43 resultados para Growth And Development


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Hebanthe eriantha (Poir.) Pedersen, a climbing species of the Amaranthaceae increases in stem thickness by forming successive cambia. The family is dominated by herbaceous species and is constantly under discussion due to its disputed nature of the meristem. In the young stem small alternate segments of vascular cambium cease to divide and new arc of cambium initiates outside to it. The newly formed arcs connect with pre-existing alternate segments of cambium to complete the ring. On the contrary, in thick stems, instead of small segments, complete ring of cambium is replaced by new one. These new alternate segments/cambia originate from the parenchyma cells located outside to the phloem produced by previous cambium. Cambium is storied and exclusively composed of fusiform initials while ray cells remain absent at least in the early part of the secondary growth. However, large heterocellular rays are observed in 15-mm diameter stems but their frequency is much lower. In some of the rays, ray cells become meristematic and differentiate into radially arranged xylem and phloem elements. In fully grown plants, stems are composed of several successive rings of secondary xylem alternating with secondary phloem. Secondary xylem is diffuse-porous and composed of vessels, fibres, axial parenchyma while exceptionally large rays are observed only in the outermost regions of thick stems. Vessel diameter increases progressively from the centre towards the periphery of stems. Although the origin of successive cambia and composition of secondary xylem of H. eriantha remains similar to other herbaceous members of Amaranthaceae, the occurrence of relatively wider and thick-walled vessels and large rays in fully grown plants is characteristic to climbing habit. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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The aim of the present study was to determine the size at sexual maturity in the freshwater crab Dilocarcinus pagei Stimpson, 1861, from a population located in Mendonça, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The crabs were sampled monthly (July 2005 to June 2007), at Barra Mansa reservoir. The specimens were captured manually or in sieves passed through the aquatic vegetation. The crabs were captured and separated by sex based on morphology of the pleon and on the number of pleopods. The following dimensions were measured: carapace width (CW); carapace length (CL); propodus length (PL); and abdomen width (AW). The morphological analysis of the gonads was used to identify and categorize individuals according to their stage of development. The morphological maturity was estimated based on the analysis of relative growth based on the allometric equation y = ax b. The gonadal maturity was based on the morphology of the gonads by the method CW50 which indicates the size at which 50% of the individuals in the population showed gonads morphologically mature to reproduction. The biometric relationships that best demonstrated the different patterns of growth for the juvenile and adult stages were CW vs. PL for males and CW vs. AW for females (p<0.001). Based on these relationships, the estimated value to morphological sexual maturity was 21.5 mm (CW) in males and 19.7 mm (CW) in females. The determination of the size at sexual maturity and the adjustment of the data based on the logistic curve (CW50) resulted in a size of 38.2 mm for males and 39.4 mm for females (CW). Based on the data obtained for sexual maturity for D. pagei, we can estimate a minimum size for capture of 40 mm (CW). This minimum size allows at least half of the population to reproduce and retains the juveniles and a portion of the adults in the population.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Orchidaceae is one of the most numerous and diversified families in the Plant Kingdom. Miltonia flavescens Lindl. is a native orchid to the southern region of Brazil. Studies related to the nutrition and fertilization of orchids are scarce, specific and existent only for few species. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different doses of a slow release fertilizer (Osmocote (R) 9/15/12 + micro) on the development of M. flavescens var. stellata Regel cultivated in pots with pine bark and coconut fiber (1:1, v:v) as the substrate. The treatments consisted of: no fertilizer application (control), application of 2.5 g, 5 g and 10 g of fertilizer per liter of substrate. The experimental design was set in randomized blocks, with five replications and three plants per plot. The experiment was carried out along 25 months and the fertilizer was applied every five months. The evaluated plant parameters were: length of the longest pseudobulb, number of pseudobulbs, diameter of pseudobulbs, number of shoots, number of leaves and flowering. There was a significant increment on all evaluated characteristics with the increase of the fertilizer dose. The highest dose provided a more profuse flowering, with a larger number of flower stems and flowers, in addition to bigger flower stems and flowers. These results show that the supply of nutrients in an appropriate amount is of a great importance for the development and flowering of M. flavescens.


