446 resultados para Hemoglobin A, Glycosylated


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Background. To evaluate insulin release and insulin sensitivity in women with prior gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) to gain a better understanding of type 2 diabetes pathogenesis.Methods. GDM women were individually matched for age, body mass index, and waist/hip ratio with those who were normal glucose tolerant in a previous pregnancy (NGT). All women presented with normal glucose tolerance. Twenty pairs were submitted to the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) with plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide determinations. of the 20 pairs, 18 participated in hyperglycemic (10.0 mmol/l) clamp experiments with frequent plasma glucose and insulin determinations, allowing us to calculate first- and second-phase insulin release and the insulin sensitivity index. GDM and NGT women were compared using Student's t-test, the Mann-Whitney U-test, Friedman's non-parametric test, and the two proportion test for independent groups.Results. GDM women showed higher glycosylated hemoglobin values; at OGTT, they showed late insulin peak with increased plasma insulin levels only during the second hour, and a similar plasma C-peptide response despite a higher plasma glucose curve; during hyperglycemic clamp procedures, they showed similar biphasic insulin release and insulin sensitivity index. Considering that a woman with previous GDM had a defect in insulin release and/or insulin sensitivity, if its magnitude was at least 25% lower than that of the matched NGT woman, 43.8% showed impairment of first-phase insulin release and 55.6% insulin resistance.Conclusions. GDM women showed some degree of glucose intolerance. It is therefore necessary to follow them for a longer time.


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Several components of the erythrocyte-dependent glutathione redox system (reduced glutathione, GSH; oxidized glutathione, GSSG; glutathione peroxidase, GSH-Px; glutathione reductase, GSH-Red) were determined in patients with types I and II diabetes mellitus (DM). All groups studied were male subjects: G1, 20 young healthy individuals (aged 23.7 +/- 4.2 years); G2, 15 young insulin-treated type I DM patients; G3, 20 older insulin-treated type II DM patients; 04, 21 older oral hypoglycemic agent-treated type II DM patients; G5, 28 aged healthy individuals (aged 68.9 +/- 11.5 years). There were no differences between G1 and G2, G3 or G4 regarding erythrocyte GSH, GSSG, and GSH-Red (without FAD) levels. GSH-Px activity was significantly lower in G2 when compared to G1 (15.2 +/- 4.9 vs 20.6 +/- 6.6 IU/g Hb). The GSH-Red and GSH-Px activities and GSH levels were significantly higher in 03 (4.6 +/- 1.7 IU/g Hb, 20.2 +/- 8.7 IU/g Hb and 3.5 +/- 1.3-mu-M/g Hb) and G4 (5.0 +/- 2.2 IU/g Hb, 16.9 +/- 6.1 IU/g Hb and 5.0 +/- 2.3-mu-M/g Hb) when compared to G5 (3.4 +/- 0.9 IU/g Hb, 12.0 +/- 3.6 IU/g Hb and 2.3 +/- 0.9-mu-M/g Hb). The findings suggest that treatment of DM can stimulate the redox activity of red blood cells in aged subjects.


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Hemoglobin variants originate mainly by simple amino acid substitutions, the result of nucleotide sequence changes. Recently, the number of known abnormal hemoglobins has increased due to improvement in analysis methodologies; however, many laboratories are not prepared to correctly identify mutants. Hb S is a very well-characterized hemoglobin variant that varies in prevalence in different regions of Brazil. However, there is a type of Hb that presents electrophoretic migration in alkaline pH similar to Hb S, named S-like Hb, which can be incorrectly diagnosed; therefore, its frequency is underestimated. We obtained reference ranges for Hb S by HPLC, and we examined the electrophoretic and chromatographic profiles of S-like Hb. Hb Hasharon, Hb D-Los Angeles, Hb Korle-Bu, Hb Lepore, Hb D-Iran, Hb G-like, Hb Queens, Hb Montgomery, and Hb Q-India were found. Cases of association between two beta chain mutants were also found. Electrophoresis in alkaline and acid pH was utilized to initially screen these Hb variants, and globin chain electrophoresis at both high and low pH was performed to identify the globin chain mutant. Chromatographic analysis permitted the identification of the hemoglobin variant and also facilitated the quantification of these variants. Therefore, an association of classical laboratory diagnostic methodologies is fundamental for the correct identification of suspect Hb variants. The S and S-like hemoglobin profiles determined in this study will help in the diagnosis of these variants in health care services.


