34 resultados para Formato bibliográfico
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
In Brazil, the discussion about thereplacement of analog television signals to digitaland its impact on society, in media companies andgovernment began in the 90s. Embryonic steps towardsdigitalisation of the television signal ground were thegovernment of Fernando Collor de Mello (1990-1992),with advances during the government of FernandoHenrique Cardoso (1994-2001) and in the governmentof Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2002). The academy startsthe discussion in 1996. This article aims to bring to lightthe results obtained from the survey Digital television:a historical perspective , which received the supportof CNPq for funding of two scholarships for scientifi cinitiation between August 2008 and July 2009. Theproject sought to identify what has been published onthe subject in the fi eld of Social Sciences and from threemacrodescritores (information management, publicpolicy and value chain), providing the li ing of a virtualcollection Zotero bibliographic innovative platform.The mapping serves to show the growing interest anddevelopment of research in the country during theperiod - when the number jumped to three works inthe fi rst seven years (1995-2001) to 198 in the last sevenyears (2002-2008). The research sought to identify themajor authors and works related to digital televisionand published in the country. The survey took intoaccount books, articles published in books, journals,Annals of Compós and Intercom, and dissertations andtheses. Data and refl ections on the survey are containedin this communication.
This study aims to elucidate the marketing experience and to show the fundamental role that strategic communication plays as a tool for approaching the target audience and for consolidating a brand. The necessity for differentiation and innovation increases with market competition, standardization of products and services and with a customer more demanding and careful, leading the sensorial experiences to a trend of communication capable of bringing closer the relation between consumer and brand. From a bibliography research, marketing concepts, public relations and marketing experience are studied, presenting national and international cases of success in the retail industry. The study focuses on the comprehension of actions that leads to experiences in the market environment
This thesis goes from the origin of the human interest in movement, tracing briefy the history of animation, from your remotest manifestations until the appearence of the GIF format, to address the topic of repetition in movement, stablishing a parallel between this format and primitive devices of animation ehxibition. It is also brought into this project some questions relative to the uses of GIF as meme and as artwork, and the possibilities that the repetition offer in both cases. Through artistic production and empiric research, many techniques were considered adequated to produce an animation that gave the public the sensation of continuity, with the intent to contribute to the development of GIF language. It was also researched the effect of the movement repetition on the espectors, and if these manifestations where different for each person by age and with distinct professions. At the end of the research, was concluded that animation techniques with contrasting visual characteristics were able to give the sensation of continuity, as well as the sensations towards the animations were independent of the social groups that the espectors belongs