41 resultados para Gestão do âmbito
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
This article aims to disseminate the results of a university action which occurred through the Extension Course entitled Management and Health at Work, conducted from March to September 2011 and offered by “Coordenadoria de Saúde e Segurança do Trabalhador e Sustentabilidade Ambiental” (a kind of Workers' health and safety and environmental sustainability agency) - an agency managed by “Pró-Reitoria de Administração - PRAd/Unesp”. This action had the audience of the technical and administrative staff of the several Institutes (Units) of UNESP in positions of Leadership and Supervision. The course was proposed to equip managers to deal with issues related to health and safety at work in daily labor. Six hundred managers of all UNESP Institutes participated in the course. The meetings were logistically designed respecting the proximity of the participants’ Institutes. The methodology adopted was based on qualitative techniques such as group discussion, role-plays, analysis of film, reading and discussing texts, together with the preparation of a proposal for health promotion by the participants. As a result it was considered that the course offered a convenient and timely opportunity to reflect on and discuss the theme of health and safety at UNESP, as well as to make leaders and managers effective agents to implement programs of disease prevention and health promotion at work.
This study aims to conduct a survey on the concepts that the teacher of physical education has on their role in areas of activity in the democratic management of public and private schools. They are job-specific goals: to raise theoretically as it is currently the training of physical education teacher to work in the administrative and participatory management in schools, pointing out possible instances of action of the physical education teacher in meeting the democratic management of official documents (NCP and RCN) and propose inserts that will guarantee their professional practice responsible, ethical and participatory; and check what is the concept that the physical education teacher has on their role in school activities beyond the classroom. For both methodologically this is configured as a qualitative research, in the form of literature review and field research. 30 Teachers participated in the survey, these being of public and private schools. For data collection a questionnaire was designed open dealing on the profile of teachers and their perceptions of their performance in school. The results show that in the case of conceptions that physical education teachers have about their role in the democratic management of the results lead us to infer that they all feel if done professionally, both in public schools as those of individuals, despite the difficulties encountered in their day to day
In recent decades, two research themes have been prominent in the academic and organizational setting: lean manufacturing and green management. Since 1996, when Florida (1996) wrote an article focusing on the synergy between these two areas, the debate if “Lean is Green?” enters in the academic field. It is in this context that this research presents the results of a systematic literature on the topic, focusing on the characteristics, positive and negative impacts, lean paradigms, green paradigms and design of supply chains. To perform this procedure it were followed the methodological footsteps of Lage Junior and Godinho Filho (2010). The research occurred in the database Scopus and it was conducted from June, 2012 to July, 2012.The key word used was “green lean” and as search filter it were included only articles and conference Papers. Their main result is a deep analysis of the accumulated knowledge on the subject, where it is revealed that the majority of studies point to the synergy between some components of the lean manufacturing system in relation to environmental management. The research gap found is related to articles that address the entropy of the union of lean and green systems.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching, the PIBID, has by its nature the training of teachers. Focused on graduate students, the PIBID acts as a proposal for training beyond the mandatory classes, giving to the students that are entering the program, a great opportunity to improve their training as a teacher. Thus, this work focuses on a discussion of the PIBID at the Faculty of Sciences UNESP Bauru, aimed at subprojects of graduate students linked to the areas of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Chemistry, working in an interdisciplinary way. I interviewed five teachers (three area coordinators and two contributors) seeking to verify, in their view, the understanding about the program and what were the major difficulties in the training of teachers. For contributors teachers and coordinators of the subprojects, interdisciplinarity has a very important role in the training of new teachers, and the PIBID allows to work this concept more broadly than just in the mandatory classes. However, a program so big like the PIBID comes with problems and it is in this context that this study was conducted. Coordinator teachers and contributors of the subprojects identified flaws in the program that may affect the activities proposed in the institutional design
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
This paper addresses the democratic school management within the school organizations. For this, initially made brief remarks on labor relations, the development of administrative and organizational theories. Later, we reflect on how the se labor relations are organized in the educational environment and what education theoretical contributions to the development of school management in Brazil. Therefore, we discuss the Brazilian educational policies that postulate and legitimate democratic school management. Studies of everyday guided the theoretical basis of this work, we wonder what school subject dealing with the discourse of democratic and participative management. Forward the hypothesis that participatory management should be a prominent space in schools, the aim of this study was to investigate the school management of a municipal school of Youth and Adult Education, which brings in your organization pedagogical foundation and educational principles espoused by Paul Freire. The specific objectives of the study are: a) to investigate and describe how is the organization's management of school youth and adults; b) understand the role of managers; c) check how teachers and administrators understand the process of managing this school. From a methodological point of view the daily life of the studies led this work to procedures and qualitative analysis of ethnographic referring to practices that have occurred in adult education school along with the theoretical foundation. Participated in this research members of the school management group and four teachers of Youth and Adult Education rooms. The results obtained showed that dialogue and democracy go together, that the school is an organization with different world views, which need to be primarily present in the identity of the schools. It was also possible to find different democratic practices in the management and organization of the Educational Center that make school subjects become...