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As ectothermic animals, snakes depend exclusively on the environment for proper temperature maintenance, which may greatly influence their activity. Twenty-five adult Boa constrictor amarali snakes maintained in captivity were used to determine the influence of seasons on their hematologic values and electrophoretic profile of hemoglobin. A complete blood cell count (CBC) and examination for hemoparasites were performed in the summer and winter of 2004. Hemoglobin was stored for later electrophoresis. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were obtained in RBC, WBC. lymphocyte, thrombocyte, and monocyte counts, demonstrating the importance of the period of the year in the interpretation of reference values in these animals. Two snakes were detected with blood parasites (Hepatozoon sp.) in the winter and four in the summer. although it appears that their presence did not cause any significant alterations in the CBC. The electrophoretic analysis of the samples demonstrated two-four hemoglobin bands in this species.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The equilibrium and kinetics of methemoglobin conversion to hemichrome induced by dehydration were investigated by visible absorption spectroscopy. Below about 0.20 g water per g hemoglobin only hemichrome was present in the sample; above this value, an increasing proportion of methemoglobin appeared with the increase in hydration. The transition between the two derivatives showed a time-dependent biphasic behavior and was observed to be reversible. The rates obtained for the transition of methemoglobin to hemichrome were 0.31 and 1.93 min-1 and for hemichrome to methemoglobin 0.05 and 0.47 min-1. We suggest that hemichrome is a reversible conformational state of hemoglobin and that the two rates observed for the transition between the two derivatives reflect the α- and β-chains of hemoglobin.


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Sickle Cell disease is a generic term for a group of genetic disorders characterized by the predominance of hemoglobin S. These disorders include Sickle Cell anemia, the Sickle Cell beta Thalassemia syndromes and Hemoglobinopathies in which hemoglobin S is in association with another abnormal hemoglobin, such as hemoglobin S/C. The Sickle Cell trait (hemoglobin AS) associated with Alpha Thalassemia presents alterations in the red blood cells morphology, usually absent in the heterozygous for this hemoglobin variant. The interaction between hemoglobin Sand alpha Thalassemia has been described as one of the factors responsible for the improvement in the clinical picture of homozygous of hemoglobin S (Sickle Cell Anemia), decreasing the number of episodes of pain. The genetic mechanisms of this influence are evaluated using molecular analyses of the human globin genes. With the objective of verifying the presence of alpha Thalassemia in heterozygous of hemoglobin S, with anemia, sent to the Laboratory of Hemoglobins, Department of Biology, UNESP, São José do Rio Preto, SP, we analyzed 1002 blood samples with Sickle Cell trait, in the period from 1990 to 1998. The samples were picked with EDTA 5% as anticoagulant, after previous authorization of the carriers. Appropriated counseling and management requires definitive diagnosis. For the laboratorial diagnosis the blood samples were submitted to electrophoretic procedures in alkaline and acid pH and cytological evaluation of hemoglobin H. The electrophoretic procedures confirmed the presence of hemoglobin AS. The cytological evaluation evidenced the presence of alpha Thalassemia. Of this total analyzed, 16(1,59%) blood samples presented the association between hemoglobin AS and alpha Thalassemia and two individuals belonged of the same family. Our results addressed us to suggest to the routine laboratories, that is important to accomplish the research of alpha Thalassemia among the Sickle Cell trait, with anemia, to verify the interaction with alpha Thalassemia, supplying to the carriers a important information on its hematological profile, genetic pattern of hemoglobinopathies and the appropriated counseling. Rev.bras.hematol.hemoter.,2000,22(3):388-394.


