154 resultados para Geo-statistical model


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o enraizamento de estacas herbáceas de dois porta-enxertos de videiras ( Campinas - IAC 766 e Jales - IAC 572) em três tipos de substratos (casca de arroz carbonizada, vermiculita de grânulos finos e vermiculita de grânulos médios). Para tanto, estacas retiradas de plantas matrizes livres de vírus foram preparadas a partir das porções medianas de ramos tenros e verdes. O enraizamento foi realizado em caixas plásticas perfuradas contendo os substratos em câmara de nebulização. O delineamento experimental empregado foi o inteiramento casualizado com 6 tratamentos e 5 repetições, sendo cada parcela composta por 10 estacas. Após quatro semanas da estaquia, o efeito dos fatores (porta-enxertos e substratos) foi avaliado, e se pode concluir que: a) a porcentagem média de enraizamento dos porta-enxertos nos diferentes substratos é alta (90%); b) a casca de arroz carbonizada propicia os melhores resultados de enraizamento para os porta-enxertos estudados; e c) o Campinas é superior em relação ao Jales quanto ao número de raízes emitidas por estaca e à matéria do seu sistema radicular.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do tempo de jejum (9, 12, 15 e 18 horas) dos animais na granja (TJG) e da posição na carroceria do caminhão (PBO) durante o transporte da granja ao frigorífico sobre: a perda de peso corporal (PPC), o peso do estômago cheio (PEC) e vazio (PEV), o peso do conteúdo estomacal (PCE) e o escore de lesão na mucosa esofágica-gástrica (ELG). Foram utilizadas 192 fêmeas, com peso vivo médio de 134,51±11,80kg. No modelo, foram considerados os efeitos de bloco (estação do ano, BL), TJG, PBO e da interação entre BL x TJG. Verificou-se efeito significativo do TJG apenas sobre o peso do conteúdo estomacal. Não se observou efeito significativo da PBO sobre qualquer das variáveis avaliadas. Dos suínos avaliados, 90,3% apresentaram PEC menor que 500 gramas e 8,56% com PEC entre 500 e 800 gramas. A prevalência de suíno com ELG foi baixa (14,97%), sendo que, dos animais com ELG, 13,90% apresentaram lesão de grau 1 e 1,09% eram grau dois. Conclui-se que animais submetidos a jejum na granja de 15 horas apresentam menor peso do conteúdo estomacal ao abate.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar as herdabilidades e as correlações genéticas do peso (P12) e do perímetro escrotal (PE12) de machos aos 12 meses de idade, da idade de descarte (TPR, tempo de permanência no rebanho) de fêmeas e do número (ND10) e de quilogramas (QD10) de bezerros desmamados pelas fêmeas em até dez anos de idade, em um rebanho da raça Canchim. Foram utilizadas 1.370, 826, 826, 2.726 e 1.051 observações de TPR, ND10, QD10, P12 e PE12, respectivamente. As estimativas dos componentes de (co)variância foram obtidas pelo método bayesiano, para todas as características em questão, P12, PE12, TPR, ND10 e QD10. O modelo estatístico incluiu, além dos efeitos aleatórios genético aditivo direto e residual, os efeitos fixos de ano de nascimento do animal para todas as características, de mês de nascimento para P12 e PE12 e da covariável idade do animal para PE12. As estimativas de herdabilidade, obtidas pelas análises unicaráter foram iguais a 0,38; 0,52; 0,24; 0,33 e 0,34 para P12, PE12, TPR, ND10 e QD10, respectivamente, indicando que as características possuem variação genética aditiva suficiente para apresentar boa resposta à seleção. As correlações genéticas de TPR (0,33 e 0,33, respectivamente), ND10 (0,38 e 0,30, respectivamente) e QD10 (0,61 e 0,41, respectivamente) com P12 e PE12, obtidas pelas análises bicaráter, sugerem que a seleção com base no peso e no perímetro escrotal dos machos não deve resultar em decréscimo no tempo de permanência das fêmeas no rebanho e no número e quilogramas de bezerros produzidos pelas fêmeas em até dez anos de idade.