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Thyroid hormones (THs) have long been known to have regulatory roles in the differentiation and maturation of vertebrate embryos, beginning with the knowledge that hormones of maternal origin are essential for human fetal central nervous and respiratory system development. Precise measurements of circulating THs led to insights into their critically important actions throughout vertebrate growth and development, initially with amphibian metamorphosis and including embryogenesis in fishes. Thyroid cues for larval fish differentiation are enhanced by glucocorticoid hormones, which promote deiodinase activity and thereby increase the generation of triiodothyronine (T-3) from the less bioactive thyroxin (T-4). Glucocorticoids also induce the expression of thyroid hormone receptors in some vertebrates. Maternally derived thyroid hormones and cortisol are deposited in fish egg yolk and accelerate larval organ system differentiation until larvae become capable of endogenous endocrine function. Increases in the T-3/T-4 ratio during larval development may reflect the regulatory importance of maternal thyroid hormones. Experimental applications of individual hormones have produced mixed results, but treatments with combinations of thyroid and corticoid hormones consistently promote larval fish development and improve survival rates. The developmental and survival benefits of maternal endocrine provisioning are increased in viviparous fishes, in which maternal/larval chemical contact is prolonged. Treatments with exogenous thyroid and corticoid hormones consistently promote development and reduce mortality rates in larval fishes, with potential hatchery-scale applications in aquaculture.


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An outcome of economic growth is increased employment, but this should not be the only measure to assess a country's labour market, it is also important to verify whether the jobs created are considered good jobs. Thus, this study analyses the Brazilian labour market from 2000 to 2009, in terms of the quantity and quality of jobs generated in this period. To this end, a descriptive analysis was performed, in addition to an evaluation using econometrics and the data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique. The results of the research indicated that the Brazilian labour market is growing in terms of its quality.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of three plant growth inhibitors on the development and emission of floral rachis of Saint Augustine grass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntzel] plants. The study was carried out in a 15 month old lawn with the experimental plots being distributed in accordance with a complete randomized block design with four replications. The treatments consisted of sole application of trinexapac-ethyl (113, 226, 452, 678, and 904 g ai ha(-1)), prohexadione-calcium (100 and 200 g ai ha(-1)), and bispyribac-sodium (40 and 60 g ai ha(-1)) plus a check treatment in which the plants were not submitted to any of the plant growth inhibitors. The effects of those products were evaluated in terms of visual signs of plant intoxication, plant height, emission and height of floral rachises, and chip total dry matter production. All the plant growth inhibitors resulted in visible injury to the plants but these intoxication signs practically disappeared 28 days after the application. Trinexapac-ethyl at the dose of 904 g ai ha(-1) reduced plant height by 59.7%, the emission of floral rachis by 96.4%, and the amount of chip dry matter production by 87.7%. Plant growth inhibitors may reduce the number of times of lawn plants cutting up to 119 days after their application with no harmful effects on the plants visual aspect.


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The objective was to evaluate the effects of omitting macronutrients in the nutrients solution on growth characteristics and nutritional status of eggplants. The treatments were complete nutrients solution and solutions with nutrient omission: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions with three replicates in a completely random design. Plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, relative chlorophyll index, photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, dry matter, concentration levels of macronutrients in plant aerial part and root system, and nutritional disorders were evaluated. Omitting elements interfered in the concentration of elements in the various plant tissues and this had as consequences limited vegetative growth, reduced dry matter and led to the development of the typical deficiency symptoms of each element. Although potassium was the most demanded of all elements, nitrogen and calcium were the most growth limiting ones.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The evaluation of the new cultivars adaptation and yield potential of Mangifera indica L. provides tools to assist and improve the mango production in different climates conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the phenological and reproductive development of five mango cultivars (Bourbon, Haden, Palmer, Parwin and Tommy Atkins), on climate conditions in dry land and four production cycles (from 08/2007 to 01/2011), at São Manuel, São Paulo state, Brazil. The variables were total plant height, trunk height, stem diameter and the first insertion diameter, fruits physical characteristics, yield and harvest period, flowering seasonality and morphological characterization of the inflorescences. It was found that the four-year-old plants of Haden cv. reach 4.0 m high and 0.20 m of trunk diameter. Bourbon cultivar had the highest flowering period, from April to October. Tommy Atkins cv. had productivities of 14779.07 kg∙ha−1 in the fourth cycle and the productivity of Bourbon, Haden and Palmer cultivars was alternated.