191 resultados para Geologia historica


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The study area of the Guarda-Mor target (Israelândia-GO) contextualizes the terrains of the estaern portion of the Arenópolis Magmatic Arc, more accurately, the Neoproterozoic associations inserted in the field of the Jaupaci volcano-sedimentary sequence. The mapped area is located in the central-western of Goiás state. The presente paper has as main objective to characterize the structural, petrographic and litogeochemistry of the target rocks beyond to compare these factors with the Mina Bacilândia rocks (Fazenda Nova-GO) in order to assess the genetic similarity of volcano-sedimentary units and deposits associated. The Guarda-Mor target is represented by the Jaupaci metavolcanic rocks sequence presenting bimodal volcanism. This sequence consists in metafelsic rocks like sericite/muscovite quartz schist, phyllite and metarriolites and/or metariodacites with calc-alkaline geochemical signature and metamafic rocks with tholeiitic character formed by actinolite - chlorite schist and chlorite - quartz schist. Besides the package of supracrustal rocks also can be observed the occurrence of a local intrusion syn- to late - tectonic named Granito Subvulcânico. In the study area beyond the marked volcanism also seen an event of crustal melting granitogênese evidenced by the presence of 2 granites at the east and the west of the map, Granito Israelândia and Granito Iporá respectively. Structural analysis both at the macro and micro have identified 3 deformation phases. The types of rock on the region record features in the metamorphic facies top and down. These features were subdivided into 3 metamorphic areas: the east and West areas show thermal metamorphism due to intrusion of adjacente granites while the central domain displays features of regional metamorphism. Gold mineralization of the Guarda –Mor deposit target suggests a possible structural control beyond pronounced the hydrothermal alteration. The mineralization may also be...


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Eight Mesoproterozoic granite suites are recognized in the Rondônia Tin Province, called Serra da Providência Intrusive Suite (1606-1532 Ma), Rio Crespo Intrusive Suite (1500 Ma), St. Anthony Intrusive Suite (1406 Ma), Teotonio Intrusive Suite (1387 Ma ), Santa Clara Intrusive Suite (1082-1074 Ma) and Younger Granites of Rondônia Intrusive Suite (998-974 Ma), represent successive magmatic type A (anorogenic) and the intra-plate basement rocks intruded in the metamorphic complex named Jamari separated into two distinct lithologic associations, a ortogneiss (U-Pb from 1.76 to 1.73 Ga) and a paragneiss (1675 + / - 12 Ma). Tin mineralization are widely found in the Tin Province and are associated with granitic intrusions known Mesoproterozoic more closely with the last two magmatic events, represented by the Santa Clara and Younger Granites of Rondônia. The tin mineralization are of primary and secondary, with the primary form deposits of different structural styles and is presented in the form of endo-or exogreisens, veins, stockworks and pegmatites. The secondary mineralization are related to natural processes of weathering and erosion of primary rocks, leading to placer deposits classified as colluvial, eluvial and colluvial-alluvial. The Target Alvo Sol Nascente is located in the central-eastern Rondônia Tin Province and has basement rocks of the metamorphic-magmatic region represented by Jamari Complex intrusive suites and Sierra Providence and Rio Crespo. The last tectonic event spa in the area was responsible for the intrusion of Younger Granites of Rondônia (São Carlos and Caripuanã Massifis). The anomalous levels of tin, sufficient to operate (Mina Rising Sun), indicate that there was possibly mineralization event, evidenced by pegmatite veins well defined, easily found relatively close to mine. Plaque deposits associated with Quaternary sedimentary sequences can also be observed


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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O presente estudo trata da avaliação da degradação ambiental da bacia do Rio Uberaba, situada no triângulo mineiro, com área de 241.904,30 ha, abrangendo os municípios de Uberaba, Veríssimo, Conceição das Alagoas e pequena porção de Planura. Neste estudo, foi produzido o mapa de degradação ambiental contendo quatro níveis: baixo, moderado, acentuado e severo. Os parâmetros utilizados nesta avaliação foram: vegetação, topografia, solo/geologia, potencial natural de erosão, mecanização, área agrícola, densidade populacional, pecuarização e área de conflito, aos quais foram atribuídos pesos. Para o nível de degradação “baixo”, foram definidos valores ≤ 13 pontos. Para o nível “moderado”, valores situados no intervalo de 14 a 16. Entre 17 e 19 pontos para o nível “acentuado”, e o nível “severo” com valores ≥ 20 pontos. Este estudo consolida as consequências do uso inadequado das terras, não respeitando a sua aptidão natural. As áreas com nível moderado de degradação representam 47%, áreas de nível acentuado (48%), e severo (4%) representam 52%, o que revela indício muito forte no avanço da destruição dos recursos naturais. As áreas classificadas com nível baixo representam apenas 1%, bastante inexpressiva, destacando o descaso na preservação dos recursos naturais.