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Genetic and environmental effects on parturition interval (PI) and duration of lactation (DL) were evaluated in 107 Jafarabadi, 98 Mediterranean, 1027 Murrah and 624 crossbred buffalo females (n=1856), based on data from the Buffalo Genetic Improvement Program-PROMEBUL from 1980 to 2003. The statistical model included effects of herd, parturition year and month, calf's sex, parturition order and genetic group, composing 11, 34, 12, 2, 12 and 4 classes, respectively. A significant effect over PI was observed (P<0.01) in all classes, excepting sex. Mean parturition intervals per genetic group presented significant differences through SNK test (P<0.05), with mean values of 451.29; 429.47; 406.97 and 389.78 days in Mediterranean, crossbred, Murrah and Jafarabadi, respectively. Mean DL values were 276.68; 270.33; 258.03 and 235.59 days for Mediterranean, Murrah, crossbred and Jafarabadi groups, respectively. No significant differences in DL were observed in relation to genetic groups. However, herd and parturition order, year and month significantly influenced DL (P<0.01). The herd was the main source of variation over DL, followed by parturition year and month. A regression based on parturition month in relation to PI and DL showed that females giving birth in the last months of the year presented higher PI and DL.


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This study aimed to: a) to compare the covariance components obtained by Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) and by bayesian inference (BI): b) to run genetic evaluations for weights of Canchim cattle measured at weaning (W240) and at eighteen months of age (W550), adjusted or not to 240 and 550 days of age, respectively, using the mixed model methodology with covariance components obtained by REML or by BI; and c) to compare selection decisions from genetic evaluations using observed or adjusted weights and by REML or BI. Covariance components, heritabilities and genetic correlation for W240 and W550 were estimated and the predicted breeding values were used to select 10% and 50% of the best bulls and cows, respectively. The covariance components obtained by REML were smaller than the a posteriori means obtained by Bl. Selected animals from both procedures were not the same, probably because the covariance components and genetic parameters were different. The inclusion of age of animal at weighing as a covariate in the statistical model fitted by BI did not change the selected bulls and cows.


