create durable, race non-specific resistance to anthracnose controlled by polygenic factors. A mass hybridisation technique was employed to produce a high degree of genetic diversity and sizeable quantities of seed of hybrid-derived progenies of Brazilian and Venezuelan genotypes of S. capitata. Outcrossing resulted in a significant improvement in the forage production of progeny of Venezuelan accessions. The multicross was evaluated in multilocational trials, each representing a large tract of country in the Cerrados ecosystem along a north-south transect from lat.6degrees S to 20degrees S. The genetic shift that occurred in S. capitata was a key element in the formation of the new cultivar. It is a complex mixture of two species, and a recombination of much desired forage traits of Brazilian x Venezuelan genotypes, high forage and seed yields coupled with anthracnose resistance. The new cultivar with its diverse genetic make-up has a wide application in the acid-soil savannas of tropical America. It was released by Embrapa for the Cerrados in 2000.


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Field observations have shown stand reduction and slow spring regrowth of Tifton. 85 bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) pastures overseeded with temperate forages for grazing during the cool season. This experiment compared the effect of cool-season management programs, including overseeding and use of different grazing treatments, on productivity of Tifton 85 the following warm season. There were seven treatments: four were bermudagrass overseeded with a cool-season annual forage mixture (two grasses and two legumes) and grazed differentially, and three were bermudagrass controls With differences in amount of residual stubble remaining at beginning of autumn. There was only a slight delay in initiation of Tifton 85 spring regrowth relative to the unseeded controls and no apparent stand loss resulting from overseeding cool-season forages. Late spring and summer Tifton 85 production generally was greater on seeded than non-seeded areas, possibly resulting from the nitrogen (N) release from decaying cool-season legumes. Grazing management of winter species in seeded plots and stubble height of bermudagrass in control plots had no effect on bermudagrass performance. Nutritive value responses generally favored overseeded plots. These data, though from one year, show no negative effect on Tifton 85 bermudagrass performance from overseeding and grazing cool-season annual forages during winter.


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Hybrid stylos (Stylosanthes guianensis var. vulgaris x var. pauciflora) with durable, quantitative resistance to anthracnose, mid-season harvest maturity date (early-July), high DM and seed yields have been selected at the Embrapa Beef Cattle Research Center, Campo Grande, Brazil. The hybrids displayed improved forage traits in Brazil, the native habitat and major center of diversity of the species and its pathogen, as well as in vastly different ecosystems. Dry forage yields and anthracnose resistance of superior selections and their composites were equal, in some instances, significantly better, than those of cv. Mineir (a) over tildeo in multilocational trials situated in the Cerrados from lat. 6degrees S to lat. 20degrees S. Selected hybrids performed well in comparison with the highly successful CIAT 184 (cv.Reyan II) on Hainan Island, China. Composites have also shown good promise in seed multiplication plots in Queensland, Australia. A positive attribute of composite hybrids is their great genetic diversity in contrast to pure-line cultivars with a relatively narrow genetic base. These truly tropical forms of stylo are best adapted to regions with >1500mm average annual rainfall.


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The study was conducted at Nucleo de Pesquisas Zootecnicas Nordeste of the Instituto de Zootecnia, Ribeirao Preto, SP, in a rotational grazing area of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum), to estimate the dry matter intake by lactanting cows. The estimation of dry matter intake was calculated from the feces production estimated using extrusa Chromium-mordent and the in vitro digestibility of diet. The three treatments were crossbreed cows fed 3 kg.day(-1) of concentrate, crossbred cows without concentrate suplementation and pure Gir cows also without concentrate supplementation. The milk production was 11.98, 6.53 and 5.46 kg per cow per day, the grass intake was 8.26 +/- 5.66, 11.01 +/- 5.37 and 9.55 +/- 2.31 kg of dry matter per day or 2.15%, 2.37% and 2.34% of live weight for the three experimental groups respectively. The milk production was higher (P<0.01) for cows fed with concentrate. No difference was found for dry matter intake.


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The Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus L. 1758) is the most endangered neotropical cervid, and in the past occupied a wide range of open habitats including grassland, pampas, savanna, and cerrado (Brazil) from 5 degrees to 41 degrees S. To better understand the effect of habitat fragmentation on gene flow and genetic variation, and to uncover genetic units for conservation, we examined DNA sequences from the mitochondrial control region of 54 individuals from six localities distributed throughout the present geographical range of the Pampas deer. Our results suggest that the control region of the Pampas deer is one of the most polymorphic of any mammal. This remarkably high variability probably reflects large historic population sizes of millions of individuals in contrast to numbers of fewer than 80 000 today. Gene flow between populations is generally close to one migrant per generation and, with the exception of two populations from Argentina, all populations are significantly differentiated. The degree of gene flow was correlated with geographical distance between populations, a result consistent with limited dispersal being the primary determinant of genetic differentiation between populations. The molecular genetic results provide a mandate for habitat restoration and reintroduction of Pampas deer so that levels of genetic variation can be preserved and historic patterns of abundance can be reconstructed. However, the source of individuals for reintroduction generally should be from populations geographically closest to those now in danger of extinction.