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O conceito de superfície geomórfica permite uma interligação entre os diferentes ramos da ciência do solo, tais como geologia, geomorfologia e pedologia. Esta associação favorece a compreensão da distribuição espacial dos solos na paisagem, e torna possível compreender o comportamento dos atributos do solo, que estão principalmente relacionadas com a estratigrafia e formas do relevo. Assim, este estudo visa à aplicação da estatística multivariada para categorizar superfícies geomórficas em uma litossequência arenito-basalto, de modo a fornecer uma base para a avaliação do solo em áreas afins. A área de estudo está localizada no município de Pereira Barreto, São Paulo, Brasil. A área escolhida possui 530 hectares, onde foram localizadas e mapeadas três superfícies geomórficas (I, II e III). Na área, 134 amostras foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2 m e 0,8-1,0 m, foram determinados os conteúdos de areia, silte e argila, pH em CaCl2, conteúdo de MO, P, Ca, Mg, K, Al e H+Al. Com base nos resultados, foram realizadas a análise univariada e multivariada de variância, clusters e principal componente, a fim de comparar as três superfícies geomórficas. A análise estatística univariada dos atributos do solo não foi eficiente na identificação das três superfícies geomórficas. Utilizando-se os atributos físicos e químicos do solo, as técnicas estatísticas multivariada permitiram à separação dos três grupos de corpos naturais do solo que foram equivalentes as três superfícies geomórficas mapeadas. Estes resultados são interessantes, pois demonstram a viabilidade da utilização de classificação numérica das superfícies geomórficas para ajudar no mapeamento de solo.


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Geofísica terrestre (magnetometria e radiometria) foi utilizada como ferramenta de apoio ao mapeamento geológico em uma área de pesquisa mineral da Companhia Mineradora de Minas Gerais (COMIG), denominada Alvo Bueiro, localizada a sudeste da cidade de Morro do Pilar, na Serra do Espinhaço, Estado de Minas Gerais. A integração de informações de geologia de superfície com os dados geofísicos correspondentes permitiu definir quatro zonas: A, B, C e D. A Zona A, caracterizada por altos valores de susceptibilidade magnética e baixos valores de radiometria, é composta por itabiritos do Grupo Serra da Serpentina. A Zona B, pertencente ao mesmo grupo, é constituída por filitos cinza e metassiltitos e mostra baixa susceptibilidade magnética; interrupções nas linhas de contorno foram interpretadas como decorrentes de falhas de empurrão. A Zona C, relacionada à Seqüência Vulcano-Sedimentar Rio Mata Cavalo, é caracterizada por uma expressiva anomalia do campo magnético total em xistos máficos e ultramáficos com lentes de formações ferríferas e filitos carbonosos negros; esta zona hospeda as mais importantes anomalias geoquímicas de ouro conhecidas na área em estudo. A Zona D, correspondente a ortognaisses cisalhados do Complexo Dona Rita, mostra os mais elevados valores de radiometria do Alvo Bueiro e baixas respostas magnéticas.


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A small and poorly diversified bivalve fauna from Taciba Formation, Itarare Group, Parana Basin (State of Santa Catarina, Mafra Municipality), is described in this paper for the first time, based on new findings. The fauna is recorded in a 30 cm thick interval of fine sandstone locally at the top of Taciba Formation, in the Butia quarry. The studied fossil-bearing sand-stone bed is a marine intercalation recording a brief eustatic rise in sea-level, probably following glacier retreat and climate amelioration at the end of a broad glacial scenario. The fauna is mainly dominated by productid brachiopods, which are not described here, and rare mollusk shells (bivalves and gastropods). Two bivalve species were identified: Myonia argentinensis (Harrington, 1955), and Aviculopecten multiscalptus (Thomas, 1928). The presence of Myonia argentinensis is note-worthy since this species is also present in the Baitaca assemblage found in marine siltstones (Baitaca assemblage) of the Rio do Sul Formation, cropping out at the Teixeira Soares region, Parana State. This species is also recorded in the bivalve fauna from the Bonete Formation, Pillahinco Group, Sauce Grande Basin, Buenos Aires Province, in Argentina. Hence, the marine bivalves of the Taciba Formation are associated with the transgressive event that characterizes the Eurydesma fauna, indicating a Late Asselian-Sakmarian age for the bivalve fauna. Presence of the Myonia argentinensis megadesmid species reinforces the Gondwanic nature of the studied fauna.