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In this study we investigated the effect of the acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) supplementation on the myenteric neurons of the jejunum of rats made diabetic at the age of 105 days by streptozotocin (35 mg/kg body weight). Four groups were used: non-diabetic (C), non-diabetic supplemented with ALC (CC), diabetic (D), diabetic supplemented with ALC (DC). After 15 weeks of diabetes induction the blood was collected by cardiac puncture to evaluate glycaemia and glycated haemoglobin. Next the animals were killed and the jejunum was collected and subjected to whole-mount preparation to evidence the myenteric neurons through the histochemical technique of the NADH-diaphorase. The neuronal counts were made in 80 microscopic fields, in tissue samples of five animals of each group. The profiles of the cell bodies of 1000 neurons per group were analysed. Diabetes induced a significant increase in the area of the cell body and decrease in the number of NADH-diaphorase positive myoenteric neurons. ALC suplementation to the diabetic group promoted smaller hypertrophic effects and less neuronal loss than in the myoenteric neurons of the diabetic rats, and in addition diminished the body weight decrease and reduced the fasting glycaemia. © 2005 Blackwell Verlag.


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Background. Iron-deficiency anemia currently is the most frequently occurring nutritional disorder worldwide. Previous Brazilian studies have demonstrated that drinking water fortified with iron and ascorbic acid is an adequate vehicle for improving the iron supply for children frequenting day-care centers. Objective. The objective of this study was to clarify the role of ascorbic acid as a vehicle for improving iron intake in children in day-care centers in Brazil. Methods. A six-month study was conducted on 150 children frequenting six day-care centers divided into two groups of three day-care centers by drawing lots: the iron-C group (3 day-care centers, n = 74), which used water fortified with 10 mg elemental iron and 100 mg ascorbic acid per liter, and the comparison group (3 day-care centers, n = 76), which used water containing only 100 mg ascorbic acid per liter. Anthropometric measurements and determinations of capillary hemoglobin were performed at the beginning of the study and after six months of intervention. The food offered at the day-care centers was also analyzed. Results. The fo od offered at the day-care center was found to be deficient in ascorbic acid, poor in heme iron, and adequate in non-heme iron. Supplementation with fortified drinking water resulted in a decrease in the prevalence of anemia and an increase in mean hemoglobin levels associated with height gain in both groups. Conclusions. Fortification of drinking water with iron has previously demonstrated effectiveness in increasing iron supplies. This simple strategy was confirmed in the present study. The present study also demonstrated that for populations receiving an abundant supply of non-heme iron, it is possible to control anemia in a simple, safe, and inexpensive manner by adding ascorbic acid to drinking water. © 2005, The United Nations University.


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The main causes of illness and consequent death in patients affected by Diabetes Mellitus are the long-term complications. Depression can make it harder to control the level of glucose in the blood, as well as intensifying and worsening the clinical complications, thus reducing the quality of life. The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in Public Health Clinic in Presidente Prudente (SP) in patients enrolled in the Hiper-Dia Program. From October 2003 to July 2004, a descriptive survey was carried out. Data were obtained from doctor's records of 50 diabetes patients and also their answers to a specific questionnaire. The majority of the patients were female, had not completed elementary school, with a family income below five minimum wages, a nationally-defined amount related to the poverty line. It was observed that 24% of the patients had depression and 76% never followed a controlled diet. Pharmacological treatment was prescribed for 82% of the patients. Twenty-eight patients were receiving psyicological treatment, together with oral hypoglycemic agents. The glycated hemoglobin was measured in 68%. The association between depression and submission to treatment was not significant. No statistical association was found between the psychologically assisted patient's group and glucose control (p= 0.40), diet control (p= 0.37) and physical activities (p= 0.77). It was concluded that 24% patients had depression and the majority not under diet control, but 82% were under pharmacological treatment.