420 resultados para Genetic Parameters
Milk, fat, and protein yields of Holstein cows from the States of New York and California in the United States were used to estimate (co)variances among yields in the first three lactations, using an animal model and a derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood (REML) algorithm, and to verify if yields in different lactations are the same trait. The data were split in 20 samples, 10 from each state, with means of 5463 and 5543 cows per sample from California and New York. Mean heritability estimates for milk, fat, and protein yields for California data were, respectively, 0.34, 0.35, and 0.40 for first; 0.31, 0.33, and 0.39 for second; and 0.28, 0.31, and 0.37 for third lactations. For New York data, estimates were 0.35, 0.40, and 0.34 for first; 0.34, 0.44, and 0.38 for second; and 0.32, 0.43, and 0.38 for third lactations. Means of estimates of genetic correlations between first and second, first and third, and second and third lactations for California data were 0.86, 0.77, and 0.96 for milk; 0.89, 0.84, and 0.97 for fat; and 0.90, 0.84, and 0.97 for protein yields. Mean estimates for New York data were 0.87, 0.81, and 0.97 for milk; 0.91, 0.86, and 0.98 for fat; and 0.88, 0.82, and 0.98 for protein yields. Environmental correlations varied from 0.30 to 0.50 and were larger between second and third lactations. Phenotypic correlations were similar for both states and varied from 0.52 to 0.66 for milk, fat and protein yields. These estimates are consistent with previous estimates obtained with animal models. Yields in different lactations are not statistically the same trait but for selection programs such yields can be modelled as the same trait because of the high genetic correlations.
The buffaloes dairy milk production (BDMP) has increased in the last 20 years, mainly for the manufacturing of mozzarella cheese, which is recognized by its high nutritional quality. However, this quality can be affected by several factors i. e. high somatic cells count (SCC) provokes changes in the milk's constituents. As in bovine dairy milk, the SCC is used as diagnostic tool for milk quality; because it enables the diagnosis of sub-clinic mastitis and also allows the selection of individuals genetically resistant to that disease. Based on it, we collected information about SCC and BDMP along the lactation in Murrah breed buffaloes, during the period between 1997 and 2005. Curves were designed to estimate genetic parameters. These parameters were estimated by ordinary test-day models. There were observed variations in the estimated heritability for both characteristics the lowest score for somatic cells count (SSCC) was seen at first month (0.01) and the highest at sixth months (0.29 the genetic correlation between these traits varied from -1 at the 1 and 9(th) months to 0.31 and 0.30 in the2 and 4(th) month of lactation. Phenotypic correlations were all negative (-0.07 in the second month and up to -0.35 in the eighth month of lactation). These results showed that environmental factors are more important than genetics in explain SCC, for this reason, selection for genetic resistance to mastitis in buffalos based in SCC should not be done. In the other hand, negative phenotypic correlations demonstrated that as the SCC increased, the milk production decreased.
The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for test-day milk, fat and protein yields, in Murrah buffaloes. In this study 4,757 complete lactations of Murrah buffaloes were analyzed. The (co) variance components were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood using MTDFREML software. The bi-trait animal test-day models included genetic additive direct and permanent environment effects, as random effects, and the fixed effects of contemporary group (herds-year-month of control) and age of the cow at calving as linear and quadratic covariable. The heritability estimate at first control was 0.19, increased until the third control (0.24), decreasing thereafter, reaching the lowest value at the ninth control (0.09). The highest heritability estimates for fat and protein yield were 0.23 (first control) and 0.33 (third control), respectively. For milk yield, genetic and phenotypic correlation estimates ranged from 0.37 to 0.99 and from 0.52 to 0.94, respectively. Genetic correlations were higher than phenotypic ones. For fat and protein yields, genetic correlation estimates ranged from 0.42 to 0.97.
Non-linear mathematical functions proposed by Brody, Gompertz, Richards, Bertalanffy and Verhulst were compared in several buffalo production systems in Colombia. Herds were located in three provinces: Antioquia, Caldas, and Cordoba. Growth was better described by the curves proposed by Brody and Gompertz. Using the datasets from herds from Caldas, heritabilities for traits such as weaning weight (WW), weight and maturity at one year of age (WY and MY, respectively), age at 50% and 75% of maturity (A50% and A75%, respectively), adult weight (beta(0)), and other characteristics, were also estimated. Direct and maternal heritabilities for WW were 0.19 and 0.12, respectively. Direct heritabilities for WY, MY, A50%, A75% and beta(0) were 0.39, 0.15, 0.09, 0.20 and 0.09, respectively. The genetic correlation for beta(0) and WY was -0.47, indicating that selection for heavy weight at one year of age will lead to lower weight at adult age. These data suggest that selection based on maturity traits can generate changes in characteristics of economic importance in beef-type buffalo farms.