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We contrast four distinct versions of the BCS-Bose statistical crossover theory according to the form assumed for the electron-number equation that accompanies the BCS gap equation. The four versions correspond to explicitly accounting for two-hole-(2h) as well as two-electron-(2e) Cooper pairs (CPs), or both in equal proportions, or only either kind. This follows from a recent generalization of the Bose-Einstein condensation (GBEC) statistical theory that includes not boson-boson interactions but rather 2e- and also (without loss of generality) 2h-CPs interacting with unpaired electrons and holes in a single-band model that is easily converted into a two-band model. The GBEC theory is essentially an extension of the Friedberg-Lee 1989 BEC theory of superconductors that excludes 2h-CPs. It can thus recover, when the numbers of 2h- and 2e-CPs in both BE-condensed and non-condensed states are separately equal, the BCS gap equation for all temperatures and couplings as well as the zero-temperature BCS (rigorous-upper-bound) condensation energy for all couplings. But ignoring either 2h- or 2e-CPs it can do neither. In particular, only half the BCS condensation energy is obtained in the two crossover versions ignoring either kind of CPs. We show how critical temperatures T-c from the original BCS-Bose crossover theory in 2D require unphysically large couplings for the Cooper/BCS model interaction to differ significantly from the T(c)s of ordinary BCS theory (where the number equation is substituted by the assumption that the chemical potential equals the Fermi energy). (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the protein composition of the sperm membranes (SM) of Nelore bulls, assessing protein markers associated with bull fertility, and whether these markers can be used for predicting bull fertility. Samples were obtained of 20 Nelore bulls, with fertility ranked and divided into three groups (greater, normal and least). To rank the bull's fertility weighted classification was used (according to the number of pregnant cows, number of AI cows and number of herds, considering three different breeding seasons), using the PROC GENMOD as a statistical model, with 99% significance. A total of 7897 Nelore cows, randomly distributed among 28 different farms, were considered in the statistical analyses. The bulls were divided into three fertility groups (pregnancy rates): greater (%F > 80), normal (79 <%F > 71) and least (< 68%F) with 3, 13 and 4 bulls, respectively. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) of sperm membranes indicated in 27 spots (SM40, SM53, SM69, SM93, SM102, SM111, SM137, SM138, SM189, SM196, SM201, SM202, SM204, SM225, SM236, SM237, SM239, SM241, SM246, SM247, SM275, SM283, SM342, SM346, SM355, SM372, SM391) was prevalent in the higher fertility group, and just one spot (SM244) was prevalent in the lower fertility group. Spots SM244 and SM239 had their identification defined by PMF/MALDI-MS, as BSP-A3 and aSFP, respectively. Both these proteins showed a great potential for predicting bull's fertility. The amount of aSFP was 8.5 times greater in the sperm membrane protein profile of the higher fertility groups of Nelore bulls. Besides that, the BSP-A3 was 2.5 times greater in the lower fertility group. For the other spots potentially associated with fertility not yet identified, additional tests will be necessary, but it is clear that the 2D electrophoresis of the sperm membrane can be used for a new approach to predict Nelore bull fertility. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Whey supplemented with soy milk has been used as a low-cost alternative in the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus for the production of antimicrobial compounds. Response Surface Metodology has been employed in order to study the effects of initial pH, incubation temperature and soy milk rate for supplementation in the production of antimicrobial substance. It has been observed that both tested microrganisms used (S. aureus and E. coli) were inhibited by antimicrobial substance produced by L. acidophilus. The results obtained with E. coli inhibition did not follow the employed statistical model. on the other hand, when the tested microorganism S. aureus was used, the best inhibition results have been obtained when L. acidophilus was incubated at 36.80 degrees C in whey with 5.6 initial pH and 31,90% (v/v) rate supplemented with soy milk. The analysed antimicrobial substances were nor acids neither hidrogen peroxid.


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In an attempt to estimate the soil-water transit time using the variation in 18O values, a statistical model was used. This model is based on linear regression analysis applied to the values observed for soil water and rain water. The time obtained from these correlations represents the mean time necessary for the water to run from one collecting point to the next.-from Authors


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The purpose of this research, which is part of a study on periodontal disease and its risk factors among workers in Araraquara, São Paulo, Brazil, was to determine the association between smoking and its frequency, on the one hand, and the presence of periodontal cavities on the other. A sample of 528 sugar and alcohol refinery employees from Araraquara between the ages of 18 and 64 was examined in March and April of 1992 by a trained examiner who applied the Index of Periodontal Treatment Needs in the Community. Questionnaires were used to record the individuals' age, smoking habits, and the number of cigarettes smoked daily. An oral examination was also performed to assess the presence of dental plaque and to determine the bacterial colony index. Data analysis revealed a positive association between the presence of periodontal cavities and smoking. After adjusting the data for age, presence of dental plaque, and bacterial colony index, the odds ratio for having periodontal cavities increased directly with the number of cigarettes smoked. These results suggest that smoking and its frequency should be taken into account when planning programs for the primary prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.


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To establish safety parameters, we in vitro studied the increase in intrapulpal temperature caused by the use of a cw CO2 laser. A thermistor was implanted in the inner part of the pulpal chamber of 25 human lower third molars to measure the intrapulpal temperature produced by laser powers between 2-10 W and exposure times of 0.5-25.0 s. The Pearson linear correlation factor applied to the measured values showed there is a direct relationship between the independent variable and the applied power. A variance analysis produced the linear regression equation: T=1.10+(0.127)E where T is the temperature and E the energy. The results showed that, with a power of 4 W and maximum exposure time of 2.5 s (10 J) and a power density of 12738.85 W cm-2, there will be no damaging reactions affecting the pulpal tissues.