229 resultados para Gram-Positive, Bacterial Infections


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Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS


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Costa N.A., Simao L.C.V., Santos R.A., Afonso J.A.B., Fagliari J.J., Cardoso E.C., Soares P.C. & Mendonca C.L. 2010. [Proteinogram and serum concentrations of copper, iron and zinc in Santa Ines ewes with Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis.] Proteinograma e teores de cobre, ferro e zinco no soro sanguineo de ovelhas da raca Santa Ines com mastite experimental por Staphylococcus aureus. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 30(5):435-442. Clinica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), Avenida Bom Pastor s/n, Boa Vista, Caixa Postal 152, Garanhuns, PE 55292-901, Brazil. E-mail: carlalopes.mendonca@gmail.comThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of Staphylococcus aureus experimentally induced mastitis on proteinogram and serum concentrations of cupper, iron and zinc levels of Santa Ines primiparous ewes. The right mammary gland of ten healthy ewes was inoculated with 1,0x10(4) UFC/mL of S. aureus. Clinical examination and determination of serum concentrations of proteins by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE), cupper, iron and zinc, as well plasma level of fibrinogen were measured before the inoculation (control) and 12h, 24h, 36h, 48h, 60h, 72h, 84h, 96h, 108h, 120h, 132h, 168h, 180h, 288h and 336h after bacteria inoculation. All animals experimentally infected presented clinical mastitis and subsequent loss of mammary gland function. The electrophoretogram allowed the identification of 23 proteins with molecular weights (MW) ranged from 26.000 to 185.000 daltons (Da) including acute-phase proteins, IgG and IgA. A significant increase (P<0,05) in haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin, IgG and IgA concentrations was observed. Antitrypsin and acid glicoprotein concentrations did not alter. The levels of iron and zinc decreased and the cupper concentration increased. A positive correlation between plasma fibrinogen and serum ceruloplasmin (r=0.74), haptoglobin (r=0.62) and IgA (r=0.62) was also identified. Results showed the importance of ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin as acute-phase proteins in ewes with intramammary infections and confirms fibrinogen as an inflammatory marker because its high correlation with specific proteins. The alterations in the serum levels of Cu, Fe and Zn suggest the action of inflammatory mediators triggered by S. aureus.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The microbiological monitoring of the water used for hemodialysis is extremely important, especially because of the debilitated immune system of patients suffering from chronic renal insufficiency. To investigate the occurrence and species diversity of bacteria in waters, water samples were collected monthly from a hemodialysis center in upstate São Paulo and tap water samples at the terminal sites of the distribution system was sampled repeatedly (22 times) at each of five points in the distribution system; a further 36 samples were taken from cannulae in 19 hemodialysis machines that were ready for the next patient, four samples from the reuse system and 13 from the water storage system. To identify bacteria, samples were filtered through 0.22 mu m-pore membranes; for mycobacteria, 0.45 mu m pores were used. Conventional microbiological and molecular methods were used in the analysis. Bacteria were isolated from the distribution system (128 isolates), kidney machine water (43) and reuse system (3). Among these isolates, 32 were Gram-positive rods, 120 Gram-negative rods, 20 Gram-positive cocci and 11 mycobacteria. We propose the continual monitoring of the water supplies in hemodialysis centers and the adoption of effective prophylactic measures that minimize the exposure of these immunodeficient patients to contaminated sources of water.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Rhodococcus equi is an opportunistic pathogen, causing rhodococcosis, a condition that can be confused with tuberculosis. Often, without identifying M. tuberculosis, physicians initiate empiric treatment for tuberculosis. R. equi and M. tuberculosis have different susceptibility to drugs. Identification of R. equi is based on a variety of phenotypic, chromatographic, and genotypic characteristics.Objective: This study aimed to characterize bacterial isolates from sputum samples suggestive of R. equi.Methods: The phenotypic identification included biochemical assays; thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used for genotypic identification.Results: Among 78 Gram-positive and partially acid-fast bacilli isolated from the sputum of tuberculosis-suspected patients, 51 were phenotypically and genotypically characterized as R. equi based on literature data. Mycolic acid analysis showed that all suspected R. equi had compounds with a retention factor (R-f) between 0.4-0.5. Genotypic characterization indicated the presence of the choE gene 959 bp fragments in 51 isolates CAMP test positive. Twenty-two CAMP test negative isolates were negative for the choE gene. Five isolates presumptively identified as R. equi, CAMP test positive, were choE gene negative, and probably belonged to other bacterial species.Conclusions: The phenotypic and molecular techniques used constitute a good methodological tool to identify R. equi. (C) 2012 Elsevier Editora All rights reserved.


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Tigecycline is a new glycylcycline with an expanded broad-spectrum antibiotic, including inhibition of Gram-positive, Gram-negative, atypical, anaerobic, and antibiotic-resistant organisms. Trials have demonstrated that tigecycline is noninferior to the comparators for the treatment of complicated skin and skin structure infections as well as complicated intra-abdominal infections. Tigecycline is only available as an intravenous preparation and analytical methods to its quantitation in pharmaceutical products has not been published to date. This review examined tigecycline characteristics, the spectrum and mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, applications, and, mainly, the instrumental conditions of published chromatographic methods used to measure tigecycline, its metabolites, and some analogs in clinical and biologic research.