Knowledge of genetic parameters is essential for improved reproductive management and increased yield. Quantitative analysis of genetic parameters is lacking for many breeds of buffaloes. This article provides the first estimate of genetic parameters for dual purpose (meat and milk) Brazilian Jaffarabadi buffaloes, using Bayesian inference. Data on milk yield (MY), lactation length (LL), weight at 205 days (W205) and 365 (W365) days of age, and average daily gain (ADG) from 205 to 365 days of age were collected in two herds. Bivariate analyses (using the program MTGSAM) were performed with the Gibbs sampler to obtain estimates of variance and covariance. Average lactation milk yield and lactation length were 1 620.2 +/- 450.9 kg and 257.6 +/- 46.8 days, respectively, and the mean values for weight traits (kg) were 181.6 +/- 63.3 (W205), 298.04 +/- 116.1 (W365), and 0.73 +/- 0.35 (ADG). Heritability estimates (modes) were 0.16 for MY, 0.10 for LL, 0.43 for W205, 0.48 for W365 and 0.32 for ADG. There was a high genetic correlation (0.96) between milk yield and lactation length and very high genetic correlations (0.99) between the three growth traits. Our data suggest that both milk production and growth traits have clear potential for yield improvement through direct selection in this dual purpose breed. The selection for weight at an early age would be successful and selection for MY can be performed in the first lactation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Non-linear mathematical functions proposed by Brody, Gompertz, Richards, Bertalanffy and Verhulst were compared in several buffalo production systems in Colombia. Herds were located in three provinces: Antioquia, Caldas, and Cordoba. Growth was better described by the curves proposed by Brody and Gompertz. Using the datasets from herds from Caldas, heritabilities for traits such as weaning weight (WW), weight and maturity at one year of age (WY and MY, respectively), age at 50% and 75% of maturity (A50% and A75%, respectively), adult weight (β0), and other characteristics, were also estimated. Direct and maternal heritabilities for WW were 0.19 and 0.12, respectively. Direct heritabilities for WY, MY, A50%, A75% and β0 were 0.39, 0.15, 0.09, 0.20 and 0.09, respectively. The genetic correlation for β0 and WY was -0.47, indicating that selection for heavy weight at one year of age will lead to lower weight at adult age. These data suggest that selection based on maturity traits can generate changes in characteristics of economic importance in beef-type buffalo farms. © 2012 Universidad de Antioquia.
In the present study, data of 1,578 first lactation females, calving from 1985 to 2006 were analysed with the purpose of estimating genetic parameters for milk yield (MY), age at first calving (AFC) and interval between first and second calving (IBFSC) in dairy buffaloes of the Murrah breed in Brazil, Heritability estimates for MY, AFC and IBFSC traits were 0.20, 0.07 and 0.14, respectively. Genetic correlations between MY and AFC and IBFSC were -0.12 and 0.07, respectively, while the corresponding phenotypic correlations were -0.15 and 0.30, respectively. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between AFC and IBFSC were 0.35 and 0.37, respectively. Genetic correlation between MY and AFC showed desirable negative association, suggesting that daughters of the bulls with high breeding values for MY could reach physiological mature at a precocious age. Genetic correlation between MY and IBFSC, showed that the selection for milk production could result in the increase of calving intervals.
Random regression models have been widely used to estimate genetic parameters that influence milk production in Bos taurus breeds, and more recently in B. indicus breeds. With the aim of finding appropriate random regression model to analyze milk yield, different parametric functions were compared, applied to 20,524 test-day milk yield records of 2816 first-lactation Guzerat (B. indicus) cows in Brazilian herds. The records were analyzed by random regression models whose random effects were additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual, and whose fixed effects were contemporary group, the covariable cow age at calving (linear and quadratic effects), and the herd lactation curve. The additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were modeled by the Wilmink function, a modified Wilmink function (with the second term divided by 100), a function that combined third-order Legendre polynomials with the last term of the Wilmink function, and the Ali and Schaeffer function. The residual variances were modeled by means of 1, 4, 6, or 10 heterogeneous classes, with the exception of the last term of the Wilmink function, for which there were 1, from 0.20 to 0.33. Genetic correlations between adjacent records were high values (0.83-0.99), but they declined when the interval between the test-day records increased, and were negative between the first and last records. The model employing the Ali and Schaeffer function with six residual variance classes was the most suitable for fitting the data. © FUNPEC-RP.