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A review of recent literature shows that most taphonomic studies of Holocene and fossil macrovertebrates are not methodologically standardized. Hence, results from distinct studies are not comparable, even among researches sharing virtually identical goals, targeting the same biological group of similar age and depositional environment. The effects of the shell size in the taphonomic analysis are still poorly understood. In order to study this issue, the taphonomic signatures (articulation, valve type, fragmentation, abrasion, corrosion, edge modification, color alteration, bioerosion and encrustation) of brachiopod shells (Bouchardia rosea (Mawe)), from Ubatuba Bay in the northern coast of São Paulo State, were investigated according to the sieve sizes. In the study area, 14 collecting stations were sampled via Van Veen grab sampler, along a bathymetric gradient, ranging from 0 to 35 m of depth. Bulk samples were sieved through 8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm mesh sizes, yielding a total of 5.204 shells. The results indicate that, when taphonomic signatures were independently analyzed per size classes (8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm), the taphonomic signatures are recorded in a complex and random way. Additionally, cluster analysis showed that the similarity among the clusters vary according to the considered sieve size. Thus, the sieve size plays an important role in the distribution of taphonomic signatures in shells of distinct sizes. These results suggest that the concentration of the taphonomic analysis on one class (e.g., the largest sieve size, 8 mm) is not always the best method. Rather, the total data (all sieves included) seems more accurate in recording the whole spectrum of taphonomic processes recorded in shells of a given assemblage.


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The deposits of the Permian Teresina Formation are mainly characterized by fi ne-grained siliciclastic rocks and centimetric intercalations of tempestites (bioclastic sandstones and coquinas). Despite the relevance of the bivalve-rich carbonate beds of the Teresina Formation to paleoenvironmental studies, their taphonomy is still poorly studied. The fossil concentration studied in this work was found in a quarry in the city of Irati, Rio Preto district, Parana State. The fossil concentration is located in the middle/upper portion of the unit, far from the top. The studied bed is a bioclastic, intraclastic, peloidal, grainstone/ packstone, with abundant bivalve shell fragments, pelitic and micritic intraclasts, peloids, rare ooids and oncoids, as well as permineralized of Lycophyta microphylles and fish scales. The grains of this carbonate concentration show: high degree of time-averaging, variable degree of packing (dense to disperse), no sorting and chaotic orientation. Notably, the concentration includes a mixture of elements which are indicative of: a) restrictive, low energy, carbonate environment (peloids, ooids and oncoids); b) subaerial environment surrounding the main body of water (Lycophyta microphylles) and c) quiet-water environment punctuated by storm events, where the suspension-feeding bivalves thrived. At least four depositional events caused by storm fl ows were recorded. The amalgamated nature of the bed is a result of storm events in an intracratonic basin with very low seafl oor slope and low rates of sedimentation and subsidence.


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Herein, it is presented the first detailed taphonomic study on bivalve mollusk shells preserved in the oolitic limestones of the Teresina Formation (probably Kungurian-Roadian, Lower-Middle Permian) in the eastern margin of the Parana basin. The selected beds are located in two quarries (informally named PRU 1 and PRU 2) in Prudentopolis municipality (Center-South Parana State), and positioned approximately in the middle of the formation and probably in the Pinzonella illusa Zone. The PRU 1 limestone ([approximately]30 cm thick), which is partially silicified and intercalated with predominantly pelitic rocks, is classified as a bivalve oolitic grainstone. The basal contact is erosive and the top shows symmetrical ripple marks, which are draped by shale with mud cracks. There are two fining-upwards successions characterized by dense to dispersed packing of the shells, which are usually disarticulated, randomly oriented (many nested/stacked) and mixed with some Formapelitic intraclasts. Microhummocky cross-stratification occurs a little below the top of the bed. The PRU2 bed is classified as ooidbivalve rudstone[approximately] (~5 cm thick), where all shells are disarticulated and fragmented, showing dense packing. The bivalves probably inhabited a muddy substrate and were mixed (as parautochtonous and allochthonous bioclasts) with ooids during high-energy storm events, including posterior shell displacement as a result of bioturbation. Thus, the calcareous beds represent amalgamated proximal tempestites with a complex taphonomic history, strong temporal/spatial mixing of bioclasts and limited paleoecological resolution. They are a typical example of shell beds generated in a huge epeiric sea, which was not necessarily connected to the ocean and where very low depositional-slope gradient, very slow subsidence and minimum sediment accommodation space caused frequent sediment reworking by storm related processes.