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Owing to their massive use, Staphylococcus epidermidis has recently developed significant resistance to several antibiotics, and became one of the leading causes of hospital-acquired infections. Current antibiotics are typically ineffective in the eradication of bacteria in biofilm-associated persistent infections. Accordingly, the paucity of effective treatment against cells in this mode of growth is a key factor that potentiates the need for new agents active in the prevention or eradication of biofilms. Daptomycin and linezolid belong to the novel antibiotic therapies that are active against gram-positive cocci. on the other hand, rifampicin has been shown to be one of the most potent, prevalent antibiotics against S. epidermidis biofilms. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to study the susceptibility of S. epidermidis biofilm cells to the two newer antimicrobial agents previously mentioned, and compare the results obtained with the antimicrobial effect of rifampicin, widely used in the prevention/treatment of indwelling medical device infections. To this end the in vitro activities of daptomycin, linezolid, and rifampicin on S. epidermidis biofilms were accessed, using these antibiotics at MIC and peak serum concentrations. The results demonstrated that at MIC concentration, rifampicin was the most effective antibiotic tested. At peak serum concentration, both strains demonstrated similar susceptibility to rifampicin and daptomycin, with colony-forming units (CFUs) reductions of approximately 3-4 log(10), with a slightly lower response to linezolid, which was also more strain dependent. However, considering all the parameters studied, daptomycin was considered the most effective antibiotic tested, demonstrating an excellent in vitro activity against S. epidermidis biofilm cells. In conclusion, this antibiotic can be strongly considered as an acceptable therapeutic option for S. epidermidis biofilm-associated infections and can represent a potential alternative to rifampicin in serious infections where rifampicin resistance becomes prevalent.


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Cateteres venosos centrais inseridos em pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva foram avaliados por métodos microbiológicos (cultura semi-quantitativa) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura a fim de detectar adesão microbiana e correlacionar com a cultura de sangue. Durante o período de estudo, foram avaliados 59 pacientes com cateter venoso central. A idade dos pacientes, sexo, sítio de inserção e tempo de permanência do cateter foram anotados. O cateter era de poliuretano não tunelizado e de único lúmen. O sangue para cultura foi coletado no momento da remoção do cateter. de 63 pontas de cateteres, 30 (47,6%) foram colonizadas e a infecção encontrada em 5 (23,8%) cateteres. A infecção foi mais prevalente em 26 pacientes (41,3%) com cateteres inseridos em veia subclávia do que nos 3 (3,2%) inseridos em veia jugular. A infecção foi observada com mais freqüência em cateteres com tempo de permanência maior do que sete dias. Os microrganismos isolados incluíram 32 estafilococos coagulase-negativa (29,7%), 61 bactérias Gram-negativas (52,9%), 9 estafilcocos coagulase-positiva (8,3%) e 3 leveduras (2,7%). Como agentes causais de infecções em unidade de terapia intensiva foram isolados E. aerogenes, P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii. Os antimicrobianos com maior atividade in vitro contra as bactérias Gram-negativas foram o imipenem e contra as Gram-positivas vancomicina, cefepime, penicilina, rifampicina e tetraciclina. As análises por microscopia eletrônica de varredura revelaram biofilmes sobre a superfície de todos os cateteres examinados.


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As infecções devido a biofilmes bacterianos são comuns em pacientes sob tratamento em hemodiálise. Neste estudo, 16 pacientes (7 homens, 9 mulheres, de 22 a 81 anos, média 50 anos de idade), com um total de 25 cateteres de hemodiálise (3 de triplo-lúmen e 22 de duplo-lúmen) de poliuretano inseridos em veia subclávia foram estudados. Os cateteres permaneceram no local de 3 a 91 dias (média de 47 dias). Os cateteres foram removidos devido ao: mau funcionamento (44%), suspeita de infecção relacionada ao cateter (20%), viabilidade de um acesso permanente (16%), remoção acidental (12%), sinais e sintomas de infecção no local da inserção do cateter (4%) e contaminação exógena (4%). Culturas positivas de ponta foram observadas em sete cateteres (28%), concomitantemente com três culturas positivas de sangue. Das culturas de sangue foram identificados Staphylococcus aureus (12%) e de uma das conexões foi isolado S. aureus. Biofilmes foram observados sobre todas as pontas de cateteres. Os S. aureus isolados do sangue e cateter (ponta e conexão) eram resistentes a pencilina e sensíveis a azitromicina, ciprofloxacina, clindamicina, cloranfenicol, gentamicina, oxacilina, rifampicina, sulfametoxazole, tetraciclina e vancomicina. As cepas de S. aureus isoladas de sangue, ponta de cateter e conexão foram consideradas idênticas devido à coincidência do perfil de sensibilidade. E similaridade genética, avaliada por meio de ribotipagem.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A ação antibacteriana in vitro de óleos essenciais de seis plantas foi verificada por meio da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM=%v/v) pela diluição dos óleos em meio de cultura Mueller Hinton Agar, frente a linhagens de Staphylococcus aureus (n=16) e Escherichia coli (n=16) isoladas de casos clínicos humanos, além de 1 amostra padrão ATCC para cada espécie (Sa ATCC 25923 e Ec ATCC 25922), e determinação de curvas de sobrevivência em concentrações equivalentes a CIM90% dos respectivos óleos. O óleo essencial de canela foi o mais eficiente, com valores de CIM90% de 0,047 e 0,09 para S. aureus e E. coli respectivamente, enquanto gengibre (0,09), cravo da índia (0,095) e capim cidreira (0,1) apresentaram eficiências semelhantes para S. aureus. Frente a E. coli, os óleos de gengibre (0,52) e capim cidreira (0,55) foram equivalentes quanto à eficiência. de acordo com as curvas de sobrevivência, foi possível verificar também que os valores de CIM90% obtidos podem ser tanto bactericidas ou bacteriostáticas de acordo com a bactéria testada. em conclusão, verificou-se que os óleos essenciais testados foram efetivos no controle do desenvolvimento bacteriano, sendo o potencial antimicrobiano diferente em função da espécie bacteriana testada, sendo que a bactéria Gram positiva (S. aureus) mostrou-se mais susceptível aos óleos testados que a Gram negativa (E. coli).