Genetic parameters for test-day milk yield, 305-day milk yield, and lactation length in Guzerat cows
Milk production in tropical environments requires the use of crossbreeding systems including breeds well adapted to harsh conditions, but with lower productivities when compared to specialized breeds. Besides the genetic improvement for milk production, lactation lengths also need to be studied for most of these breeds. Accordingly, genetic parameters were estimated for 305-day cumulative milk yield (MY305), test-day milk yield (TDMY), and lactation length (LL) using information from the first lactations of 2816 Guzerat cows selected for milk production in 28 herds in Brazil. Contemporary groups were defined as herd, year and season of the test for TDMY, and as herd, year and season of calving for MY305 and LL. Variance components were estimated with the restricted maximum likelihood method under a multi-trait animal model. Heritabilities estimated for TDMY ranged from 0.16 to 0.24, and were 0.24 and 0.12 for MY305 and LL, respectively. Genetic correlations were high and positive, ranging from 0.51 to 0.99 among TDMY records, from 0.81 to 0.98 between each TDMY and MY305, and from 0.71 to 0.94 between each TDMY and LL. Genetic parameters obtained in this study indicated the possibility of using test-day records for the prediction of breeding values for milk yield in this population of the Guzerat breed. The use of TDMY as selection criteria would result in indirect gains in MY305 and LL. However, the highest response to selection for MY305 would be obtained by direct selection for this trait. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for female mature weight (FMW), age at first calving (AFC), weight gain from birth to 120 days (WG_B_120), from 210 to 365 days (WG_210_365), rib eye area (REA), back fat thickness (BF), rump fat (RF) and body weight at scanning date (BWS) using single and multiple-trait animal models by the REML method from Nellore cattle data. The estimates of heritability ranged from 0.163±0.011 for WG_210_365 to 0.309±0.028 for RF using the single-trait model and from 0.163±0.010 for WG_210_365 to 0.382±0.025 for BWS using the multiple-trait model. The estimates of genetic correlations ranged from -0.35±0.08 between AFC with BF to 0.69±0.04 between WG_B_120 with BWS. Selection for weights gains, REA, and BWS can improve FMW. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
The major objective of this study was to estimate heritability and genetic correlations between milk yield (MY) and calving interval (CI) and lactation length (LL) in Murrah buffaloes using Bayesian inference. The database used belongs to the genetic improvement program of four buffalo herds from Brazil. To obtain the estimates of variance and covariance, bivariate analyses were performed with the Gibbs sampler, using the program MTGSAM. The heritability coefficient estimates were 0.28, 0.03 and 0.15 for MY, CI and LL, respectively. The genetic correlations between MY and LL was moderate (0.48). However, the genetic correlation between MY and CI showed large HPD regions (highest posterior density interval). Milk yield was the only trait with clear potential for genetic improvement by direct mass selection. The genetic correlation between MY and LL indicates that indirect selection using milk yield is a potentially beneficialstrategy.Theinterpretation of the estimated genetic correlation between MY and CI is difficult and could be spurious. ©2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this study, genetic parameters for test-day milk, fat, and protein yield were estimated for the first lactation. The data analyzed consisted of 1,433 first lactations of Murrah buffaloes, daughters of 113 sires from 12 herds in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, with calvings from 1985 to 2007. Ten-month classes of lactation days were considered for the test-day yields. The (co)variance components for the 3 traits were estimated using the regression analyses by Bayesian inference applying an animal model by Gibbs sampling. The contemporary groups were defined as herd-year-month of the test day. In the model, the random effects were additive genetic, permanent environment, and residual. The fixed effects were contemporary group and number of milkings (1 or 2), the linear and quadratic effects of the covariable age of the buffalo at calving, as well as the mean lactation curve of the population, which was modeled by orthogonal Legendre polynomials of fourth order. The random effects for the traits studied were modeled by Legendre polynomials of third and fourth order for additive genetic and permanent environment, respectively, the residual variances were modeled considering 4 residual classes. The heritability estimates for the traits were moderate (from 0.21-0.38), with higher estimates in the intermediate lactation phase. The genetic correlation estimates within and among the traits varied from 0.05 to 0.99. The results indicate that the selection for any trait test day will result in an indirect genetic gain for milk, fat, and protein yield in all periods of the lactation curve. The accuracy associated with estimated breeding values obtained using multi-trait random regression was slightly higher (around 8%) compared with single-trait random regression. This difference may be because to the greater amount of information available per animal. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.