167 resultados para HUMAN HEALTH


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rutin is a flavonoid with antioxidant, vasodilatory, anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating activities. To study the toxicity of rutin and its protective effect, this work investigated the cytotoxic, apoptosis-inducing, genotoxic and protective effects of rutin in HTC cells. In the MTT assay, the highest concentration tested (810 mu M) showed cytotoxicity after 72 h of treatment, where cell viability and cell proliferation was diminished. None of the concentrations of rutin tested induced apoptosis after 24 h treatment. The highest concentration of rutin after 24 h treatment induced DNA damage, shown in the comet assay, but did have a genotoxic effect in the micronucleus test. Rutin was tested against the pro-carcinogenic agent benzo(a)pyrene, at concentrations of 90, 270 and 810 mu M, and was found to reduce induced DNA damage significantly. This protective effect of rutin against a pro-carcinogen, suggests an important biological activity for this compound, which can contribute to human health through the diet. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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This article updates the Brazilian database on food carotenoids. Emphasis is on carotenoids that have been demonstrated important to human health: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin. The sampling and sample preparation strategies and the analytical methodology are presented. Possible sources of analytical errors, as well as the measures taken to avoid them, are discussed. Compositional variation due to such factors as variety/cultivar, stage of maturity, part of the plant utilized, climate or season and production technique are demonstrated. The effects of post-harvest handling, preparation, processing and storage of food on the carotenoid composition are also discussed. The importance of biodiversity is manifested by the variety of carotenoid sources and the higher levels of carotenoids in native, uncultivated or semi-cultivated fruits and vegetables in comparison to commercially produced crops. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oligosaccharides participate in the formation of dietary fiber and are mainly used as prebiotic agents. This review presents ways of obtaining these sugars, which can be produced by synthesis (chemical or enzymatic), or through depolymerization of polysaccharides (physical, chemical or enzymatic). Oligosaccharides have also been used commercially as an ingredient in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, agricultural products and especially in the food industry because of their physical properties. The potential applications of oligosaccharides in several areas such as food, animal feed, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics have contributed to the increase in scientific research on these carbohydrates. The use of oligosaccharides as immuno-modulatory agents and biological response modifiers has been recently described, and their effects as anti-inflammatory and in reducing cholesterol. An overview of the various nutraceutical and biological functions of these carbohydrates in order to benefit human health is also reported.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Origin and importance. Acerola, or Malpighia emarginata D. C., is native to the Caribbean islands, Central America and the Amazonian region. More recently, it has been introduced in subtropical areas (Asia, India and South America). The vitamin C produced by acerola is better absorbed by the human organism than synthetic ascorbic acid. Exportation of acerola crops is a potential alternative source of income in agricultural businesses. In Brazil, the commercial farming of acerola is quite recent. Climatic conditions. Acerola is a rustic plant. It can resist temperatures close to 0 degrees C, but it is well adapted to temperatures around 26 degrees C with rainfall between (1200 and 1600) mm per year. Fruit characteristics. Acerola fruit is drupaceous, whose form can vary from round to conic. When ripe, it can be red, purple or yellow. The fruit weight varies between (3 and 16) g. Maturation. Acerola fruit presents fast metabolic activity and its maturation occurs rapidly. When commercialised in ambient conditions, it requires fast transportation or the use of refrigerated containers to retard its respiration and metabolism partially. Production and productivity. Flowering and fruiting are typically in cycles associated with rain. Usually, they take place in 25-day cycles, up to 8 times per year. The plant can be propagated by cuttings, grafting or seedlings. Harvest. Fruits produced for markets needs to be harvested at its optimal maturation stage. For distant markets, they need to be packed in boxes and piled up in low layers; transportation should be done in refrigerated trucks in relatively high humid conditions. Biochemical constituents. Acerola is the most important natural source of vitamin C [(1000 to 4500) mg.100(-1) g of pulp], but it is also rich in pectin and pectolytic enzymes, carotenoids, plant fibre, vitamin B, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, proteins and mineral salts. It has also shown active anti-fungal properties. Products and market. Acerola is used in the production of juice, soft drinks, gums and liqueurs. The USA and Europe are great potential markets. In Europe, acerola extracts are used to enrich pear or apple juices. In the USA, they are used in the pharmaceutical industry. Conclusions. The demand for acerola has increased significantly in recent years because of the relevance of vitamin C in human health, coupled with the use of ascorbic acid as an antioxidant in food and feed. Acerola fruit contains other significant components, which are likely to lead to a further increase in its production and trade all over the world.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O descarte indevido de resíduos industriais no solo tem causado danos ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. A identificação e o diagnóstico de áreas contaminadas é um procedimento necessário afim de que seja possível tomar medidas de contenção da fonte poluidora e posterior remediação. As técnicas geofísicas podem auxiliar na caracterização do meio geológico, definição das dimensões da pluma de contaminação, seleção de pontos para locação de poços de monitoramento e de bombeamento. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação do método Eletromagnético Indutivo em uma área industrial contaminada por benzeno, tolueno, xileno (BTX) e dicloroetano. Os resultados indicam dois padrões de migração dos contaminantes em subsuperfície. Uma tendência de migração no plano horizontal até o nível de 15 m de profundidade e uma tendência de migração no plano vertical entre 15 e 60 m de profundidade. As tendências de migração divergentes estão condicionadas a densidade dos compostos que constituem a pluma de contaminação, ou seja, um intervalo LNAPL sobrenadante (BTX), sobreposto a um intervalo DNAPL (1,2 dicloroetano).


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O botulismo alimentar ocorre pela ingestão de toxinas pré-formadas pelo Clostridium botulinum, consideradas as mais potentes dentre as toxinas conhecidas. Caracteriza-se como uma doença de extrema gravidade, de evolução aguda, provoca distúrbios digestivos e neurológicos, em conseqüência à ingestão de diversos tipos de alimentos. As conservas caseiras estão entre os alimentos que oferecem maior risco à população consumidora. Os produtos de origem animal são frequentemente associados aos surtos da doença, destacando-se os embutidos, tais como salsichas, salames, presuntos e patês. Derivados do leite e enlatados, bem como produtos fermentados, são passíveis de provocar a intoxicação. As outras formas naturais da doença são botulismo por feridas e botulismo infantil, normalmente associado ao consumo de mel contendo esporos do Clostridium botulinum.


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Procurou-se relacionar as informações disponíveis sobre os organoclorados e os efeitos crônicos provocados pela exposição. Os compostos organoclorados são os praguicidas mais persistentes já fabricados. Embora sejam geralmente eficientes no controle das pragas, são importantes poluentes ambientais e potenciais causas de problemas de saúde para o homem, tendo sido proibidos ou controlados na maioria dos países. Com poucas exceções, os efeitos tardios desses compostos sobre a saúde humana são difíceis de detectar, em função de dificuldades metodológicas e da extrapolação dos resultados. A genotoxicidade está entre os mais sérios dos possíveis danos causados por esses compostos e merece atenção especial, devido à natureza irreversível do processo. Outro ponto a ser considerado é o aumento na incidência de alterações no desenvolvimento do trato reprodutivo e na fertilidade masculina observada nas últimas décadas provavelmente decorrente do aumento da exposição intra-uterina a compostos estrogênicos e anti-androgênicos, como os organoclorados.