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Estudos de pesquisa mineral são fundamentais para o reconhecimento e a incorporação de novas reservas. Esse trabalho apresenta os resultados de aplicação do método geofísico da eletrorresistividade numa ocorrência mineralizada em carbonatos de cobre, por meio da técnica de caminhamento elétrico em arranjo azimutal. A área de estudos está inserida na bacia sedimentar do Camaquã, formada por um conjunto de unidades estratigráficas sedimentares e vulcanogênicas, onde são descritas diversas ocorrências cupríferas. A presença de azurita e malaquita em fraturas e zonas de maior porosidade em arenito encaixante define a geologia local. Os modelos de inversão revelam anomalias circulares de resistividade moderada para até 25m abaixo da ocorrência aflorante e anomalias de baixa resistividade em profundidades abaixo de 25m, além de áreas adjacentes com alta resistividade. Indicadores de mineralização descritos para ocorrências de cobre estudadas, no âmbito da bacia sedimentar do Camaquã, ocorrem na área de estudos e permitem caracterização em termos de resistividade elétrica. Áreas com silicificação apresentam alta resistividade, enquanto que valores intermediários são atribuídos a zonas com carbonatação e, finalmente, áreas de baixa resistividade, provavelmente, indicam concentrações de sulfetos disseminados.


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In this study, the occurrence of Othonella araguaiana Mendes, a rare bivalve species is reported for the first time in the Pinzonella illusa biozone, Middle Permian Corumbatai Formation, in the State of São Paulo. This species was originally described in coeval rocks of the Estrada Nova Formation (= Corumbatai) from the Alto Araguaia and Alto Garcas regions, State of Mato Grosso. The specimens of O. araguaiana were found in the base of a bioclastic sandstone bed, a proximal tempestite, in the middle of the Corumbatai Formation, in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo State. The silicified shells and internal molds are well preserved, showing impressions of muscle scars and other internal anatomic characters (e.g., hinge), never illustrated by previous authors. In his original description, Mendes (1963) called attention to the similarity between O. araguaiana and Terraia aequilateralis, a common veneroid of the Corumbatai Formation. Conversely, Runnegar and Newell (1971) suggested that O. araguaiana belongs to Megadesmidae, being a junior synonym of Plesiocyprinella carinata (the commonest megadesmid of the Passa Dois Group). Our study indicates that O. araguaiana is indeed a megadesmid, but is distinct from the P. carinata. The new occurrence of O. araguaiana demonstrates that a) the paleobiogeographic distribution of this species is wider than previously thought (that it was restricted to the northern part of Parana Basin, Mato Grosso State); b) the molluscan fauna of the Corumbatai Formation (P. illusa biozone) in the State of São Paulo is more diverse and dominated by megadesmids; and c) the composition of the molluscan fauna of the Corumbatai Formation in Alto GarYas, State of Mato Grosso, is essentially the same as that of the P. illusa biozone of the eastern margin of the Parana Basin.


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Some Upper Permian conchostracans from the Rio do Rasto Formation (Parana Basin, South Brazil) have very characteristic recurved growth lines at the dorsal margin. All previously described specimens were classified as Palaeolimnadiopsis subalata (Reed) Raymond. However, a re-analysis of these fossils and of additional recently- collected specimens demonstrated that not all can be included in a single species, nor only in the Family Palaeolimnadiopseidae. According to their shape and the size of the umbo, they are classified into three species. The sub-elliptic carapaces with small anterior umbo are maintained in Palaeolimnadiopsis subalata (Reed, 1929) Raymond, 1946. The sub-circular carapaces with small sub-central umbo correspond to the new species Palaeolimnadiopsis riorastensis. The small size of the umbo is a character of the Family Palaeolimnadiopseidae. The small elliptic valves with large anterior umbo are assigned to the new species Falsisca brasiliensis of the Family Perilimnadiidae, which is characterized by large umbos. Palaeolimnadiopsis has a wide chronostratigraphic distribution, but Falsisca is restricted to the Upper Permian-Lower Triassic of Europe and Asia. This interval is in agreement with the probable Late Permian age of the respective strata of the Rio do Rasto formation. Falsisca was not previously recorded in Gondwana.